Evaluating Users Qualification and Reputation
Gabriel Simões, Leandro Krug Wives and José Palazzo M. de Oliveira
II/UFRGS Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Agronomia - Caixa Postal 15064 – CEP 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Keywords: Reputation, Collaboration, Trust, Quality assessment, Cooperation.
Abstract: In cooperative editing environments (e.g. Wikis), users can create and edit documents in a freely and
cooperatively manner. However, sometimes it is interesting to identify if the contributions made by one user
are really reliable, since users don’t trust each other in an explicit way. This point is a central discussion
about the open publishing truthfulness. While it is difficult to automatically identify the relevance of each
user contribution, it is more plausible to evaluate their reputation as perceived by the community. In this
paper we describe a model to evaluate the user’s reputations in a Wiki community and the prototype
developed for its evaluation. The basic assumption is that we are dealing with a homogeneous cooperative
group on a limited knowledge context. This environment exists, for instance, in a cooperative group trying
to consolidate organizational implicit knowledge into documents as a class-based report generation. This
kind of environment is very useful to stimulate collaborative learning.
The consolidation of Web 2.0 (Millard, 2006) brings
more attention to open content edition environments.
These environments work with spontaneous user’s
contributions to enlarge their contents. Wikipedia,
the most successful Wiki application on the web, is
equivalent to paper encyclopedias in terms of
contents and, according to Giles (Giles, 2005), may
be considered as trustful as closed revision
environments. Apart from this evaluation, some
criticisms arrive when we try to mix conflicting
points of view maybe influenced by conflicts of
interest. For instance, similar subjects may be
interpreted with antagonistic perceptions or even
ideological back-grounds.
The combination of the potentials of Wiki
environments and the production of scientific
knowledge developed in a collective manner allows
productivity growth, researcher’s integration and the
development of a review process that is more
transparent and interactive. Wiki environments,
however, have problems related to the lack of
trustworthy among users, since they generally don’t
know effectively each other. Trust is basic to any
relationship in which the attitudes of the involved
parties cannot be controlled (Jarvenpaa, ) and it is
usually addressed by reputation systems. These
systems collect and distribute information regarding
the behaviour of the individuals (Resnick, 2005).
In this sense, we developed a dynamic
qualification mechanism based on reputation
evaluation techniques. This mechanism can
minimize the lack of trust problem in Wiki
environments and qualify the users of a
homogeneous community. This mechanism analyzes
the user's reputation, and it is based in quantitative
and qualitative data obtained from the Wiki
environment and from other users' evaluations. With
this information at hand, it is possible to create a
rank to be employed as a relative index of users’
reputation and to increase trust or confidence among
users. An extension to the MediaWiki system was
created to implement and evaluate the proposed
qualification mechanism.
This research started from the experience of the
last author with collaborative learning based in a
research report generation by graduate students
employing the Google Docs. All work was peer
evaluated at the end of the course in a manual way.
With the open cooperative editing environment the
user reputation evaluation stimulates the individual
work quality by a continuous ranking.
Simões G., Krug Wives L. and de Oliveira J. (2009).
OPEN PUBLICATION SYSTEM - Evaluating Users Qualification and Reputation.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 199-204
DOI: 10.5220/0001968201990204
Reputation systems can be described as a
computational implementation of the word-of-mouth
information dissemination mechanism (Hu, 2006).
These systems collect, distribute and aggregate feed-
back about users' past behaviour. Their application
can assist people in getting trust about other people,
even if they don't previously know each other, or if
they have a limited knowledge of the partners.
According to Resnik et al. (Resnick, 2005),
“Reputation systems seek to establish the shadow of
the future to each transaction by creating an
expectation that other people will look back on it”.
Auction and e-commerce sites apply variations
of reputation systems to provide some insurance to
users. Collaborative environments can use variations
of reputation systems to increase trust among its
users. The community qualification assessment of
individual researchers was recently considered as
one of the central criteria for the evaluation process.
Not only individual researchers are under social
evaluation but also the conferences and journals are
receiving evaluations based in the social perception
of their importance (Butler, 2008).
We developed an alternative editing process that
uses the approach developed in our group to support
the open reviewing process (Oliveira, 2005). In this
case, users can edit, comment and review documents
created by other users. In this approach, the process
is centered in the open edition and reviewing of
scientific papers, which is an alternative approach to
the blind or double blind review system, mostly
adopted by the academia. Within this approach, the
knowledge is collectively generated and reviewed in
a transparent way.
We decided for existing Wiki environments to
the production of scientific and technical documents,
since they have the needed framework to manipulate
texts, besides a good user management and version
control. The main problem found in these
environments is that most users have a limited
knowledge of the members of the process (i.e., they
may not know the other members). In an
intercontinental research project that includes many
participants, for example, this situation also happens.
This is a consequence of the fact that interactions are
mostly restricted to the exchange of data over the
web, as physical meetings are very expensive,
affecting how confidence or trust among
authors/partners is established.
Reputation systems are employed to minimize
this problem, and they create confidence between
users of these systems. Recently, Google started the
Knol service allowing users to write, evaluate,
comment, review and contribute to other authors’
works. Authors can accept or not the contributions
made on their work by other authors, but the
evaluations and reviews regard the whole document,
not individual contributions or comments.
In our approach, every user knows what and who
edited and contributed to each document, and they
can evaluate other user’s contributions and
comments. One important point is that the process is
still peer-reviewed, and reputation and confidence
are yet important factors, but they are built on the
bases of the social network. To evaluate this
approach, we have extended the MediaWiki
environment, incorporating some features, which are
described in the next section, to implement the
proposed reputation model.
It is important to state that this paper is based on
the qualification mechanism conceptually developed
in (Oliveira, 2005), which describes an open editing
model in which there are three types of users:
author, commenter and reviewer. When a person
creates an account, he or she receives the
‘commenter’ status, which gives the ability to
annotate documents, after a ‘commenter’ may be
promoted to ‘reviewer’. The basic idea to support
this promotion is based in a comparison among the
user rating and the paper rating, if the user has a
rating that is equal or higher than the paper’s rating,
he/she will be allowed to review directly the text of
the paper. This is an approach slightly different than
the traditional Wiki process, in which every user can
edit every page except for certain pages that are
consolidated and blocked. Authors can comment and
create new documents.
Reviewers are more qualified users that can also
edit others documents. The role of a reviewer is also
different from the role of the traditional reviewers
involved in the academic reviewing process. In the
traditional closed reviewing process, they may
suggest changes to improve quality. Here, they
directly contribute to the quality of the document by
editing the text. Each person participating in the
process is identified and all the actions are
registered; the authors may accept or reject the
received contributions.
We will validate the real-world operation of this
approach in an on-going project for the publication
of an experimental open edited version of a
computer science journal, where the best papers,
written by Ph.D. students, will be published using
collective authoring, with the first author being the
original writer of the document.
OPEN PUBLICATION SYSTEM - Evaluating Users Qualification and Reputation
Next section describes our reputation model and
how the user qualification is measured. It is
important to state that, in this paper, we only address
the roles of authors and reviewers.
The qualification mechanism conceptually
developed in (Oliveira, 2005) and implemented by
our prototype give points to users according to their
interaction with the system and also takes in account
the evaluation their documents receive from the
community. This is a continuous grading mechanism
that allows a user to start from nil recognition and
reach the better grade by a peer-to-peer assessment
process. Considering previous evaluations, we
expect to minimize Sybil attack problems. The Sybil
attack is common in peer-to-peer systems when one
entity responds by more than one identity, creating
information bias (Doucer, 2002).
Interaction is a source of quantitative data. Each
time a user access one page, we count one hit of this
user in that page. User pages and documents created
by the user are not taken in account. Consecutive
accesses to the same page are computed if the
interval between the accesses is greater than 24
hours; this is a heuristic to identify different
accesses, perhaps composed by multiple pages reads
during a specific time-period. The access rate is an
indicative of the popularity of the document. It is
clear that popularity is not an absolute quality
indicator, but this happens also in the generally
accepted impact index. In the extreme case, a paper
may be referenced a lot of times as a
counterexample but the reference counter is
increasing. The discussion is related to a conceptual
and philosophical debate about what quality and
popularity are; then we decided to take the
commonly accepted approach that a large amount of
access indicates a good content.
On the other hand, qualitative data is based on
user´s evaluation. All the documents available in the
environment can be evaluated by any registered
user. This approach is similar to the model found in
reputation systems, in which evaluators indicate
their grade of satisfaction in relation to the evaluated
resource. To enable this evaluation, one effortless
visual component containing five stars (Figure 1)
was inserted on each page. Each star, from left to
right, corresponds respectively to ‘very bad’, ‘bad’,
‘neutral’, ‘good’, and ‘very good’ in a five points
Likert scale.
Figure 1: Visual evaluation component.
Qualitative evaluation measures the opinion of
each user in relation to one specific document. When
a document is evaluated by different users, there is a
probability that it will receive different evaluations.
However, as each user has a different qualification
and reputation, the evaluation he or she gives must
be related to this attribute; the most considered
users, with great reputation, are more valorised in
their opinions than the less considered ones. The
underlying supposition is that we are working with a
homogeneous cooperative group. For heterogeneous
groups, with different and conflicting points of view,
clustering mechanisms may be employed to identify
diverse sub-communities.
