Christophe Nicolle and Christophe Cruz
Laboratory Le2i, Université de Bourgogne, B.P. 47870, 21078, Dijon CEDEX, France
Keywords: XML, Data integration, OWL, RDF, CDMF.
Abstract: This paper suggests a new approach to improve the integration of information. This approach is based on
the use of semantic adaptive graphs. The adaptive feature of our proposal makes it possible to manage two
specific aspects related to information integration: the adaptation of information according to the user’s
access rights and the lifecycle of the integrated information.
In the field of information systems, integration
consists in unifying heterogeneous information
sources for a given user. Since the Seventies, the
scientific community has tried to build up
this unified view through the proposal of various
models, languages and architectures independently
of an implementation (Navathe, 1982), (Chen,
1976). Today, the integration of information
becomes a set of calls made to Web services, which
are integrated into an XML document (Abiteboul,
2008). The resulting graph is built dynamically
according to the results of the distant calls.
Nevertheless, for each proposal, semantic
heterogeneity remains an unsolved subjacent
problem. In this field, the interest is to model a tacit
knowledge which is related to the information. The
suggestions evolve from the models to the
metamodels, then towards the mediators and finally
to ontologies (Liu, 2007). During this period, the
structure is strongly influenced by the emergence of
the object oriented models. Then, derived from the
concept of graphs (Sowa, 1984), the concept of the
semantic graph appears, as well as the concept of
ontology (Guarino, 1994). In our example, the
integration of information using ontology makes it
possible to assemble two pieces of a puzzle
according to the image which is printed on them
without worrying about the shape of the pieces.
From the combination of XML, ontology and
Web services, new proposals appear. For the
structural part, the comparison of XML grammars
becomes an important field of study. These
proposals are the descendants of those carried out by
Miller developed in 1993 (Miller, 1993). For the part
that is concerned with information access,
orchestration and choreography languages are
developed to combine the Web services. For the
semantical part, OWL and RDF languages become
the angular stones of research on ontologies. The
combinations of ontologies and XML are effective
when they are used to integrate information with the
objective of building a global system within the
meaning of the first distributed architectures (Bell,
1992), i.e. the source systems will disappear. Only
the built target system will be used. The formats of
the source models are replaced by XML schema.
The heterogeneous semantics of distributed
information will be homogenized in a common
thesaurus defined by ontology.
In the industrial field, the lifecycle of information is
of fundamental importance in the integration
process. This process is conditioned by the nature of
the information but also by the way in which it is
used. The nature of information can change
according to the context of use. In this approach,
integration is not finality but it is a continuous
process. During this process it is possible to
dynamically adapt the integrated information
according to the lifecycle of local information from
data source systems. To reach these requirements,
this paper presents a new approach based on
adaptive semantic graphs. These graphs model
information as well as the contexts of use of this
information and the lifecycle of this information for
each context. Our model is based on a combination
of various operators, such as RDF, OWL, SWRL
and Named Graph. The nodes described in these
Nicolle C. and Cruz C.
DOI: 10.5220/0001846701150118
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
graphs can represent multi-media information,
operators on the graphs and sub-graphs.
The following section is made up of three parts.
The first part gives an overview of the framework
CDMF. The second part presents a brief description
of the operators used to model the structural part of
the graph. The third part presents the operators used
to model the contextual part and the lifecycle of
information. The last part concludes this paper.
The CDMF framework gives a set of operators and
modeling structures which allow to deal with
temporal and contextual requirements of the
adaptive integration of information. The applicative
environment developed for CDMF is composed of
several parts: the engine, the configuration graph
called “SpaceSystem” and the interface (called API
The engine is composed of the Data Modeling
Layer and the Context Modeling Layer. The first
layer relates to the inference engine which is
used to infer and to check the data modeled by
the CDMF modeling operators. It is made up of
the implementation of the graph combination
operators (such as AddGraph, RemoveGraph,
MapGraph, etc.) and of the element
SystemGraph. The second layer is used to
manage the contexts in the CDMF architecture.
The SpaceSystem constitutes a configuration
space used by the inference engine. This space
contains a set of graphs SystemGraph containing
the initialization data.
The API CDMF proposes a set of functions
giving access to the various functionalities of the
CDMF applicative environment.
Due to lack of space, we restrict our presentation to
the Data Modeling Layer (DML) and the Context
Modeling Layer (CML). DML defines a reduced set
of operators allowing the semantic modeling of
information. These operators are based on RDF
specifications. CML is dedicated to context
modeling and graph manipulation.
DML is a language composed of a set of operators
derived from RDF, OWL and SWRL. DMF makes it
possible to describe classes and properties. These
classes and these properties can then be used in
statements (formulas) using operators of implication,
intersection, union, etc. The operator of implication
allows to constitute rules which express constraints
on these sets of individuals. The operators
composing this layer are
dmf:Class defines a class.
dmf:Property defines a property.
dmf:Equal defines the equality of two resources.
dmf:Var defines variables used in the logical
dmf:Predu defines unary predicates.
dmf:Predb defines binary predicates.
dmf:Equiv defines two predicates as equivalent.
dmf:And defines the intersection.
dmf:Not defines the negation.
dmf:Or defines the union.
dmf:OrX defines the exclusive disjunction.
For the following statements, the operator of
dmf:Imp is used to represent various
operators used in OWL.
dmf:Imp is equivalent to the
ruleml:Imp defined in SWRL. This SWRL
operator is derived from the RuleML formalism.
Imp(p1(?x,?y),p2(?x,?y)): defines p1 as a
sub-property of p2.
Imp(p(?x,?y),And(A(?x),B(?y)): defines
restrictions of the type for the subject and the
object of a property. Here, all the subject
instances of the property p are of type A and all
the object instances of the property p are of type
defines a transitive property
Imp(p(?x,?y),p(?y,?x)): defines a
symmetrical property.
defines a functional property. This feature
indicates a single property. It is a short cut to
declare a minimal cardinality being 0 and a
maximal cardinality being 1.
Imp(p1(?x,?y),p2(?y,?x)): defines p2 like the
inverse property of p1.
Imp(A(?x),B(?x)): defines A as a subclass of B.
defines an inverse functional property.
Imp(And(A(?x),p(?x,?y)),B(?y)): defines all
the values of p as being of type B.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Imp(A(?x),[i,j]p(?x,?y)): defines
cardinalities which are defined by a couple of
values between square brackets. The first value
defines the minimal cardinality and the second
value defines the maximum cardinality. In this
statement, any element of the type A contains
properties from i to j.
Imp(A(?x),p(?x,value)): defines a default
value for a class and its property. The elements
of the type A have a property p whose value is
The following example illustrates in an RDF/XML
format the use of the DML operators for the
construction of a schema. The two first lines create a
Building and a class Room. The third line
creates a property
contains. This example
composes the
cdmf:model which is part of the
dmf:systemgraph presented in the next section.
1 <dmf:Class rdf:ID=’Building’/>
2 <dmf:Class rdf:ID=’Room’/>
3 <dmf:Property rdf:ID=’contains’/>
The next example presents a DMF graph modeling
data according to the previous schema. Due to lack
of space, the format is in RDF/N3. This example
composes the
cdmf:graph which is part of the
dmf:systemgraph presented in the next section.
1 :G1 {
2 :room_1 rdf:type :Room
3 :building_1 rdf:type :Building
4 :building_1 :contains :room_1 }
The first line defines a data graph called G1. Line 2
defines two instances of class
Room called room_1.
Line 3 defines an instance
building_1 from the
Building. This instance is linked with room_1
using the property
contains in line 4. This example
presents the static part of our approach. This part
makes it possible to integrate heterogeneous
information without taking into account the lifecycle
of information.
The Context Modeliing Layer (CML) has been
developed to enhance the static part defined in the
DML. CML is articulated in two parts. The first part
defines the context of use for each DML graph. The
second part defines a set of operators used to
combine graphs and to limit data redundancy.
CDMF organizes a set of properties into a graph.
These properties are used to model control access
(read/write) and to represent context. This element is
cdmf:SystemGraph. It is composed of
properties that describe with the help of graphs the
user’s access conditions, the data model in which the
data graph is structured and the data graph:
cdmf:graph connects graph and data. These data
are described according to the data model (which
can be a combination between other graphs using
CDMF operators).
cdmf:of represents the context. This property
defines a list of resources representing the access
cdmf:model defines for a system graph the data
model which is used. This data model defines
elements which will appear in the graph.
cdmf:action defines user’s rights to access the
data. (read/write/remove)
We derive from Named Graph the representation of
contexts. This property makes it possible to define
an RDF graph like a resource related to a context.
The sub-graph modeling the context is defined by
the property
cdmf:of. In our proposal we used the
context to construct an integrated sub-system
according to the type of user. It enables us to build
an integrated information management according to
user environments. For example, it is possible to link
the data graph G1 with a context defined by a user
(Line 1) and a date (Line 2).
1 :G1 :auteur ’Christophe Cruz’.
2 :G1 :date ’08/23/08’.
The second part of CML is made of operators. The
use of these operators allows the simplification of
the management of the evolution of integrated
information. Rather than to store a new version of
information, we integrate the process of evolution of
the information into a graph of operators.
cdmf:AddGraph allows the union of two or
several graphs. It has a property
cdmf:args. This
property is a list of RDF elements (
which are graphs.
To illustrate this operator, let us consider the first
example G1 with a Building_1 which contains
room_1. If the next day ‘08/24/08’, the same user
‘Christophe Cruz’ updates this structure by adding a
new room to the building, the following new
cdmf:SystemGraph G2 will be built. The
cdmf:graph part will contain:
1 :G2 rdf:type cdmf:AddGraph
2 :G2 cdmf:args :li1
3 :li1 rdf:li :G1
4 :li1 rdf:li :G1b
5 :G1b {
6 :room_2 rdf:type :Room.
7 :building_1 :contains :room_2 }
The cdmf:of part contains the reference to the
1 :G2 :auteur ’Christophe Cruz’.
2 :G2 :date ’08/24/08’.
The updates of the integrated information are
stored in the graph. In this example, it is possible to
go back to a former version of the integrated system.
cdmf:InterGraph carries out the intersection on
the sets of triplets of each graph. It has two
cdmf:arg1 and cdmf:arg2, which
represent the two graphs on which the
intersection must be calculated
cdmf:CompInterGraph makes it possible to
determine which part of the triplet is concerned
by the calculation of the intersection.
cdmf:MapGraph defines a graph of
correspondence. This graph is a transformation
of a graph into another graph using rules of
correspondences. It has two properties
cdmf:map indicating the graph source and the
graph where the rules of transformation are
cdmf:RemoveGraph makes it possible to remove a
part of a graph. It has two properties
cdmf:rem. The second property constitutes
the set of the triplets to be withdrawn from the
graph indicated by the first argument.
We tested several combinations of operators in order
preserve the history of the integrated information
adapt the model of integrated data according to
the new source models which are added during
the lifecycle of the system.
ensure the migration of the data according to the
evolution of the integrated data model.
build interfaces adapted to the profile of the user.
An interface is a sub-graph which connects the data,
the process and a graphic charter according to the
rights and the context of the user.
This paper made an attempt at presenting a state-of-
the-art related to the integration of information in the
field of information systems. The authors tried to
underline the difference between the academic
proposals and the actual industrial realities. The
paper showed that integration is not a final process.
The integration of information in the industrial
world requires a perpetual update of the integrated
system while taking into account the lifecycle of
information and the user context. To meet these
needs, this paper presented an integration method
based on adaptive semantic graphs. These graphs
make it possible to facilitate the process of
integration while proposing mechanisms to update
the integrated information and its context
Our proposal was implemented into a Web
collaborative platform dedicated to facility
management. In this field, the lifecycle of the
building is made up of four steps: design,
construction, exploitation and maintenance. In this
platform, the local users preserve the use of their
local systems. Each local user can obtain an
integrated sight of the building in the form of a 3D
mock-up generated from the operators of CDMF.
Currently, more than 6 million m
of building
surface are being integrated.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies