Coupling Metrics for Aspect-Oriented Programming:
A Systematic Review of Maintainability Studies
Rachel Burrows
, Alessandro Garcia
and François Taïani
Computing Department, Lancaster University, U.K.
Informatics Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Abstract. Over the last few years, a growing number of studies have explored how
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) might impact software maintainability.
Most of the studies use coupling metrics to assess the impact of AOP mechanisms
on maintainability attributes such as design stability and error proneness. Unfortu-
nately, the use of such metrics is fraught with dangers, which have so far not been
thoroughly investigated. To clarify this problem, this paper presents a systematic
review of recent AOP maintainability studies. Our review consolidates data from
recent research results, highlights circumstances when the applied coupling meas-
ures are suitable to AO programs and draws attention to deficiencies where cou-
pling metrics need to be improved.
1 Introduction
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) [2] is now well established in both academic and
industrial circles, and is increasingly being adopted by designers of mainstream imple-
mentation frameworks (e.g. JBoss and Spring). AOP aims at improving the modularity
and maintainability of crosscutting concerns (e.g. security, exception handling) in com-
plex software systems. It does so by allowing programmers to factor out these concerns
into well-modularised entities (e.g. aspects and advices) that are then woven into the rest
of the system using a range of composition mechanisms, from pointcuts and advices, to
inter-type declarations [27], and aspect collaboration interfaces [8].
Unfortunately, and in spite of AOP’s claims to modularity, it is widely acknowledged
that AOP mechanisms introduce new intricate forms of coupling [33], which in turn
might jeopardise maintainability[1,4]. To explore this, a growing number of exploratory
studies have recently investigated how maintainability might be impacted by the new
forms of coupling introduced by AOP mechanisms [e.g. 19, 20, 26].
The metrics used by these studies are typically taken from the literature [10, 11, 33,
37, 39] and are assumed to effectively capture coupling phenomenon in AOP software.
However, the use of coupling metrics is fraught with dangers, which as far as AOP
maintainability is concerned have not yet been thoroughly investigated. In order to
measure coupling effectively a metrics suite should fulfill a number of key requirements.
For instance: the suite should take into account all the composition mechanisms offered
by the targeted paradigm [29, 31]; the metrics definitions should be formalised accord-
Burrows R., Garcia A. and Taïani F. (2009).
Coupling Metrics for Aspect-Oriented Programming: A Systematic Review of Maintainability Studies.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering - Evaluation of Novel Approaches to
Software Engineering, pages 191-202
DOI: 10.5220/0001955201910202
ing to well-accepted validation frameworks, e.g. Kitchenham’s validation framework
[30]; and they should take into account important coupling dimensions, such as coupling
type or strength. If these criteria are not fully satisfied, maintainability studies of AOP
might draw artificial or inaccurate conclusion and, worse, might mislead programmers
about the potential benefits and dangers of AOP mechanisms regarding software main-
Unfortunately, the validity and reliability of coupling metrics as indicators of main-
tainability in AOP systems remains predominantly untested. In particular, there has been
no systematic review on the use of coupling metrics in AOP maintainability studies. In-
spired from medical research, a systematic review is a fundamental empirical instrument
based on a literature analysis that seeks to identify flaws and research gaps in existing
work by focusing on explicit research questions [29]. This paper proposes such a sys-
tematic review with the aim to pinpoint situations where existing coupling metrics have
been (or not) effective as surrogate measures for key maintainability attributes.
The remainder of this paper provides some background on AOP and coupling meas-
urement (Section 2). We then discuss the design of our systematic review and present its
results (Section 3 and 4). Finally, we discuss our findings (Sections 5) and conclude
(Section 6).
2 AOP and Coupling Measurement
2.1 AOP Languages and Constructs
One of the reasons why the impact of AOP on maintainability is difficult to study per-
tains to the inherent heterogeneity of aspect-oriented mechanisms and languages. Differ-
ent AOP languages tend to incarnate distinct blends of AOP and use different encapsula-
tion and composition mechanisms. They might also borrow abstractions and composi-
tion mechanisms from other programming paradigms, such as collaboration languages
(CaesarJ), feature-oriented programming (CaesarJ), and subject-oriented programming
(HyperJ). Most AOP languages tend to encompass conventional AOP properties such as
joinpoint models, advice and aspects, or their equivalent, but each possesses unique fea-
tures that make cross-language assessment difficult.
Table 1 lists ten such features for AspectJ [2], HyperJ [23] and CaesarJ [8], three of
the most popular AOP languages. For instance, AspectJ supports advanced dynamic
pointcut designators, such as “cflow”. HyperJ uses hyperspace modules to modularise
crosscutting behaviour as well as non-crosscutting behaviour. HyperJ thus does not dis-
tinguish explicitly between aspects and classes in the way AspectJ does. Other abstrac-
tions unique to HyperJ include Compositions Relationships. These use merge-like op-
erators to define how surrounding modules should be assembled. Finally, CaesarJ sup-
ports the use of virtual classes to implement a more pluggable crosscutting behaviour.
This pluggable behaviour is connected with the base code through Aspect Collaboration
Table 1. AO abstractions and mechanisms unique to three main AOP languages.
AO Language Abstraction / Mechanism
Intertype Declaration
Dynamic Pointcut Designators
Aspect Collaboration Interface
Virtual Class
Concern Mapping
Composition Relationship
2.2 Existing AO Coupling Metrics
Coupling metrics aim to measure the level of interdependency between modules [12],
thus assessing a code’s modularisation, and hence maintainability. Unfortunately, each
language’s unique features introduce new forms of coupling, which cannot always read-
ily be mapped onto existing concepts (Table 1). This creates a challenge when designing
coupling metrics for AOP, as these metrics should ideally take into account each lan-
guage’s unique features, while still providing a fair basis for comparison multiple AOP
languages. This turns out to be particularly difficult.
A number of coupling metrics have so far been proposed for AO programs. Some are
adapted from object-orientation, and transposed to account for AO mechanisms. For in-
stance, both Ceccato and Tonella [10] and Sant’Anna et al. [36] have proposed coupling
metrics adapted from an object-oriented (OO) metrics suite by Chidamber and Kemerer
[11]. These metrics can be applied to both OO and AO programs. This is especially use-
ful in empirical studies that perform aspect-aware refactoring. Unfortunately, because
these metrics are not specific to AOP, they might overlook the unique intricate forms of
coupling described in Table 1.
In contrast, Zhao [39] uses dependency graphs to measure some AO mechanisms that
are not measured individually in either Ceccato and Tonella or Sant’Anna’s suites.
Zhao’s suite contains metrics that measure coupling sourced from AO abstractions and
mechanisms independently of OO abstractions and mechanisms.
Coupling metrics are however rarely used as a direct representation of maintainabil-
ity, but instead are typically contrasted against a particular maintainability attribute, such
as code stability. The choice of this attribute (or attributes) might in turn influence which
coupling metrics is the most suitable.
3 Systematic Review
3.1 Objectives and Questions
The aim of our systematic review is to analyse the effectiveness of coupling metrics in
existing AO empirical studies as a predictor of maintainability, and in particular focus
on the following four research questions:
a) Which external attributes are most frequently used to indicate maintainability?
b) Are used coupling metrics effective surrogate measures for software maintainability?
c) Are all AOP abstractions and mechanisms covered by the used coupling metrics?
d) Do AO coupling metrics meet well-established theoretical validation criteria?
3.2 Review Strategy
We searched for relevant papers in 14 renowned online journal banks and recognised
conference papers such as AOSD and ECOOP. From this base we sampled papers that
met the following criteria. Each selected paper had to:
use an empirical study to measure maintainability attributes in AOP;
and use coupling metrics within the study.
Due to low retrieval rate from journal banks, alternative approaches were also used.
This included both consulting references on already-found papers and searching specifi-
cally for papers we knew met our criteria (from previous knowledge). The distribution
of collected research is recorded in the review results (Section 4).
For each paper, we recorded which independent / dependent variables where meas-
ured, the goals of measurement, the type of study, measurement results, which coupling
metrics were used, their origin, and whether the applied metrics were specifically for
AOP or adapted from another programming technique (e.g. OOP).
4 Results
A final set of 12 papers was finally obtained (Table 2), which is a typical sample size for
systematic reviews in software engineering [28].
Table 2. Distribution of Studies.
Electronic Journal # Retrieved # Rejected # Used
L.U. Online Library
18 6 12
4.1 Assessed Maintainability Attributes
It is difficult to select coupling metrics to assess maintainability as definitions are often
open to interpretations. For instance in [24], maintainability is “the ease with which a
software system or component can be modified to correct faults, improve performance,
or other attributes, or adapt to a changed environment”.
There is also no consensus about the external and internal attributes are the most sig-
nificant indicators of maintainability. This is apparent in the empirical studies from the
diverse selection of metrics used. Two main processes were recorded to select suitable
coupling metrics. Firstly, many studies used coupling metrics previously selected in
similar AOP empirical studies. Secondly, results showed the Goal-Question-Metric
(GQM) [6] style approach is a common technique used to select appropriate metrics in
empirical studies. This approach guides researchers to: (i) define the goal of measuring
maintainability, then (ii) derive external attributes that are possible indicators of main-
tainability, then (iii) derive from these a set of internal measurable attributes, and finally
(iv) derive a set of metrics to measure the internal measurable attributes. Unfortunately,
using GQM still leaves a large degree of interpretation to its users, who might independ-
ently reach divergent conclusions. One further problem with this uncertainty is that the
metric selection process can become circular, especially when measuring maintainabil-
ity, as external quality attributes are interconnected. For instance, stability indicates
maintainability, yet maintainability can be seen as an indicator of stability.
Similar techniques for selecting appropriate metrics in empirical studies have been
used in [33]. This study decided to measure attributes such as maintainability, reusability
and reliability as indicators of maintainability. From this list, internal attributes such as
separation of concerns, coupling, complexity, cohesion and size were selected. The final
set of selected coupling metrics was then defined based upon these internal attributes.
We can therefore see that uncertainty on key external attributes has great impact on the
remainder of the metric selection process.
This lack of conformity on these attributes has unsurprisingly affected the selected
coupling metrics. For instance, maintainability is measured in studies [7, 15, 17] through
the application of 9 metrics to measure size, coupling, cohesion and separation of con-
cerns metrics. In [10, 33] complexity is in addition derived as an external attribute con-
tributing to maintainability. We return to this topic in Section 4.1.2.
Similar problems have been observed in maintainability studies of object-oriented
programming (OOP) this has been highlighted in a survey of existing OO empirical
studies and their methodologies to predict external quality attributes [5].
Many studies acknowledge that modularity, coupling, cohesion and complexity are
internal attributes that affect maintainability. Interestingly, error-proneness was the at-
tribute that was not explicitly derived as an indicator of maintainability.
In short, different interpretations of maintainability and its subsequent derived attrib-
utes influence the coupling metrics chosen or defined within the context of an empirical
study. This may explain the wide range of coupling metrics observed in AOP empirical
studies, which we review in the next subsections.
4.2 Coupling Metrics used to measure Maintainability
We identified 27 coupling metrics in our sample set of studies. A representative subset
of these metrics is shown in Table 3. For each metric, the table lists it’s name, descrip-
tion, and six characteristics.
Generally, the most frequent metrics were adapted from object orientation (OO).
Among them, the most common were Coupling Between Components (CBC) and Depth
of Inheritance Tree (DIT), appearing in 66% of the studies. Adapted metrics hold the
advantage of being based upon OO metrics that are widely used, and can be assumed re-
liable. The (implicit) reasoning is that adapting OO metrics to AOP maintains their use-
fulness. This however might no hold: DIT for instance combines both the implicit AO
inheritance with the traditional OO inheritance. It thus considers two very different
mechanisms to be equivalent for coupling, which is questionable.
In contrast, some of the studies also use coupling metrics developed for AOP, such as
Coupling on Advice Execution (CAE) and Number of degree Diffusion Pointcuts (dPC).
These metrics enable a more in-depth analysis of the system coupling behaviour. How-
ever, they are more likely to behave unexpectedly, being underdeveloped.
No AO coupling metrics were found to be interchangeable, i.e. none were found to be
applicable to different AO languages without any ambiguity. This is probably due to the
heterogeneity of AO programming abstractions and mechanisms that makes it very hard
to define metrics accurately across multiple AO languages.
The majority of metrics found in our study assess outgoing coupling connections (in-
dicated as “Fan Out” in Table 3). This can be seen as a weakness, as both incoming and
outgoing coupling connections help refactoring decisions, as discussed in [31].
Table 3. Properties of used coupling metrics.
Metric Name Description
Depth of Inheritance Tree
Longest path from class / aspect to hierarchial root.
Response for a Module
Methods and advices potentially executed in response to a message
received by a given module.
Number of Children
Immediate sub-classes / aspects of a module.
(CBC) Coupling Between Components
Number of classes / aspects to which a class / aspect is coupled.
(CAE) Coupling on Advice Execution
Number of aspects containing advice possibly triggered by execution
of operations in a given module.
(dPC) Number of Degree Diffusion Pointcuts
Number of modules depending on pointcuts defined in the module.
( C) Number of In-Different Concerns
Number of different concerns to which a module is participating.
Fan In /
Fan Out
AO /
class / aspect class / aspect Inheritance n/a No Adapted
module method / advice Environmental Fan Out No Adapted
module class / aspect Inheritance n/a No Adapted
class / aspect class / aspect Environmental n/a No Adapted
module aspect Environmental Fan Out No AO
module module Environmental Fan In No AO
module concern Environmental n/a No AO
4.3 Measured AOP Mechanisms
OO coupling metrics can be adapted to take into account AO mechanisms, producing a
seemingly equivalent measure. However, this approach might miss some of specific
needs of AO programs. We now review how the mechanisms of the AOP languages
most commonly used in maintainability studies of AOP were accounted for in coupling
measures, and draw attention to mechanisms that are frequently overlooked.
Table 4 lists the mechanisms and abstractions used in the coupling metrics of our
study. One first challenge arises from the ambiguity of many notions. For instance,
seven metrics use “modules” as their level of granularity, but what is module might vary
across languages. In AspectJ an aspect may be considered a module – containing advice,
pointcuts and intertype declarations, yet in CaesarJ, each advice forms its own module.
More generally, many coupling metrics use ambiguously terms (“module”, “concern”, or
“component”) which might be mapped to widely varying constructs in different lan-
guages. This hampers the ability of the metrics to draw cross-language comparisons
Table 4. AO mechanisms and abstractions accounted for in used coupling metrics.
Abstraction / Mechanism
Total Number
of Metrics
Entity Metric
Module 15 8 12 5
Component 1 0 0 0
Concern 7 5 7 2
Pointcut 3 0 0 0
Joinpoint 2 2 0 2
Intertype Declaration 1 1 0 0
Aspect 7 4 4 1
Advice 3 1 0 0
Another challenge comes from the fact that certain phenomenon are best analysed by
looking at the base and aspect codes separately. For instance, as a program evolves, it
may lose its original structure. However, in AO programs, the base level and aspect
level often evolve independently and have different structures. Understanding how each
evolution impacts structure thus requires that each be investigated separately. This is not
done in most of the empirical studies we found.
We also noted that the majority of used AO metric suites did not focus on interface
complexity. This is a problem as AO systems are at risk of creating complex interfaces
by extracting code which is heavily dependent on the surrounding base code, and met-
rics are needed to identify problematic situations [33].
More generally, few studies look at the connection between maintainability and spe-
cific AO mechanisms. For instance Response for a Module (RFM) measures connec-
tions from a module to methods / advices. This is useful in analysing coupling on a “per
module” basis, but does not distinguish between individual AO language constructs. For
instance, it adds up intertype declarations jointly with advice as they both provide func-
tionality that insert extra code into the normal execution flow of the system. However
intertype declarations differ from other types of advice as they inject new members (e.g.
attributes) into the base code. Coupling metrics have been proposed to address this prob-
lem and measure singular mechanisms, such as advice, pointcuts, joinpoints and some
intertype declarations[10, 26, 36], but have rarely been used in maintainability studies.
To sum up, no study used metrics to measure constructs unique to AO programming
languages, and very few measured finer-grained language constructs. Although this de-
pends on the particular goals of each maintainability study, this is generally problematic
as each mechanism within a particular language has the potential to affect maintainabil-
ity differently, and should therefore be analysed in its own right.
4.4 Validation of Coupling Metrics
Metrics are useful indicators only if they have been validated. There are two comple-
mentary approaches to validate software metrics, empirical validation and theoretical
validation [30]. We will focus on the latter. In our context, theoretical validation tests
that a coupling metric is accurately measuring coupling and there is evidence that the
metric can be an indirect measure of maintainability.
Here we consider the 8 validity properties suggested by Kitchenham [30]. The theo-
retical criteria are split into two categories: (i) properties to be addressed by all metrics;
and (ii) properties to be satisfied by metrics used as indirect measures. [3] has already
used the first criteria on coupling metrics for AO programs. We offer some alternative
viewpoints here, and also evaluate the coupling metrics against properties that indirect
measures should possess. When we applied this framework to the 27 coupling metrics
found in our review, we identified three potential violations of these criteria, discussed
A valid measure must obey the ‘Representation Condition’. This criterion states that
there should be a homomorphism between the numerical relation system and the meas-
ureable entities. In other words a coupling metric should accurately express the relation-
ship between the parts of the system that it claims to measure. It also implies that cou-
pling metrics should be intuitive of our understanding of program coupling [30]. For in-
stance, a program with a CBC value of 6 should be more coupled than a program with a
CBC value of 5. However, when measuring coupling we often do not perceive each
connection as equal. There are different types and strengths of coupling. If we consider
two AO systems; the first with 5 coupling connections via intertype declarations, and the
second with 5 coupling connections via advice. Even though both systems contain 5
coupling connections, they are not equivalent, and are not equally interdependent. Vari-
ous sources and types of coupling may influence the interdependency of a system in
multiple ways. We found no metrics in the studies that took this finer differences into
Each unit of an attribute contributing to a valid measure is equivalent. We are assum-
ing that units (modules) that are measured alongside each other are equivalent. There are
some AO coupling metrics that only consider coupling from one language ‘unit’. For
example, the CAE metric satisfies this property as each connection counted by metric
value involves an advice method. However, many metrics used in empirical studies of
AOP assume that counting coupling connections between AO modules is equivalent to
coupling connections between OO modules. As mentioned b, classes and aspects are of-
ten measured together as equivalent modules (e.g in DIT), yet we do not have evidence
that they have the same effect upon maintainability, thus violating this criteria.
There should be an underlying model to justify its construction. To give good reason
for the creation of coupling metrics, there should be underlying evidence that the metric
will be an effective indicator of maintainability. Unfortunately, this criterion definition is
somewhat circular in the case of maintainability; metrics are often already constructed
and applied before supporting this underlying theory and justifying their construction. In
OOP it is widely accepted that there is a relationship between coupling and external
quality attributes. Because AOP and OOP share similarities, we could infer that metrics
that measure a specific form of coupling in OOP hold a similar potential when adapted
to AOP (such as DIT, CBC). This however needs to be validated. This need is even
more acute for metrics specific to AOP (e.g. CAE), as we have less information on how
coupling induced by AOP-specific mechanisms correlate with maintainability.
5 Discussion
We first discuss the potential threats to the validity of our study (5.1), and then revisit
our original research questions (5.2) in the light of the results we have just discussed.
5.1 Threats to Validity
Our study raises both internal and external validity issues. In terms of internal validity,
our study is based on 12 papers that matched our criteria (Section 4). This number is not
high however this is in line with systematic reviews in software engineering, which of-
ten rely on approximately 10 target papers [28]. The size of the sample should however
be kept in mind when assessing the generality of our results.
In terms of external validity, we identified a number strengths and liabilities in the
state-of-the-art of AO coupling metrics. However, this list is certainly not exhaustive,
and does no cover a number of broader issues about AO metrics and maintainability.
For instance, there are certain forms of (semantic) module dependencies that cannot be
quantified by conventional coupling metrics, such as those captured by network analysis
[40]. The same argument applies to Net Option Values and Design Structure Matrices
[9, 32]. Finally, AO empirical studies often rely on multiple metrics suites to measure
module complexity, module cohesion, and concern properties. Considering coupling in
isolation thus limits our horizon, a broader review would be complementary to this
5.2 Analysis and Implications
The design and use of AO coupling metrics needs to be improved. Analysis of findings
revealed problems corresponding to each of the four original research questions.
The selection of metrics to measure maintainability in AO studies is ambiguous.
Many issues contribute to this. Some studies specified key external attributes that con-
tribute to the maintainability of a program. The subjectivity and variations of these ex-
ternal attributes (Section 4.1) causes uncertainty of the most effective metrics to select to
measure them. Also, deriving attributes that influence maintainability has shown to be a
circular process e.g. stability affects maintainability, and maintainability affect stability.
Empirical validation may aid researchers to converge on a smaller set of validated cou-
pling metrics. Better-defined metrics will help this process as well (Section 4.4).
Adapted OO metrics are useful to cross-compare AO and OO programs. Naturally,
OO coupling metrics that successfully served as valid indicators of maintainability are
likely to be re-used. In fact, this assumption applies to many studies that refactor OO
programs with aspects. However, it is important that adapted metrics are not the only
ones used. Adapted metrics (such as CBC) overlook characteristics that are unique to a
particular AOP language as discussed in Section 4.3. For instance, this metric cannot be
used to pinpoint the coupling caused by particular AOP constructs, yet specific AOP
constructs may impact unexpectedly upon the maintainability of a program. Also, cou-
pling introduced by unique AOP constructs should be also measured as single entities.
Otherwise, we are unable to gain in-depth knowledge about the impact of AOP on main-
Some AO metrics provide initial means to measure coupling introduced by specific
AO language constructs [10, 33, 39]. These fine-grained metrics make it easier to locate
program elements that are responsible for positive (or negative) results. For example, if
we can correlate a high CAE coupling value with poor maintainability, we may infer that
specific advice types in AOP languages are harmful.
Also, results from fine-grained AO coupling metrics may facilitate the identification
of solutions for classical problems in AOP, such as pointcut fragility [26]. Pointcut fra-
gility is the phenomenon associated with instabilities observed in poincut specifications
in the presence of changes. It is commonly assumed the syntax-based nature of most
pointcut designators is the cause of their fragilities [26]. There are speculations that cer-
tain pointcut designators, such as cflow (Section 2.1), cause more instability. These hy-
potheses re-enforce the need for metrics that quantify specialised types of coupling links
between aspectual code and base code. Such envisaged fine-grained metrics would en-
able us to better understand the effects of particular AOP mechanisms upon maintain-
There are other important dimensions of coupling beyond granularity, such as direc-
tion, or strength of coupling [4]. We identified that the analysed 27 metrics for AOP do
overlook important coupling dimensions. This might be misleading conclusions, as dif-
ferent coupling dimensions may affect maintainability in different ways.
Most AO coupling metrics are created with AspectJ as the target language [10, 33,
36]. However, alternative languages, such as HyperJ and CaesarJ, support AOP based
on different mechanisms (Table 1). Section 4.3 discussed the need for coupling metrics
tailored to these unique mechanisms of alternative AOP languages. It is also required to
define coupling metrics that are interchangeable across these multiple AOP languages.
Not all coupling metrics meet popular validation criteria (Section4.4). Without theo-
retical validation there is the risk of using metrics that are providing inaccurate results.
Even subtle adaptations to widely accepted OO metrics need to be validated. A recurring
point in this review was that certain metric definitions assume different language con-
structs can be measured together as equivalent entities. For instance, coupling via class
inheritance in OO programs might not demonstrate equivalent maintainability effects as
aspect inheritance in AO programs. Similar effects might also be overlooked in other
forms of module specialisations in AOP, such as intertype declarations. Therefore it
might not be appropriate to quantify together heterogeneous specialisation forms in
Liabilities of AO coupling metrics are not restricted to unsatisfactory theoretical vali-
dation. Their empirical validation is also limited, and the statistical relevance of coupling
metrics’ results is compromised. For example, metrics adapted from OOP remain invali-
dated within the context of AOP. It would be wrong to assume that such adapted metrics
can be similarly interpreted in the context of AO software maintainability.
6 Conclusions
Conducting the systematic review has presented valuable insights into current trends on
coupling measurement for AOP. This has consequently highlighted the need for fine-
grained metrics that consider specific AOP constructs. Existing metrics that are fre-
quently used are therefore in danger of overlooking key contributors to maintainability.
For this reason, there is a niche in current maintainability studies of AOP to use cou-
pling metrics that: (i) take specific language constructs into account, (ii) distinguish be-
tween the various dimensions of coupling, and (iii) can be applied unambiguously to a
variety of AOP languages. We have also noticed that the maintainability studies of AOP
overly concentrate on static coupling metrics. Dynamic coupling metrics [1] for AOP
have not been applied in all the analysed studies. This came as a surprise as many AO
composition mechanisms rely on the behavioural program semantics. Also, key main-
tainability attributes, such as error proneness (Section 4.1), are never explicitly assessed.
Validating new metrics is a non-trivial matter. Kitchenham raised the problem that vali-
dating metrics solely with predictive models can be problematic [29]. Without theoreti-
cal validation, metrics might not be suitable indirect measures of maintainability. There-
fore, even AO metrics adapted from empirically-validated OO metrics, can fail to be
theoretically sound predictors of maintainability. In fact, our systematic review found
that some AO metrics do not obey the representation condition and other criteria.
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