Kiyotaka Takasuka
, Kazutaka Maruyama
, Minoru Terada
and Yoshikatsu Tada
Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications
1–5–1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan
Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo, 2–11–16 Yayoi, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Information and Communication Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications
1–5–1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan
Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications
1–5–1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan
HTTP request, Browsing history, User profile, Filtering.
Browsing histories are often used to build user profiles for browsing supports and personalizations. But,
the browsing history also contains HTTP requests generated concomitantly with user activity(concomitant
request), which must be removed in order to build correct user profiles. Current filtering methods are based
on rather simple characteristics of requests such as the extension of the file name or reported content types.
We invent a more efficient filtering method based on other characteristics such as the intervals of requests and
the referer relations of requests. In this paper we analyze these characteristics in real web transactions and
evaluate their usefulness on filtering.
As the number of the Internet users grows, the amount
of information on web has explosively swelled. The
phenomenon is well known as information explosion.
Many researchers have been tackling the problem
from various aspects, such as information retrieval,
recommendation and extraction. We focus on the data
preprocessing from the aspects of browsing supports
and personalizations. The browsing history is often
used to build the user profile at these researches. The
following can be used as the source of the browsing
1. the browsing history itself,
2. the access log recorded by the web server,
3. the access log recorded by the proxy server, and
4. the access log recorded by the network sniffer.
The source #2, #3, and #4 above collect many ex-
tra HTTP requests in contrast to #1. The browser
records only HTTP requests which explicitly occurs
by the user. We call the requests base requests. On
the other hand, the access log recorded by the web
server, proxy server or network sniffer includes extra
requests which implicitly are occurred by the browser
after loading the obviously requested web page, such
as images embedded in the web page, icons, css files
and javascript files. We call the requests concomi-
tant requests. In the point of view of building the
user profile, the browser’s history is suitable because
it includes only explicit users’ activities. If users
provided their own history in some way, such as by
the web browser extension, precise activities could be
The access log is also available for this purpose
with the elimination of the concomitant requests. But
it is difficult because the number of concomitant re-
quests is huge against the number of the base requests.
This problem is specially difficult when the access log
recorded by the proxy server or the network sniffer is
It is necessary to remove concomitant requests
when these access logs are used as the data source.
Traditional methods are to restrict the extension of
the file name in URLs and the content-type included
in the HTTP response. However, these methods are
not enough when requests to advertisements or XML
files are included in the access log. Many requests
to advertisements don’t have the extension of the file
name in URLs, their content-types of the response are
the same as base requests. These remaining concomi-
tant requests affect the user profile. Therefore, the
Takasuka K., Maruyama K., Terada M. and Tada Y.
DOI: 10.5220/0001840403410346
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
method of removing concomitant requests and iden-
tifying base requests from the access log recorded by
the web server, proxy server or network sniffer is re-
Our goal is to get rid of concomitant requests from the
access log recorded by the web server, proxy server or
network sniffer, to extract base requests from all the
log. In this paper, we describe
1. the classification of requests,
2. the proposal of a filtering method using a timing
at which requests were generated, and
3. th implementation and evaluation of the proposed
filtering method.
Many researches use the access log to build the user
profile for the browsing support. The log wrote down
by the web or proxy server is used in many case.
In the case of the proxy server(J.Wang, Z.Chen,
L.Tao, W.-Y.Ma, and L.Wenyin, 2002), a content-type
included in the HTTP response header is available for
the filtering. The header identifies whether a response
is in text format or not. However,the removal by this
method is not enough. The access log recorded by
the proxy includes concomitant requests to advertise-
ments and frames. These remaining requests affect
the user profile.
To make a user profile, the access log recorded
by the web server is used(Yunjuan Xie, Vir V. Phoha,
2001). In this case, the access log is cleaned in
the preprocessing to remove noises. The filter re-
moves concomitant requests by checking the suffixes
of URLs using the black list of the extension. A re-
quest is removed as the concomitant request if the re-
quest have the extension which is included in the list.
But this method doesn’t remove correctly too.
The access log recorded by the web server is tar-
geted in the data mining. (Yong Zhen Guo, Kotagiri
Ramamohanarao and Laurence A. F. Park, 2007) (Ra-
makrishnan Srikant, Yinghui Yang, 2001). The filter
removes requests to images, extracts requests using
the white list of the extension. A request is treated as
the base request when the list includes the extension
of its file name. After all, these cases are not enough
We analyzed the access log recorded by the proxy
server. In this access log, access to 7 sites which we
had selected were recorded. The selected 7 sites are
very popular and standard on web. We got several
knowledges through an analysis of access to these 7
4.1 Classification of the Requests
We classify the request as follows.
1. Base request
2. Concomitant request
3. Static request
4. Periodical request
5. Interaction-induced request
A web page generally consists of one base page
and a lot of concomitant objects. A request to the
base page is a base request. The base request is the
one to the URL included the anchor which the user
just clicked. A request to the concomitant object is
a concomitant request. The concomitant object is the
one except the base page gotten to display the web
page on browser. An example of the base page and
concomitant objects is shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: An example of a base page and concomitant ob-
Time relation between the base request and its
concomitant requests is shown in figure 2. A first base
request occurs by a click which the user performs ac-
tively. There is latency from the base request to the
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
arrival of the response, concomitant requests are gen-
erated after the response arrives, the web page is ren-
dered on browser. The user clicks a link he wants
to browse. Then a next base request is generated. If
the user opens several tabs at the same time under tab
browsing, it is thought that base requests are gener-
ated at the same time.
Figure 2: An example of a time relation between a base
request and its concomitant requests.
We had viewed the top page of the 7 sites for 5
minutes. The number of concomitant requests gener-
ated every access are shown in table 1. Only one base
request causes many concomitant requests
We classified concomitant requests to three
classes based on characteristics. We describe the de-
tails of each class in the following.
4.1.1 Static Request
Many concomitant requests occur generally after a
base request. Many requests classified as this class are
necessary to display base page. For example, many
images displayed on the web page, the css file which
have the structure of the web page and the javascript
file which have the action of the web page.
The static request have follow three characteris-
1. Generated in a short period of time from base re-
2. The number of requests is inherent in the web
page, same for every access unless the web page
is updated.
3. Many requests can be traced to the base request
using the referer in the HTTP request header.
All static requests were generated at 0.818 [sec] in
the Yahoo’s top page. All of 53 concomitant requests
were classified as the static request. 52 of these re-
quests had the referer to the base page. One concomi-
tant request, which was a request to the favorite icon
image, didn’t have a referer.
4.1.2 Periodical Request
The request on this class is automatically generated
by Ajax and Adobe Flash to refresh some part of the
web page periodically. The periodical request have
follow two characteristics.
1. Regularly generating,
2. The number of generating depends on the display
The purpose generating the periodical request is
to renew regularly the specific images and strings
of characters. Therefore regularly generating is the
largest characteristic, many requests on this class get
images and XML files.
4.1.3 Interaction-induced Request
The user’s interaction makes Ajax and Adobe Flash
generate the concomitant request on this class. Char-
acteristics which the interaction-induced request have
are the following.
1. Caused by the user interaction.
2. The number of generating depends on the amount
of the user interaction.
The interaction-induced request occurs when an
image changes by the user interaction. Great many
interaction-induced requests were generated as a re-
sult of the interaction continuously in Google Maps.
We propose a method removing the static request in
addition to the traditional method using the extension
and content-type.
The proposed method have two features:
1. Using the time interval from the base request to
the concomitant request,
2. Reconstructing the base-concomitant relation
based on the referer to tackle the browsing in par-
allel using multi tabs.
While the base request is caused by users action,
the concomitant request is generated by the browser.
The user’s action is slower than the browser’s one.
Therefore the time interval from the base request to
each concomitant request is especially short. This in-
terval is shorter than the time interval between base
requests. The proposed method uses this difference
of the time interval from the base request. Our pro-
posal assesses a request of which the period is shorter
than a threshold as the concomitant request.
Table 1: The number of concomitant requests when top pages of 7 sites are opened. A “request” is omitted in the table. For
example, a “Concomitant” means the concomitant request.
Yahoo Google Google image Google map Nicovideo
Youtube Wikipedia
Concomitant 53 6 1 1653 88 95 26
53 6 1 14 86 46 26
0 0 0 0 2 49 0
0 0 0 1639 0 0 0
If the user opens multiple new tabs at the same
time, then more than one base requests occur simul-
taneously, and concomitant requests generated from
different base requests are mixed in the access log. In
order to identify the concomitant requests, we need
to find out the trees of the derivations of the reqeusts;
each concomitant request was yielded from one of the
base requests. The referer header in the request helps
us to do it, and the feature 1 above can be applied to
the case of the tab browsing.
We introduce the performance measures to evaluate
our proposal. We use a precision and recall used in
information retrieval. These values are defined as fol-
Precision =
| Extracted Browser |
| Extracted |
Recall =
| Extracted Browser |
| Browser |
F-measure =
2· Precision· Recall
Precision+ Recall
where Extracted is a result set of the filtering, Browser
is a set of base reqeusts, Precision is the accuracy of
the extraction, Recall is the ratio between the base re-
quests which the extracted set includes and the set of
all base requests. F-measure is the value integrated
the precision and recall.
We evaluate the accuracy of the proposed method by
applying it to the access log recorded by the proxy
server in the single tab browsing. There are two
experimental data sets, the access log of restricted
browsing and comparatively unrestricted browsing.
At first we investigate the upper performance limit
of our proposal using the access log of the restricted
This site is a popular video sharing service in Japan.
browsing in section 7.1, the practical performance of
the proposed method using the access log of the unre-
stricted browsing in section 7.3.
7.1 Restricted Experiment
We apply the proposed method to the access log of
the restricted browsing in order to make our proposal
the most effective. Finding out the upper performance
limit facilitates the evaluation of the performance in
the section 7.3. A comparative method restricts the
content-type to “text/html” only.
7.1.1 Experimental Data Set 1
We accessed to the web page as the effects on the user
and network performance are as invariable as possi-
ble. All of the access to the web page were generated
from the machines with the same settings and place.
The machines for web browsing and the proxy server
exist at a LAN.
We browsed web pages selected at random in a
site, had 5 minutes interval between base requests.
The number of web pages we browsed in each site
was about 10 pages. 5 minutes interval is the nec-
essary time to generate all of static requests. In this
experiment, the web browsing was performed on sin-
gle tab to make the base-concomitant relation obvi-
ous. Target sites of the browsing were restricted in 6
sites, the number of browsed web pages was 60 pages.
We use Firefox2.0as the browser and Squid2.6
as the
proxy server.
The number of base requests was 60 because the
number of browsed web pages was 60. The number
of concomitant requests was 1567. We call an access
log used in this experiment an experiment log. The
characteristics of 6 sites selected as the target of this
experiment are shown in table 2.
7.1.2 Result of the Restricted Experiment
Performance measures of the proposed method are
shown in table 3. We set a threshold in order to re-
move the concomitant request as 5 [sec].
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Websites selected in the target of the restricted experiment.
Site Classification Adobe Flash Periodical requests # of images
Yahoo Search engine used none many
Google Search engine none none few
Google Image
Image Search none none medium
Nicovideo Video hosting website used used many
Video hosting website used used many
Encyclopedia on web none none few
Table 3: The evaluation of filtering performance using experiment log. A “method” is omitted in the table. For example, A
“Traditional” means the traditional method. A “request” is omitted too.
Result of filter # of base # of concomitant Precision[%] Recall[%] F-measure
Initial condition 1627 60 1567 3.8 100 6.0
Traditional 133 60 73 45.1 100 62.2
236 60 176 25.4 100 40.5
Combined 84 60 24 71.4 100 83.3
The precision of the proposed method is 25.4
[%], this value is less than the one of the traditional
method. But, performance measures are improved
by combining the proposed method with the tradi-
tional method. This indicates that our proposal is able
to remove concomitant requests which the traditional
method can’t remove. The proposed method and tra-
ditional method respectively work as making up for
deficiencies in each.
We analyzed actually a result of the filter. Many
concomitant requests which the filter can’t remove
were the periodical request and interaction-induced
request. The combined method can remove the static
request which the proposed method targeted.
7.2 Practical Experiment
We evaluate the practical performance measures of
the proposed method and traditional one. A subject
browsed less restricted than the restricted experiment.
7.2.1 Experimental Data Set 2
We selected a male graduate student as the subject.
He was in his early 20s, belonged to the information-
related department. The subject performed the web
browsing in the same environment as the restricted
experiment. He browsed under followtwo restrictions
for about 30 minutes.
1. The single tab browsing
2. Browsing mainly on each websites used in the re-
stricted experiment
The number of browsed web pages was 113 pages.
So base requests were 113. On the other hand,
concomitant requests were 3704. We didn’t restrict
strongly websites he browsed so that we aimed to
evaluate more practically than the restricted experi-
ment. Therefore 40 out of 113 base requests differ
from websites used in Section 7.1, In addition, the
set of base requests contained a few of requests to
the same URL, the set had respectively two URLs
browsed two times and three times.
7.3 Result of the Practical Experiment
We evaluated the traditional method and combined
method changing a threshold every 1 [sec] from 1
[sec] to 5 [sec]. The result is shown in table 4.
The precision is improved by adding the proposed
method to traditional method compared with the tra-
ditional method only. We focus on the case in which
threshold is 1 [sec], because the recall doesn’t de-
crease untill this threshold. In this threshold, the pre-
cision is improved about 25 [%] compared with the
traditional method only.
The precision is less than the one of the restricted
experiment. To browse in more practically environ-
ment, intervals between base requests were short. Ac-
tually, in the usual browsing many user shift to next
page immediately. So, a threshold needs to be less
than the restricted experiment because the recall is de-
creased in the same threshold as the restricted experi-
ment by the incorrect removal of base requests.
Table 4: The evaluation of the filtering in more practically browsing. A “request” and “method” are omitted in the table.
Result of filter # of base # of concomitant Precision[%] Recall[%] F-measure
Initial condition 3817 113 3704 3.0 100 5.8
283 113 170 39.9 100 57.0
Combined (1[sec])
175 113 62 64.6 100 78.5
Combined (2[sec])
168 111 57 66.1 98.2 79.0
Combined (3[sec])
108 57 51 52.8 50.4 51.6
Combined (4[sec])
105 54 51 51.4 47.8 49.5
Combined (5[sec])
85 42 43 49.4 37.2 42.4
In this paper, we classified each request recorded in
the access log. We assumed that we would extract
only the requests to the URLs included the anchors
which the user just clicked from the access log. In ad-
dition, we proposed the filter to remove especially the
static request and evaluated the filter. We performed
the evaluation using experiment log and more prac-
tical log to analyze how traditional method and pro-
posed method had worked.
As a result, the proposed method can improve the
performance to remove the concomitant request by
adding to traditional method. We conclude that pro-
posed method and traditional method work as making
up for deficiencies in each.
We hope to explore to direction as follow:
Evaluating in Multi Tab Browsing. HTTP logs
used in this paper were recorded by the single
tab browsing. But, in recent web browsing users
browse usually by multi tab. So, it is necessary to
evaluate in the multi tab browsing.
Removing the other Two Kind of Request. The
proposed method targets at the static request. It
is impossible to remove the periodical request
and interaction-induced request by the proposed
method. Therefore a method to remove these
requests is needed.
Extending Target Websites. Experiments in this pa-
per targeted at specific websites. This make the
comparison between performances easy. In the
future work we hope to extend the target website
to the other and make a filter independent of web-
J.Wang, Z.Chen, L.Tao, W.-Y.Ma, and L.Wenyin (2002).
Ranking user’s relevance to a topic through link anal-
ysis on web logs. In Proceedings of the 4th interna-
tional Workshop on Web information and data man-
agement, pages 49–54.
Ramakrishnan Srikant, Yinghui Yang (2001). Mining web
logs to improve website organization. In Proceedings
of the 10th International conference on World Wide
Web, pages 430–437.
Yong Zhen Guo, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao and Laurence
A. F. Park (2007). Personalized pagerank for web
page prediction based on access time-length and fre-
quency. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM
International Conference on Web Intelligence, pages
Yunjuan Xie, Vir V. Phoha (2001). Web user clustering from
access log using belief function. In Proceedings of the
1st international conference on Knowledge capture,
pages 202–208.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies