Takashi Yoshino, Taku Fukushima and Ryuichi Nisimura
Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University, 930 Sakaedani, Wakayama, Japan
Voice collection, Intercultural communication, Parallel texts, Medical field, Web-based system.
We have developed a web-based multilingual utterance collection system, named OTOCKER, for the medical
field. The purpose of OTOCKER is to act as a voice data collection platform for intercultural communica-
tion. Although speech synthesis systems have improved significantly, fluent and smooth speech synthesis is
still a problem. Currently, it is difficult to synthesize speech in different languages. In the medical field, in
particular, it is important that the intended meaning of spoken words be conveyed effectively along with the
different nuances. Therefore, we use an utterance collection system that collects peoplefs voices directly. The
limitations of this system are (1) an insufficient number of correct sentences pertaining to the medical field
and (2) that easy participation in both voice record and collection are difficult. We can solve the first problem
by using a system that collects parallel medical texts. The second problem can be solved by using w3voice
web-based voice-recording system. This system can run only on a web browser. This paper presents the
design of OTOCKER, its prototype, and the results of its trial.
Recently, there has been a sharp rise in the number
of foreigners visiting Japan. Moreover,the number of
foreign residents in Japan is increasing steadily. The
Immigration Service reported that approximately 6.73
million foreigners visited Japan in fiscal year 2006.
That is, there was a 10.0% increase as compared to
the previous year. The Immigration Service also re-
ported that the number of foreign residents in fiscal
year 2006 was approximately 2.08 million, which was
a 3.6% increase as compared to the previous year.
However, many of these foreigners who either live in
or visit Japan cannot speak Japanese. Further, there
are some people who can speak a language but do not
know how to read and write in that language. There-
fore, translation and voice support has to be provided
to such people. For instance, foreigners are now pro-
vided such voice and translation support in the field of
medicine by a medical treatment interpreter. The in-
terpreter support is also provided over the telephone.
This telephone interpreter support service is available
in seven languages and is used by more than 4000
people a year. The number of languages supported
and the considerable number of users place an exces-
sive load on the system. Moreover, a further increase
in the load is expected in the future.
This paper presents a Web-based multilingual ut-
terance collection system, named OTOCKER, which
can collect multilingual voice data related to the field
of medicine. We have developed OTOCKER and car-
ried out a trial experiment using this system. In this
paper,we will discuss the effectivenessof this system.
There are some researches to collect speech cor-
pus(Maekawa et al., 2000; Fujii et al., 2008; Griol
et al., 2008). Maekawa et al. collect a spontaneous
speech corpus of Japanese to make it useful for nat-
ural language processing and phonetic or linguistic
studies(Maekawa et al., 2000). Fujii et al. col-
lect a speech corpus of Japanese classroom lecture
to extract an importance sentences(Fujii et al., 2008).
David et al. propose two speech corpora acquisition
techniques(Griol et al., 2008). There is no research to
collect multilingual voice data for being provided to
other voice-based systems.
Considerable research has been carried out in or-
der to support intercultural communication via ma-
chine translation(Ishida, 2006; Yoshino et al., 2008).
Yoshino T., Nishimura R. and Fukushima T.
DOI: 10.5220/0001844503700375
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
However, the accuracy of machine translation is not
sufficient for it to be used in the field of medicine.
This is because any mistake in communication can di-
rectly affect a patient’s life.
Therefore, multilingual corpora, consisting of text
related to the medical field, are collected by a trans-
lation system for parallel translation(Yoshino et al.,
2009). The following three-step process is followed
by this system: (1) The necessary corpus is registered
with the system by the user. (2) The corpus is trans-
lated into different languages by other users. (3) The
translation is clubbed with the original corpus.
The collected corpora are then made available to
other medical support systems. As of now, this trans-
lation system is available in five languages (Japanese,
English, Chinese, Korean, and Portuguese).
However, this translation system cannot provide
support to a foreigner who is unable to read any of
the languages the system is available in. In such a
case, it is necessary to provide voice support. Differ-
ent voices have been collected for speech translation
research before. However, the use of these collected
voices has become one of the most challenging issues
in the field since not all voices can be understood by
Therefore, the purpose of this research is to collect
accurate voices for providing voice translation sup-
port in the field of medicine(Miyabe et al., 2007).
Voice data collected in the utterance collection system
are meant to be provided to other voice-based sys-
tems. Therefore, the attributes of the person whose ut-
terances are recorded (the utterer) need to be known.
This system considers the following four attributes of
an utterer.
1. Sex and Date of Birth.
This system records the sex and the date of birth of
the utterer since prior to using the recorded data, it
is necessary to know whether the utterer is a male
or a female and whether he/she is an adult or a
2. Native Language.
Since a person’s native language affects his/her
pronunciation, the system also records the native
language of the utterer.
3. Proficiency in Nonnative Language.
It is necessary to know whether the utterer is
comfortable with the nonnative language in which
he/she is recording. Therefore, we asked the per-
son to rate his/her proficiency in the nonnative
language he/she was prepared to record in. The
definitions of the levels of proficiency are given in
Table 1.
4. Dialect.
The different ways in which a language is spoken
in different countries or in different regions of the
same country are called dialects. Since the qual-
ity of voice data is also dependent on these differ-
ences, the system even maintains a record of the
dialect spoken by the utterer. This system classi-
fies the variants of a language into the following
two types:
Variants in which both pronunciationsand char-
acters are different
Variants in which words are spelt in almost the
same way but their pronunciation is different
Chinese and Portuguese are examples of the first
type of classification. Chinese has two dialects,
Pekingese and Cantonese. The Portuguese spo-
ken in Portugal is different from the Portuguese
spoken in Brazil. These dialects are mutually dif-
ferent in terms of both pronunciation and spelling.
In particular, the pronunciation of both the Chi-
nese dialects is so different that people speaking
the two different dialects cannot understand each
other. English is anexample for the second type of
classification. Some words in American English,
British English, and Australian English are almost
similar in spelling but differ in pronunciation.
This system refers to the language variants that
fall in the latter category as ”dialects, and the
ones that fall in the former category are classified
as different languages.
This section describes the design of a Web-
based multilingual utterance collection system called
OTOCKER. We used PHP as the development lan-
guage. In this system, the voice is registered and re-
played on a Web browser.
4.1 User Management
This system defines four types of roles for users: man-
ager, voice editor, voice registrant, and voice replay
Table 2 shows the system rights for each role. The
system limits the functions of each role in order to
manage the large number of users.
Table 1: Description of four proficiency levels.
Proficiency levels Description
1 I can convey my opinions and ideas clearly in this language.
2 I can manage day-to-day conversation in this language.
3 I am a poor speaker of this language.
4 I do not speak this language.
Table 2: System rights for each role.
Rights Manager Voice editor Voice registrant Voice replay user
Add user, edit user, delete user O X X X
Delete voice data O O X X
Delete my voice addition O O O X
Add new voice data O O O X
Replay voice data O O O O
*A voice registrant can delete his/her own registered voice.
“O” shows that the role has the rights. “X” shows that the role does not have the rights.
4.2 System Configuration
Figure 1 shows the system configuration. Figure 2
shows the screen transition chart. In order to run cor-
rectly, this system needs a Java-enabled Web browser.
The system uses w3voice(Nisimura et al., 2008) for
collecting voice data on the Web browser. w3voice
can operate on Windows, MacOSX, and Linux; how-
ever, Java has to be installed on these operating sys-
tems. The voice of an utterer can be recorded only by
a mouse click. We use w3voice to reduce the users’
4.3 Voice Data Registration and Replay
Figure 3 shows the flow of voice data registration and
4.3.1 Flow of Voice Registration
1. The system presents the corpus list obtained from
the database of a medical-field corpora-sharing
system to a voice registrant.
2. The voice registrant selects a corpus from the list.
3. The user utters the corpus into the microphone.
Figure 4 shows the voice registration screen. Af-
ter recording the voice data with a voice recorder,
the system saves this voice data into a directory.
Then, the attributes and information of the voice
of the utterer are added to the database.
4.3.2 Flow of Voice Replay
1. The system presents the corpus list obtained from
the database of the medical field corpora sharing
system to a voice player.
2. The voice player selects a corpus from the list.
3. The voice list for the corpus is displayed.
4. The user selects the voice to replay.
5. The system obtains the voice file name from the
database and replays the voice. Figure 5 shows
a screenshot for a voice replay. When the user
clicks the voice replay button, the voice replay
begins. During the replay, the system shows the
profile of the utterer to the voice replay user.
We carried out a trial experiment using the proposed
system. The purpose of the experiment was to evalu-
ate the usability of OTOCKER.
5.1 Examinees
Table 3 shows the examinees’ native language and the
other languages that they can speak. Table 3 provides
the language-baseddistributionof the examinees. The
examinees are volunteer interpreters.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Voice registration user Voice replay user
Medical parallel corpora collection server
Multilingual utterance collection Web system (OTOCKER server)
User DB
Voice DB
corpora DB
Figure 1: System configuration of OTOCKER.
5.2 Experimental Procedure
We carried out the following procedure:
1. We explained the background and the purpose of
this system to the examinees.
2. Examinees registered their user information.
3. We explained the usage of the system.
4. The examinees recorded their own voice.
5. We asked the examinees to fill out a questionnaire.
6.1 Overall Expression of OTOCKER
Table 4 shows the results of the questionnaire survey.
The survey was based on a description-type question-
naire, and for the evaluation of the survey results, we
used a five-item Likert scale.
1. Item 1: I was able to register my voice easily.
The average value of the result is 4.2 on the five-
item evaluation. This value implies that even
though the examinee was not accustomed to the
operation of a PC, he/she could operate the system
easily. Some of the examinees also expressed sur-
prise at the fact that their voice could be recorded
so easily and clearly just by clicking on a button.
2. Item 2: This system is easy to use.
The average value of the result is 3.6 on the five-
item evaluation. In this case, the examinees were
Voice replay page
Voice registration page
Selected parallels corpus page
Parallel corpora list page
Login page
Select a parallel corpus
Figure 2: Screen transitions in OTOCKER.
A user
Medical parallel corpora server
Multilingual utterance
collection OTOCKER
corpora DB
Voice DB
Voice data directory
(wav format)
PHP script
Figure 3: Flowchart of voice registration and replay.
divided in their opinions. Some people said that
the operation of this system was easy or very sim-
ple. The others said that they required a guide in
order to use this system. Therefore, we have con-
cluded that the usability of the system needs to be
improved further.
Table 3: Language-based distribution of examinees.
Native language Japanese: 4 persons; Portuguese: 1 person
Other languages that
can be spoken
Japanese: 5 persons; English: 2 persons; Portuguese: 2 persons; Span-
ish: 2 persons
Table 4: Results of questionnaire survey.
Evaluation value
No. Items 1 2 3 4 5 Average
1 I was able to register my voice easily. 1 1 3 4.2
2 This system is easy to use. 3 1 1 3.6
3 I want to register my voice on this system. 1 3 1 3.6
4 I want to use this system continuously. 1 2 1 1 3.2
5 I would not like my voice to be used by other systems. 2 2 1 1.8
1) Evaluation value: 1: Strongly disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4: Agree, 5: Strongly agree
2) The numbers in each evaluation value column denote the number of people who held the view reflected by that particular evaluation value.
Voice recording button
Figure 4: Voice registration screen.
Voice replay button Sex Age Delete button
Figure 5: Voice replay screen.
3. Item 3: I want to register my voice on this system,
and Item 4: I want to use this system continuously.
The average values for Items 3 and 4 are 3.6 and
3.2, respectively. As responses to these items,
we received positive comments such as “I think
that the system can help many foreigners if it is
used in hospitals across Japan, “I would be glad
to register my voice on this system, and “I am
happy to have registered my voice with this sys-
tem. However, we also received few negative
comments such as “I was not happy with the qual-
ity of recording” and “I find it disturbing that my
voice will be used in a hospital.
4. Item 5: I would not like my voice to be used by
other systems.
The average value of the result is 1.8 on the five-
item evaluation. This result shows that there was
little resistance to the use of the voice. We did
not expect this result and believe that it could be
attributed to the fact that the examinees were vol-
We designed and developed a Web-based multilingual
utterance collection system, named OTOCKER. The
purpose of OTOCKER is to act as a voice collection
platform for intercultural communication. In this pa-
per, we presented the configuration of this system and
the results of trial experiments.
This work was supported by SCOPE (Strategic In-
formation and Communications R&D Promotion Pro-
gramme) of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Commu-
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tional Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
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