A Viewpoint and Aspect-Oriented Domain Analysis Approach
António Pedro Rodrigues and João Araújo
CITI/Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Quinta da Torre, Caparica, Portugal
Keywords: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering, Domain Analysis, Feature Modelling, Viewpoints.
Abstract: Requirements approaches can be integrated to specify domain requirements. Among them, viewpoint-
oriented approaches stand out by their simplicity, and efficiency in organizing requirements. However, none
of them deals with modularization of crosscutting concerns. Aspect-Oriented Domain Analysis (AODA) is a
growing area of interest as it addresses the problem of specifying crosscutting properties at domain analysis
level. The goal is to obtain a better reuse at this abstraction level through the advantages of aspect
orientation. This work proposes an AODA approach that integrates feature modeling and viewpoints.
Software reusability is key to significant
productivity gains and its success is granted mostly
by the use of Domain Analysis (DA). According to
the Software Engineering Institute, DA is "the
process of identifying, collecting, organizing and
representing the relevant information in a domain,
based upon the study of existing systems and their
development histories, knowledge captured from
domain experts, underlying theory, and emerging
technology within a domain”.
DA is a means to build reusable infrastructures to
support the specification and implementation of
restricted classes of applications. Some domain
requirements can be referenced as crosscutting as
they “cut across” other domain requirements, and
that can be a problem when changes in the domain
requirements occur, causing problems to system
evolution. To overcome this issue, some approaches
have been developed within the software
engineering community, like Object-Oriented
Domain Analysis (OODA) (Shlaer and Mellor,
1989), and Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis
(FODA) (Kang et al., 1990).
But none of these approaches are enough to
specify crosscutting properties of the domain.
Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering (AORE)
techniques can be easily adapted to do this such as
Arcade (Rashid et al. 2003) which combines aspects
with viewpoints. In this paper we will propose
VAODA: a new approach which extends the Arcade
approach with feature modelling.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents and applies our approach to using a case
study. Section 3 draws some conclusions and
highlights some future work.
Most of feature modelling approaches have little
integration with other domain specification
approaches. Their integration should give a broader
vision of the domain. Crosscutting concerns are not
specifically addressed, so the approach we propose
in this paper tries to fulfil that gap. This approach
integrates domain analysis with aspects, feature
models and viewpoints and it should specify models
at both domain and application engineering. To
illustrate the approach it will be used a car park
system. The requirements are stated as follows.
A car parking system may be accessed through a
ticket, a gizmo or a card. In the first case a client has
to get a ticket from a machine after pressing a
button. Afterwards, the car is allowed to enter and
park in an available place. When s/he wants to leave
the parking place, s/he has to pay the ticket. The
amount depends on the time spent. After paying the
client can leave by inserting the ticket in a machine.
In the second case a gizmo can be purchased
through a simple process where the client gives
Rodrigues A. and Araújo J. (2009).
VAODA - A Viewpoint and Aspect-Oriented Domain Analysis Approach.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001960203510354
her/his personal info, her/his debit card and the
vehicle which will be associated to the gizmo. To
enter the park it is necessary to have the gizmo
placed in the vehicle’s windscreen, and as the driver
chooses to enter the park pressing a button, the
gizmo is read and the gate is opened. To exit the
park the process is similar. The amount to pay is
shown in a display. This amount is sent to the
client’s bank in order to debit. In the third case, the
client can use a pre-purchased card that is used to
enter the park and will be debited every time he
leaves the car park. The system has to control if the
car parking is full or not and if it is closed or not.
2.1 VAODA in Domain Engineering
VAODA at Domain Engineering (DE) level is
composed by six main activities: Identify and
specify domain viewpoints and concerns; Specify a
feature model; Identify crosscutting requirements;
Specify aspectual viewpoints; Compose aspectual
viewpoints; Integrate aspect-oriented viewpoints
with feature model (see Figure 1). They will be
described in detail and illustrated with the case study
Identify and Specify Domain Viewpoints and
Concerns. Viewpoints represent an encapsulation of
partial information about the system’s requirements,
of a particular perspective. They can be associated to
stakeholders, environment and system domain. A
viewpoint-oriented approach to requirements
elicitation recognizes that all information cannot be
obtained only considering one perspective. The
viewpoints identified in this example are: ATM,
Bank, Driver, Entry Machine, Exit Machine, Gizmo,
Park, Park Attendant, Paying Machine, Vehicle and
Vehicle Owner. Examples of relevant concerns are:
Availability, Multi-Access, Response Time,
Security, Usability. Templates of the viewpoints
Entry Machine and Exit Machine are shown in
tables 1 and 2.
Specify a Feature Model. A feature model
represents a hierarchy of properties of domain
concepts. Feature modeling was proposed as part of
the Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA)
(Kang et al., 1990) method, and since then, it has
been applied in a number of domains. Based on the
information provided by the viewpoint requirements
and the domain experts we can derive a feature
model. In our example, figure 2 shows a feature
model for the case study. In our approach this is
done manually, by analyzing the viewpoint
Figure 1: VAODA process in DE.
Table 1: Template for the Entry Machine viewpoint.
Table 2: Template for the Exit Machine viewpoint.
For example, Entry Machine can be defined as a
feature decomposed into several obligatory features
(e.g. display, gate, intercom, park attendant button
and vehicle sensor), and some variable features, in
this case the kind of access to the park (e.g. by card,
by ticket or using Green Lane gizmo).
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: FMP model for the case study.
Identify Crosscutting Requirements, Specifying
and Composing Aspectual Viewpoints. When
there are requirements scattered in several
viewpoints, those are called “Aspectual
Requirements” and are modularized in a new
“Aspectual Viewpoint” that will now be defined.
Looking at the viewpoints above one can notice that
some requirements are very similar, they only defer
in the kind of machine involved. For example, we
“Entry machine detects the vehicle”, in Entry
Machine viewpoint;
“Exit machine detects the vehicle”, in Exit
machine viewpoint.
By removing these requirements from the
original viewpoints we define aspectual viewpoints.
Thus, for a requirement to be considered an
“aspectual” one, all his sub-requirements have to be
similar too. Note that the requirements are similar
not equal, as they differ on the subject. Thus, we will
encapsulate this kind of requirement into an
aspectual viewpoint and will be redefined using
“Roles”. Roles work as variables that can be
instantiated and deal with similar requirements. This
technique has been successfully applied to specify
crosscutting scenarios (Whittle and Araújo, 2004).
Table 3 shows the aspectual viewpoint Machine.
The crosscutting requirements include roles
(represented by the names preceded with a “|”) that
are instantiable parts of the requirements, i.e. during
composition they will be instantiated to a concrete
value. In the example |Machine will be instantiated
to Entry or Exit Machine.
Aspects can be also defined for the non-
functional concerns, which are often crosscutting.
We will not focus on this here as the work in
(Rashid et al., 2003) deals with this in detail. Re-
writing the viewpoint Entry Machine by removing
the aspect we obtain the new templates in table 4.
Table 3: Template for the Machine aspectual viewpoint.
Table 4: New version of Entry Machine viewpoint.
To compose aspectual and non-aspectual
viewpoints, firstly, we need to instantiate the roles in
the aspectual viewpoint and then we compose them.
Intuitive composition rules are shown below:
Compose Entry Machine with Machine
Bind |Machine to Entry Machine
Add requirements AR1 to AR4 in Entry
Integrate the Feature Model with the Viewpoint
Model. Table 5 shows the relationships between
features and viewpoints. Fields marked with an “x
are considered mandatory whereas marked with “o”
are considered optional.
2.2 VAODA in Application
The application engineering process defines how the
system assets are used for the development of
applications in the domain. In VAODA, the
application engineering process consists of three
steps: Configure the feature model; Reuse
Viewpoints; Reuse composition rules.
Configure the Feature Model. It consists of
defining an application model within the domain. In
this case, the car park considered will only be
accessed by card, as it is a residential one, only
granting access to residents of that specific building.
Based on the information provided by the viewpoint
requirements, a configured feature model of the case
study for application engineering can be made,
(figure 3).
VAODA - A Viewpoint and Aspect-Oriented Domain Analysis Approach
Table 5: Features vs viewpoints at Domain Engineering.
Reuse Viewpoints and Aspects According to the
Configured Feature Model. The reused viewpoints
declared in domain engineering are adapted to the
specific model configured before. There are several
differences between the Car Park at the Domain
level, and the Car Park at the Application level, as at
the domain level all possibilities have to be taken
into account: at application level there will be no
ATM, Bank, Gizmo, Paying Machine. The concerns
are the same as the ones for the Domain Engineering
level. The template for the viewpoint Entry Machine
is shown in table 6. The aspectual viewpoints also
have to be simplified to just express the access by
Table 6: The configured Entry machine viewpoint.
Reuse Composition Rules According to
Configured Feature Model. They are also reused
according to the application model. The composition
rules are very similar to the ones already specified in
the DE.
Compose Entry Machine with Machine
Bind |Machine to Entry Machine
Add requirements AR1 in Entry Machine.
Add requirements AR2 to AR4 in Entry
In addition to the approach, a tool was developed
in order to find the candidates to aspectual
requirements among the viewpoints of a given
system. This tool was developed in Java, also using
the Swing widget toolkit (an API for providing a
graphical user interface (GUI) for Java programs).
Figure 3: Configured feature model for the Car Park.
This paper proposed an approach to handle
crosscutting requirements (i.e. candidate aspects) in
domain analysis, called VAODA. The approach is
composed of two main parts, the domain and
application engineering parts. A tool was developed,
in order to help identifying the aspectual functional
requirements within a set of domain viewpoints.
For future work a more complete composition
language is also a matter to take into account, when
dealing with aspectual requirements. Finally feature
interaction should also be contemplated.
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Rashid, A., Moreira, A., Araújo, J. (2003) Modularisation
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Shlaer, S. & Mellor, S. J. (1989) An Object-Oriented
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems