Rinaldo C. Michelini and Roberto P. Razzoli
PMAR Lab., DIMEC, University of Genova, via Opera Pia 15/a, 16145 - Genova, Italy
Keywords: Knowledge management, Lifestyle design, Product-service, Reverse logistics, Service engineering.
Abstract: The eco-protection acts imply reorganising the manufacture business, towards product-service supply
chains. The innovation can be tackled at two ranges: - the presetting of the knowledge management
surroundings, to deal with the extended producers’ responsibility; - the incorporation of the entrepreneurial
facility/function assembly, to accomplish the product-service delivery. The paper surveys the knowledge
management frame, specifying the standard PLM aids, with account of the PLM-SE and PLM-RL
requirements, giving especial attention on the alternative net-concern options, from virtual, to extended
enterprises infra-structures.
The industrialised societies face greater challenges
than ever, to keep the growth pace, due to
globalisation (competition of lower wage countries,
etc.) and to sustainable growth (exacting regulations
to preserve eco-conservativeness, etc.). For higher
effectiveness, several major changes in product
design are needed, with focus on lifelong properties
and on recovery opportunities. These paradigm
shifts modify the relative weigh of the design phase,
compared to the production phase, as, in the past,
return on investment was mostly won by
manufacture internalities, once pre-set optimal off-
process choices.
The trend leads to expand manufacturers’
liability, from the point-of-sale, to the point-of-
service, to support the conformance assessment
duties, as for safety and environment protection acts,
and to the point-of-disposal, to comply the enacted
recovery, recycling and reclamation duties. This
means to deal with the provision of products-
services, where the additions correspond to the
intangible frames, going together with the (material)
supply chains, to warranty scopes feat, at clients’
satisfaction and environmental safeguard.
The design steps become critical: to optimise the
lifecycle performance, to increase the profitability,
to enhance the delivery quality, to respond to the
regulatory drivers, to satisfy customers and third
parties, up to embed the producers’ responsibility on
the all supply chain. This requires reconsidering the
design duties, by exploiting proper decision skills
that cut across the manufacture business, to
concentrate the efforts on the additions appearing
after the point-of-sale, and to integrate prospects on
the items’ life, taking in on-duty service and reverse
logistic views, with full business coherence.
The knowledge management is fine way to improve
the enterprise value chain awareness, achieving the
unified accountability of the on-duty and end-of-life
marks. The provision, manufacture, operation,
maintenance, disposal and recovery steps are tested
and assessed by virtual prototypes. As compared to
early trade habits, when competition is won by off-
process presetting the optimal production plans,
today, the decision support is required to run on-
process, aiming at:
features-customised products, with warranted
lifelong performance and acknowledged call-back;
total-quality manufacturing efficiency and
robustness, with minimal environment impact;
standard servicing for conformance-to-use,
provided by voluntary agreement integration;
recovery duties, as soon as prescribed by the
enacted eco-consistency regulations.
The conventional manufacturing business
requires the full rethinking of the engineering
paradigms, forcedly obliged to look at the on-duty
performance and at the end-of-life requirements, as
main features guaranteeing competitiveness, based
on the service externalities, as compared with the
old process internalities. The need to look at the all
supply chain follows the established trends of the
C. Michelini R. and P. Razzoli R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 151-154
DOI: 10.5220/0001850601510154
economy of scope. The vertical flow-shops are
replaced by adaptive job-shops, incorporating non
proprietary facilities and technologies, with resort to
out-sourcing and productive break-up. The firms’
functions (strategic positioning, market assessment,
risk management, resource planning, quality
deployment, engineering trimming, work-flow
scheduling, factory management, shop running,
throughput monitoring, performance evaluation,
finance/cost managing, etc.) become interlaced, with
commitment and liability distributed among the
associated partners. The suited set-up is forcedly
achieved dynamically, through co-operative efforts,
and after facility updating.
The business competitiveness turns from the
capability of offering products (fit-for-purpose to the
individual necessities), to the ability of providing
added services, granting functions to the buyers’
satisfaction and better tangibles efficiency (fit-for-
purpose to general guard). The emerging knowledge
management aids, now, are:
the presetting of product lifecycle management,
PLM, tools, offered as standard design out-fit;
the provision of service engineering, SE, aids, as
diagnosis, decision and maintenance support;
the execution of reverse logistics, RL, duties,
when requested at the items’ end-of-life.
The business lifelong widening is sought with
resort to enhanced PLM tools, having federated
architecture, assuring unified access to the value
chain issues. The integration of the lifecycle view
(structure layout, making process, quality guarantee,
up-keeping policy, disposal duties, etc.) into a super-
model is competitive advantage, to upgrade the
manufacture activity. These PLM tools are
attractive, to fix the divide, favouring value added
deliveries of high technology countries.
The paper directly deals with the eco-design
knowledge management tools, in view to develop
right lifestyle information surroundings. Indirectly,
the underling entrepreneurial settings are appraised,
based on assembly the needed facilities/functions,
timely adapted to the current product-service
provision. The net-concern help is the winning
knowledge management support, distinguishing
dissimilar infra-organisational options, from the
virtual enterprise lay-out, where independent
partners collaborate to the common project, to the
extended enterprise set-up, where the leader
manufacturer establishes and co-ordinates the actual
supply contract. The co-operating structures are
motivated by the extended producers’ responsibility.
The former situation is apt answer, when the eco-
regulations are ruled on voluntary base. When
compulsory eco-targets are required, the latter
allows reaching better performance, when the
design-for-service or the design-for-recovery is
standard manufacturer’s option, ruled by the
resource manager, as current internal duty. In
general, however, the two virtual either extended
organisations, today, depend on how the single
enterprise is aware of the changes, and is capable to
incorporate the externalities, as necessary
completion of the traditional internalities.
The market of manufactured goods aims at
knowledge-intensive deliveries, with large intangible
value added. Companies’ fight begins at the
ideation/development stage, to conceive buyers’
tailored offers with comparatively effective
performance, reached along the lifelong operation
and call-back stages. The business profitability
requires lifestyle knowledge orientation:
off-process decision support instruments, assuring
the design and development of the deliveries;
on-process monitoring and managing aids, assuring
the lifecycle and recovery prescribed charges.
Organisations, based on co-operative networked
infrastructures, are the chief instrumental aids to rule
and manage the business to manufacture and to trade
products-services, at on-duty and end-of-life
coverage. Suitable modelling and simulation tools
need to be available, backing the on-process
information flow, to provide the assessment means
for the operation testing, accomplished on virtual
prototypes. Addressing the product conception and
acknowledgement tools as off-process decision
support, we distinguish four domains, Fig. 1, in
progress tackled by the integration steps.
The eco-driven innovation requires lifestyle
knowledge orientation, grounded on design supports
allowing the supply chain transparency, through
considerably up-dated business paradigms. The
engineering paradigms do not establish as self-
product specification, leading to proper performance,
selecting, by CAD, CAM, etc. tools, the producibility figures,
operation constraints, disposal requirements, etc., of the
forecast product-service delivery;
process specification, leading to improve the manufacturing
effectiveness by the simultaneous engineering practice of the
product-and-process mutual betterment, through pace-wise
eco-consistency specification, leading to establish regulation,
maintenance, restoring, etc. plans, for on-duty conformance-
to-use, and to call-back and recovery plans in keeping with
the enacted rules;
enterprise specification, leading to adapt the productive
infrastructure, which support the supply chain with resort to
the facility/function integration, matching the in-progress
requested externalities.
Figure 1: Knowledge manager: basic integration steps.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
reference proposals, rather they develop to face
current demands. The EU eco-policy, to foster more
eco-conservative behaviours, is enacting Directives,
requiring conformance-for-use assessment at the
point-of-service, and mandatory recovery targets at
the end-of-life. These acts, moreover, joined to
producers’ responsibility for the free take-back of
mass-produced durables (such as household
appliances and cars), lead to restructuring the
industrial businesses, as competition is ruled by the
externalities, depending on the supply chain
lifecycle performance, rather than on production
technology conventional internalities. The
modelling is still hampered by severe limits, such as:
creation of tools requires sophisticated skill and
domain practice, mainly aiming at specific purposes;
technical aids are dealt with as problem-solving
skill (with negligible cost/benefit economic
the issues are not openly shared, rather protected as
proprietary assets (out of limited side-views);
the modelling addresses one domain, and
knowledge transfer requests engineer’s
complex products requires multiple models, mostly
not combining together to yield integrated views;
the capture and reuse of a product knowledge and
data require high ingenuity and oriented training;
thus, in general, little capability exists to exploit the
product models to investigate the lifecycle
interactions, unless for single constraints, separately
acknowledged through special purpose descriptions.
3.1 The Lifestyle Design Knowledge
The lifestyle design is critical because of the lack of
univocal technical leading strings, due to the
relevance of the externalities, having socio-political
spurs. This distinguishes the concept, by respect to
the traditional process- or product-innovation, when
higher efficiency is achieved by scope economy
grounded on technical expertise. The engineering
paradigms, leading to eco-design issues, are
motivated by the externalities, i.e., demands fixed by
the environmental acts, and managed by the original
manufacturers, after up-grading their business
organisation, to incorporate every facility and
function, required by the in-progress supply chain.
The driving motivation, out of the process- or
product-innovation, happens to be fostered by
enterprise- or environment-innovation, meaning that
new industrial settings are needed.
The engineering design functions are sketched in
the full paper. To give a bird-eye view on the tackled
ideas, we should distinguish the final issues, namely
2P2E product-process-environment-enterprise
mixing, from the instrumental aids, namely the
M&SF modelling and simulation features. The
details starts to become shared engineering practice
only at advanced entrepreneurial levels and
reference is deferred to the quoted references and the
there included technical bibliography. Especial
emphasis should be given to the environment and to
the enterprise integration steps, to transfer the
economy of scope requirements (cooperative
processing, piece-wise improving, lean engineering
and proactive up-keeping) into eco-achievements
through the suited inclusion of facilities/functions
provided by the entrepreneurial set-up choice.
3.2 The PLM, PLM-SE, PLM-RL Aids
The swap from the lifestyle design, to the supply
chain management is necessary challenge,
requesting series of critical accomplishments,
originally sketched in the full paper, for which we
again defer to the references. They, mainly, move
from a set of information tools:
PLM, product lifecycle management;
PLM-SE, service engineering oriented PLM;
PLM-RL, reverse logistic oriented PLM;
and contain the network enablers, to build the
business partnership effectiveness.
To achieve the concern federation ability,
research has to be undertaken in the model build-up,
interfacing techniques and programming schemes.
The challenge is clear, listing the crucial goals and
requirements, Fig. 2, each time tackled by the
knowledge management tools.
2P2E design means moving two steps further
the simultaneous engineering product-process
coverage, to include the supply chain specification,
as prerequisite for the business competition. The steps
mean to include the value chain externalities, to deal
with on-duty behaviour and end-of-life recovery, thus,
flexible complex product representation: to build standards
and procedures that enable creating a reference model to
yield complete descriptions by simple modules addition and
interoperability methods;
robust performance simulation environment: to fashion
procedures translating customers needs and wants, and
tracking the cost sensitivity along the value chains, by means
of plug-and-play blocks;
flexible complex process representation: to specify the
production capacity/capability layout, including options, such
as productive break-up and out-sourcing;
conformance assessment simulation environment: to verify
the on-process functional requirements, impact prescriptions,
amount of material reclamation, etc.;
flexible complex lifecycle representation: to describe the
supplier responsibility and the service sold with the product
(reprocessing and recycling included);
eco-consistency assessment environment: to define the third-
party certification bodies and the reference metrics, related
with the supply chain eco-impact;
distributed supply chain collaboration environment: to provide
the features of the networked organisation, linking suppliers,
consumers and controllers.
Figure 2: Knowledge manager: goals and requirements.
to face demands out of the traditional manufacturers
core competences. At the design phase, the innovation
shows that the existing integration aids, such as
product lifecycle management, PLM, need to evolve,
to link the operation account and to cover the lifelong
on-duty picture.
In the value chain knowledge management, the
real-time, on-process duties play relevant role,
provided by the specialised operators/facilities,
timely involved for the running and disposal duties.
The technical details of the product-service,
nonetheless, need to be already established at the
design stage. In different words, the lifestyle
delivering distinguishes from the earlier supply
chains, due to the information content, covering the
operation responsibility span up to the points-of-
service and of call-back.
The PLM technicality develops, accordingly.
The basic PLM, product lifecycle management, is
the tool to handle the product data, through the
lifecycle, from materials provision, to on-duty
requirements and end-of-life disposal. It includes
functions such as the organization of engineering
and processing data, of operation maintenance and
conformance assessment, and of take-back recovery,
recycling and reclamation tasks. Its completion
requires embedding:
the reverse logistics, RL, the business opportunity
(possibly subject to compulsory rules), for the
recovery (reuse, recycle) of end-of-life items, in
compliance of the enacted bylaws, with the related
data monitoring and vaulting accomplishments;
the service engineering, SE, the business
opportunity (mainly driven by voluntary
agreements), along the product life-span, to
guarantee the item enjoyment, with conformance-to-
use certification, and related data monitoring and
vaulting accomplishments.
The eco-protection acts are challenge to reorganise
the manufacture market by knowledge
entrepreneurship schemes. The new market leaders
will move within this technical-scientific
framework, replacing the economy of scale, by the
economy of scope, with two options:
functions delivery and artefacts life-extension
policy, with the profitability in the business of
supplying products-services, incorporating the
externalities of the lifestyle provisioning;
increased recycling efficiency, with profitability in
the new businesses aiming at reverse logistics (from
waste, to secondary ‘rawmaterials), according to
the already enacted targets.
The two domains develop outside the factories,
and the knowledge contents of the required PLM
aids shall, accordingly, expand to deal with the set of
scopes, with critical weigh, aiming at on-duty
performance or on-duty reliability, and at pollution
precepts or recovery effectiveness. Moreover, the
PLM prerequisites (e.g., model total connectedness)
are critical challenge, when dealing with net-
concern, built by independent partners that focus on
their core competencies and join, each other, the
efforts for co-design, co-manufacture, co-marketing,
co-maintain, co-servicing and co-recycle, in view to
fulfil the requirement of supplying products-services
at the clients’ benefit and the environment safety.
The full paper outlines the expected evolution in
the manufacture business, focusing on two example
cases, one considering SMSs’ clusters working in
the service engineering business by voluntary
agreements schemes; one covering the reverse
logistics mandatory duties by authority ruled net
2P2E integration through suited M&SF tools is
the necessary innovation, still very little understood
by old-fashioned enterprises. The example
developments given by the full paper are especially
relevant, when, e.g., the reverse logistics of end-of-
life vehicles ELV or of waste electrical-electronic
equipment WEEE are presented, while dealing with
already enacted EU bylaws. The few remarks
sketched by the present overview can only say that
the problems exist and that the solutions are as well
available for the people properly involved in
effective innovation.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems