Domenico Consoli, Claudia Diamantini and Domenico Potena
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Gestionale e dell’Automazione
Universit´a Politecnica delle Marche, Via B. Bianche, 60131, Ancona, Italy
Customer Opinions, Web 2.0, Sentiment Analysis, Affective Analysis, Opinion Mining, Opinion Polarity
Ekman Emotional Indexes.
Human interact with other people and exchange reviews and ideas via web. With the explosion of Web 2.0
platforms such as blogs, discussion forums, peer-to-peer networks, and various other types of social media,
consumers share, on the web, their opinions regarding any product/service. Opinions give information about
how product/service and reality in general is perceived by other people. Emotional needs are associated with
the psychological aspects of product ownership. The customer when writes his reviews on a product/service
transmits emotions in the message that he/she feels first and after purchasing the product. For the enterprise
understanding customer emotional needs is vital for predicting and influencing their purchasing behaviour. In
this paper, we polarize, with original algorithm, customer opinions basing on emotional indexes that are used
for decipher, in affective key, facial expressions and emotional lexicon.
Emotions are treated largely in affective computing
(Picard, 1997) that focuses on improving the interac-
tion between user and computer. The affective com-
puting aims to build emotional machines (Khashman,
2008) that can recognize and express emotions. The
computer, in future, will understand the mood of op-
erator and they’ll act accordingly; also the computer,
with its behavior, will arouse emotions in the opera-
tor. We’ll have a friendly computer with technologi-
cal and advanced emotional interfaces. The user af-
fective state is present in many ways, through facial
expressions, speech and text; also the text brings an
intrinsic emotional content. We must not forget that
today computers, for the most part, processing only
textual data and that the text analysis, based on the
sentiments, has increased with the availabilityof large
amount of web pages.
In this work, we focus on the analysis of the opin-
ions that customers express over the Web. Customers
exploit web 2.0 tools (chats, forums, blogs, and so
on) for expressing their opinions about a product and
suggesting solutions for improving it. There are var-
ious web sites that collect free customer reviews:,,, planetfeed-,,
Customer opinions constitute a gold mine for an
enterprise, both for the improvement of products and
for the reinforcement of the customer loyalty. In order
to full exploit the information contained in customer
opinions, it is important to polarize opinion about
(part of) product and in particular to return whether
the opinion is positive or negative.
In our paper we present an original algorithm,
based on emotional indexes, to polarize customer
opinions. This paper is organized as follows: in the
next section we give a brief description of the emo-
tional purchase process, while in the third section, re-
lated works for sentiment analysis are discussed. The
fourth and fifth sections are devoted to present our ap-
proach to customers opinions polarization and the re-
sults. Finally some conclusions are drawn.
Emotions play a crucial role in all phases of purchase
behavior. The customer when writes a review about
a product/service, expresses also the same emotions
that she felt first and after purchasing the product; so
from a enterprise point of view it is important to un-
derstand what drives customer to choose a particular
product/service. Understanding customer emotional
Consoli D., Diamantini C. and Potena D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 157-160
DOI: 10.5220/0001851601570160
needs is vital for predicting and influencing their pur-
chasing behavior.
Many words express a direct affective senti-
ment (“joy”, “sorrow”, “happiness”) other indirect
(“cry”, “smile”, “monster”, “abandoned”). Some
words (e.g. “nail”, “ball”, “table”), if decontextual-
ized, don’t express neither directly or indirectly emo-
tions, also if the sentence, where these words belong
to, has a specific emotional polarity. For example, the
word “nail” means an object used to fix a picture to
a wall and can remind us positive or negative emo-
tions; it depends from the context. The “ball”, that
easily we associate with a game, has likely an emo-
tional positive contribution.
Many times the emotional/symbolic traits are
highly representative of the specific identity and
brand. For example, in luxury goods, the emotional
aspects as brand, uniqueness and prestige for purchas-
ing decisions, are more important than rational as-
pects such as technical, functional or price. For the
seller would be important to measure accurately the
value generated by emotions to determine so an ap-
propriate price.
Another factor that influence purchasing customer
is, for example, the disgust that plays a key role in the
inverse relationship between attitude and intention to
purchase. Customer don’t buy products disgusting.
The disgust is a repugnance toward any object, action
or person. The disgusting is an index of variation of
the intention to purchase.
The relationship that establishes between a brand
and a customer is the the same among people. Be-
tween company and customer establishes an emo-
tional relationship. The creation and the excite-
ment of a series of positive emotions into customers
helps company in the sell. The enterprise can in-
volve customers to increase their sense of belong-
ing to a community that shares the same brand and
the same values with other people. The enterprises
often encourage exchange of opinions, by making
available virtual communities, e.g. Italian Nikon’s
Camera forum, where people review Nikon prod-
ucts (, the blog on Benet-
ton products (, and so on.
In the literature, various methods have been proposed
for opinion mining and sentiment analysis(Liu et al.,
In the Keyword Spotting (Boucouvalas and Zhe,
2002) approach, text is classified into affective cat-
egories based on the presence of fairly unambigu-
ous affective words like “distressed, “happiness and
All terms that describe emotional states represent
the most direct way to communicate emotion by text.
The simplest and most used analysis is based on the
search for keywords (like “happy, “sad, “angry, etc).
The Lexical Affinity (Valitutti et al., 2004) method
assigns to words a probabilistic affinity (trained from
linguistic corpora) for a particular emotion. For ex-
ample, “accident” might be assigned a 80% proba-
bility of being indicating a negative affect, as in “car
accident”, “hurt by accident”.
Esuli and Sebastiani (Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006)
have created SentiWordNet, a lexical resource for
opinion mining, where they assign to each synset (set
of synonyms) of WordNet a sentiment scores: posi-
tivity, negativity and objectivity (i.e. neutral). The
opinion is positive if the positivity of its terms is
higher than negative and objective scores and vicev-
ersa for negative opinion. WordNet Affect (Strappa-
rava and Valitutti, 2004) is a linguistic resource for
a lexical representation of affective knowledge. In
WordNet Affect each synset of WordNet is labeled
by one or more affective-labels, representing the af-
fective meaning of the synset. Examples of affective-
labels are emotion, mood, trait, cognitive state, phys-
ical state, etc.
The original algorithm that we have developed
mainly focuses on six Ekman emotional indexes (Ek-
man, 2007): “anger”, “disgust”, “fear”, “happi-
ness”, “sadness”, and “surprise”. We use these com-
ponents to study emotional lexicon.
The goal of our approach is to polarize a customer
opinion about a topic, that is a characteristic of a
(part of) product/service. We use this approach in
the conceptual framework CeC (Consoli et al., 2008)
for gathering customer opinion and improving the
We first consider customer opinions concerning
a some topic, then we break them into homogenous
sentences, next each sentence is split in words. The
polarity of a sentence is given by estimating the
polarity of any its words.
To divide a sentence in words we make a
preprocess: elimination of stop-words (articles, con-
junctions, prepositions) and division of the sentence
into single words with lemmatization (Berry and
Castellanos, 2007). In the preprocessing we have
used the GATE library with some modification in
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
order to reduce the complexity of the analysis. The
output of the preprocessing phase is a dataset of
significant words of each opinion.
Analysing this dataset, we create a matrix of
word-document occurrences containing the number
of times a word appears in a document. This matrix
is then compressed by SVD algorithm (Okˇsa and
Vajterˇsic, 2001) to obtain the words-words co-
occurrence matrix W, where each word is represented
by a n dimensional statistical vector. Each dimension
of such statistical vector represents the co-occurrence
of the single word with other words of the matrix.
Words in W can be divided in affectives and
non-affectives. The former can be further classified
into direct affective words, that directly refers to
affective states (e.g. fear”, cheerful”, ”disgusted),
and indirect affective words, having an indirect affec-
tive impact that depends on the context, i.e. words
representing moods, situations eliciting emotions, or
emotional responses like ”monster” or ”cry”.
Affective words will be exploited to build up the
model that will allow us to assign a polarity value to
non-affective words. For this reason we call training
set, with an abuse of notation, the set of affective
words, and test set the non-affective words. In the
following, it is described the algorithm for building
the polarity model and to assign a polarity value to a
non-affective word:
1) Assign an affective vector to each word of the
training set.
The components of the affective vector represent the
contribution of the following states in the emotional
definition of the word: “happy”, “sad”, “angry”,
“surprise”, “fear”, and “disgust”. In our approach,
the affective components have an integer value
between 0 and 10. For example, if we associate to
the word stench the affective vector (0, 2, 2, 0,
0, 6), it means that in the definition of the affective
meaning of the word stench, the elements sad and
angry contribute with a small value, the element
disgust with a high value and other elements don’t
produce any contribution.
2) For each word t of test set, select the word w
of the training set, maximizing the normalized scalar
product k :
k =
where t
and w
are the statistical vectors of t and
w respectively. The resulting w represents the most
similar word to t in the co-occurrence space. Our
idea is that word with similar statistical vector have
also similar affective meaning.
3) Compute the affective vector t
of t:
= k· w
where w
is the affective vector of w and the function
int(x) gives the integer part of x.
4) Compute the polarity value of t:
The word has a positive value if the sum of compo-
nents related to positive affective states (happy, sur-
prise) is greater than the sum of components of neg-
ative affective states (sad, angry, fear, disgusted); the
word polarity is negative in the other case. Finally,
the sum of the affective vectors of all words of an
sentence defines its affectivity and, consequently, its
polarity value.
In order to test the validity of our algorithm on the
opinion polarity we have used almost 1000 customer
opinions about a resort in Sharm el-Sheikh and in
particular we selected opinions on some services:
Kitchen, Restaurant, Room Service, and Administra-
Opinions were collected from various Internet
sites, like,
After the pre-processing phase, we derive 11900 sig-
nificant words, divided in 2300 affective words and
9600 non-affective ones.
In order to show the results of our algorithm we
consider two typical sentences taken from separate
posts: the first expresses globally positive opinion
while second a negative one. The sentences that we
have taken into account are follows:
Sentence 1. Food was excellent and a great vari-
ety, especially if you are fond of sweets.(positive
Sentence 2. Beware of the dangerous on the bad
beach and disgusting and terrible pasta.(negative
The resulting affective vectors of any words in these
sentences, are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. In Tables
words already belong to the training set are in italic.
In the tables there are several zeros. If a word has
a higher value of happy probably it has a low value
(zero) as angry or sad and viceversa.
In Table 1, despite fond (”cherished with great af-
fection” from the Merriam-Webster dictionary) has a
Table 1: Affective vectors of words in Sentence 1.
Happy Sad Angry Surprise Fear Disgust
food 7 0 0 0 0 0
excellent 9 0 0 0 0 0
great 10 0 0 0 0 0
variety 5 0 0 2 0 0
especially 5 0 0 0 0 0
fond 0 6 0 0 4 0
sweets 8 0 0 0 0 0
Phrase 1 44 6 0 2 4 0
positive emotional valence, the algorithm associates
to term a negative affective vector. This does not hap-
pen for other words, whose the affective vectors are
correctly estimated. The sum of happy and surprise
(46) is greater than the sum of other components (12),
thus the sentence globally returns a positive opinion.
Table 2: Affective vectors of words in Sentence 2.
Happy Sad Angry Surprise Fear Disgust
beware 0 6 0 0 4 0
dangerous 0 0 0 0 8 0
bad 0 0 0 0 7 0
beach 9 0 0 0 0 0
disgusting 0 0 0 0 9 0
terrible 0 6 0 0 9 0
pasta 5 0 0 0 0 0
Phrase 14 0 0 0 24 10
In Table 2, the algorithm associates to the adjective
terrible a high score of fear index. Since it refers to
pasta we would associate it with disgusted; fear would
be appropriate in the case of a terrible percept in the
presence of a bleak scene. The disambiguation of the
true sentiment in response to the context is a limit of
the present work and will be investigated in.
Nowaday, for the enterprise, it is important gather-
ing a large amount of customer opinion from the web
2.0 tools. In this paper we illustrate an original ap-
proach to polarize (positiveor negative)opinion based
on Ekman indexes to evaluate emotional value of re-
view about product/service. In our opinion, these in-
dexex, allows to better capture the emotional state of
customers about purchase.
The approach, based on the affective value of
each single word, produces good results on docu-
ments medium-large dimensions but often fails on in-
dividual sentence. For resolving the question, in fur-
ther works, we’ll try to understand the semantics of
the contents of a sentence using a knowledge base of
common sense.
For use these results in the emotional recognition
it is necessary focuses on concepts rather than on
terms, in order to relate the words to emotional states
through a conceptual representation. To this end we’ll
consider a conceptual semantics.
Another improvementto characterize and to struc-
ture emotional concepts, it is to build a detailed tax-
onomy from basic emotions (fear, anger, joy, disgust,
sadness). This can help more easy to capture the emo-
tional sense of a generic word.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems