FOCAS: An Enginering Environment
for Service-Based Applications
Gabriel Pedraza, Idrissa A. Dieng and Jacky Estublier
Grenoble University - LIG, 220 rue de la Chimie, 38041 Grenoble BP53 Cedex 9 France
Abstract. Service composition is an important topic, but so far addressed from
a technical and low level perspective. The issue is not (too much) the
orchestration formalism, but rather the engineering issues related to the many
concerns that must be combined, to the technical complexity, to the
heterogeneity and incompatibilities between available services, and the low
level formalism and tools. The paper presents FOCAS, a full fledge
environment that targets the different categories of stakeholders involved in the
design, development, and maintenance of a service-based application. FOCAS
first separates the different concerns, both functional and non functional, that
made up a service-based application; second, it separates different levels of
abstraction, and third it establishes links and mediations between these concerns
and levels of abstraction. The paper presents FOCAS its principles,
implementation and its evaluation.
1 Introduction
To face size and increase of complexity, and to meet demands for cost and time to
market reduction, Software Engineering, since the 70s, relies on very few principles:
information hiding and reuse. Information hiding states that “clients” of a part should
ignore most of what is inside the part; only the very minimal amount of information
should be made visible and accessible to the client, most often called its interface. The
available technologies are different ways to follow these principles and parts have
been successively called module, class, component and service. Service is the latest
evolution in the direction of making independent parts and to improve composition
flexibility. For that reason, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is the de facto
standard for dynamic applications.
Recently, the separation of concerns paradigm was introduced as a special way for
defining parts with very little dependencies. Unfortunately, there is no general
approach that helps the designer to find out how to decompose an application along
different concerns, nor how to combine them in order to ensure the correct execution
of the resulting application. The experience even shows that finding the “right”
concerns, and defining how to combine them in order to build advanced applications
is a major difficulty, hampering in practice the deployment of the separation of
concerns paradigm in the software industry.
Pedraza G., Dieng I. and Estublier J. (2009).
FOCAS: An Enginering Environment for Service-Based Applications.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering - Evaluation of Novel Approaches to
Software Engineering, pages 21-32
DOI: 10.5220/0001952700210032
Both SOA and separation of concerns are extremely flexible and rather new,
therefore the design and development of industrial SOA applications using different
concerns face many Software Engineering challenges as: how to structure the
application in parts (services), what are the relevant concerns, and how to compose
the parts and the concerns.
In this paper, we present FOCAS a framework that borrows ideas from the SOA
and separation of concerns paradigm in order to support designers and developers that
want to build service-based applications.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly introduces the service oriented
architecture and the orchestration approach. Section 3 outlines our approach,
describes its principal components, and its extension capabilities. Section 4 presents
the FOCAS environment. Section 5 describes the validation and implementation of
our approach. Section 6 relates our work to the existing literature. Finally, section 7
concludes the paper.
2 Service Oriented Architecture
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) improves significantly the decoupling between
parts (services), but faces composition issues: what is the decomposition and
composition process, how to handle the different dynamic behaviour (service life-
cycle, data and interface (un)availability and (in)compatibility). In SOA, not only
composition is dynamic, but some services platforms like OSGi [1] allow dynamic
addition and removal of service instances at runtime.
Web services technology is one of the most successful SOA technologies. Web
Services are software systems which support machine-to-machine interactions over a
network based on a set of standards [2]: WSDL for service description, and XML and
SOAP for representation and communication. Web services extensions include
semantic description (in WSML and OWL [3] languages), semantic matching of
services [4] or invocation protocol specification in WSCI.
Services Orchestration. Service orchestration is an approach to build (service-based)
applications by defining services execution order (control flow) and their data
exchange (data flow). In orchestration, the control is explicit, centralized and external
to services.
Several orchestration languages have been designed, among them XLANG [5],
WSFL [6], BPML and Business Process Execution Language for Web Services as
short WS-BPEL [7] [8]. WS-BPEL, created by Microsoft, IBM, SAP and others, is
the de facto standard in web services orchestration.
In WS-BPEL, parts are called activities that can be basic or structured. Basic
activities are used for service interaction, structured activities are control operators
close to classic programming languages; therefore, WS-BPEL orchestrations are
modeling a programmatic solution to a problem, not the problem itself. WS-BPEL is
designed only for Web Services orchestration and it cannot orchestrate other kinds of
services (like OSGi). In addition, WS-BPEL does not have human interaction
capabilities and cannot easily perform computation. Finally, WS-BPEL process
models are monolithic which makes difficult to achieve their evolution and reuse
These problems have been acknowledged, and many extensions have been
proposed, such as BPEL4J [9] which combines Java code with WS-BPEL
orchestrations or BPEL4People [10] which adds process interaction with human
beings; but these “solutions” are partial and difficult to implement. Finally, WS-BPEL
orchestration models are strongly coupled with the WSDL definition of the used web
services. To use another service providing the same functionality, described in
another WSDL interface, one must change the process definition.
3 Our Approach
Our work reconciles, in a single framework the separation of concerns paradigm,
SOA technologies and the classic Software Engineering approaches, in a software
engineering environment called FOCAS (Framework for Orchestration, Composition
and Aggregation of Services).
FOCAS defines four layers: Business, Abstract Orchestration, Mediation, and
Concrete Services. The business layer defines the problem to solve as a process
controlling evolution of the business concepts. The abstract orchestration layer
defines orchestration as a possible implementation of the business process in term of
abstract services, additional behavior, human interaction or other software
components. The actual web services and their data are provided in the concrete
services layer. If the concrete and abstract services have been designed independently,
it is likely that they do not match, in that case the mediation layer is used to solve
(some) data or service incompatibilities.
Fig. 1. FOCAS General Architecture.
FOCAS proposes a comprehensive environment in which these layers and
concerns are managed, automating concerns “weaving”, making explicit and
supported service composition and mediation, which altogether turns service
composition easy and accessible to non experts. FOCAS Core, topic of this paper,
emphasizes Web Services, but its extensions, used in various industrial applications,
applies the same approach to humans and other kind of executable components. 0
presents the FOCAS general architecture, based in the layers commented above, and
in its extension capabilities.
In this section the traditional simplified flights reservation example will be used to
illustrate our approach.
3.1 The Business Layer
This layer is intended to define, through a process model, a given business activity
(e.g. selling a flight ticket). It expresses the activities acting upon entities pertaining to
the business domain (customers, flights and so on), to perform a business action.
This layer separate two concerns:
The data, entities associated with the business concepts. Data concern expresses
the structure of these entities.
The overall logic of the business actions expressed as a process made of
activities that create and changes the business data.
FOCAS follows the “external control” paradigm which emphasizes the process
logic (the orchestration approach) against the entity behaviour (the O.O. approach).
The global control logic is defined in the process, and no or limited semantics is
expressed in the business (data) objects. This separation of concerns allows the same
business concepts to be managed by different process, and the same process to be
performed on different data as long their intention is the same (e.g. Customer v.s.
Client v.s. Passenger Types), irrespective of a given execution technique.
FOCAS clearly separates a business layer, in which is defined the business process,
from an orchestration layer, in which is defined how the business process is
implemented in term of services. The separation is a major change with respect to
usual orchestration systems which define the execution ordering of existing services,
not the application business logic.
The Abstract Process Engine Language APEL is used to express the process model
in our approach [11]. APEL is a high level process definition language containing a
minimal set of concepts that are sufficient to understand the purpose of a process
The main concept is the activity which is a step in the process, and it results in an
action being performed. The actual action to be performed is not defined into the
process model, and it can be a service invocation (a Web Service, DPWS service, an
OSGi service), any kind of program execution (legacy, COTS) or even a human
action. Activities in APEL can be composed of sub-activities, this property permits to
deal with different abstraction levels in a model. Ports are the activity communication
interface; each port specifies a list of expected products.
A Product is an abstract object (records, data, files, documents, etc) that flows
between activities. Products are represented by variables having a name and a type
which are only symbolic names (e.g. “client” is a product of type “Customer”). This
property does not preclude of the actual nature, structure and content of the real data
that will circulate in process. Dataflows connect output ports to input ports, specifying
which product variables are being transferred between activities.
APEL has a graphical concrete syntax, an activity (from outside) is represented as
a rectangle with tiny squares on sides which denotes its ports. Internally an activity is
represented as a rectangle containing sub-activities, and its ports are represented as
triangles. This dual representation is used to navigate across a complex model
composed of several levels of embedded activities. Finally a dataflow is represented
as a line that connects ports, and products are labels on dataflows.
The business process model of the flight reservation example is created with our
graphical APEL editor as illustrated in 0: Initially, the customer carries out a flight
search using the FindFlight activity. Then, the customer does his/her reservation with
the DoReservation activity. The customer must confirm the reservation before a given
date, otherwise the process sends an electronic mail using the SendNotification
activity and the process finishes. If confirmed, the customer pays the ticket using the
Payment activity and the process finishes.
Fig. 2. Business Process Model Example.
In the other hand, the business entities are a structural data representation of the
concepts relevant in the domain. In our example, they are Customer, Flight,
CreditCard, etc. These entities structure can be also defined in a specialized editor.
3.2 Abstract Orchestration Layer
The abstract orchestration layer is a “grounding” (i.e. the action to be performed) of
the business process in term of human actions and/or executable elements [12]. These
executable elements can be of different natures: legacy or commercial components,
specific executable code or services (Web services, OSGi services, DPWS, etc).
FOCAS allows all these possibilities but FOCAS core emphasizes and explicitly
supports the last two: specific executable code, called here behaviour, and abstract
services definition in order to hide heterogeneity of different implementation
The behaviour model is a Java snippet code associated with activities which gives
very much flexibility to the system. It allows defining directly computation performed
by an activity or performing some data transformation before calling services or
external programs, whether legacy or commercial, local or remote. It also allows
adapting a business process to a given context.
Services provide functionalities that the application will require at execution. An
abstract service is a service description, represented by a Java interface in which the
methods represent services operations, the parameters being instances of the data
entities classes. In our example, two abstract services are defined: AirlineService and
An abstract service is only a service description, therefore for an abstract
orchestration to become executable, each abstract service must be associated with
concrete service(s). “Binding” is the association between an abstract service and a real
service through the mediation layer. Binding in our tool is possible at design time,
deployment time or even at runtime (if not mediation is necessary).
3.3 Mediation Layer
The semantic distance between abstract and real services and the fact that they may
have been defined independently makes it is likely that there is no direct match
between abstract and real services.
If there exists semantic gaps between abstract and concrete services, components
charge to bring out this distance can be used in our architecture. These components
can even be implemented as small lower level orchestration using our technology, but
in this case without using abstract descriptions, instead using directly service
Even if a real service provides the required functionality, there is still a risk of
discrepancies, since abstract and real services can use different names (operation and
data types) and different data formats to represent the same computation on the
“same” entities. For example, the Customer concept in the abstract orchestration may
be mapped to the Passenger data type in the Air France reservation Web service. If
the formats are not identical, it will be necessary to solve operation and data
interoperability problems.
We have introduced semantic mediators, which can be low-level orchestrations to
adapt an abstract service to a set of real services, and data mediators to adapt the
business concepts to the concrete services data. With this layer, business models are
independent from the actual services and data definition, improving their reusability
and evolution capabilities.
3.4 Concerns Extension
The FOCAS platform “natively” supports the business process, business entities
(process data), behaviour, mediators, and abstract and concrete services concerns.
However, many other concerns are relevant in a real service-based application.
FOCAS provides mechanisms to extend the platform with other concerns, either
functional or not.
Additional functional concerns are integrated in FOCAS through meta-links
between the process concepts and the new functional area concepts, in exactly the
same way as we have defined the association link to compose process and business
concepts. For example, we have added workspace and document management
concerns for our Actol customer [13], and deployment and dynamic selection
concerns for our Schneider customer [14].
Non functional concerns are added through the introduction of annotations (similar
to stereotypes in UML) on the process model elements. For example, we have added,
using this technology, the security concern for our Thales customer [15].
FOCAS extension also provides ways to ground activities to a large range of
possible actors. Natively, APEL grounds activities to humans (agendas and TODO
lists); it remains the default if no other grounding is defined. The system has
provisions for grounding toward any piece of executable code, being legacy, COTS,
component of any component model, local or not [16].
4 FOCAS Engineering Environment
In order to build a complete service-based application following the above approach,
the developer has to define a model for each concern, how these models are related
(association, grounding, binding etc.) and to generate or create the different
engineering artifact. We believe (and we have experimented) that the resulting
complexity is overwhelming and cannot be undertaken manually.
For us, the real use of the separation of concerns paradigm, in all domains, and in
service-based application in particular, is hampered by the lack of support. FOCAS
goal is to provide a comprehensive environment that makes multi-concerns of service-
based applications easy to design and develop.
To that purpose, FOCAS provides a specialized editor for relevant models (e.g. an
APEL editor, and a data editor), and relies on the Eclipse platform and existing tools
for traditional models (Java editor for Abstract Service definition and Behavior model
development). More important, FOCAS consistently manages the interoperability
between these tools, representations and models and provides Wizards for concerns
composition. This section presents shortly the FOCAS environment.
4.1 Composing Business Process and Concepts: the Codele Wizard
The business process expresses its logic only based on the knowledge of the business
concept and of what they are intended for, irrespective of their actual name, content
and representation. We have developed the Codele tool (0) which purpose is to help in
defining the meta-link between concerns (at metamodel level), and links at model
level. This tool was used to define all our concern compositions, for example,
composing the business process and data structure concerns was defined as a meta-
link between metatypes ProductType (in process metamodel) and Data (in data
metamodel), and composing models as a link between a product type name defined in
the business process model with a data type defined in data model. In our example the
product type Client defined in the process model corresponds to the Customer type in
concept model. The other mappings for our example are shown in the screenshot of
the 0.
Fig. 3. Composing Business Process and Data.
4.2 Grounding, Binding and Mediation Wizards
Grounding consists in associating an activity (in the business process model) and a
service operation (in the abstract services model). The FOCAS grounding wizard,
based on information found in the activity and some heuristics, presents those abstract
services operations that could be an implementation of that activity. 0 presents an
association between the DoReservation activity and the reservation operation of the
AirlineService service.
Fig. 4. Activity – Abstract Service Grounding.
The Binding wizard performs in a similar way that Grounding wizard. Provided an
abstract service (defined by a Java interface), and a set of actual web services (defined
in WSDL files), it selects the possible candidate web services and ask the developer to
choose the right one (if more than one is found). FOCAS generates the code required
to transform the grounding toward the abstract services into a call toward the actual
selected web services.
If no real service is found, the process mediation wizard asks the user if there is a
place to look for a convenient service, or if a sub-process definition has to be defined
to implement the abstract service as a low-level orchestration of real services.
The data mediation wizard helps in developing the data mediator between the
business concepts representation and the one used in the actual web services (WSDL).
A XML/Java binding framework is used to transform XML Schema data description
into Java classes, therefore in our environment, a mediator is a Java method that takes
as input a data of a given type (e.g. real service XML/Java type transformation) and
returns the “same” data of another type (e.g. the business concept Java interface
representation), and vice versa. Mediation tools can also used, among them we can
mention tools developed in the semantic-web community by our partners: X2O
mappings for translating from XML to Ontologies [17] and WSMO (Web Service
Modeling Ontology) [4] for performing ontology transformations.
Once the binding performed, FOCAS automatically includes the needed mediators
before and after calling the real (web) services. The person who defines the binding is
not aware that mediation may take place because the binding tool only shows those
services that either directly or indirectly (through an available mediator), fit the
abstract service.
5 Implementation and Validation
The FOCAS environment is provided as an Eclipse feature. The concerns presented
above are technically represented as Eclipse IDE artefacts: projects, folders and files.
FOCAS users interact only with models editors and wizards, not directly with the
Eclipse artefacts. When a new service-based application is created, existing processes,
business concepts and service models can be selected from their corresponding
repositories and associated to the new application. The selected models, their
associated files and directories are copied in the right place and transformed into the
corresponding IDE concepts. In practice, a service-based application is mapped to an
eclipse project, where each model is contained in a number of files in a directory, and
each wizard generates a composition file containing associations performed between
concerns and metadata information for code generation.
Each wizard is configured with heuristics such that, in many cases, the wizard can
perform the job with limited human interaction. In well-known business contexts,
only the business process model is required from designers, everything else is
deduced from the context and service repository, allowing business experts, who are
usually not software experts, to easily define advanced (non-trivial) service-based
Any change in a model or composition definition automatically triggers the
rebuilding of the whole application. From the FOCAS user point of view, a unique
orchestration compiler generates all the application executable code.
FOCAS emphasizes a top-down approach (defining first the business process),
which is seldom feasible in WS-BPEL, and concern extension, which is simply
impossible in WS-BPEL; comparisons can only be made using a bottom-up approach
(starting from existing real services). The effort required developing the first
implementation in FOCAS (with a business process being a low-level orchestration)
and WS-BPEL is similar. But as soon as maintenance and evolution is to be taken into
account, things are different. Suppose that in our toy example, we want to use another
bank; it likely involves changing (slightly) the Customer concept to Client. In
FOCAS, the binding goes toward the new bank and a simple mediator (Customer to
Client) is added. In WS-BPEL, we have to declare a new variable of the type Client
and make the synchronization of data instances Customer and Client using Assign
activities (if the transformation is very simple, calling a specific web service
otherwise) before and after each web services call. The invocation activities must be
changed to use the new Partner Link (new Web service), new input and output
variables and new operation name.
6 Related Works
Several initiatives investigated web services composition; most of works focus on
process-based composition (i.e. orchestration). In [18], composition is split into a core
process, described in WS-BPEL, and a set of business rules implemented either in
AO4BPEL or a business rules engine. The principal advantage presented in [18] is
that rules can evolve independently of the process model, improving reusability. We
can consider business rules as a subset of our behavioral model.
The WS-BPEL low abstraction level of is one of its man drawbacks. In [19], this
problem is solved by modeling process using UML activity diagram formalism. Then
a set of rules is specified to transform this model into a WS-BPEL business process
implementation, allowing bidirectional reconciliation of evolving models. In [20] a
tool is proposed to check the properties of a process model design against its WS-
BPEL implementation. Scenarios are modeled in UML, in the form of Message
Sequence Charts (MSC) and implementations are created in WS-BPEL, then design
and implementations are translated into Finite State Process (FSP) and finally
implementation is validated. In our approach the process model is created using a
high level abstract formalism: APEL which is not transformed but directly
In WSMO [4] and OWL-S [3] formal semantic languages (WSML and OWL
respectively) are proposed for describing semantic relevant aspects of web services, to
facilitate its discovery, selection, composition and invocation. In WSMO, ontologies
are the basis in this approach and they are used to express the used terminology in
services. Mediators between ontologies are used to solve the data incompatibility
problem. In our approach, service discovery and selection is not addressed, we rely in
the existence of these components provided by our partners in the SEEMP project
[21]. To solve data incompatibility problems we use mediation mechanism but
ontological mediation could be used instead.
7 Conclusions
Services in general and web services in particular have made much progress toward
better independence between parts (no dependency between services, dynamic
discovery), and technology independence (using neutral standards: XML and SOAP).
From that point of view, services represent the ultimate evolution in the search of
reuse. Therefore composing services should become the privileged way to build new
applications; it is what orchestration is meant for. Unfortunately, the actual
orchestration technology is too low-level and primitive to fit the needs: no abstraction
mechanism, no computing capabilities, rudimentary control primitives and so on.
Furthermore, emphasizing the reuse dimension means that clients and providers of
service do not necessarily match, lexically (names), syntactically (types) and
semantically (functions). In the general case, mediation is required.
The current research trend consists in developing a number of independent
technologies to address different technical issues (ontology, alignment, choreography
interface and so on), and in addressing different functional and non functional
concerns separately. In practice, building a new application, reusing existing services,
and “weaving” different concerns requires such a lot of heterogeneous technologies
and such a high level of expertise that it turns out to be as complex, if not more, than
FOCAS innovates in proposing a single and consistent framework where business
experts can define the application they need only defining or reusing high level
models. Then, FOCAS assists the developer in “grounding” the high level application
definition toward the actual available services (or any other available piece of code),
automatically inserting mediation when needed and transparently generating the
executable code.
The resulting framework and its user interface are simple to understand and use. To
reach that result, FOCAS hides the technology, it consistently reuse (sic) state of the
art technologies developed in different fields: services, of course, but also AOP,
mediation, and most of all, model and metamodel composition. None of these
technologies is visible from the user perspective. FOCAS is seen as an Eclipse plug
with a set of editors and wizards.
We believe that FOCAS represents the current answer to the basic Software
Engineering principles: information hiding (encapsulation, abstraction) and reuse
(decomposition, part library, and composition). High level models are the new
technology for encapsulation and abstraction. Reuse relies on the availability, on the
web, of very many services; decomposition is performed in term of abstract services
and a number of concerns; composition is performed based on model and metamodel
composition (conceptually), Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP; technically) and
mediation (process and data) to solve the various incompatibilities.
We consider that the major contribution of our work is the consistent use of these
recent technologies at the service of the old and fundamental basic software
engineering principles, inside a single, consistent and simple to use framework
CADSE and FOCAS are available at
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