Fernanda Alencar
, Oscar Pastor
, Beatriz Marín
, Giovanni Giachetti
Technical University of Valencia, Avenida de los Naranjos s/n, Valencia, Spain
Jaelson Castro
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Centro de Informática, Av. Prof. Luiz Freire S/N, 50740-540, Recife, Brazil
Keywords: Goal-orientation, Requirements engineering, Requirements modelling, Conceptual modelling, MDD.
Abstract: In order to fully capture the various system facets, a model should have not only software specifications but
it should integrate multiple complementary views. Model-Driven Development (MDD) and Goal-Oriented
Requirements Engineering (GORE) are two modern approaches that deal with models and that can
complement each other. We want to demonstrate that a sound software production process can start with a
GORE-based requirements model and can finish with advanced MDD-based techniques to generate a
software product. Therefore, we intend to show that GORE and MDD can be successfully put together.
Recently, the focus on software development is
moving from the simple code writing to the models
specification and models transformations to obtain
the code. A model should have not only software
specifications, but also multiple complementary
views: intentional, structural, responsibility,
functional, and behavioral.
Model-Driven Development (MDD) and Goal-
Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) are
two modern approaches that are generating a lot of
literature. Nevertheless, few rigorous attempts to
show how they can be properly being joined exist.
Model-driven development methods were
devised to take advantage of using models. MDD
defends that quality software must be seen as a
sequence of well-defined model transformations
(Mellor, 2003).
Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering (van
Lamsweerde, 2008) focuses on the activities that
precede the formulation of software system
requirements. It is said that GORE is an adequate
approach to dealing with more and more complex
software systems. However, too often works on
GORE stay at the Requirements Engineering level,
and how to go from their requirements models to the
corresponding software products remains basically
In order to fill up this gap, there are researches
focusing on mechanisms that facilitate the
generation of a software system from early
requirements specifications. For instances, (van
Lamsweerde, 2008) considers the KAOS method,
(Martinez, 2008) presents an approach inserted at
the Tropos context (Giorgini, 2005) including the i*
framework (Yu, 1995), and (Alencar, 2003;
Santander, 2002; Castro, 2001) propose
transformations from i* models to generate UML
conceptual models. However these approaches do
not use a MDD approach, avoiding the possibility to
automatically generate the final software product.
The main contribution of our work is mainly
practical: we show that GORE and MDD can be
successfully combined. On the GORE side we select
the original i* framework. From the MDD part we
have taken the OO-Method approach (Pastor, 2007)
and its industrial tool - Olivanova (Care, 2008) - that
generates a complete software product through a
compilation process from an OO Conceptual Model.
The last piece of that puzzle is to select a real
problem: we choose a domain based on an Agency
of Photographers that was solved in the PROS
Research Center. From the requirements description,
we construct an early requirements model to
Alencar F., Pastor O., Marín B., Giachetti G. and Castro J. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001956303470350
represent the organizational context. Next, we will
deal with late requirements and we will introduce
the information system that will automate some
services. Then we compare this model with the
conceptual schema (an extended class diagram)
previously created with OO-Method. So that, we
will answer the question: “Can we use the i*
framework as the requirement model for OO-
Method?” Additionally, we can evaluate how much
of the involved process can be automated.
To achieve these objectives, section 2 presents
the modeling process used to obtain the initial
evidence for using the two approaches together (i*
framework and the OO-Method MDD approach).
Finally, the section 3 summarizes the paper and
points out future works.
It seems interesting that the requirements models can
be more expressive and capture intentionality,
rationales, and alternatives; but above all, that it will
possible to transform the i* requirements model into
the conceptual model of the OO-Method MDD
approach. We use a pre-existing industrial case
study: the Photographic Agency, which was
modelled using the OO-Method approach. For
reasons of space, we show a partial view. A
complete version can be found in (PROS, 2008).
2.1 The Research Methodology
In order to answer our main question: Can we use
the i* framework as the requirement model for the
OO-Method approach?, we have structured our
research in five steps: (1) elicitation of basic
requirements and construction of initial description
in natural language, (2) model the business
processes using the i* models (the Strategic
Dependency model – SD- and the Strategic
Rationale model - SR), (3) seek to automate some
business process by the insertion of a information
system, (4) comparison of the conceptual models get
in the OO-Method context with the i* models lately
drew in order to identify the common elements, and
(5) definition of a subset of i* elements that can be
used as an intermediate model, or as a requirement
model in the OO-Method approach.
2.2 Applying the Metodology
In the first step, we construct a requirements
description of our case study, which deals with the
business processes of making available the
photographic report by a publishing house. The
photography agency manages the photo reports and
their distribution for publishing houses that operate
with freelance photographers. These freelances
present requests to the photography agency. The
publishing houses also must be subscribed into the
agency. Usually, the publishing houses are attended
by the production department, which searches in the
file of photo reports the more interesting reports
according to the topics asked by the publishing
houses. If a publishing house request for a photo
report, this is sent with a delivery note that must be
signed by the publishing house, and brought by
In the second step, all the actors involved are
identified: the Publishing House, the Production
Department (Dep.) and the Messenger (Figure 1).
After that we determine the intentional dependency
among the actors. For example, the Publishing
House need that the Production Dep. satisfies its
goal of Some photo report be make available (a goal
dependency). Moreover, the Publishing House
needs that the Production Dep. makes available a list
with the description of the different photo reports (a
resource dependency) that it has. In addition, the
Production Dep. requires that the Publishing House
make available the Desired Topics and its Report
request (both are resource dependency). Some other
dependencies are specified in the i* model and we
have detected that all correspond to resource
dependencies. This reflects the viewpoint of the
developer whom made the textual description. In
particular, since the OO-Method focuses on
functional aspects, we explain this fact below.
Afterwards, we began to expand the actors (SR
model) to identify the intentions and the “Why´s” of
dependency relationships among the actors. The
Figure 1 shows a partial view of the SR i* model. In
this model, almost all elements are tasks which are
broken down into other tasks (task-decomposition
link in the SR model). For example, at the
Production Dep. actor we see only two goals (The
Publishing House be attended and The description of
different photo reports be sent), which have been
modeled as the ends to be reached by some means (a
means-end link in the i* SR model). These
intentional goals were inferred from reading the
Photography Agency description. They were not
explicitly raised.
In the third step of the research methodology, we
introduced an actor that represents the system that
we need. We call it by PAS (Photographic Agency
System), which will not be expanded.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: The Organizational SR model for the Photographic Agency.
By the client decision, only the Agency´s
Departments actors will interact with the system (an
internal system). The Production Dep. will do its
work with the help of the PAS. Thus, some processes
now will be done by the PAS. The PAS must record
information about the Publishing House, its Photo
Report request, its desired Topics, and the Photo
Report. Some others business processes are not
automated and continue to depend on the
relationship with the Publishing House, the
Production Dep. and the Messenger (whom deliver
In the fourth step, the comparison between the i*
model and the OO-Method class diagram has been
developed according the problem description. In this
diagram the classes correspond to the functional
elements of the final system. Due to space
constraints, we only present the resultant class
diagram in the Figure 2.
Figure 2: The Conceptual Class Diagram of the
Photographic Agency System for the Publishing House
In our comparison between the i* model (Figure
1) and the conceptual class diagram (Figure 2) we
only focus on the request for a desired photo report.
From the interaction of the Production Dep. actor
with the PAS actor we find a particular goal: A non-
exclusive report request must be processed. The
satisfaction of a goal may include the execution of
several tasks, and the production and usage of
resources in the i* models. We started our studies
highlighting those resources in the i* model (Figure
1). By definition, a resource is an entity, physical or
informational. Then, in Figure 2 we found that all
these elements were modeled as classes.
Thus, we are appraising that we have three
options for modeling, specifically when we have a
resource dependency: (1) if the resource element it is
not related with the system it will not modeled; (2) if
the resource is related with the intended system and
represents an entity, then it will be represent by a
class; (3) if the resource is related with the intended
system and represents an informational entity, then it
will be modeled by a class attribute.
We must study the other i* elements. Therefore,
we look for the actors and try to answer the
questions: Who are the actors whose data must be
captured and store by the system? and Who are the
actors that we do not store its data but directly use
the system?
For the first question we met the actor Publishing
House. This element was modeled as a class in the
class diagram. For the second question, we met the
actors Production Dep. using the system. Thus, we
highlight this element (Figure 1) and, we observe
that this element is an agent class in the class
diagram. This distinction is done by the OO-method
approach (Pastor, 2007). The actor (Messenger) does
not use the system and we do not need to store
his/her data, or any information related When we are
looking for an actor we will have: (1) to represent it
as class, as in the first case; (2) to represent it as
agent, as in the second case; or (3) do not represent
it at the class diagram. When the decomposition of
the task To ask for some photo report at the
Publishing House actor boundary is analyzed, we
identify that it will be necessary to choose the
intended reports and to associate these photos to a
report request. Thus, we deduced that will have an
association among three classes: Publishing House,
Report request, and the desired photo repots.
Despite the class name, the Figure 2 models this
situation as an aggregation relationship.
In spite of the main strengths of the OO-Method
approach, which allow the automatic generation of
information systems from well-defined conceptual
models, this method also presents disadvantages,
such as the lack of traceability between the classes
(of the class diagram) and the requirements from
which these classes are generated. Thus, when
someone read the class diagram, some information is
not presented. It is true that not all the information
captured in an early requirement phase is useful in
the implementation of object-oriented systems.
However, some of them might to be. In our research,
we encounter these evidences by using a rich
requirement ontology (like i* framework) that can
be very useful for us to go toward building
conceptual models richer.
Summarizing, we try to answer the question: Can we
use the i* framework as the requirement model for
the OO-Method?” We conclude that it is possible to
use the i* framework. Indeed, we need to derivate an
intermediate requirements model with rationales
from which, using transformations functions on
MDD, derive some elements of the class diagram.
Sure, the initial phase needs a more abstract model
while the final phases of development need a more
concrete model. Thus, some arguments should be
introducing in the later phases models. Therefore,
we can reduce the gap from requirements
specification in the problem space to conceptual
models in the solution space. In sequence, we will
formalize this proposing a simple and direct way of
extract from a requirement models the main
elements that the OO-Method conceptual model
At this moment we are working to formalize
concrete guidelines to determine an intermediate
requirement model from which we can generate a
conceptual model as the model of the OO-Method
approach. To perform this generation, we are
focusing on model transformations that are based on
the metamodels of the involved models.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems