Li Li and Wu Chou
Avaya Research Lab, Avaya Inc., 233 Mt Airy Road, Basking Ridge, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Keywords: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), Presence Authorization, Web Services.
Abstract: This paper presents an extended Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model for rich presence authorization
using secure web services. Following the information symmetry principle, the standard RBAC model is
extended to support data integrity, flexible and intuitive authorization specification, efficient authorization
process and cascaded authority within web services architecture. In conjunction with the extended RBAC
model, we introduce an extensible presence architecture prototype using WS-Security and WS-Eventing to
secure rich presence information exchanges based on PKI certificates. Applications and performance
measurements of our presence system are presented to show that the proposed RBAC framework for
presence and collaboration is well suited for real-time communication and collaboration.
In communication and collaboration, presence
information describes a person’s availability and
willingness to communicate or participate, as well as
the environment, such as location. Many internet IM
systems offer certain degrees of presence
information, such as “available, busy, and away.”
Presence information is exchanged between a
“presentity” who owns and discloses the presence
states and a “watcher” who requests (subscribes) and
receives the presence states. This information
exchange occurs within a presence session until
either the presentity or the watcher terminates the
session. By this generalization, a presentity or a
watcher can be a person, an automaton, or a group of
such entities. Presence information in general
improves social connections (keep in touch with
family and friends) and collaboration within teams
and organizations. When used properly, it
significantly reduces the uncertainty and cost in
communication and collaboration. For this reason,
industrial standard organizations, e.g. IETF (Day
2000) and Parlay (Parlay X 2007), have begun to
develop presence architectures and standard
Rich presence contains fine-grained and in some
way private information about a presentity. For
example, Parlay X Web Service Presence (Parlay X
2007) specifies 10 presence attributes, including
Activity, Place, Sphere, Privacy, etc. where each
attribute can have 20 to 30 values about the presence
state in that category. Some of the presence values
disclose the presentity’s private life, e.g. the
presentity is in a bar, prison or sleeping.
Albeit being useful, rich presence information
may inevitably raise the privacy concerns about the
presentity, and the needs to reveal or conceal such
information have to be justified as appropriate.
Negatively correlated with presence, privacy is a
highly contextual and subjective issue and must be
dealt with carefully to achieve a balance between
ease of collaboration and personal freedom.
Therefore, a privacy aware presence architecture
must provide intuitive, uniform and flexible
presence authorization model for the presentities to
determine what presence information should be
disclosed to which watcher and under what kind of
context. For example, a person can expose different
presence information to friends, parents, co-workers
and managers. On the other hand, a company may
enforce a central presence policy and leave the rest
to the discretion of its employees.
Our observation is that the presence authorization
to large extent is based on the social relation
between the watcher and the presentity. This relation
can be characterized by the role of the watcher from
the perspective of presentity. The notion of role is
an intuitive concept, which is meaningful to people
even without technical background. For this reason,
Li L. and Chou W.
DOI: 10.5220/0001842700290036
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
we adopt Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and
apply the NIST standard RBAC model (Sandhu
2000) to presence authorization.
Various RBAC models have been traditionally
used in business enterprises for access control to
resources. The basic RBAC model assigns a user to
roles which are associated with permissions. Such
model grants a user only to permissions associated
with the roles activated for him. Roles can be
organized into hierarchies in which the permissions
can be inherited. Constraints can also be added to
various RBAC components to prevent undesired
configurations. One typical constraint is to enforce
Separation of Duty (SOD) such that mutually
exclusive roles are not assigned to the same user at
the same time. RBAC is a natural fit for enterprises
where roles represent the tasks, responsibilities and
qualifications that users assume within an enterprise.
RBAC thus provides a valuable level of abstraction
and modularization to specify and enforce
authorization policies based on the Least Privilege
Principle that cannot be achieved by other access
control models.
These fundamental RBAC security concepts and
mechanisms are applicable to presence authorization
and we do not have to reinvent the wheel. However,
presence authorization cannot be regarded as a
special case of the standard RBAC models. The
differences are elaborated below.
First, the concept of role in presence
authorization is different from the standard RBAC
models. In presence system, roles represent relations
between two users (watcher and presentity), whereas
in standard RBAC model they represent functions of
users within an enterprise. This implies that role
assignment in presence system depends on both
participants, instead of on one user as in the standard
RBAC models. Furthermore, in presence system, the
role assignment may depend on other contextual
factors, such as the time and nature of the
Second, the standard RBAC models do not
support cascaded authorization, where a central
authority establishes common authorization rules
and its subordinates can refine them. Cascaded
authority is necessary to assert certain global control
while permitting personal choices in organizational
and social environment. For instance, an enterprise
may have global presence rules that require or
prohibit disclosure of certain activities, but the
employees can exercise personal judgement within
the perimeters of these rules. An online community
may also mandate a minimal set of presence
requirements and leave the rest to its members.
Third, the standard NIST RBAC model only
defines the core concepts and semantics, but it
leaves the user authentication, permission
presentation and protocol integration to the
implementations. In particular, we need to
seamlessly integrate RBAC models with the web
services architecture which is based on the notion of
service contract. Since the contract exposes the data
model about the presentities, the RBAC model can
be used to grant contract access to only qualified
watchers. Another reason to incorporate contract
into RBAC model is to maintain data integrity such
that the contract (presence data model) discovered
by the watchers is identical to the one published and
updated by the presentity. For permission
representation, RBAC model should allow both
watchers and presentities to select presence states at
different level of granularity. Overall, the presence
protocols and RBAC models should be combined to
maximize symmetric information flow such that the
watchers and presentities have equal knowledge and
control over presence information.
To address these issues, we developed a secure
web service based rich presence architecture using
the extended RBAC model that we developed for
presence authorization. The proposed RBAC based
model extends the role assignment mechanism and
adds new features to support cascaded authority. It
emphasizes the importance of context and presence
data model in order to facilitate web service
discovery and invocations. In particular, we propose
an abstract presence data model by combining
Parlay X Web Service Presence (Parlay X 2007) and
RFC5025 authorization (Rosenberg 2007). In this
architecture, we use WS-Eventing (WS-Eventing
2006) as the presence protocol. We treat the
presentity as event source and presence information
that is sent to the watchers as events. WS-Eventing
is composed with WS-Security (WS-Security 2006)
for end-to-end user authentication, message integrity
and confidentiality. Using WS-Eventing instead of
the full-blown Parlay X Presence Web Service
allows us to limit the number of running web
services on communication endpoints, and in
addition, provide a generic methodology for
presence authorization in collaboration and social
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In
Section 2, we survey some related work in RBAC,
presence authorization and web services. In section
3, we outline the presence protocol over the Web in
which the RBAC model operates. We then present
our extended RBAC models in two steps. First, the
basic model that incorporates the relation, context
and data models is described to address the specific
need of presence authorization. Second, we
formalize the special constraints for role hierarchy to
support cascaded RBAC models. In section 4, we
discuss a prototype presence architecture based on
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
secure web services using WS-Security and WS-
Eventing with PKI and UDDI servers. Within this
architecture, we study the performance and
applications of the proposed presence system for
web services enabled softphones. The paper is
concluded in section 5 with some thoughts on future
Privacy aware design has been an active research
area in recent years (Hong 2004, Lederer 2004,
Laugheinrich 2001, Jorns 2004). A recurring
principle in these researches is “information
symmetry” such that parties participating in
information exchange should have equal awareness
and control over the information flows.
The concept of role has shown up in several
presence architectures, but none of them formally
adopts RBAC models.
Hong et al (Hong 2004) proposes an analytical
privacy risk model which considers the roles and
social relationships between presentity and watcher
as one of the input parameters to the model. The
authors recommend “push” mode delivery of
presence information to lower privacy risks, because
the presentity initiates the data transmission.
Lederer et al (Lederer 2004) discusses five
pitfalls in privacy aware design based on their
experience of developing a GUI for setting presence
preferences. A preference rule has three parts: a role,
situations and a face, meaning that if someone of
this role (roommate, parent, boss) requests in these
situations, it should show the presence states defined
in the face. This clearly is a RBAC based approach,
but the author does not make any reference to
RBAC. Their usability studies showed that users
expressed discomfort with hiding presences behind
faces, which is a permission definition issue in
RBAC models. The general lessons are that the
privacy component should be simple, transparent,
intuitive and easy to change. The paper recommends
the practice of plausible deniability – people can
choose to ignore presence requests or customize
information disclosure without having to explaining
Jorns (Jorns 2004) provides an overview of
location based systems in the face of privacy and
proposes a pseudonym based scheme to enhance
privacy in a mobile communication system. The
scheme is based on “symmetric information data
arrangement” where the presentity has control over
to whom the location information is disclosed using
pseudonym management, in contrast to “asymmetric
arrangement” where a presentity has no such
control. Hengartner et al (Hengartner 2004) proposes
a digital certificate based access control framework
for sharing personal location information in a
heterogeneous environment. The authorization is
achieved by checking the trust delegation relations
expressed in certificates. The paper also uses “local
names” to designate a group of people in a single
certificate instead of creating certificates for each
person. Local names can be regarded as roles in our
RBAC approach.
RBAC model has been standardized by NIST
(Sandhu 2004), and it is still a very active research
area for improvements (Chen 2008, Ni 2007, Zhang
2008). Traditionally, it is used for enterprise
resource protection. There are some recent efforts to
extend RBAC to incorporate privacy (Ni 2007,
2008) and geospatial and temporal factors (Chen
2008). On one hand, however, these generic models
are too complex for presence, and on the other they
do not address the specific issues in presence and
web services. For instance, the privacy aware RBAC
model (Ni 2008) does not consider the relational
information in role assignment. Its new features,
such as action, purposes and obligations do not seem
applicable to presence system. Still focusing on
enterprise usages, this model does not address the
data integrity or cascaded authority in web service
based presence exchange. For this reason, we rely on
the standard NIST RBAC model.
Godefroid et al (Godefroid 2000) developed a
framework to ensure the correctness of presence
authorization rules using model checking
techniques. Each rule has a condition and an action.
Conditions are defined in terms of the presentity’s
state, such as “user i’s door is open” and the action
includes invite, accept, reject, etc. However, these
rules are not based on RBAC models.
There are many research work based on the SIP
presence framework (Rosenberg 2004, 2007, Beltran
2008, Singh 2006). IETF RFC5025 (Rosenberg
2007) defines presence authorization rules for SIP
Instant Messaging and Presence (SIMPLE). This
specification is based on a three level presence data
model. The top level consists of three entities:
device, service and person. The second level is the
attributes: activity, place, mood, etc., and the third
level is a range of presence values. The authorization
rule consists of condition, action and
transformations, and it is applied to each presence
subscription. The condition checks the identity of
the watcher and the sphere of the presentity. If the
condition matches, the action and transformations
are carried out. The actions (block, confirm, polite-
block and allow) determine the status of the
subscription. The transformations define which the
presence entities and attributes will be included.
However, the authorization rules of (Rosenberg
2007) are user centric instead of role based and the
transformations do not apply to presence values.
RFC3856 (Rosenberg 2004), the protocol for SIP
presence subscription, does not provide a
mechanism for a watcher to indicate the presence
preference in subscriptions and to know the
authorized presence attributes. This information
asymmetry may lead to information overload to the
watchers. In particular, Singh et al (Singh 2006)
outlines some authentication mechanisms within SIP
architecture, including using PKI certificates.
Parlay X Presence Web Service (Parlay X 2007)
defines a two level presence data model. The top
level is a set of attribute types and the second level is
a set of values about the presence state of a person.
The presence web service includes interfaces for
watchers to subscribe or poll presence data. Similar
to SIMPLE, a watcher can request a subset of
presence attributes, and the presentity can grant
permissions (yes or no) to the requested attributes.
When the presentity changes the authorization of an
existing presence subscription, the service will
notify watchers accordingly. However, neither
watcher nor presentity can select presence values
from the attributes. Also, the standard does not
specify a standard presence authorization process.
WS-Security (WS-Security 2006) is an OASIS
standard for securing end-to-end web services
interactions. It provides support for user name
tokens and password, message timestamp, digital
signature of message, and message encryption based
on a variety of cartographical schemes, including
PKI architecture. WS-Eventing (WS-Eventing 2006)
is a W3C submission and in the process of becoming
a W3C standard recommendation. It defines a
subscribe/notify web service interaction pattern for
managing event subscriptions between event sources
and event sinks. It has been applied in web service
oriented communications as shown in (Chou 2007,
2008). UDDI (UDDI 2002) is another OASIS
standard for web services to publish their structural
information so that services can be discovered and
consumed. A UDDI repository at the minimum
contains the name and URI of web services, but it is
extensible to store other type of information.
In our web service based presence framework,
watchers and presentities interact over the Web
though the web service protocols. The high level
interaction sequence that leads to a presence session
is depicted in the following diagram (Figure 1). In
this architecture, a presentity s first publishes its web
services onto the Web (UDDI registry or Web
server). A watcher w interested in s can discover the
presentity’s data model d over the Web, subject to
the authorization approval. To obtain the presence,
the watcher w subscribes to d with its preference q.
The subscription is then subject to the authorization
process. Upon approval, a filter f is returned along
with the current presence states v of s and a
reference m to the subscription. Subsequent presence
event from s will be delivered to w only if it matches
f. Either s or w can cancel the subscription m to
terminate the presence session.
This sequence of operations is valid regardless if
a presence server is deployed between w and s or
there are peer-to-peer connections between them.
For the same reason, the RBAC models can be
deployed either in the presence server or in the
presentity or both. If a presence server is used, the
presentity can delegate part or all authorization to
the server. For clarity, this diagram only illustrates
the deployment of RBAC model on the presentity.
Regardless where the RBAC model is installed, the
authorization process will be the same.
Figure 1: High level Web service based presence protocol.
Our extended RBAC model M consists of the
following sets of entities: presentities (S), watchers
(W), contexts (C), roles (R), presence data model
(D), permission actions (A), and data model
transformations (T). The sets S and W correspond to
the users (U) of the standard RBAC model. The sets
P and R have the same meaning as in the standard
RBAC model.
The following additional entities are introduced
in our extended RBAC model. The set C denotes a
set of application dependent contexts. The set D is a
set of presence data models (service contracts) of the
presentity. Presentities S are represented as trees.
The set T is a set of transformations that create valid
subtrees from D. The subtree is a permission tree if
the nodes are decorated with actions defined in the
set A (Rosenberg 2007), e.g. allow (A), block (B),
polite-block (L) and confirm (I). In permission trees,
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
a node without action will inherit its parent’s action,
whereas a node’s own action overrides its parent’s
The authorization specification of M is defined
by the following mappings (Formula 1).
× S × C[Role]R[Granted]
× T(D)
f(w, s, c) = Requested(w, s, c)
Granted(Role(w, s, c))
Received(w, s, c)=f(w, s, c) Presence(s)
Here Requested(w,s,c)
C× T(D) denotes the
presence request from watcher w to the presentity s
in the context c. The presence filter f for this request
can be computed by Formula 2 following the
relations in M. Formula 3 shows that the presence
events from s is filtered by f before received by w.
To elaborate the authorization process, Figure 2
shows that a watcher w, subscribing certain presence
data represented as a tree q, is assigned to role r. The
role r is associated with a permission tree t decorated
with some actions. In this case, the watcher w
requests presence values v11 and v12 of the attribute
a1 and all values of a2, whereas the permission tree
grants access to values v11 of the attribute a1 and all
values of a2 only if it is confirmed by s. Assuming
the presentity rejects attribute a2, then we have
f={a1/v11}. If there is a presence event
{a1/v11,a1/v12}, only {a1/v11} will be delivered to
the watcher due to the filtering.
watcher w
presentity s
role r
tree q
tree t: A
a2: Ia1
v13: Bv11
tree d
Figure 2: A RBAC model with watcher request and role
permission represented as trees created from the same data
The data security and integrity is maintained in this
model because the watchers can only discover
elements in D and that all permission trees are
created from D. By using permission trees, the
presentity can designate presence disclosure with
different granularity, ranging from the entire tree to
individual presence values. The information
symmetry is achieved by the same data model and
the presence filter shared between the watcher and
presentity during the presence session. In other
words, the shared filter guarantees that no presence
values will ever leak to the watcher without the
consensus of the presentity. By the same token, no
granted presence values will be concealed from the
watcher. The only exception to this rule is polite-
block, where the presentity hides its presence from
the watcher. However, this is a well accepted
privacy practice following the Plausible Deniability
principle (Lederer 2004) that favours privacy over
This extended RBAC model is particularly
suitable for creating cascaded authorities using role
hierarchy. Our goal is, given a RBAC model M
representing a central authority, to derive a new
model M
that maintains all the mandatory aspects
of M
. To support this, we propose new constraints
on standard role hierarchy to prevent the mandatory
aspects from being overridden. Since what
constitutes the mandatory aspects is domain
dependent, we introduce a new attribute, final (F), to
decorate the permission trees in M
. This attribute
separates nodes that must be inherited by M
those that can be overridden, thus providing
protection as well as flexibility in cascaded models.
In this process, we leave out the role assignments
until the final RBAC model is assembled. More
formally, let M
= (R
, C
, T
), A
) and M
, C
, T
), A
), representing the roles, context,
transformations, and actions of two RBAC models
respectively. M
is a valid derivation of M
iff the
following conditions hold:
D D A A C C⊆∧
2222 1111
12 1 2
(, ) ( )(, ) ( )
( ( ) ( ) ( (, ) ( (, )
() ))
ct C T D ct C T D
dt dt rolect
unior role c t
final t t
∈× ×
By the first condition, the data models, actions and
contexts of M
are sanctioned by M
. The second
condition ensures that if a tree t
in M
has the same
data model as a tree t
in M
, then t
’s role inherits
’s role and all final nodes of t
, if any, are inherited
by t
as well. The final model M3 is assembled by
The following diagram (Figure 3) illustrates two
models: M
with role manager and M
with role
that satisfy these conditions. In this case, M
marks a1:A (allow attribute a1) as final but leaves a2
open. The derived M
changes a2 from I (confirm)
to A (allow), and adds a new node a3. If t
had a
node a1:B (block attribute a1), it would violate the
conditions. The final RBAC model contains both
roles. This derivation process can be repeated as
long as necessary.
Figure 3: Cascaded RBAC models using constrained role
This role hierarchy can be interpreted by standard
RBAC semantics, as either permission hierarchy or
activation hierarchy (Sandhu 2000). To enable
efficient computation of permissions, the cascaded
models can be flattened into one final RBAC model
whose permission trees are the unions of all
permission trees along the inheritance relations. The
permission tree of a senior role will inherit nodes
from the junior role if it does not have them, and it
will overwrite nodes from the junior role by its own.
Following this rule, the collapsed tree for the role
in M
is {a1:A, a2:A, a3:I}.
The presence architecture is illustrated in Figure 4,
which consists of a UDDI server, presentity, watcher
and a Certificate Authority (CA) server. Each
presentity and watcher in our study is a softphone
hosting identical set of web services (WS-Eventing
and WS-Security). PKI certificates (public and
private keys) generated from the CA are
administrated to each softphone. Each softphone
publishes or deletes its web services registry and its
public key in the UDDI server, when the user logs in
or off the softphone. The UDDI server thus acts as a
coarse grained presence server and a public key
repository. To start a presence session outlined in the
previous section, the watcher’s softphone finds the
presentity web service location from the UDDI and
invokes them accordingly.
The security for all message exchanges,
including presence subscriptions and events, is
achieved by WS-Security based on the PKI
Figure 5 shows the WS-Security
component intercepts outgoing and incoming SOAP
messages to add and check security features. On the
presentity side, once the presence subscription
passes the security check, it is submitted to the
presence authorization module which employs the
RBAC model to authorize the request as discussed
in previous section.
Figure 4: High level presence architecture based on web
Figure 5: SOAP message security procedure using WS-
The proposed RBAC based presence architecture
prototype was implemented on top of the Google
Android mobile phone platform (Android 2008). We
developed WS-Eventing and utilized the WS-
Security infrastructure provided by gSOAP (gSOAP
2008). Our prototype system has four roles:
manager, peer, subordinate and anonymous, with
some predefined permissions against the Parlay X
Presence. To demonstrate the approach, four
presence attributes: Activity, Privacy, Place and
Sphere, of the Parlay X Presence data model are
selected. The role anonymous, inherited by other
roles, grants everyone access to the presence data
model and some rudimentary presence information.
Figure 6 shows a screenshot of the presence
subscription interface used by the watchers.
Figure 7
shows the presence states displayed in the softphone.
The presence information is combined with the
call management of the softphone to enable presence
aware communication. One application is presence
aware calling that can put an active call on hold
when it is not answered and automatically reconnect
when the callee presence state changes to available.
This avoids the hassle for the caller to frequently try
the luck of getting connected with the callee.
public keys
web services
RBAC model
web services
RBAC model
WS-Security Interceptor
Add Timestamp, user name, signature
Authentication, verification
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 6: Screenshot of presence subscription interface on
the softphone.
Figure 7: Screenshot of a user’s presence state displayed
in the contact list on watcher’s softphone.
The performance measurement of the presence
system is summarized in the following table (Table
1). The time (millisecond) were averaged over 10 to
100 trials on a notebook computer with 1.79GHz
CPU and 1G RAM running Windows XP
Professional in a LAN environment.
The “Watcher” column is the round-trip latency
of presence subscription messages measured at the
watcher side, with and without WS-Security.
Similarly, the “Presentity” column is the total
subscription processing time on the presentity side,
with and without WS-Security. The total processing
time includes SOAP engine and WS-Eventing
module. The “WS-Eventing” is the time spent in
executing the WS-Eventing code, which included
the presence authorization. These results show that
the overall performance is acceptable for real-time
Table 1: Performance measurement of the prototype.
Component Watcher Presentity
with WS-Security 20.35 7.45
no WS-Security 17.27 5.77
WS-Eventing N/A 4.76
It should be pointed out that WS-Security ensures
end-to-end security that is agnostic of transport
protocols. This level of security allows sensitive
presence information to be passed between value-
add 3
party applications without sacrificing
message integrity and confidentiality. The PKI
certificates also eliminate the need for shared secret,
which is difficult or even impractical in open-ended
The web service based approach is also
extensible by service composition. For instance, if
we need message reliability, we can compose a
proper web service for reliability with the existing
ones without any change to the existing service
This paper presented an extended RBAC model for
presence authorization and a presence architecture
using this model with secure web services for
privacy protection. The standard RBAC model is
extended in two ways. The first is to incorporate
presence relation, context and data model to support
data integrity, flexible authorization specification
and efficient authorization process within web
services architecture. The second is to introduce the
constraints for cascading RBAC models using role
hierarchy to support central authority. The
effectiveness of the extended RBAC model is
illustrated in facilitating information symmetry in
rich presence exchange. A prototype implementation
using WS-Security, WS-Eventing, UDDI registry
and PKI CA server and application of the proposed
presence architecture was demonstrated based on
web services enabled softphones. The experimental
results indicated that the system performance is well
suited for real-time communication and
For future work, we will study the combination
of RBAC models with the context of enterprise
organizations and social networks, to enable
presence aware communication and collaboration
efficiently without loosing privacy.
The authors would like to thank Wei Zhang and
Yanbing Yu for their contributions to this project.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies