Ren Kanehira
Fujita Health University, Toyoake, Aichi, Japan
Weiping Yang
Aichi Shukutoku University, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
Miyoko Tateishi, Makoto Yagihashi, Hirohisa Narita, Hideo Fujimoto
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
Keywords: Acupuncture, Training system, Virtual reality, Insertion angle.
Abstract: We are developing an acupuncture training system using virtual reality (VR) technology for teaching of
oriental medical techniques. In this paper, special attention was paid in the insertion angle which is one of
the most important actions in acupuncture. The training system and related teaching method were proposed
for insertion angle training. The proposed system was evaluated with experiments, and the results were
proved effective.
Acupuncture among the traditional oriental medical
treatments has the merit of high efficiency with
almost no harmful side-effects. The effectiveness of
it has been re-realized in recent years, and
promotions of its use are also carried on worldwide.
(Shirota, F., 2002, Textbook executive committee,
1992, Sugiyama, I., 2003).
To carry out acupuncture treatment, it is
necessary in sequence to find the correct position
(acupoint), to put a needle on it, and to insert the
needle with proper angle. However, it has been
difficult to learn the technique because that the
acupoint was practically invisible, and in the
acupuncture teaching text the points were figured out
on a human body with only a flat 2D description
while a correct insertion require 3D information
containing the depth and insertion angle.
A training system using the advanced VR
technology has been proposed to solve the above
problems (Chen, L., 2005). The system is with a 3D
acupoint human body model upon which the
teaching of the 3D position of acu-points and a true-
false judgment of them can be done real-timely
(Kanehira, R., Shoda, A., Yagihashi, M., Narita, H.,
Fujimoto, H., 2008).
As one more advance to the training system, this
paper studied the training method for the insertion
angle upon a produced acupoint model of the human
head. The correct position and insertion angle of an
acupoint were provided so quantitative training
becomes possible. Experiments were done to
evaluate the system, and the effectiveness of the
training system for a beginner to learn acupuncture
was proved using the true-false judgment upon
quantitative information.
Acupuncture starts from the searching for the correct
position of an acupoint and then inserting a needle.
If the insertion angle cannot be taken precisely, it is
difficult to obtain the expected healing effect even
on a correct acupoint position. That is, the insertion
angle is as important as the position itself (Mori, H.,
Kanehira R., Yang W., Tateishi M., Yagihashi M., Narita H. and Fujimoto H. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 281-284
DOI: 10.5220/0001846202810284
Insertion angles can be roughly divided into 3
types shown in Figure 1. A plumb insertion (90°) is
used on positions with thicker muscle or fat such as
the legs or arms. An oblique insertion (45°) is used
on human body with thinner muscle such as the bent
parts or the face or spine. And a subcutaneous
insertion (15°) is used on parts with bones directly
under the skin Yamashita, M., 2003). It can be seen
that the smaller the angle is, the difficult the
insertion becomes.
Figure 1: Insertion angle.
There are many important acu-points around the
human head and neck. In this area, an oblique
insertion is required, followed by a subcutaneous
insertion to the acu-points (Mori, H., 1981).
Therefore, a human head-neck model was chosen for
this study.
Conventional training for insertion angle in
acupuncture has been carried on using such methods
as to insert on a fruit or a gauze ball, or on student’s
body of each other. In such a situation, the insertion
technique can only be learnt by sense with trial and
error while looking over the teacher’s performance.
In addition, the human body is not a flat one, and it
is difficult to measure correctly the insertion angle
on face or spine having concavo-convex.
Furthermore, a true or false judgment on student’s
trial is based on experience and personal senses with
variety. Thus, the proposed training system for
insertion angle is expected effective in practice.
3.1 Construction of the System
The system utilizes VR technology for insertion
angle training, which should be with high presence
and real timely. A human body model of acupoint
was firstly constructed on a computer. The trainee
moves the virtual needle connected with the training
device, to study the insertion angle according to
information provided on the computer. Figure 2
shows the system construction.
Figure 2: Configuration of the system.
3.2 Head Acupoint Model
As stated earlier, a human head-neck model was
chosen for training. A head acupoint model
represented was made within a computer, and its
surface was attached with skin images by texture
mapping method to get the most reality. Because the
position is changeable according to the position and
movement of a patient, the head model was also
made to be able to move freely. While the acu-points
in a conventional text can only be 2D-represented,
our model is with a 3D representation so an acupoint
can be seen even under the skin.
3.3 Teaching the Insertion Angle
A teaching method for insertion angle was proposed.
A virtual needle connecting to the training device
was produced and the acupoint was colored in red
for an easier looking. A pipe to guide the insertion
angle was then constructed. The guide pipe was put
over the skin surface with the far end to act as the
insert position called the insertion point. Figure 3
shows the relationship among the acupoint, the guide
pipe and the insertion point.
Figure 4 shows the training device. It was
equipped with a 3D sensor. When a hand is holding
and moving the device, a virtual needle (Figure. 5)
appears on screen of the computer, moved in
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Relationship among the acu-point, guide pipe
and insertion point.
Figure 4: Training device.
Figure 5: Virtual needle.
The judgment on true or false of an insertion
angle was done according to the contact relationship
among the tip of needle, the insertion point and the
acupoint model. A 2-step process is required for the
judgment. That is, a judgment on whether the virtual
needle has been inserted into the insertion point is
made first, and a blue circle is presented for a done
insertion (Figure 6). The 2nd judgment on whether
the insertion is with a correct angle is made
sequentially. A successful insertion with correct
angle is represented with double red circles (Figure
7), while an insertion with incorrect angle is with a
red crisscross (Figure 8).
Figure 6: A successful entry to the insertion point.
Figure 7: A successful entry with right angle.
Figure 8: An entry with false angle.
4.1 Experiment
Evaluation of the system, as an initial step of effect
evaluation, was done by operating/dialogizing
method by questionnaire over 6 persons (2 males
and 4 females of the 20th) on operating of plumb
insertion (90°), oblique insertion (45°), subcutaneous
insertion (15°), respectively.
4.2 Method
Experiment was done as the following.
1) Starting from plumb insertion, operating
when the guide pipe was represented.
2) Plumb insertion operating without the guide
pipe representation.
3) The same as above for oblique insertion and
subcutaneous insertion operating.
4) Questionnaire to the trainee on plumb
insertion, oblique insertion and subcutaneous
insertion, respectively.
Questionnaire questions are listed as Table 1.
Table 1: Questions for questionnaire.
No. Questions
1 Is operation easy?
2 Remember the insertion angle?
3 Keep the insertion angle?
4 An insertion with the guide map?
5 An insertion without guide map?
4.3 Evaluation
The SD method is used in evaluation (Nagamachi,
M., 1989). The SD method is one to
analyze/evaluate the psychological image using
words of sensitivity. A 7 levels of sensitivity with
words “very good”“good” “so-so” “yes and
no”“not so bad”“bad”“too bad” and point
from 6 to 0 were used in evaluation.
4.4 Results and Discussion
The results were summarized and compared for each
insertion angle. It is seen that higher scores were got
with plumb insertion and oblique insertion than
subcutaneous insertion, indicating the former two are
relatively easier to learn. Lower scores were
obtained for subcutaneous insertion, because the
latter is more difficult due to the very small insertion
The results are further divided according to
answers to questions 4 and 5 over 6 persons, with
and without the use of a guide pipe. The use of a
guide pipe results in higher scores in all insertion
angles (90°) (45°) and (15°). The result of the
subcutaneous insertion (15°) is shown in Figure 9.
test subject
(a) with guide pipe
test subject
(b) without guide pipe
Figure 9: Results of experiment (15°).
It is evident by comparing (a) and (b) in Figures
9 that higher scores are obtained with the use of
guide pipe particularly for subcutaneous insertion. It
can be said that the use of guide pipe is much helpful
for an insertion with right angle. Further, lower
scores appear for the difficult operation of
subcutaneous insertion so progress should be made
for an improvement of training effectiveness in
subcutaneous insertion.
A training system using VR technology was
presented for teaching the insertion angle in
acupuncture. A training environment having a 3D
head model with high presence and real-time
response was constructed within a computer. A
guide pipe was presented for a real-time true-false
judgment on the insertion angle. The system was
evaluated by operators using the method of
questionnaire, and the improvement on training of
insertion angle was confirmed.
This study was done partly with the finical support
from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research.
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SOPHIA BOOKS, in Japanese.
Textbook executive committee, 1992. Compendium of
meridian and acupuncture, IDO-NO-NIPPON SHA
INC., in Japanese.
Sugiyama, I., 2003. The book, Manual of acupuncture,
Gensosha, Inc. in Japanese.
Chen, L., 2005. Hidetoshi Atsumi and Hideo Fujimoto,
computer training system for acupuncture with force
feedback, Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, pp.245-
Kanehira, R., Shoda, A., Yagihashi, M., Narita, H.,
Fujimoto, H., 2008. Development of an Acupuncture
Training System using Virtual Reality Technology,
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
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NIPPON SHA Inc., in Japanese.
Yamashita, M., 2003. Illustrated clinical acupuncture and
meridian, Ishiyaku Inc., in Japanese.
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IDO-NO-NIPPON SHA Inc., in Japanese.
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Inc., in Japanese.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education