Ning Chen
GECAD, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Instituto Politecnico do Porto, Portugal
An Chen
Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P. R. China
Emergency management, Data mining, Intelligent decision support system, Assessment, Planning.
Emergency management is becoming more and more attractive in both theory and practice due to the fre-
quently occurring incidents in the world. The objective of emergency management is to make optimal deci-
sions to decrease or diminish harm caused by incidents. Nowadays the overwhelming amount of information
leads to a great need of effective data analysis for the purpose of well informed decision. The potential of
data mining has been demonstrated through the success of decision-making module in present-day emergency
management systems. In this paper, we review advanced data mining techniques applied in emergency man-
agement and indicate some promising future research directions.
Emergency management (EM) is described as a pro-
cess integrating various social resources to control
and manage emergency based on the analysis of cau-
sation, evolution and consequences (L. Ji, 2006). The
objective of EM is to make optimal decisions to de-
crease or diminish harm caused by incidents. Gen-
erally, incidents can be categorized into natural disas-
ter, accident, public sanitary incident, and social secu-
rity incident. There are some concepts closely related
to emergency management in literature, such as risk
management, disruption management, alert manage-
ment, crisis management, early warning etc. From
the generalized perspective they can be regarded as
parts of EM though the information and strategies are
slightly different. Risk management is a very general
concept. There are many kinds of risks in our life, in-
cluding economics risk, social risk, natural risk, etc.
In our opinion, risk has different forms regarding the
intensity. The lightest is disruption situation which
can be recovered to the original status easily. The
worst is emergent situation which must have caused
loss of the value, and only a part of the whole value
can be recovered. The intensity of crisis lies between
disruption and emergency. Crisis management is a
turning point in the sense that a successful interven-
tion can transfer the bad situation to a better one,
while a failing intervention often induces a worse sta-
tus. Early warning and alert management mainly fo-
cus on early provision before incidents. Early warn-
ing is to find the symptom of an incident or disaster.
It is always based on the prediction of the incident,
and able to give an alert for the coming event. Alert
Management is to manage the signal and early warn-
ing information.
Generally, emergency management can be de-
scribed as a four-step process, namely, assessment,
planning, action and monitoring (M. de la Asuncion,
2005). As outlined in Figure 1, assessment is to eval-
uate the occurrence or evolution of incidents with re-
spect to the scenario of incidents and situation. Plan-
ning is to construct the response (plan), i.e., a pro-
posal of control activities, based on both current situ-
ation and foreseeable evolvement, and then dispatch it
to the responsible person or organization (emergency
manager). The successive step is to implement the ac-
tions in the plan and evaluate the impact to decrease
the damages caused by incident or overcomethe prob-
lematic situation. Finally, the monitoring module de-
tects the execution of plan in dynamic environment,
concerning incomplete information and uncertainty
factors during the episode. If specified conditions sat-
isfy, the original plan is revised and a new process is
Chen N. and Chen A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001961601180123
triggered. The emergency manager is responsible for
the execution of the whole process by means of vali-
dating the plan and modifying it at necessary.
scenario impact
Emergency Manager
Figure 1: Emergency management process.
Traditional emergency management mostly relies
on the skill and experience of emergency manager
or domain expert to evaluate the situation, define
the goal of intervention and choose the strategies to
achieve the goal. Nowadays, due to the rapid de-
velopment of information techniques, the increasing
amount of data makes the decision-making task more
difficult and complicated. The data involved includes
numerical data captured by sensors or communication
devices reflecting current situation, qualitative data
from domain experts expressing personal preference,
and historical data from data base. The data needs to
be converted into valuable knowledge which helps to
generate well informed plans or strategies. Due to the
complexity of emergency management problems and
explosive growth of data processed, there is a great
need to enhance and supplement the capabilities of
emergency management under the support of special-
ized problem-solving tools. Data mining (DM) is a
good candidate for this purpose, in particular in as-
sessment and planning phases.
Since effective management of incidents is based
on reasonable assessment and decisions, decision
making is the kernel of emergency management. The
success of current emergency management systems
is largely dependent on the decision-making module
which enables managers to take advantage of the ca-
pabilities of DM techniques. In literature, a variety
of data mining techniques were employed in the area
of emergency management to provide the functional-
ity for the purpose of improving the intelligence of
emergency management systems. In such systems,
data mining techniques analyze the information, track
the evolution of episode of emergency and share the
decisions with emergency manager. The potential of
data mining techniques have been demonstrated for
valuable plan construction in both military domains,
e.g., air camping design, noncombatant evacuation,
and civil domains, e.g., oil spill, flood, forest fire. As
a related work, (U. Cortes, 2000) shows the usage of
artificial intelligence techniques in environmental de-
cision support system. However to our knowledge,
there is little attempt on reviewing DM applications
in the field of emergence management.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 addresses state-of-the-art DM tech-
niques, including association rule mining, classifica-
tion and sorting, clustering, and case-based reason-
ing as well as their contributions in emergency man-
agement. Some emergency management systems in-
tegrated with DM techniques are introduced in sec-
tion 3. Section 4 concludes the paper and presents
some interesting future research directions.
Formally, data mining is an analytical technique to
discover hidden, implicate, and nontrivial knowledge
from database. Data mining, especially predictive
data mining acts as a model-driven process for risk
prediction in pre-incident phase and evolvement fore-
cast in post-incident phase. A broad range of DM
techniques have been employed in the management
of emergencies and play important roles to provide
emergency manager with high-level information in
order to take proper decisions at right time. The con-
tributions of DM can be summarized in four aspects:
(1) In assessment phase, it is used for knowledge ac-
quisition to identify potential incident and predict the
possible consequence from relevant factors and their
relationship; (2) In response planning phase, it is used
to suggest the desirable plan to responsible manager;
(3) In plan action phase, it is used to evaluate the per-
formance of plan concerning the accuracy, reliability,
and usefulness. (4) In monitoring phase, it is used to
acquire high quality information from raw data. In
this section, we introduce advanced data mining tech-
niques and their representative applications in emer-
gency management.
2.1 Association Rule Mining
Association rule (AR) mining is one of the most
widely applied technique to discover interesting re-
lations between variables in large databases. Mining
association rules is introduced for the first time to dis-
cover regularities between products from basket data
recorded by point-of-sale (POS) systems in supermar-
kets (R. Agrawal, 1993). In a market basket database,
each transaction contains the set of products (items)
purchased by a customer. Association rule mining at-
tempts to discover important association among items
such that the presence of some items in a transaction
will imply that of other items in the same transaction.
So far, association rule has been extended to different
types and applied in a vast variety of areas.
Some experiences show that effective perfor-
mance of DM is the key to the success of risk man-
agement, which relies on the accurate prediction of
emergency to some extent. For this purpose, associ-
ation rule mining is employed to predict the possibil-
ity of occurrence of particular incidents. A geospa-
tial decision support system (S.K. Harms, 2001) is
developed to improve the quality and accessibility
of draught risk management. The relationship be-
tween user defined target episodes and other climate
events is exploited from geospatial and temporal data
and consequently used to predict the occurrence of
target episodes. It was reported that the association
rule between weather station data, crop yields and sea
surface thermal properties provides reasonable strate-
gies like adjusting the planting date and population to
farmers in US.
In network event management, abnormal event is
seen as a kind of emergencyessential to network man-
agement. Three types of events, namely, burst pat-
terns, periodic patterns and mutually dependent pat-
terns, that indicate underlying problems are mined
from historical event data (J. L. Hellerstein, 2002).
These patterns do not occur frequently enough in
well-maintained production environments, but they
are of particular interest to event management. Min-
ing burst patterns is achieved by first finding periods
in which event rates are higher than a specified thresh-
old, then mining patterns common to the periods iden-
tified. Periodic patterns are explored by finding pe-
riod lengths for each event type followed by temporal
associations. Mining mutually dependent patterns is
similar to association rule mining except that it fo-
cuses on infrequent patterns related to problem situa-
2.2 Classification and Sorting
Classification is a typical supervised learning method
to derive models between features (independent vari-
ables) and class (target variable) in the sense that
the class information is considered during learning.
The process of classification is to first develop mod-
els through training on the preclassified data and then
assign new data to a class on the basis of the model
developed. Sorting also involves the assignment of
an alternative to a predefined group expect that the
groups are ordered in an ordinal way. In emergency
management, classification and sorting are particu-
larly useful in the assessment of incidents, which ana-
lyze whether the incident occurs or to what extent the
damage is caused.
Decision tree is one of the fastest and easily in-
terpreted algorithms to solve the task of classifying
instances. The tree structure is constructed by a “di-
vide and conquer strategy, with leaves representing
classification and branches representing conjunctions
of feature tests. Decision tree algorithms have many
variations differing in alternate methods of choosing
the split attribute and value, pruning method, and data
access methods used for large training dataset. In
(A. Gerbesioti, 2001), the classification model de-
rived by C4.5 decision tree algorithm (Quinlan, 1993)
relating to some problem-specific instances is used by
an expert system for ranking infected buildings.
Artificial neural network (ANN) is a computa-
tional modelisation inspired from biological neural
network to explore nonlinear patterns from compli-
cated and large data. It consists of a set of intercon-
nected artificial neurons for data computation through
a connectionist approach. ANN has been widely
used in various categories of risk assessment prob-
lems. E.g, an early warning system is composed of
knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation and
knowledge-based reasoning using ANN (B. Yang,
2001). The applicability of ANN is demonstrated on
predicting storm surge and surge deviation in real-
world data from Suao Harbor station of Taiwan (Lee,
2.3 Clustering
Clustering is an unsupervised process to partition a
set of data into homogeneous clusters in the sense that
there is no preclassified data as it were in classifica-
tion. The objects are grouped together on the basis of
intrinsic similarity to maximize the intraclass similar-
ity and minimize the interclass similarity. Clustering
is able to generate compressed representatives of raw
data, especially for large, complex data set with many
variables and a lot of internal structures. Applications
of clustering in emergency management mainly focus
on high quality information acquisition from a mass
of raw data with redundancy and noise.
Since real data usually contains reduplicate and
false alarms, the alarms should be filtered and aggre-
gated to achieve a better understanding of situation.
Through a density-based clustering algorithm which
finds dense regions separated by low-density regions
and clusters together the objects in the same dense
region, the alarms form into clusters based on the as-
sociated attributes and then false alarms are identified
from the uniformly behaving neighborhoods. As a re-
sult, the aggregated alerts are generated from a large
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
number of incoming alarms (Vandana, 2005).
Kohonen’s self-organizing map (SOM) (Kohonen,
1997) is called topology mapping in the sense that
the similarity of input data is preserved in the out-
put layer through a competitive learning. As a visual-
ized approach, SOM makes possible to detect internal
data structure from the map grid. In (Y. Atoji, 2000),
SOM is used as an information filtering method to se-
lect useful information from a large amount of data
related to emergency. Utilizing the clustering abil-
ity of SOM, the incoming data that contains similar
content is mapped to a particular category and then a
number of representative keywords are extracted for
each pattern. Also, SOM is used for security assess-
ment of power system (K.S. Swarup, 2006). The line
flows under different component cases are input to
a two-dimensional grid network to obtain the cluster
of components based on their loading limits. From
the output patterns, the violation of constraints can be
identified and consequently the secure and insecure
status are classified accordingly. The utilization of
SOM eliminates the repetitive computation required
in traditional methods.
2.4 Case-based Reasoning
Case-based reasoning (CBR) originates from tradi-
tional behavior of human problem solving to solve
new problems based on past cases. For example, a
doctor diagnoses the disease of a patient by recall-
ing another patient who has similar symptoms. Sim-
ilarly, a lawyer advocates a case in a trial based on a
judge in the past. Formally, the process of CBR con-
sists of four steps (A. Aamodt, 1994): (1) Retrieve:
extract relevant cases from case base based on a dis-
tance measurement; (2) Reuse: map the similar cases
to the target case by adapting to current situation; (3)
Revise: apply the solution in the real world and test
the influence with respect to the feedback; (4) Retain:
store the new case and solution if accepted. Com-
pared with rule-based reasoning, CBR does not need
the complicated phase of rule extraction, however, it
is critically depended on the distance metric for sim-
ilar case retrieval and sensitive to the computational
cost when a large number of cases are available for
comparison. Moreover, the adaption is important to
solution reuse taking into account the difference be-
tween matched cases and current situation, which is
probably more difficult than generating a new solu-
In emergency management, CBR methodology is
regarded as a powerful method to create the emer-
gency plan based on the solutions of similar past inci-
dents. The popularity of CBR benefits from the pres-
ence of cases available in the databases. For example,
CBR is applied to plan the initial attack to forest fires
with respect to past interventions stored in the case
base (P. Avesani, 1999). The adaption of retrieved
plan to domain requirements and constraints is imple-
mented by a constraint propagationalgorithm. CBR is
also used to generate incident response plans automat-
ically in the domain of computer and network security
(G. Capuzzi, 2006). The past cases including attacks
(incidents) and corresponding responses (plans) are
stored as a sequence of concrete events. When a new
attack occurs, it searches the case memory for similar
attacks on the basis of a distance metric, then reuses
the past response by substituting the concrete action
and parameters with current action type and parame-
Emergency management system (EMS) is an intelli-
gent decision support system (IDSS) capable of en-
hancing the ability of human to manage the emergent
situations. It plays an increasing role to reduce the
risks by appropriate and proactive preparation or min-
imize the negative impact caused by incidents by im-
mediate and efficient response. Although a number
of emergency management systems have been devel-
oped, the capabilities of emergency management sys-
tems should be addressed:
Acquire, filter, select, transform and visualize data
in diverse types and from different resources to
provide well understanding of relevant factors and
identify the potential problems;
Explore, represent, structure and manage back-
ground knowledge, expert subjective knowledge
and predictable models by means of statistical
analysis, data mining or other approaches;
Provide functions of problem formulization, diag-
nosis, planning and optimization using rule-based
reasoning or case-based reasoning;
Assist emergency manager to evaluate the impact
and cost of strategies, choose appreciate plans for
a given problem;
Monitor the performanceof plans and adapt to dy-
namic environment taken into consideration un-
certainty factors;
Provide user-friend interface which allows users
to offer subjective criteria, justify decision impact,
and intervene the process interactively.
Data Acquisition
Filter Aggression Transformation
AR Sorting Classification
Rule base
Case base
Real-time data
Figure 2: Emergency management flow.
As shown in Figure 2, the flow of emergencyman-
agement starts from data acquisition followed by data
preprocessing of filter, aggression and transformation.
Then using data mining based analysis tools, rules
are extracted and reserved in rule base for the usage
of assessment and planning. Finally, the decisions
are made through rule-based reasoning, case-based
reasoning or hybrid approaches. So far a variety of
EMS at regional, national, or international level have
been designed in centralized or distributed architec-
ture for various domains. Some representative emer-
gency management systems are listed in the follow-
ARTEMIS (J.Z. Hernandez, 2001): a general
architecture of knowledge-based environmental
emergency management system. The evolution of
incident is represented by a collection of causal
models, classification models and temporal mod-
els structured in a hierarchy. The effect of primary
causes is propagated top-down through a rule in-
ference process and the expected impact of plans
is estimated by simulators.
PHOENIX (P.R. Cohen, 1989): a multi-agent sys-
tem capable of providing a distributed, adaptive
and real-time planner to control simulated forest
CHARADE (P. Avesani, 1999): an interactive de-
cision support system for situation assessment and
activities planning in forest fire emergencies ap-
plication domain. This system is also used for
knowledge acquisition from the cases, which en-
able users to directly extract various forms of
knowledge, e.g., dependencies between features,
clusters of cases, feature statistical description.
SIADEX (M. de la Asuncion, 2005): an interac-
tive fire fighting planner, integrating several artifi-
cial intelligence techniques for designing and re-
designing plans against forest fires. The system
provides an easy-to-use tool capable of not only
assisting the manager during the whole process of
decision making in an online fashion, but also re-
producing the episodes for manager training in an
offline fashion.
RODOS (W. Raskob, 2005): a real-time decision
support system for nuclear emergency manage-
ment, providing countermeasure and remediation
strategies from pre-release phase, release phase to
long-time phase.
AGrIP (J. Luo, 2007): a flood decision support
system integrating a multi-strategy data mining
tool MSMiner in the algorithm library.
SIPE (Bienkowski, 1995): a crisis management
system for plan generation to oil threats in the sea
requiring users to provide knowledge or interac-
tion to the system.
CubeView (C.T. Lu, 2005): a road transportation
system applying advanced data mining and visu-
alization techniques to road traffic data for emer-
gency situation control and management plan-
ning. Visualization of loop-detector traffic data
helps to recognize potentially important patterns
embedded in the data. Outlier detection discov-
ers traffic patterns applicable in the detection of,
prevention of and recovery from road crisis.
IMASH (E. Iakovou, 2001): an intelligent inte-
grated dynamic information management tool to
provide comprehensive data pertaining to emer-
gency planning and response for hurricane disas-
ters. It can offer support for a wide range of hurri-
cane disaster related activities including hurricane
preparedness, hurricane response and restoration.
With the increasing demand of data analysis involved
in emergencymanagement, there is an urgent need for
automatic and effective tools which allow emergency
managers to make quick and desirable intervention to
incidents and disasters. The intelligent decision sup-
port systems based on data mining techniques become
more and more popular in diverse domains related to
emergency management. This paper reviews the up to
date data mining techniques and their applications in
the field of emergency management.
A future research direction is the investigation of
fuzzy data mining for emergency management. The
data related to the incident and situation are usually
represented in linguistic assessments instead of de-
terministic numerical values, thus, the fuzzy strate-
gies are needed to deal with the imprecise and un-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
certain information. Since decision-making is usually
carried out in a distributed environment to achieve a
satisfactory solution, organizational learning and col-
laborative learning is another direction of need in fu-
ture study. Additionally, special attentions should be
given to the implementation of emergency manage-
ment system. As pointed out by several authors, an
interactive system is more realistic than a completely
automated system, in which human is responsible of
personnel knowledge specification, knowledge inter-
pretation and decision selection. The selection can
be performed through a multi-criteria evaluation from
several perspectives such as cost, effort, feasibility,
public acceptance, psychological and political impli-
cation, preference of decision makers (W. Raskob,
2005). Since EM managers are not experts on DM,
the comprehension is quite important for easy access,
e.g, derived rules are easily understandable and appli-
cable in decision reasoning. The scalability of DM
is worth noting for decision-making due to the infor-
mation flood occurring at the inception of emergency,
when real-time response becomes difficult.
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial
grant of GECAD/ISEP-Knowledge Based, Cognitive
and Learning Systems (C2007-FCT/442/2006).
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