Scalability Issues and Student Satisfaction in a Virtual World
Marc Conrad, David Pike, Paul Sant and Catherine Nwafor
Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Bedfordshire, Park Square, Luton, U.K.
Second Life, Virtual Worlds, Student Activities.
There are high expectations on Second Life, a multi-user interactive virtual environment, to play a prominent
role in higher education in the future. Across universities worldwide many projects aim to engage students
in a variety of activities related to Second Life. However typically the number of students participating in
those projects is small and the use of Second Life is an optional addition to the syllabus. We present two
activities, conducted in 2007 and 2008 where Second Life has been used as an integral, non voluntarily part
of an assignment in project management. Feedback from the 200 participants has been collected in the form
of a questionnaire and interviews. Our results show that students have found the experience mostly positive,
or, at least, didn’t object to it. However technical and administrative problems have been identified that still
question the suitability of Second Life for a smooth provision of these activities on a large scale.
Second Life (Linden Lab, 2003) is an online three
dimensional virtual world with an advanced way of
building, interaction, socialization, communication,
collaboration and networking. Businesses and insti-
tutions of various backgrounds such as IBM, Toyota,
Reuters, BBC or Adidas enjoy a virtual presence in
Second Life (Salomon, 2007). At the time of writing
(November 2008) Second Life statistics records over
1,000,000 users “logged in last 60 days” and more
than 60,000 users “online now”. In the educational
sector it is often seen as a modern method of teach-
ing and learning online. The huge expectations on
Second Life as an educational tool manifests itself in
statements such as “As students expectations rise, ed-
ucational institutions will have to find ways of pro-
viding a mass-customised service, and virtual world
technologies provide a cost-effective way of providing
individualised support in a superior way to the cur-
rent Web 2.0 platforms such as Blackboard or Moo-
dle. (Kingsley, 2007)
However current studies of student behavior in
Second Life are pilots with small student cohorts
(Sanchez, 2007; Ritzema and Harris, 2008) and of-
ten optional in the student’s course diet. In contrast
our study seeks to answer the question of how such
activities scale to large student cohorts in a situation
where Second Life constitutes a mandatory and inte-
gral assessment part of the module syllabus.
In doing so we not only question the validity of the
statement quoted above but also are able to demon-
strate the problems arising with scaling Second Life
to large cohorts. The result could be summarized as
follows. While students are indeed willing and ready
to accept the inclusion of Second Life as part of their
learning experience, the technical underpinnings of
Second Life itself need to improve before we can ex-
pect its widespread use in teaching.
The paper is organized as follows. First we give an
overview about the virtual presence of the University
of Bedfordshire where this study has been carried out
and put this into the wider context of educational ac-
tivities in Second Life. This is followed in Section 3
by a description of the tasks given to the students. In
total 200 students have been “sent” to Second Life.
Evidence of their experience has been gathered via a
questionnaire and interviews in addition to anecdotal
observations. This evidence is presented in Section 4
followed by the conclusions in Section 5.
Conrad M., Pike D., Sant P. and Nwafor C. (2009).
TEACHING LARGE STUDENT COHORTS IN SECOND LIFE - Scalability Issues and Student Satisfaction in a Virtual World.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 10-17
DOI: 10.5220/0001846800100017
Second Life is an online virtual environment offer-
ing opportunities for interaction between many dif-
ferent sections of the world-wide community. There
are several different types of activities that can be un-
dertaken within the Second Life “grid”: interacting
with other users (known as avatars), buying and sell-
ing objects such as clothing, participating in or at-
tending live events. Utilizing Second Life and tak-
ing on the role of an avatar is free. Therefore from
an educator’s point of view, it is possible to discover
areas where opportunities for students’ development
can take place. Many educational establishments and
commercial bodies have a presence within Second
Life and it is clearly becoming a point of interest for
the larger web-community.
Activities in the UK are well documented (Kir-
riemuir, 2008) and show a great variety: Projects
range from small student driven projects up to large
developments across nine Second Life “islands”.
Many universities have externally funded research
projects in Second Life. Casually browsing the In-
ternet and Second Life itself suggests many similar
activities from universities all over the world.
(Ritzema and Harris, 2008) attempted to evalu-
ate the use of Second Life as a tool for facilitating
distance learning. The team rebuilt real life exam-
ples from a computing laboratory in the Second Life
grid for students to experiment with. The group in
this case was relatively small (fourteen individuals),
but the feedback was extremely positive and indicated
that many of the students found that the online activ-
ity enabled them to better understand the laboratory
(Sanchez, 2007) reports on the social and techni-
cal issues in the context of a student activity involving
a focus group of eighteen students. There the picture
is less positive and a number of both social and tech-
nical issues are highlighted.
Anecdotal experience gathered from various per-
sonal discussions with educators in Second Life
seems to indicate that typically the use of Second Life
at universities is an initiative of a small number of in-
dividuals, usually teachers, that in addition to their
teaching activities (in the context of their Second Life
activities) assume the roles of technical and admin-
istrative support. Often the use of that “game” in
teaching is merely tolerated by senior administrative
management and (in the best case) not been hindered
by technical support. This is reminiscent to the early
days of the Internet where educators who wanted to
make their teaching material available electronically
had to adopt the additional role of their own web mas-
The situation at the University of Bedfordshire
is much better. Land in Second Life has been ac-
quired by the Teaching & Learning Support Depart-
ment and championed by the technical support. In-
novative teaching using Second Life is explicitly en-
couraged. We are going to show however that even in
such a seemingly optimal environmental and organi-
zational context the use of Second Life as a manda-
tory part of a student assignment is not without prob-
lems. Evidence has been gathered from two assign-
ments involving 200 students in total. While the stu-
dents’ feedback is generally positive, technical diffi-
culties that arise from the inherent workings of Sec-
ond Life itself prevail, or to put it more bluntly: While
students are ready for an assignment of that style, Sec-
ond Life itself is not (yet).
We want however add a caveat: Second Life pro-
vides a whole plethora of opportunities for universi-
ties. This paper is not meant to question such activi-
ties in principle. In particular it may well be suitable
for individual projects of creative and interested stu-
dents in areas such as art, psychology, computer sci-
ence or architecture. However the scalability of such
projects to a large cohort of students that a priori can-
not be assumed to have any specific aptitude towards
virtual environments is questioned here.
3.1 Context of the Assignment
Figure 1: View over Bedfordia (front) and the University of
Bedfordshire (back) in Second Life.
The location of the student activities that we are go-
ing to describe in the following sections took place
at the island “Bedfordia” owned by the department of
Teaching and Learning of the University of Bedford-
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
shire, For clarity it should be noted that the university
also owns a second adjacent island named “University
of Bedfordshire” which is primarily used for market-
ing purposes. In particular while the “University of
Bedfordshire” island has been designed to give a look
and feel of the real university by featuring character-
istic university buildings such as a library or student
union, the island of Bedfordia has been landscaped
by a skilled builder to stimulate creative activities. It
features atmospheric structures such as lakes, wood-
lands, a tree house and a swimming pool (Figure 1).
The Teaching and Learning island Bedfordia has a
size of 32560 sq. m. For the assignment an area
of about 5632 sq. m. has been made available as a
building area - ”sandbox” - for the students. The use
of Second Life has been championed as well by the
university’s Information Systems Department so that
there have been no principal issues to be resolved con-
cerning firewalls, blocked ports or Second Life client
installations on student machines (difficulties that are
often encountered at other universities). In summary
it can be said that the environmental and technical
conditions have been optimal to run the learning ac-
tivities described in the next section.
3.2 Pilot Activity, Autumn 2007
In 2007 the provision of the Second Life island by
the University of Bedfordshire was brought to the at-
tention to the teaching team of the undergraduate 3rd
year module “IT Project Management”. At that time
Second Life has been accessible from inside the uni-
versity via client installations in a lab specialized in
computer graphics. Given this availability a decision
was made to pilot the use of Second Life to a larger
cohort of students. In that module 84 students were
In previous years the assessment of the project
management module already contained an element
that focuses on team cohesion and human interac-
tion. Students were randomly assigned into teams and
given access to a team-owned discussion board. The
core task for the students was to organize social meet-
ings in order to ”improve the team coherence”. The
marks were based on the students evaluation of those
meetings. For more details (without the Second Life
context) please see (Conrad et al., 2006) where the as-
signment and learning outcomes are presented and the
relevance to cultural profiles of teams is discussed.
In 2007 this activity has been altered by requiring
the students to meet virtually in Second Life. Be-
cause introducing students to the specific demands
of “virtual teams” has already been part of the syl-
labus in previous years the use of Second Life would
blend in naturally. The students were given the fol-
lowing case study (in the following all emphasized
text denotes a direct quotation from the assignment
sheet the students received): “BedTime Books Ltd
wants to set up a (virtual) branch in Second Life
(see http://secondlife.com ). BedTime Books’ branch
should be located near the University of Bedfordshire
at the island Bedfordia. Your company has no previ-
ous experience with virtual worlds. For this project
BedTime Books has assigned you to a project team of
7 or 8 people. As the team members come from dif-
ferent locations [. . . ] a group discussion board has
been set up [. . . ] to enhance communication. The
notion of ”different locations” has been simulated by
sourcing the groups from different practical sessions
meaning that there was a priori no default time slot
in the week where students can meet either virtually
or really. This must be negotiated within the student
group. The students had to work against the following
two goals:
To form a coherent team that could actually start
with building the branch [. . . ].
To familiarize all team members with the virtual
environment provided by Second Life, and in par-
ticular the island Bedfordia.
The meeting had to be evidenced by providing a
screenshot and the whole process had later to be eval-
uated in an individual report. The activity concluded
with the following note: “No particular help will be
given from the tutors on how to use and interact with
Second Life. To identify suitable resources such as
tutorials is part of the task of the project team. As
Second Life is designed in a way that it is usable
by the general public and even more because the stu-
dents have been enrolled in computing related degrees
where an affinity towards the use of software can be
assumed this approach seemed feasible. As a matter
of fact the validity of the remark has not been ques-
tioned by any of the students.
The activity is essentially designed as an indi-
vidual assessment in so far that marks are primarily
not given on the group performance as a whole but
rather based on the individual students’ interactions
and their reflection on those in the final report. A
template for this report has been provided and we in-
cluded an evaluative questionnaire on the experience
of the students in Second Life. While the answers
of this evaluation questionnaire have not been consid-
ered to be relevant for the students’ grade they nev-
ertheless allowed to gather the quantitative and qual-
itative feedback that informed the use of Second Life
in the next assignment described in Section 3.3. For
details on the results of this questionnaire see Sec-
TEACHING LARGE STUDENT COHORTS IN SECOND LIFE - Scalability Issues and Student Satisfaction in a Virtual
tion 4.3. From the 84 students enrolled in this activity
around fifty filled in the questionnaire.
The assignment helped to get an initial feeling
about what it means to use Second Life as a tool in
teaching and assessing students. In addition it helped
to sort out some teething problems in deploying the
necessary Second Life client software as a default ap-
plication on the workstations so that it is accessible
by the students.
3.3 Building of a Showcase
(Professional Project Management)
Inspired by the positive experience in autumn 2007
as described in the previous section a decision was
made to include Second Life in the assessment pro-
cess of the postgraduate module “Professional Project
Management” that run in spring 2008. In this module
114 students have been enrolled. The focus of this
assessment is the successful application of a project
management processes within a real-world environ-
ment. More specifically the following learning out-
comes have been addressed in this activity:
To understand the importance of team coherence
in a professional (team based) project
To clearly communicate in a variety of media at
an advanced academic level
To develop Key Skills in the areas of Performance
Management and Presentation and Evaluation
To apply a project management methodology
within a real-world context.
At the start of the assignment students have been
pre-assigned into teams of 4-6 people. It should be
noted that this module is part of the syllabus of var-
ious different postgraduate awards in Computing at
the University of Bedfordshire. As far as possible the
teams have been assigned in a way so that all students
in any particular team share the same award. This
should provide a common basis to work on the project
mandate that was described as follows (quote from the
assignment sheet):
“You have been asked to work in a group of IT
specialists to develop a set of products that can be
used to educate the general public about your spe-
cialist area, e.g., Networking students will educate
the general public on wireless and mobile networks;
Computer Scientists will educate the general public
on pervasive computing, and how computing is be-
coming an integral part of our lives; Generalists will
educate the general public on the increasing use of
E-commerce, and the security implications that this
Then the set of products to be developed is further
“Poster [. . . ]
A wiki page [. . . ]
A Second Life showcase that would serve to raise
the awareness of visitors of the virtual Univer-
sity of Bedfordshire to essential issues regarding
your specialist area. This showcase will be pre-
sented to the Programme/Corporate Management
(i.e. the module tutors) but should be designed
and build in a way that it is accessible to the gen-
eral public.
The assignment sheet than finally gave further di-
rection on the processes to be used. Concerning Sec-
ond Life the following paragraph was added:
“Second Life is accessible from the CIS labs (or,
of course, from home). You have to register an ac-
count with Linden Labs at www.secondlife.com. No
particular help will be given from the tutors on how
to use and interact with Second Life. To identify suit-
able resources such as tutorials is part of the task of
the project team and must hence be included in the
project brief. A dedicated space to build up the Sec-
ond Life showcase will be provided [...]. Please en-
sure to produce regular screenshots in order to docu-
ment the progress of the project.
Figure 2: Students working on the assignment in Second
Evidence on how this assignment has been per-
ceived has been gathered by interviews with the stu-
dents at the end of the course.
We want to point out here that Second Life has
been introduced to the students as a platform for pro-
ductivity and not as a means to communicate with
each other remotely or as a place to have virtual meet-
ings. Those features though have been mentioned as
side effects in the lectures and practical sessions.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
4.1 Anecdotal Observations
We start our discussion on feedback with reporting
some of the students’ reactions made at the beginning
of the assignment or shortly after.
Only one student of the second cohort challenged
the tutor in questioning the use of Second Life in
principle. Those concerns could be addressed by
pointing out the relevance of virtual teams in lo-
cally distributed real life projects and also in hint-
ing that Second Life is not a game but a social
platform that is used for education also by other
institutions throughout the UK and worldwide.
Some students had difficulties with the term
”showcase” used in the assignment. This has been
addressed by reference to showcases of compa-
nies and other institutions in Second Life. As it
was intended to give the project teams ownership
in making their own design decisions it was ab-
stained from giving step-by-step details on what
should constitute an acceptable end result.
The intention that no help was to be provided
by the tutors was overoptimistic to say the least.
While that approach was feasible in the much
simpler undergraduate assignment as described in
Section 3.2 it was felt that most students found
the task to actually build in Second Life very chal-
lenging. Hence it was decided to start one of the
lectures with a short fifteen minute long demon-
stration on how to actually build a simple poster
in Second Life by starting with a slide in Power-
Point (saving the PowerPoint slide as png-file, up-
loading the file and applying the texture to a prim
in Second Life). Actual building of the students
in Second Life then started essentially after that
demonstration. In addition some useful building
tools have been provided in-world for the students
to work with and individual help was given by the
tutors (see below).
Once students had completed the process of reg-
istering an avatar on Second Life they were re-
quired to send an instant message to an assigned
member of staff so the student could be placed in a
group with appropriate access to build and create
objects. It was then decided to provide a minimal
level of instruction for the students as we consid-
ered this to be an important part of each individ-
ual project’s development. Tutors spent time with
the students explaining the nature and abilities to
manipulate objects in Second Life within the Uni-
versity’s sandbox area. One of the voluntary res-
idents on the Bedfordia island provided students
with links to other areas and to textures and ob-
jects within Second Life.
4.2 Questionnaire Evaluation of the
Pilot Activity
The following questionnaire has been distributed to
the students after the activity:
In the second part of the assignment you have
been asked to use Second Life. To help us to under-
stand your experience with this new format better we
would like you to answer the following questions.
1. On a scale of 1 (easiest) to 5 (hardest) how easy
did you find it to to get into Second Life?
2. What things were difficult (if anything) about get-
ting IN to Second Life?
3. On a scale of 1 (easiest) to 5 (hardest) - how easy
did you find it to get to Bedfordia?
4. What things were difficult about getting to Bedfor-
5. What was your opinion of Bedfordia?
6. In what ways did you find Second Life useful for
the task you were set, i.e. to have a project meet-
7. In what ways do you think Second Life as a learn-
ing tool is different from BREO? [The university’s
Blackboard based content management system]
8. In what ways do you think Second Life could be
used to support your learning?
From a cohort of 84 students 50 responses have been
received. Note that only questions one and three give
quantitative results while the other questions are of
qualitative character. In question one for 80% of the
respondents getting into Second Life was easy or neu-
tral 20% found it hard. The problems encountered by
those 20% are about installing Second Life at home
(which was not a requirement) or difficulties to regis-
For question 3 only 3% of the students found it
hard to find the island of Bedfordia (the student’s
home location) in Second Life. Those problems were
not substantial and could be easily resolved by asking
a tutor or friends (question 4).
The impression students got from the island Bed-
fordia (question 5) was overwhelmingly positive. Stu-
dents commented with words like “exciting”, “well
designed”, “interesting” or “pleasant”. It seems here
that the fact that the island has been landscaped by
TEACHING LARGE STUDENT COHORTS IN SECOND LIFE - Scalability Issues and Student Satisfaction in a Virtual
a skilled Second Life builder has been paid off. It
is our feeling that professional landscaping is a non-
negligible factor when designing an official presence
in Second Life. It facilitates students to accept the vir-
tual world as “theirs”, as a professional service of the
university designed to enhance their teaching.
Question 6 “In what ways did you find Second Life
useful for the task you were set, i.e. to have a project
meeting?” suggests a more subtle picture. Many re-
marks were enthusiastic, however for reasons that are
essentially generic to any software that supports vir-
tual meetings. One of the critical answers put it to
the point: “I could see nothing that Second Life did
that an instant messenger could not., or similarly
“Since there are many communication softwares on
the market, in my opinion for a virtual project meet-
ing I would choose another software. [. . . ]”. Still, the
majority was willing to freely assume the usefulness
of Second Life as a proper tool for virtual meetings.
It seems odd that the obvious overhead like register-
ing, creating an avatar and learning basic moves has
largely not been seen as an obstacle by most of the
respondents. It may also be surprising that not a sin-
gle response somehow addresses the issues that one’s
identity in Second Life is presented by an avatar and
that a meeting by such proxy-identities might be per-
ceived somehow differently then a (virtual) meeting
where participants identify themselves by their real
Question 7 evaluates the student’s perception of
Second Life as a learning tool. In particular it has
been asked to compare Second Life to the univer-
sity’s Blackboard type content management system.
Many differences have been highlighted such as “Sec-
ond Life is more interactive” or “Second Life is a real
time experience and is fun” and virtually no similar-
ities have been identified by any of the students. The
response “Personally I wouldn’t call it as a learning
tool, but more of virtual excitement game. is an ex-
ample typical to many of the student responses. This
is interesting in view of the statement we quoted in the
introduction “[. . . ] virtual world technologies pro-
vide a [. . . ] support in a superior way to the current
Web 2.0 platforms such as Blackboard or Moodle.
(Kingsley, 2007). If this were truly the case, wouldn’t
we expect that at least some of those who now had
experience in both Blackboard and Second Life see
some potential there?
Finally, Question 8 asks how Second Life would
enhance one’s learning experience. Here the answers
are rather negatives “can’t think of any way in which
it may be used to support my learning. and similarly
“Not useful because you can only use it for discus-
sions and getting to know purposes, and not learning
lecture notes for example.. If at all, the usefulness of
Second Life as a meeting tool has been highlighted,
essentially in reference to answers given already to
Question 6.
In summary the questionnaire suggests a certain
openness towards the use of Second Life in general.
In particular there were hardly any difficulties with
the enrollment process or any issues with the concept
of having an avatar in Second Life as part of an as-
sessment task. Students in general felt positive about
the island of Bedfordia and how it was built. However
the answers to questions 7 and 8 made it painstakingly
clear that they didn’t see any relevant connection be-
tween Second Life and an electronic learning plat-
forms such as Blackboard. The perception seemed
rather that of a “game” that added some interesting
colour to their teaching experience.
4.3 Interview Results from the Building
Feedback from the second activity that required the
actual built of structures in Second Life (see Sec-
tion 3.3) has been gathered by conducting interviews.
In each interview session approximately ten students
took part and a recording device has been used to pro-
vide transcripts of the interviews. We structure the
following sections around the main topics that have
been addressed during those interviews.
4.3.1 Students Getting Signed up to Second Life
Most of the students had little difficulty signing up to
Second Life: However this operation appeared to oc-
cur continuously throughout the activity. First, many
of the groups assigned one or two persons to be re-
sponsible for the development of their group’s show-
case within the island. Towards the end of the project
many of the other group members decided that they
wanted to review the progress personally (i.e. with
their own avatar within Second Life), or to in some
way aid the development of the showcase. This sud-
den rush which coincided with the nearing project
submission date caused issues with our ability to re-
spond. At one point over 40 instant messages have
been received in one day and considerable time was
spent trying to deal with “confused” students who
wanted to build a showcase, but clearly were not
aware that their fellow group members had already
built substantial structures.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Instructions given to students where to find the
building place.
4.3.2 Instant Messaging, but Instead Adding as
a Friend
Our students had problems using the Second Life in-
terface to send instant messages. Initial instructions
indicated that students would need to message a mem-
ber of staff (Figure 3). However many of the students
thought that to send an instant message they needed
to be friends with the staff member. Friend requests
formed a substantial part of the traffic sent to the in-
box of staff.
4.3.3 Students Navigating around Second Life
Many of the students found the initial orientation is-
land useful but a little confusing. The comments we
received seemed to suggest that students would need
much support in the way of building and learning how
to build items within Second Life. However most
were able to operate within the environment without
too many problems.
4.3.4 Finding Space to Build and ’prim’ Space
Many of the students had problems with finding an
area to build within the designated area. Most of these
issues stemmed from students arriving very close to
the submission deadlines to build their showcases. We
had to make suggestions and in some cases changes
to more capacious structures. Some groups elected to
build skyboxes to ensure that they would not interfere
with spaces closer to the ground. Towards the sub-
mission date we also found that the space on the is-
land had run out of prim space (“prims” are the small-
est building units that can be used to set up structures
within Second Life. Essentially the number of prims
that can be used on any given land is limited). Extra
space had to be added.
Rather fascinatingly students perceived that their
showcase buildings needed items like roofs, stairs
and even chairs. During interviews it transpired that
students thought the buildings needed to “look like
proper buildings” otherwise they would not get marks
for their project. We took opportunities to question
students about the addition of items such as chairs,
and in one case a coffee maker, it appeared that the
students wanted to create a truly personalized experi-
ence for those visiting the showcase.
4.3.5 Miscellaneous Issues
Aside from the main issues addressed in the previous
sections feedback also included the ability to under-
take project meetings regardless of geographical lo-
cation, the potential for creativity and use of imagi-
nation, and the contrast to other projects. Consider-
ations over appearance include appropriate dress and
indicates that students typically identified themselves
with their avatar: ‘Furies and animal avatars’ are
weird - people should be dressed in their own gen-
der”. Some benefits were suggested in relation to an
international audience: “If people from different cul-
tures and background wanted to work together Sec-
ond Life would provide an excellent tool. In real life
you have to be able to understand others’ accents
etc. Second Life has text chat which makes this pro-
cess easier. Students had difficulties with some typ-
ical Second Life efforts such as learning to build and
upload objects and textures, object number limits on
Bedfordia, and obtaining the local in-world currency
(“Linden Dollars”).
Use of Second Life does not avoid the familiar
group project difficulties - motivating group members
(to build), and trying to better understand the require-
ments of the project. On the whole the efforts run at
Bedfordia have been well-received by the students.
4.4 Administrative and Technical Issues
In this section we highlight some issues that have been
identified by the educators complimentary to student
Usability issues: To make a build it was neces-
sary to enrol students in a Second Life group, the
instructions as shown in Figure 3 have been dis-
tributed to the students. This enrollment proce-
dure has been felt to be too time consuming. For
further activities a process to streamline access of
student groups to land in Second Life needs to be
Student guidance: Students needed more guid-
ance then expected. Although Second Life is full
TEACHING LARGE STUDENT COHORTS IN SECOND LIFE - Scalability Issues and Student Satisfaction in a Virtual
of structures set up by non-IT professionals and
hence postgraduate students in computing degree
could be expected to acquire the necessary skills
and knowledge themselves, it quickly turned out
that some basic guidance needed to be provided.
Updates: Second Life requires frequent updates of
the client software. As student accounts are typi-
cally limited and the update requires administrator
rights, this regular procedure implied a consider-
able additional workload to technical staff.
Backups: The assessment process heavily de-
pends on the availability of Second Life being ac-
cessible in a stable and reliable way. Hence there
is an inherent risk of data loss, essentially not con-
trollable by the university, that might have spoiled
the structures set up by the students. It has been
tried to safeguard against such an incident by reg-
ular in-world visits of the tutor. During those vis-
its screenshots have been made to document stu-
dent progress. Luckily no such incident occurred.
The students found the experience mostly positive or
were at least neutral. Even students without an ap-
titude towards virtual worlds or “computer games”
developed a sense of professional identity with their
avatars. The production of a showcase provided them
with a sense of ownership and achievement. Learning
outcomes that address responsible and professional
behavior in virtual environments have been met.
However from the administrative point of view a
number of problems have been encountered and there
is a feeling that accommodating those large student
groups in Second Life is still very resource inten-
sive. A straightforward and manageable process to
ease controlled enrollment and to provide students
with land to build on still needs to be identified.
An issue that remains essentially unresolved is the
lack of a backup process that would facilitate a fair
marking of the students work in case of a system fail-
Second Life enthusiasts often emphasize the suit-
ability of that virtual world for education, but iden-
tify the steep learning curve for the students concern-
ing basic steps on how to create, design and use their
avatar as the main obstacle. While there are some mi-
nor issues when it comes to creatively building struc-
tures such a view merely hides the real, resource in-
tensive, problems concerning enrollment and manag-
ing land accessibility. We have found that students are
generally willing and ready to adopt a virtual presence
within Second Life as part of their module diet. It is
Second Life itself that has still to mature technologi-
cally to allow smooth management of large numbers
of students.
However in view of ongoing research in this area,
to name only the SLOODLE (Kemp and Livingstone,
2006) project at the University of Edinburgh that aims
to integrate Second Life with the “traditional” con-
tent management system MOODLE, it can be envis-
aged that the technological difficulties will be over-
come eventually and that Second Life will play a more
prominent role in the educational sector in the future.
The authors want to thank the students of the Univer-
sity of Bedfordshire for their willingness to embark
with the authors on this journey. Without them this
work would not have been possible. We also want to
thank Yucca Gemini (Second Life avatar name) who
so beautifully landscaped the island of Bedfordia cre-
ating a stimulating atmosphere.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education