New Web Service to Get Grounds of the Existence of the Web Pages
Yuka Obu
, Masahiro Miyata
, Juyeon Choe
, Katsumi Terakado
and Tatsuhiro Yonekura
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan
KCS Corporation, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Ibaraki University, Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan
Existence proof service, Time stamp, Electronic official document.
Recently, more people exchange the information via the Web. However, because the information on the Web
is electronic-base data, the information can be deleted or changed frequently. Therefore, it is difficult to prove
to the third party that the content existed or it has not been changed. Hence, we developed the Web service
called “The existence proof service of the Web pages” that creates the Web cache and adds the time stamp
as the grounds that the cache has not been changed. With this service, the Web page can be proved to have
existed in a certain URL at certain time. This can be used for verification of the alteration of the Web page.
Recently, because of the wide u se of the Internet,
more people exchange the information via the Web
and they can see a lot of scenes that the Web tech-
nology is used to get information. However, because
the information on the Web is electronic-base data,
the information can be deleted or changed frequently.
There are some cases that we can not find the same
information on the same URL afterward. Therefore,
it is difficult to prove to the third party that the content
existed or it has not been changed. This is one of fac-
tors to lower the reliability of the Web information. It
is necessary to preserve Web information beforehand
to prove the existence of information.
We can find some Web services that can be used
for this purpose. However, these Web services only
make the Web caches. There are no grounds which
prove that the cache has not been changed. Although
some Web services create a PDF file from the Web
page with the time stamp, peculiar information of the
Web, like meta-tag or link, can not be preserved in
this kind of cache.
Hence, we released the Web service called “The
existence proof service of the Web pages” that cre-
ates the Web cache and adds the time stamp as the
grounds that the cache has not been changed. It can
be proven that the Web page existed on an URL at the
certain time and that the content of cache has not been
changed. Moreover, in this paper, the purpose of use
of the Web service, user’s attribute, and the degree of
the interest had been analyzed.
It is necessary to preserve information on the Web be-
forehand in order to prove the existence of the content
at a certain time. There are some Web services that
can be used for this purpose.
“toread” (sidefeed, Inc., 2008) makes the cache of
the requested Web page, and sends it to registered e-
mail address. The user can confirm the content of the
Web page later. “Web Gyotaku” (Affility. Co.,Ltd.,
2006) records the cache of the requested Web page on
the server. Users can refer the cache on this service in-
stead of the original Web page. “kwout” (HeartRails
Inc., 2007) enables the user to clip a part of the Web
page as an image and quote it. The clipped data is able
to be contributed to “Flickr” (Yahoo! Inc., 2004) or
“Tumblr” (Tumblr Inc., 2007). “Wayback Machine”
(Internet Archive, 1996) enables user to retrieve and
inspect the cache acquired automatically. The re-
quested URL is retrieved and archived contents of the
Obu Y., Miyata M., Choe J., Terakado K. and Yonekura T.
THE EXISTENCE PROOF SERVICE OF THEWEB PAGES - New Web Service to Get Grounds of the Existence of the Web Pages.
DOI: 10.5220/0001838805720576
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Web page are displayed in the time series. These ser-
vices only make the cache of the Web page simply,
therefore they can not prove that the cache has not
been changed after the creation, by using some ev-
idences. Consequently, even if the deletion and the
change of the Web page can be recognized, trust from
the third party cannot be obtained.
“HTML2PDF.BIZ” (Asial Corporation, 2007)
preserves the Web page as PDF file with the time
stamp. When the URL is input, the appearance of
the Web page is converted to a PDF file. The PDF
file with the time stamp can be verified that it has
not been falsified. However, because this service uses
PDF file, the preserved information is limited only for
the screen shot. Thus, the particular information in
the Web page maintained in the HTML though not
displayed when referring by the browser, e.g. meta
data, link URL, and so on, can not be preserved.
To deal with issues mentioned above, the new ser-
vice that can prove the existence of the Web page,
namely, “The existence proof service of the Web
page”, has been developed and released.
3.1 The Time Stamp
These days, enormous quantity of data came to be ex-
changed on the Web, even if it is very important. Be-
cause the electronic document do not keep the signs
of correction, and so on, and they do not deteriorate,
it is difficult to trace the history. Hence, the mecha-
nism that proves “When”, “Who”, and “What data” is
important for the evidence of data securing.
In electronic data such as files, the time stamp can
be the evidence that ensures the following two effects.
The Proof of the Existence. It can be proven that
data existed certainly at the date when the time stamp
was given.
The Proof of Completeness. It can be proven that
the data has not been falsified since the data when the
time stamp was given.
The electronic data with the time stamp is made at
the time stamp authority, by uniting time information
with the hash value of the data (Adams et al., 2001).
In the verification of the data falsification, by compar-
ing former data with the hash value of data with the
time stamp, it can be confirmed that the data existed
at the time indicated with the time stamp and is not
falsified after that.
In Japan, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Commu-
nications (MIC) issued the guideline of time business
(MIC, 2004a), (MIC, 2004b). And based on th guide-
line, the accreditation program established to approve
if the services of a TA (Time Authority) and a TSA
(Time Stamping Authority) meet the required criteri-
ons (JADAC, 2005).
3.2 Genaration of the Web Cache with
the Time Stamp
The existence proof service of the Web pages (the ex-
istence proof service hereafter) had been developed
and released (KCS Corp. and Yonekura lab. at Ibaraki
University, 2008). This service proves the Web page
existed in a certain URL at a certain time and the
cache of the Web page has not been falsified after it
was generated. The service makes the cache of the
Figure 1 is a screenshot of using this service.
Figure 1: Screenshot of getting the cache from the existence
proof service of the Web page.
Figure 2: Overview of the existence proof service of the
Web pages.
Figure 2 shows the outline of the existence proof
service. The steps to use this service are as follow; (1)
The user sends the URL of the Web page, which he or
she wants to get the evidence of the existence, to this
service. (2) Service acquires information on the Web
page from received URL and makes cache. (3) The
THE EXISTENCE PROOF SERVICE OF THEWEB PAGES - New Web Service to Get Grounds of the Existence of the
Web Pages
service requests the time stamp server to add the time
stamp to the created cache. (4) The service replies to
the user cache with the time stamp.
The ways to use this service are (1) user accesses
to the Web site of the existence proof service and in-
puts the URL of the Web page, (2) user uses the tool-
bar for a Web browser that the existence proof service
offers. The toolbars are for Internet Explorer shown
in figure 3 and for Firefox.
Figure 3: Screenshot of the the IE toolbar for the existence
proof service.
Cache and the time stamp on the Web page are
downloaded to the user with the ZIP file by using
this service. Figure 4 shows the composition of the
downloaded ZIP file. The downloaded ZIP file is de-
compressed, two files, and
HTML, CSS, and Image files are compressed into
the is the time stamp file
for The HTML file decompressed from is permitted to be confirmed. However,
when new is created again from the de-
compressed HTML files, it is considered that the files
has been falsified by verification process described in
3.3. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve
Figure 4: The contents of the downloaded ZIP file.
3.3 Verification
It is verified that the cache file downloaded from the
existence proof is not falsified with a time stamp and a
free verification tool that PFU Ltd. offers (PFU Lim-
ited, 2004). Figure 5 is a screenshot of the verification
tool. First of all, the file paths of the time stamp and
the cache are registered (Figure 5
°). Next, the verifi-
cation button is pushed for the verification execution
(Figure 5
°). Then the result of the verification is
displayed (Figure 5
In the verification tool, the verification is achieved
using the hash value contained in the cache and the
time stamp. The hash value is calculated using the
same function used when the time stamp was gener-
ated. If the hash values are the same, it is confirmed
that the cache has not been falsified.
Figure 5: Screenshot of the verification execution.
4.1 Users of the Existence Proof Service
The existence proof service was released to the public
on January 21, 2008, in Japan (Nikkei Inc., 2008),
(CyberAgent, Inc., 2008), (ITmedia Inc., 2008),
(Rakuten, Inc., 2008). Page of the service till Octo-
ber 8, 2008 is 21895.
When the existence proof service toolbar is down-
loaded, the user answers the questionnaire. The num-
ber of valid response is 162 people, and the results are
shown in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3.
Table 1: Result of the questionnaire about age group.
Age Number Percentage (%)
10 - 19 28 17.3
20 - 29 60 37.0
30 - 39 39 24.1
40 - 49 25 15.4
50 - 59 9 5.6
60 - 69 0 0
70 - 1 0.6
Table 2: Result of the questionnaire about occupation.
Ocupation Number Percentage(%)
Employee 73 45.1
Manager 3 1.9
Part-timer 6 3.7
Self-emplyed 7 4.3
Public service 7 4.3
Student 44 27.2
Without occupation 6 3.7
Other 16 9.9
From Table 1 and Table 2, it is conjectured that
students and company employees who are 10 to 49
years old have many interests in this service.
Moreover, about information source of this ser-
vice, shown in Table 3, 45.7% is news site, 14.8%
is someone’s Web site, 13.0% is search engine, thus
it is understood that the user who knew this service
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 3: Result of the questionnaire about information
source of this service.
Corcumstamce Number Percentage(%)
Newspaper 14 8.6
News site 74 45.7
Informed from friend 6 3.7
Search engine 21 13.0
Someone’s Web site 24 14.8
Other 23 14.2
from Web site accounts for about 73%. About the us-
age condition of this service, the frequency of the use
from this service’s Web site and from the toolbar are
1124 times and 572 times respectively.
Concerning the target for the existence proof, por-
tal site, news site, company’s site, weblog site, bul-
letin boards, shopping site and auction site are targets
of this service. It is thought that Web user’s interest is
high. Especially, about the existence proof by using
the toolbar, there are a lot of usage for the site where
the update frequency is high, such as the weblog, the
news site, auctions, and the shopping sites.
For more practicable service and the expansion of
the usage, it is necessary to construct the mechanism
that enable to use this service on various sites directly.
4.2 Non Users of the Existence Proof
In order to research the potential user’s needs for the
service that acquires grounds of the existence of the
Web page, the questionnaire survey was conducted to
people who had not used the existence proof service.
Investigation objects are 32 people in their twenties,
and all members have the experience of using some
Web services but have no technical knowledge.
First, the objects were asked why they use the Web
services. The result is shown in Figure 4. The remark-
able reasons were “quick”, “convenient”, and “easy”.
From this result, it is confirmed that people use the
Web service because it is simple and easy to use even
if they do not have any technical knowledge.
Secondly, the objects were asked what kind of
Web service they use. The result is shown in Table
5. Though The usage of the movie sharing site is re-
markable, the other Web services are used in almost
the same extent, hence it is considered that each Web
service is used on average.
The last question was about the needs of the exis-
tence proof service. Result is shown in Table 6. About
25% of the objects wanted to use the service, though
about 70% answered that they would not use the ser-
vice. From this result, the potential users do not think
Table 4: Result of question1 : “Why do you use the Web
Information is obtained quickly.
It is convenient
It is easy.
Desired information can be acquired.
Because of the use of the Weblog or
Information is new.
It is easy to obtain information.
It is interesting.
Killing time.
The wanted thing can be obtained
Information all over the world is avail-
Table 5: Result of question2 : “What kind of the Web ser-
vice do you use?”.
Answers Number
Weblog 17
SNS 16
Individual homepage 14
Bulletin board 11
Movie sharing site 22
Auction 7
Shopping site 13
News site 13
Other 1
that they have significant need to use the service to
proof the existence of the Web page.
Table 6: Result of question3 : “Do you want to use the
Existence proof service of the Web pages?”.
Answers Number Percentage(%)
Yes, I do. 8 25
No, I don’t. 19 60
I don’t need to use. 2 6
I have no idea. 3 9
From the result above, it can be confirmed that
the ordinary users do not have so much considera-
tion about the risk when they use the Web service,
and they also do not feel the necessity of our service
very much. The objects who want to use the exist-
ing proof service mostly use SNS and movie shar-
ing site a lot, and the objects who do not want to use
the service mostly use the weblog and movie sharing
site. And there were some opinions that it is both-
THE EXISTENCE PROOF SERVICE OF THEWEB PAGES - New Web Service to Get Grounds of the Existence of the
Web Pages
eresome to use the Web service while considering the
risk and the way to use the existence proof service
is too complicated. Consequently, the existence proof
service is supposed to have the mechanism that is eas-
ily available on the SNS, the weblog, and the movie
sharing site. For instance, the mechanism to acquire
the grounds of the existence of the Web page that the
service periodically checks the requestedWeb site au-
tomatically and provides the notification if there is a
change is considered.
“The existence proof service on the Web pages” was
released to the public. This service generates the
cache of the Web page and adds the time stamp to the
cache. By using the obtained data, it can be proven
that theWeb page existed in a certain URL at a certain
time and the cache has not been falsified. Moreover,
from the result of the questionnaire and the service
operation results, it is inferable that the users have
high interest about this service.
In this service, the cache includes HTML, CSS,
and image files. The cache can be preserved including
information that cannot be confirmed by the displayed
appearance on a browser, such as the link information,
meta information, and so on. Therefore, this data can
be used for the perpetuation of evidence for the mis-
representation of the link. Moreover, because the dif-
ference of the appearance can be confirmed by dis-
playing the cache on various browsers, information
that is more various than only the preservation of the
screenshot can be maintained.
In the future, the reliability securing on the Web
page, the compliance measures of the enterprise, and
the user protection are supposed to be achieved, by
developing the protocol of proof of sessions and API
of this service.
Concretely, the existence proof service can be set
up on various shopping sites, corporate sites, and so
on, by developing API of present service, and it will
be possible to contribute to the improvement of the re-
liability maintenance of the Web sites. For the enter-
prise that sells the product and service, it is expected
that using this service positively becomes an appeal
for the reliability of the site. Moreover, for users, they
can devise acountermeasure to the problem that oc-
curs while using the Web services.
In order to improve the reliability of the existence
proof service, the establishment of the standpoint as
the third-party institution by the cooperation of the
municipality and the official organnization is one of
the future tasks. And for the stability of the service,
consideration about the system performance and the
load tolerance is necessary.
This work was partially supported by the JSPS Grant-
In-Aid no.18300027.
Adams, C., Cain, P., Pinkas, D., and Zuccherato, R. (2001).
Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp
Protocol (TSP). RFC 3161 (Proposed Standard).
Affility. Co.,Ltd. (2006). Web Gyotaku.
Asial Corporation (2007). HTML2PDF.BIZ.
CyberAgent, Inc. (2008). Nikkan AmebaNews.
HeartRails Inc. (2007). kwout.
Internet Archive (1996). Wayback Machine.
ITmedia Inc. (2008). ITmedia News.
JADAC (2005). Accreditation pro-
gram for time-stamping service. Japan
Data Communications Association.
KCS Corp. and Yonekura lab. at Ibaraki University (2008).
The Existence proof service of the Web pages.
MIC (2004a). About the guideline of time busi-
ness, in japanese.
news/2004/041105 3.html. Ministry of Internal Af-
fairs and Communications.
MIC (2004b). The guideline of time business, in
041105 3 01.pdf. Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Nikkei Inc. (2008). Interactive.
PFU Limited (2004). PFU TimeStamp Ser-
vice download client tool for verification.
Rakuten, Inc. (2008). infoseek News.
sidefeed, Inc. (2008). toread.
Tumblr Inc. (2007). Tumblr.
Yahoo! Inc. (2004). Flickr.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies