A Software for the Sensitization of Primary School
Students to Environmental Themes
Marco Vannucci, Valentina Colla, Leonardo Bendinelli
Marco Colombini, Rachele Massei and Silvia Ciulli
PERCRO Lab., Scuola Superiore S.Anna, viale R.Piaggio, Pontedera, Italy
Materials recycling, Educational software, Interactive book, Games.
This paper describes a software suite aiming at the sensitization of children to environmental themes such as
materials use and recycling. The software, in the form of an interactive book, by means of the famous ”‘Three
little pigs”’ story introduces the handled themes which are treated more in detail through some knowledge
improvement scenes extending the main story. The suite is completed by some games which verify the users
understanding of the treated themes. The developed software is usable both as a stand alone software both via
Internet embedded in a web page. Tests of the suite have been performed on a group of primary school students
and proved the efficiency of the software, its high interactivity level and an encouraging comprehension of the
treated themes by the users and suggested the authors the future developments.
The current world situation in terms of environment
is critical. Energy use, resources consumption and
pollution represent key issues which will affect life
quality in the present and in the future years. For
this reason it is clear that for a responsible devel-
opment the world has not only to operate in the di-
rection of the elaboration and improvement of new
and more sustainable technologies in order to inter-
vene directly on such problems but also in the direc-
tion of making people aware of environmental prob-
lems. Even more so, it appears important the aware-
ness of young children to this kind of problems. For
this purpose a software suite for the sensitization of
primary school students to subjects such as material
use, recycling and energy saving was developed as
these aspects will play a key role for the environmen-
tal impact. In the last three decades educational soft-
ware production increased year by year together with
its importance, exploiting each time more sofisticated
technologies which allowed the development of ever
more capturing software (Johnson, 2003). The story
of educational software starts in the early sixties with
the production of lean softwares without multimedia
and interaction with the user and continues up to to-
day characterized by many tools rich of fascinating
3D graphics, sounds effectsand a higher levelof inter-
activity. The whole scenery of educational software
is very complex and can be classified on the basis of
its contents and methods: from the common tools for
children’s home learning to more complex packages
suitable to the use in the classrooms under the con-
trol of a teacher or to the so called edutaintment in
which the main characterizing element is the enter-
tainment and the educational part plays a secondary
role. Technology improvementsplayed a primary role
in the development of educational software (Khalifa
et al., 2000) making possible the use of multimedia
resources and interactivity which are fundamental for
the success of this tools (Straker and Govier, 1996) as
in the modern world children have to be stimulated to
the learning through educational software otherwise
their attention will be kept by other kinds of media
such as television or gaming consoles, less interesting
from the strictly educational point of view, but more
captivating. In the recent years educational software
and the introduction of computer to the schools were
proved to accelerate children’s learning process (Con-
treras, 2002) and by consequence a multitude of edu-
cational software was developed for several purposes:
mathematics, history, foreign languages, geography,
music, religion, physical education and many others.
A list containing a reviewof most representativeprod-
ucts categorized by subject area can be found in (Dig-
Vannucci M., Colla V., Bendinelli L., Colombini M., Massei R. and Ciulli S. (2009).
THREE LITTLE PIGS DISCOVERING MATERIALS - A Software for the Sensitization of Primary School Students to Environmental Themes.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 267-272
DOI: 10.5220/0001961502670272
ital resources guide, 2005). In the complex scenery of
educational software, due to the aggravation of world
environmental situation, specific environmental edu-
cation software and books appeared in order to dis-
seminate to a large public the main concepts on the
basis of sustainable development. Some of these tools
are addressed to children but, due to the handled top-
ics and to the level of inspection, many others are ad-
dressed to mature users.
This paper presents an educational software in the
form of a living book addressed to young children
aiming to their sensitization to the correct use of most
common materials. This paper is organized as fol-
lows: a general description of the complete software
is depicted in section 2 then sections 3, 4 and 5 de-
scribes the parts the suite can be divided in on the
basis of the teaching approach. Some considerations
on the testing of the tool on a group of primary school
students and some remarks on the future perspective
of the suite are discussed in section 6.
The developed software consists of an interacting set
of tools for the sensitization of primary school chil-
dren to topics related to the environment such as the
correct use of materials and their recycling. Such
subtopics were chosen among the others because they
are nowadays very common and not completely un-
known to the target public; moreover they are consid-
ered very important for the future preservation of the
environment. The target users the educational soft-
ware is addressed to and the handled subjects imposed
some tricks on several aspects of the product. In par-
ticular the age of the public required the software to
be continuously snappy and able to keep as high as
possible the attention of the young users. Moreover it
was decided to give the users the possibility of learn-
ing what they want by selecting particular topics or
to deepen the concepts they are interested in. Finally
there was the necessity to monitor the actual learning
of the treated concepts by the user in order to eval-
uate the effectiveness of the software. Beside these
methodological issues there were also technical as-
pects which have been considered: the portability of
the software in order to make it usable on various OS
platforms; its accessibility from the web and modu-
larity in order to allow an easy addition and update
of new parts in the future. The basic idea of the suite
was thus to create a software handling the above men-
tioned environmental issues by exploiting the frame-
work of a well known fairytale opportunely modified
in order to add the desired contents. The educational
software consists of an interactive animation similar
to a living book.
The story which was chosen to be represented is
the famous novel Three little pigs (Jacobs, 1890), a
fairy tale featuring animals published for the first time
in the late 18th century although the story is thought
to be much older. This particular story was cho-
sen because it was considered very appropriate to the
treated topics as the original story is already oriented
to themes such as materials as it tells the adventures
of three little pigs defending from a ravenous wolf by
building their dens once in reed, then in wood and fi-
nally with bricks experimenting that way the features
of these materials. Both the technical and method-
ological organisation of the suite reflect the standard
methods utilized for the development of educational
software (Barbosa, Maldonado, 2006) which aim to
the creation of efficient tools in terms of teaching ca-
pabilities. The developed tool is logically divided into
three parts in which the user can freely move as shown
in figure 1. These three parts combine entertaining
elements, games and information which are acknowl-
edged to be the backbone of an efficient educational
software (Jovanovic, Starcevic, Stavljanin, Minovic,
2008). Giving the user the freedom of passing ar-
bitrarily from one scene to another is a method for
keeping high the interest of the user by letting him
decide what to see and what to learn (Finlayson and
Cook, 1998). Each part was designed in order to meet
the requirements mentioned in this section:
The main story in this part of the suite the main
story of the Three little pigs is told by means of
interactive animations. Beside the story, many in-
formations concerning the materials employed by
the little pigs are passed to the user. This part is
described in detail in section 3.
The knowledge improvements in this sections main
informations about materials, their use and their
recycling process are reported together with sim-
ple quizzes and other curiosities on the treated
themes. This part is described in detail in section
The games some well-known games have been real-
ized in order to verify in a funny way the learning
of the concepts and to entertain the young users.
This part is described in detail in section 5.
In order to meet the technical requirements it was de-
cided to develop the main story and the knowledge
improvement part as a Flash animation which allows
various interactions with the user, is familiar to chil-
dren as many web pages already use such technology
and can be either part of a stand alone executable soft-
ware or embedded in an HTML page. On the other
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: A scheme of the parts composing the suite and the
connections among them.
hand games were implemented by using the Java pro-
gramming language which grants the portability of
the software which is a key issue for a wide use of the
software (Beynon and Mackay, 1993) (OECD, 1987).
The accountof the story of Three little pigs is the main
part of the whole suite from which it is possible to
reach the other parts of the software. The original
story is related faithfully and is used as a pretext to
discuss the desired environmental issues thanks to the
additions of several considerations as, for instance, on
the materials employed by men for building houses
or to perform some common works. For the devel-
opment of the Flash animation used for the represen-
tation of the story the commercial software Macro-
media Flash MX was employed. Such software is
the standard professional tool for the creation of in-
teractive animations consisting of graphic elements,
texts and web applications and allows the publication
of created animations on a web page integrated in a
HTML form.
In the design of story scenes several considera-
tions for the improvement of their appearance were
for the choice of colors and settings of the novel,
vivid pastel colors were preferred to realistic ones.
Pastel colors are more familiar to children as they
are used in cartoons
the language used in dialogs and narration is very
simple and as similar as possible to comics style,
moreover typical comics baloons are used for the
dialogs among characters
several hidden animations have been put into the
Interactivity and animations are very important in
the scenes. For the realization of such aspects a tool
named ActionScript available within the Macromedia
package was used.
The main story consists of 35 scenes telling the
story of the Three little pigs and focusing on mate-
rials themes by means of some added scenes or ele-
ments. During the representation of a scene it is pos-
sible to interact with some of its elements. When a
scene ends, it will be possible for the user to move
to the next or previous scene or, if available, to enter
a scene containing some knowledge improvement as
shown in figure 2
Figure 2: A sample scene of the story where links to previ-
ous and following scenes can be seen as well as the high-
lighted link to the steel knowledge improvement.
The story includes music and sound effects. Both
the narration and the dialog among the characters are
written and read so as to allow the use of the soft-
ware to those children who are still not able of read-
ing. Currently the software supports Italian and En-
glish language but the possibility of adding further
languages is fully supported.
In addition to the story, some special contents for im-
proving the knowledge of interested users on mate-
rial themes were added. The framework of the story
in this sense works as a starting point for more de-
tailed information on a specific set of topics. In facts
from some story scenes it is possible to jump to other
scenes where materials features are described more
in detail by pressing a button or interacting with a
character as seen in figure 2. The presence of these
links on the scenes are supposed to prompt the chil-
dren to know something more on the topics the par-
ticular scene is related to. These extended contents
have been realized by means of flash animated scenes
as it was done for the main story. Nevertheless these
scenes are characterized by a higher level of interac-
tivity as it is needed for an active involvement of the
THREE LITTLE PIGS DISCOVERING MATERIALS - A Software for the Sensitization of Primary School Students to
Environmental Themes
child in the teaching process . The considered materi-
als at this stage are: wood, concrete, steel, plastic and
glass. For each of them the following aspects have
been treated :
Story the story of the material, its discovery and first
use and some other curious information
Use the way the material can be used, highlighting its
main features and the reason of each specific em-
ployment with manyexamples from the real world
Recycling what happens to an object when its use is
over: the parts which can be recycled, which ma-
terials are the most suitable for such purpose and
the advantages of recycling are presented.
Figure 3 shows some screenshots of the concern-
ing such topics and of the window which allows the
relative choice.
Figure 3: Some screenshots of the scenes for the knowledge
improvements on materials. In particular the main menu
for wood is presented (top-left) from which it is possible to
reach the subtopics.
In this part there is a high level of interactivity, in
particular during the narration the child will be asked
to answer simple questions or to play little games in
order to keep him interested in the explanation as sug-
gested in (William and Noel, 1998) and to verify if he
is going to understand the treated arguments. These
interactions give also the chance to give additional
information: as an example (see figure 4) the child
is asked on the material he would use for building a
house through a multiple choice quiz and each time he
gives the wrong answer he obtains the explanation of
why the chosen material is not suitable for that pur-
pose until he answers correctly and gets some addi-
tional information on the goodness of the material for
the particular aim. Another kind of game added to the
software consists on the match of a carpenter tools
with their names by means of drag-and-drop. This
latter game was appreciated by children as it involves
an higher level of interactivity by respect to the simple
question–answer interaction. During the description
of materials features the presence of an extra character
was exploited. In particular since the beginning of the
story a smart beaver is commissioned to give infor-
mation, explanation on the materials and to suggest to
play the games or answer the question. The use of this
kind of characters is popular in living books and edu-
cational cartoons and makes simpler and more natural
the interaction of the software with the user.
Figure 4: The Beaver character during one of its quizzes.
The aim of the story and of the content extensions
is to teach the children the concepts on the basis of
a responsible usage of materials. In order to evalu-
ate their comprehension of such concepts two interac-
tive games were developed and added to the software
suite for entertaining children and evaluating their un-
derstanding of the treated themes. The importance
of games as an instrument for the learning process
is widely acknowledged (Morsi and Jackson, 2007)
(Frazer, Argles, Wills, 2007). The games have been
embedded in the software suite and they share with
the rest of the package the same characters, contents
and philosophy. The games were designed in order to
be stimulating so as to spur the children in the explo-
ration of the package and so as that their entertaining
nature should emerge hiding its didactic aims. Among
the various types of games suitable to be adapted to
these ideas two very common games were selected as
they were considered the most convenient to our aim:
Memory it is a very popular game, known by most
children. A set of pairs of cards representing vari-
ous subjects is placed on the table so that only the
back of the cards is visible, then the player will
try to find all the couples by disclosing the cards
two by two. In this work a particular extension to
the game was added: the associative memory in
which a couple of cards corresponds to two cards
brought together by a particular criterion (i.e. a
couple of animals or a couple of objects made in
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Puzzle is the classic puzzle game in which an origi-
nal picture is cut in several pieces and the user has
to recompose it.
These two games were developed in the Java pro-
gramming languagein order to exploitthe well known
portability of this technology, in facts, Java allowed to
create two applications that can be run both as stand
alone software both as part of a web page by means
of an applet.
5.1 Notes on the Memory Game
Two kinds of the Memory game were developed: the
traditional one and its associative version. The user
can choose the type of game through a starting menu
in which it is possible to select the difficulty level and
the theme of the employed card deck. There are 3 dif-
ferent difficulty levels: easy, normal and hard which
differ for the number of the involved cards (8, 16
and 32 for the three levels, respectively) while for
the traditional memory game two cards themes are
supported: the first one representing the characters
utilized in the Three little pigs story and the other
one representing the materials presented in the story
and in the contents extension. It is be possible to
extend the number of card themes in a simple way.
Two different themes were created for the associative
memory game: the first one involves the associations
objects-materials in which the user is asked to com-
bine objects made of the same material; the second
one is for the association job-tool in which the task is
to associate a job to its specific tools. The choice of
card themes has the aim of maintaining a relation be-
tween the strictly educational part of the suite with
this entertaining part preserving the interest of the
child on the material topics. Within this game some
simple tricks have been applied in order to vary the
game each time it is played: the background of the
screen and the back of the cards are changed (with
a color or with a texture) and, within the same cards
theme, different pictures can be selected randomly by
the software. During the game a score measuring the
performance of the user on the game in terms of num-
ber of cards disclosed is calculated. The lower is this
number the better is the performance.
The game finishes when the user has found all the
card couples. If the obtained score lies within the
10-highest scores the user is asked to write his name
which is added to the game rating. In order to update
the rating it was necessary to use the PHP language to
write on a local file storing the 10-highest scores be-
cause the Java Applet does not allow to write on local
files for security reasons. The main aim of the games
is making the children familiar with the themes and
the characters presented in the story and to recall them
the narrated situations together with the treated con-
cepts. The memory game, in addition, in the object–
material associative version, is able to teach the users
on the materials the objects are made of. This aspect
is quite interesting as children get aware of the ma-
terials forming some common object they everyday
use and this new information can be used once they
decide to recycle these objects helping them, for in-
stance, choosing the correct garbage can for disposing
each object.
5.2 Notes on the Puzzle Game
The puzzle game follows the general rules of tradi-
tional puzzle games. In the real version of the game
the pieces have irregular shapes but in this case the
pieces have a square shape and have to be combined
by the user not on the basis of their shapes but of the
images on each piece. The picture used within the
puzzle are taken directly from the represented story in
order to maintain a relation with its themes although
the developed software allows the addition of further
images. As for the memory game, there are different
levels for the puzzle game as well. The levels are de-
termined by the number of pieces the original picture
is cut into: 25, 36 and 64 for the easy, normal and
hard levels respectively which can be selected from
the initial menu. Figure 5 shows the main window of
the game where it is possible to see that, together with
the shuffled picture, a scaled version of the original
image is shown to help the user in the reconstruction.
Figure 5: Screenshot of the puzzle game where it is possible
to see the cut image on the left and a miniature of the target
image. On the right a timer and action buttons are shown.
Once the game starts the player will have to re-
compose the original picture as fast as possible, in
facts the elapsed time will be used as performance in-
dicator for the game and, as for the memory, there is a
rating for the first 10 highest scores based on the time
criterion. The user is allowed to move one piece per
time from a position to another of the grid which iden-
tifies the shuffled image by means of a drag-and-drop
THREE LITTLE PIGS DISCOVERING MATERIALS - A Software for the Sensitization of Primary School Students to
Environmental Themes
In this paper an interactive software suite for the sen-
sitization of primary school students to the proper
materials use, recycling and energy saving was pre-
sented. The software is formed by three intercon-
nected parts: the first one introduces the main themes
by means of the very famous Three little pigs story;
the second part deepens the knowledge of the users on
the materials presented in the story; the third one, by
means of some games and quizzes related to the han-
dled themes, verifies the learning of the children of
the treated topics and entertains them. The main aim
of the software package is to make the children aware
of materials features and recycling. These themes are
presented with a familiar language by the characters
of the story in a children–friendly form which favors
a natural and gradual teaching of the concepts. The
effectiveness of the developed software is supported
by the tests performed on a group of primary school
students who used the package at school for several
days. The tests were very encouraging as the children
interacted with the software in all its aspects and en-
joyed all the parts; moreover in the successive talks
and interviews with the teachers, they proved a good
understanding of the treated themes and a particu-
lar interest on the concepts (i.e. materials features,
the advantage of using certain materials and the im-
portance of recycling). Students particularly appre-
ciated the main story and the extra contents for their
interactive–cartoons behavior while games were use-
ful for revising the concepts with the teachers each
time objects, characters and scenes were presented on
the screen; furthermore games enjoyed the students
and kept alive their interest and curiosity on the soft-
ware and the themes. The test was also used to get
useful information on the software and for planning
its future improvements. This kind of test is recog-
nized as a very useful instrument for the evaluation of
the developed tool and for the identification of possi-
ble modification on the basis of users reactions which
could improve software’s quality (Jones et al., 1993).
In the future the software suite will be extended by
treating more materials and adding new games. The
quality of graphics and animation will be improved
as well as music and sound effect. At the current
stage the Italian and English languages were used in
the whole suite but the software was developed in or-
der to support further languages. Finally more tests
involving a number of primary school students will
be performed in order to evaluate the efficiency of the
software and to exploit users reactions and sugges-
tions for further developments.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education