We developed a method named EQ1 to deal with
the different qualification of users. In this method,
one positive evaluation of a more qualified user will
count more than few negative qualifications of less
qualified users. The purpose of this method is to
generate confidence among users by an open and
socially constructed reputation ranking. It is more
plausible to have a more relevant and important
evaluation from a well qualified user to the
cooperative community, since this user has more
social appreciation and reputation. We also worked
with a method that does not take into account the
user qualification for comparison purpose. It is
named EQ2 method. Both methods are presented
3.1 EQ1 Method
Most qualification approaches are only quantitative-
based, considering the quality as a side-effect of the
quantitative data. The approach presented here is
also quantitative, since it takes in ac-count the
number of interactions performed by the users.
However it is also explicitly qualitative, since it is
based on the evaluations performed by the
community about the level of approval of each
document and on the evaluator’s reputation. EQ1
method was designed for the specific application
described before, in which a Wiki system is
employed to allow researchers edit and review
documents in an open process, but it can be
extended or adapted to other applications.
The qualification points produced by the EQ1
method generate a users ranking. This ranking is
employed to generate a social confidence index,
which is the central factor in this context. The
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
confidence points are also applied to suggest the
quality of the documents assessed by the
community. EQ1 aggregates characteristics from
reputation systems, since it takes into account the
evaluator competence or qualification in the
evaluation. Then, better qualified users (or users
with better reputation) give or take more points than
lower qualified users (with low reputation).
The EQ1 algorithm adds to the document’s
author qualification the product of the normalized
evaluator qualification by the given qualification
value. This qualification is computed by the
following equation (1).
PA = P’A +(F . N(PE)) (1)
In this equation, given that A is the author of the
document being evaluated and E is the evaluator, PA
is the resulting qualification of the author, and P’A
is his previous qualification (all authors start with a
neutral qualification of 1). F is the multiplication
factor, which can be -3, -2, 1, 2, and 3. These values
correspond to the five criteria of evaluation, already
stated: very bad (-3), bad (-2), neutral (1), good (2),
and very good (3). N(x) is a normalization function
employed to map the evaluator’s qualification (x) to
values between 0 and 1. Thus, N(PE) returns the
normalized qualification of the evaluator, and
consequently the final score is also ranged between -
3 and 3.
Figure 2 shows an example of this process. The
evaluator chooses his grade of satisfaction for the
document he has just read, clicking on the
corresponding star. This is translated to the
corresponding numeric value and used in the
Evaluator Author
= P’A+2.N(PE)
3 -3 -2 1 2
Figure 2: Evolution of an author´s qualification.
3.2 EQ2 Method
This method does not take into consideration the
evaluator’s qualification, and was defined as the
base-line of our system. Then we can analyze and
compare the behaviour and the tradeoffs of our
system against the basic method. EQ2 is computed
by Equation 2.
PA = P´A + F (2)
In this equation, as in the previous, PA is the
resulting qualification of the author, P’A is his
previous qualification and F is the qualification
given by the evaluator.
The reputation of a user is created by the
qualification mechanism. In the prototype, we have
implemented two forms of user qualification
feedback: the user qualification ranking and the user
User Qualification Ranking. In this ranking, users
with greatest qualification are located at the top of
the list. The ranking consists on an ordered list,
composed by the user identification and the
associated qualification.
The ranking uses a decreasing order of
qualification, and is dynamic generated. It is based
on data available at the request time. To achieve
better positions in the ranking, the user must access
and write documents. These documents must be ac-
cessed and evaluated by other users to generate
ratings. These ratings are added to the user’s
qualification to change the position in the ranking.
The ranking is available to all users.
User Dashboard. Dashboards are graphic
representations that allow quick visualization and
comprehension of a data series (Butler, 2008).
Dashboards are employed on business environments,
keeping critical information available for decision
In our case, dashboards are used to aggregate
quantitative data about users and documents. They
were implemented as a MediaWiki extension, and
can be accessed from any user page, using a loupe
icon. When someone clicks on the loupe, two graphs
are shown: the bullet graph and the bar graph.
Bullet graphs (Figure 3) were created by Stephen
Few (Few, 2006). A bullet graph can represent
complex information. The graph is composed by a
central bar that shows the results for the analyzed
user, the vertical strong black line signs the mean
achieved by the user and the small horizontal black
line represents the average rating of the population.
The graph also has a shadow area (the central
region) that presents the standard deviation of the
population. Figure 3 presents a bullet graph for the
User A. Analyzing this graph, we can perceive that
this user has good qualification, since the dark
vertical central line (representing the individual User
OPEN PUBLICATION SYSTEM - Evaluating Users Qualification and Reputation
A qualification) traverses the central horizontal line
(representing de average qualification for all users)
and also leaves behind the standard deviation, which
is between -1 and 1, in this particular graph.
Figure 3: Bullet graph showing information about ‘User
The bar graph (Figure 4) is used to compare
values, and in our case it is used to show five
vertical bars representing the amount of evaluations
the user receive on each qualification level (‘very
bad’, ‘bad’, ‘neutral’, ‘good’, and ‘very good’).
Figure 4 shows the amount of evaluations that
another user (User B) received on each category.
Users with well evaluated documents will have the
bars on the right higher than the on the left.
User B
0 - Very Bad
4 - Bad 4 - Neutral
3 - Good 3 - Very Good
Figure 4: Bar graph used to show the amount of
evaluations given for User B, on each category.
To evaluate the proposed model, we have designed
an experiment in which users were invited to
evaluate the documents of other users. Data about
their interactions and evaluations were collected and
analyzed using EQ1 and EQ2. We were searching
for variations in qualification rankings that confirm
EQ1 effectiveness.
The experiment was composed by 10 pseudo-
authors (users A to J) generating news about sports.
To abbreviate the process, the texts were extracted
from two main on-line Brazilian sports news ser-
vices, O Globo and UOL , and their contents were
related to nine soccer teams (teams T1 to T9) as if
they were written by the ten writers. The central idea
of the experiment was the evaluation of the ranking
procedure not the writers’ quality. After the
document generation phase, each real user would
focus on the evaluation of other user's documents.
There were thirty documents in the total, some
concerning local teams, from the same region of the
users, and others involving teams from other regions
of the country. Three documents were associated to
each user, in the following manner: as there are three
teams in the users' region (T1 to T3), users A, B and
C received one team each; user D received one
document from each team; moreover, the remaining
users received documents from the other teams in a
random fashion. We must state that T1 and T2 are
from the same city and have large rivalry, T3 is
neutral and the other teams are from different and
distant regions. To have a homogeneous population,
we have chosen the most part of the participating
users to be supporters of T1. The distribution of
documents concentrates documents from T1 in user
A and from T2 in user B. If EQ1 is a method that
overweight qualification of consensual users, the
distribution that we use on the experiment will
create a very qualified user (A) and a weak qualified
user (B).
After the experiments, we confirm that most
users have the team T1 as their favourite team and
that is why User A received better evaluations, since
his documents were from this team, and user B is
negatively evaluated, since his documents are from
team T2. The Figures 6 and 7 show the resulting
normalized users´ evaluations, using, respectively,
EQ1 and EQ2. The first three positions (bottom to
up) are the same, but user B changes from the last
position (using EQ1) to the seventh position (using
EQ2). The graphs presented in these figures
demonstrate that EQ1 privileges the consensus and
the evaluations given by the more qualified users.
Figure 6: Users´ qualification using EQ1 (normalized).
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 7: Users´ qualification using EQ2.
The open reviewing of documents is an open issue.
A huge effort is being developed for the
implementation of open access libraries but the
quality assessment of this production needs to be
assured. An interesting possibility is the open
reviewing process. A simple alternative is the one
proposed by Wikipedia, where all modifications are
logged and a comparison among versions may be
performed by user request. The main problem, in
this case, is the absence of a clear acknowledgement
of the reviewer's competence and trustfulness. A
more recent proposal is the Google Knol service, in
this case the authors and rewires must be identified
and the revisions verified by the author. Our model
and prototype offer a complete alternative to open
publication and open reviewing of Web publications.
With the social competence assessment of the
participants, it is possible to develop a fair and
independent papers quality evaluation.
The dynamic qualification mechanism present in
this paper is an alternative to the generation of truth
(confidence) among users of a Wiki system. It also
addresses an interesting extension to the MediaWiki
system, and users can edit, comment and review the
documents created by other users, giving more
transparency to the scientific knowledge production
The choice of the MediaWiki environment was
appropriated, since it offers full Wiki functionality,
including user and document management, version
control, concurrence and consistency control,
minimizing our development cycle. Besides that, it
has interesting extension mechanisms that were used
to carry out our qualification method. Finally, the
MediaWiki environment is already known by many
users, which minimizes the impact usually involved
with the adoption of a new system.
The system has also other interesting
applications, such as supporting collaborative work
in graduation courses. In the case, students could use
the environment to publish their works and to
contribute in their colleagues documents. More
qualified users should act as reviewers, giving more
specific contributions and evaluations. Another
interesting open possibility consists of employing
the sys-tem as a submission and reviewing system
for a scientific conference or journal, in order to
analyze the differences between the traditional
process and the proposed one.
This work was partially supported by research grants
from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal do Ensino Superior
(CAPES), Brazil.
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OPEN PUBLICATION SYSTEM - Evaluating Users Qualification and Reputation