Utilizing IBM Rational Team Concert at the University of Ostrava
Jaroslav Prochazka
University of Ostrava / TietoEnator Corp., 30. dubna 22, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Keywords: Teaching software engineering, Rational Team Concert.
Abstract: This paper summarizes our experience with Software Engineering lectures. These lectures are focused on
practical experience with iterative and agile way of developing software. Paper describes the way from
classical tool like SVN, text editors and wiki to IBM Rational Team Concert. We stress the aspect how this
tool supports the way of working and understanding of theoretical principles.
Our team of mentors in TietoEnator Corporation has
piloted beta versions of IBM Rational Team Concert
in 2007 and 2008. We see that this tool helps us to
incorporate software development best practices in
our daily life and helps us also to explain teams what
we mean by agile planning, traceability, iterative
framework and other “buzzwords from the books”.
At the same time we were conducting lectures
and tutorials at the University of Ostrava and learnt
of IBM University program. So we wondered how to
leverage Rational Team Concert also during lectures
and tutorials to increase student’s understanding of
theoretical principles and practices.
To explain the context and starting point, we briefly
introduce content of two semestral practical tutorial
called Grade project and also introduce IBM tool
called Rational Team Concert (RTC).
2.1 Grade Project Tutorial
The Grade project is 2 semestral practical tutorial
focused on teaching basic software engineering
practices. Students attending this tutorial have
already knowledge of object oriented programming
(Java and C#), database knowledge as well as basics
of software engineering. Students group into the
teams, choose one predefined theme and iteratively
develop final product.
Basic features of the Grade project are the
Teamwork as the most important objective;
Iterative development following OpenUP
(Kroll and MacIsaac, 2006) based process
prepared by lecturers;
Agile and distributed way of working with
higher ceremony (see Fig. 1) and very short
iterations – tutorial is held once a week;
Lecturers behave as mentors/coaches as well
as technological architects (Java and .Net).
Figure 1: OpenUP framework and its ceremony.
Higher ceremony means the level of control of
distinct artefacts and components, not the amount of
Prochazka J. (2009).
HOW JAZZ ROCKS TEACHING ITERATIVE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT - Utilizing IBM Rational Team Concert at the University of Ostrava.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 225-229
DOI: 10.5220/0001967202250229
created or generated not used documentation. Higher
ceremony in our case means performing
architectural and code reviews by lecturers as well
as formal iteration planning and assessment meeting
led by lecturers (mentors).
The first semester of the Grade project is focused
on Inception and Elaboration phase. The second one
is focused on Construction phase and adding agile
Technologies used to implement the solution are
Java and .Net. These technologies have been chosen
as modern ones with a bunch of supporting tools
(Java) and subtle IDEs (both). Another reason is
RTC support. RTC supports Java development
because it is built upon Eclipse platform and offers
also connector for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE (in
Beta 1 version).
Grade project 1 (winter semester) objectives:
Form the teams;
Agree project’s vision and project plan;
Establish the process and tools;
Mitigate the main risks;
Demonstrate executable architecture.
Grade project 2 (summer semester) objectives:
Develop features in iterations;
Iteratively add agile practices;
Demonstrate and deliver beta release.
For more details about phases and their
objectives, see (Kroll and MacIsaac, 2006).
These are limitations and constraints for the form
of tutorial and student team’s way of working.
2.2 IBM Rational Team Concert
Rational Team Concert (RTC) is a collaborative
software delivery environment that empowers
project teams to simplify, automate and govern
software delivery. Automated data collection and
reporting reduces administrative overhead and
provides the real-time insight required to effectively
govern software projects. Dynamic project
provisioning enables day one productivity, while
real-time collaboration helps significantly reduce
scrap and rework. Rational Team Concert extends
the capabilities of the team with integrated (Jazz net,
work item management;
build management;
software configuration management (SCM);
and the collaborative infrastructure of the Jazz
Team Server.
Jazz platform is a platform and RTC product is
built upon this platform. RTC is based on Eclipse
and behind Jazz platform and RTC product
development stands Eclipse team as well as
reputable IT guru Erich Gamma.
Figure 2: Iteration planned items for the team and easy of
adding the new work item (Jazz net, 2008).
The greatest benefit of RTC from the teaching
perspective is that RTC allows us to incorporate
process rules into its behaviour. More about this
feature is explained in the chapter 3.
RTC is available for universities for free via IBM
Academic Initiative.
2.3 Other Tools
The Grade Project uses also other tools, mainly for
business modelling. These tools are information
system QI that incorporates results of Research
Centre DAR (Prochazka and Klimes, 2007) and IDS
Scheer’s tool ARIS.
2.4 Brief History of the Grade Project
The Grade Project was taught for two years (4
semesters) with common tools like SVN as a code
and document repository; wiki for sharing team
plans, risks and notes; and university e-mail boxes as
a communication mechanism. There wasn’t any
issue and task tracking tool in the place at that time
to make number of different tools as low as possible.
At the end of every semester lecturers ask
students for feedback to improve the tutorials. So
also teaching itself is iterative and incremental.
The main problem for students was several
different tools with different user interface, some
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
with command line only and none of them
connected. IDE could be connected at least to the
build mechanism and/or to SVN repository, but the
overall integration, mainly code and task level was
impossible. Apart from risk management and
connection of risk mitigation actions with tasks. This
was also reason, why we have excluded Jira and
used only wiki for managing iteration plans,
assessments and hi level tasks. We wondered how to
improve and connect tools without increasing
number of tools or coding in-house integrations.
Another input factor for change was student’s
misunderstanding of the principles. There was gap
between the behaviour and understanding thus
students didn’t followed agreed and explained
iterative approach. Students started development
with database design, without understanding
problem domain (no business modelling).
Finally, we have decided to leverage IBM
Rational Team Concert.
The initiation of the Grade Project is assigned to
brief explanation of problem and to business
modelling to gain the problem domain knowledge.
IS QI and ARIS tool are used for this purpose.
Business modelling is optional part and depends on
complexity of the problem domain, because learning
of another tool can even more decrease low
productivity of student teams in the beginning.
It is obvious that bringing practices into the team
is easier with the tool. If any problems, obstacles
after the change, people tend to switch to the old
mode, to the old way of working. Tool supports to
make the change permanent by incorporating
practices and bringing them into daily life. The RTC
tool supports understand iterative framework; team
agile planning; traceability and integration of tasks
with delivered components.
What is more important is support of distributed
way of working and incorporation of development
process rules. The first mentioned fact is crucial,
because students have only one tutorial per week
that lasts 1.5 hour. During this time we can only
conduct iteration assessment and planning for the
next iteration and discuss problems and
impediments. There is no time to develop the code
during tutorial. Thus students need to analyse,
design, test and develop, share their codes and
extensively communicate during the week.
Figure 3: Process rules control result displayed in Team
Advisor window – not assigned work item to any
The second mentioned fact, development process
rules, can be said by lecturers, but students do not
need to follow them. The great benefit of RTC from
the teaching perspective is that RTC allows us to
incorporate process rules into its behaviour. That
means direct support of our software development
process. If we have rule saying no delivery (commit
in SVN speech) to repository without code review or
jUnit test and we try to deliver without it, RTC will
announce process rule violation and will not deliver
to the stream (see Fig. 3, 4 and 5).
Software development process rule definition
can be done on different levels. The basic behaviour
definition is process definition. We follow
OpenUP/RUP phases with one week iterations
within each phase in Inception and Elaboration. The
length can be different in later Elaboration and
Construction phases. This is the main line and
calendar driving team planning, demonstration and
assessment (see following figure).
Figure 4: Our development process based on OpenUP.
Another specific behaviour that students have to
follow can be defined on activity level for each
system activity (e.g. creating work items, delivering
to the stream, creating baselines and report and
many others). Following example shows student’s
attempt to deliver to the stream without the rights.
the University of Ostrava
Figure 5: Process rules control result displayed in Team
Advisor window – not allowed delivery.
According to this specific rule related to the
delivery action only team lead is allowed to deliver.
Contributor role has not checked this action.
Figure 6: Process rules control result displayed in Team
Advisor window – not allowed changes.
Another artefact supporting team work is so
called Planned Items view giving us the overall view
over team members work items (see Figure 2
above). This view helps team members keep
synchronized. We can see who is working on what
and helps us to avoid conflicts and/or missed tasks.
The progress bar shows how many hours remain to
the end of iteration so students can see if they are
able to manage it or if they need to ask for help (it
exerts the pressure on students).
Support of iteration planning and assessment is
great in two ways. The basic artefact is wiki page for
defining objectives and evaluation criteria. Another
page is list of planned work items (see Figure 2
above) for each team member. Work items can be
easily derived from the wiki pages and/or linked
back. This mutual connections boost up direct
generation of tasks, no duplication is needed.
Component ready for delivery can be easily
linked with task, bug and requirement. This gives us
information for every delivery. Why did this
delivery happen? What was this bug about and how
to reproduce it? What has changed in this
component? If we talk about linking work items
with delivery to the stream, we have to mention
traceability as well. RTC directly creates bindings
among different RTC artefacts (code, builds, work
items, components). This information is very
beneficial. It is important to know if some
requirement is implemented or not. A lot of defects
related to one component reveal us the needed for
refactoring and many others.
Figure 7: Build result with direct link to failed unit tests.
Nowadays has each and single iteration its
overview page in wiki style listing objectives and
evaluation criteria; risks and mitigation actions that
are directly linked with work items. The team
generates detailed tasks based on objectives and see
in the Team view the progress and can propose
actions if problems occur. All the tasks should be
closed at the end of the iteration (after the week).
Evaluation criteria are used to assess if work is done
or not. Iteration assessment and another iteration
planning are conducted after demonstration to the
customer (lecturer in this case).
To boost up team communication in university
environment, students are evaluated as the team at
the end of the semester. The whole team succeeds or
fails as in real projects.
To summarize at the end what is the benefit of
Rational Team Concert in practical tutorials in
comparison to common tools like Jira, wiki, SVN
and Ant or Cruise Control, I would name the
RTC supports to follow basic incorporated
practices (e.g. iterations, performing team
planning and assessment) – students do not
need to think about them but simply follow
the rules.
Process behaviour can be defined as well as
process itself (different levels).
Support of distributed development – the must
for university projects; plus instant messaging
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Integration and Traceability – all parts are
connected together; requirements can be
mapped to the code; bugs can be traced to the
requirements; all deliveries are assigned to
Possibility to have all necessary information
integrated in development IDE (Eclipse and
MS Visual Studio).
Students get familiar with modern, leading
edge tools.
This paper summarizes the way we use modern tool
called Rational Team Concert at the University of
Ostrava to support teaching software engineering
We explained objectives of the taught practical
tutorial called the Grade Project and compared RTC
with common tools like Jira, SVN and Ant from the
teaching perspective.
The most visible advantages from the teaching
perspective are following: tool supports new way of
working (understanding of the principles practically
– learning by doing); students have to follow
incorporated rules and process and tool supports
distributed development.
Kroll, P., MacIsaac, B., 2006. Agility and Discipline Made
Easy, Addison-Wesley Professional. 1
Jazz net, 2008. Jazz platform homepage. Available at
Prochazka, J., 2008. Experience from Agile Adoption in
Distributed Environment. In Proceedings of 34
International Conference on Software Development
TSW2008, VSB-TU Ostrava. pp. 156-163.
Prochazka, J., 2007. Grade Project 1, 2. Tutorial course
book. University of Ostrava. Ostrava, 1
Procházka, J., Klimes, C., 2007. Methodical and
Application Framework for Process Modeling. In
Proceedings of International Conference on
Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies
2007. ISRST, Orlando, Florida, USA. pp. 204-210.
the University of Ostrava