Optimization and Management of ATM Network System
Darius Dilijonas, Virgilijus Sakalauskas, Dalia Kriksciuniene and Rimvydas Simutis
Vilnius University, Muitines St. 8, LT-44280 Kaunas, Lithuania
Keywords: Retail banking, Automatic Teller Machines, Intelligent Cash Management, Neural Networks, Retail
Banking, Agent Technologies, Multi-agents, Agent Oriented Systems.
Abstract: The article analyzes the problems of optimization and management of ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
network system, related to minimization of operating expenses, such as cash replenishment, costs of funds,
logistics and back office processes. The suggested solution is based on merging up two different artificial
intelligence methodologies – neural networks and multi-agent technologies. The practical implementation of
this approach enabled to achieve better effectiveness of the researched ATMs network. During the first
stage, the system performs analysis, based on the artificial neural networks (ANN). The second stage is
aimed to produce the alternatives for the ATM cash management decisions. The performed simulation and
experimental tests of method in the distributed ATM networks reveal good forecasting capacities of ANN.
Banks have been employing electronic service
delivery technologies aggressively for the past 20
years. This part of banking business is called retail
banking. One of the main driving forces of retail
banking is cost reduction using self-service
technologies. Intelligent systems technologies
(neural networks, agent systems and ect.) in retail
banking are beginning to show value in fields of
cash management, branch optimization, self-service
network efficiency, and other core banking business
The main research object of the article concerns
contemporary methods of ATM networks
optimization, as one of the most urgent topics of
managing retail banking self-service infrastructure.
The cost of cash in the ATMs network operating
environment of Central and Eastern Europe (also in
Asia) is the largest category of costs, which make
from 20% to 50% of all operating costs.
The ATM cash management and optimization
tasks are solved by the efforts of cash management
experts and the computerized tools. The software
market provides several different solutions for ATM
cash management tasks (Wincor Nixdorf PCA;
Carreker OptiCash and ect.), but their forecasting
capability still can’t outperform the experts. The
systems architectures are very complex and not
adjusted for performance in the distributed
environments with huge amounts of data, which are
the characteristic features of the ATM networks
optimization tasks. Most advanced results for
solving these tasks are expected of using hybrid
artificial intelligence methods, and in this article we
consider the combination of neural networks and
multi-agent technologies. The extensive scientific
research materials present theoretical frameworks,
based on the statistical and economical analysis
perspectives (Adam R. Brentnall, et al., 2008;
Bezdek J.C., 1992; Heli Snellman and Matti Viren,
2006; McAndrews J. and Rob R., 1996;
Sakalauskas V. and Kriksciuniene D., 2008).
The biggest drawback of the present research is
lack of description, how to implement different
mathematical models into the distributed ATMs
network structure. The innovative approach of the
elaborated model of intelligent system is based on
using two different artificial intelligence
methodologies – neural networks and multi-agent
technologies. The merging up of these technologies
enables to effectively solve ATMs network
management problems both from the theoretical
perspective and from the practical implementation
aspect. The chapters 2 of the article describe the
Dilijonas D., Sakalauskas V., Kriksciuniene D. and Simutis R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001975003210324
problem related to ATMs network management and
research achievements in field of ATM networks
optimization. The chapter 3 presents the suggested
ATM cash optimization system. The overview of the
architecture of the ATMs network cash management
system is described in the 4
Operating a network of ATMs involves plenty of
different functions: purchasing and installing of
ATMs, processing transactions, clearing paper jams,
repairing broken parts, picking up and processing
deposits, and also replenishing cash (D’Ambrosio, et
al., 2006). Expenses and operational efficiency is
determined by ability of deplorers to manage these
functions. Operating expenses can be divided into
two main categories: Cash-Related and Non-Cash-
Related. Cash-Related expenses, such as cash
replenishment, costs of fund, and back office
operating account cover almost one third of the total
expenses in USA, 59 % in Baltic States, 60 % in
Asia. The ATM owners are more aware of the
impact that the cost of funds make on their daily
operations because of recent tendency of rising
interest rates. Creating cash optimization system of
ATM networks could help to significantly reduce the
ATMs total operating costs.
The most relevant analysis in the field of ATM
networks optimization mainly relates to topics of
optimal size of ATMs network (McAndrews, J. and
Rob, R., 1996; Heli Snellman and Matti Viren,
2006), demand for cash (Adam R. Brentnall, et al.,
2008; Amromin, E. and S. Chakravorti, 2007), and
cash demand forecasting and optimization for the
ATMs network, presented in Simutis et al (Simutis
R., et al., 2007; Simutis R., Dilijonas D., et al., 2007;
Simutis R., Dilijonas D., et al., 2008), formed the
background for the recent study and is more
extensively described in the following chapters.
Other researches related to financial optimization
using neural networks discus bankruptcy prediction
problem (P. Ravi Kumar, V. Ravi, 2007), credit risk
analysis (Lean Yu, et al., 2009), but does not address
the problems of system implementation in
distributed services networks.
We have compared flexible ANN model with
SVM (support vector machines) (Simutis R., et al.,
2008). Forecasting results for real ATMs were using
flexible ANN model MAPE (mean average
proportional error) varied between 15-28% and for
SVR models between 17-40%. The obtained
forecasting results are in some confrontation with
the today’s opinion about the possibilities of SVR
techniques. SVM/SVR (support vector regression) is
assumed to be “next generation” technique and some
of “panacea” for classification and forecasting tasks.
The analysis of the literature sources has shown
that there are no studies in this area (practical
implementation of cash demand prediction in ATM
networks using hybrid artificial intelligence
methods). The extensive scientific research materials
present only theoretical frameworks, based on the
statistical and economical analysis perspectives.
The system is created by using artificial neural
networks for prognosis and optimization. The
rational agent technologies are used for data
collection in the distributed ATMs networks.
Combining both technologies creates the advantage
of managing cash optimization dynamically in
complex systems, by considering different needs of
the participants.
For every ATM machine a separate three-layer
feed-forward neural network was designed. The
neural network was trained using Levenberg-
Marquardt optimization method and RMS (root
mean square) error between predicted and real value.
Regularization term was also included in the training
criterion (Haykin S., 1999). The input variables for
ANN were the coded values of weekday, day of the
month, month of the year, holiday effect value and
average daily cash demand for ATM in last week.
The output variable of ANN was cash demand for
the ATM for the next basic time interval. For the
simplification purpose the ANN structure was
chosen the same for all ATMs in the network (the
same inputs and the same 15 hyperbolic tangent
neurons of hidden units in ANN).
Therefore we proposed a special flexible neural
network design procedure for cash demand
prediction for every local ATM. The realization of
the proposed procedure and this execution steps are
presented in Simutis R., et al. (Simutis R., et al.,
2007; Simutis R., Dilijonas D., et al., 2008)
Fig. 1 shows the efficiency of the cash upload
optimization procedure. Simulation parameters:
Number of ATMs=1225; Annual interest rate=6%;
Cost of cash uploading in ATM=1 million LT
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(currency course in Euros 3.45 LT=1 EUR),
Average daily cash demand=200000 LT/ATM;
Constant maintenance costs=30 LT/ATM;
Figure 1: Simulation results for cash optimization system,
daily maintenance costs for ATM network before and after
Optimization procedure allowed decreasing daily
costs for ATM network maintenance approximately
18%. The simulation results, presented in Fig.1
reveal that the optimization results depend strongly
on the costs of money (annual interest rate) and cash
uploading. Maintenance costs decreased only by 2
%, then the simulation was run under annual interest
rate 3.5% and the increased cost of cash uploading
to 300 LT/ATM. Better results were achieved for
simulations, where higher interest rates and lower
costs of cash uploading were applied.
This section gives a global design specification,
includes agent model specification of the system and
provides description for each component of the
design package. Figure 2 presents architecture of
retail banking optimization systems. The system is
based on JADE Framework (Bellifemine, F., et al.,
2005) where agents are responsible for use cases
realization in Math Processor Business. Agent
simulation is performed by using MatLab Runtime.
The external interface to the system is provided by
ASOMIS Math Web Service. Main components of
the system are assigned different tasks.
Directory Facilitator (DF) agent acts as specified
by FIPA. The Agent Management System (AMS) is
the agent who exerts supervisory control over access
to and use of the Agent Platform. Broker agent (BA)
is the agent responsible for service agents, such as
life-cycle management (create-kill, resume-suspend)
and dispatching the service request to a proper
service agent. Train Agent (TA) is the realization of
Train and Adapt Neural Network use cases. Forecast
Agent (FA) is the realization of Replenishment
Forecast use case and provides cash amount forecast
service, based on the trained neural network. Each
device is represented by its own FA. Optimize Agent
(OA) is the realization of Replenishment
Optimization use case, which provides service for
replenishment optimization, based on the forecast
results. Session Agent (SA) is responsible for
holding current neural network parameters per
device. Data Provider Agent (DPA) is the agent
responsible for collecting historical data from the
external source, such as database or file system, and
providing it to service agents. MatLab proxy is a
wrapper for MatLab Runtime and responsible for
wrapping atomic MatLab runtime operations in use
cases realizations of ASOMIS Math Processor
service level operation (Dilijonas D., Zavrid D.,
2008). The realized platform is created by using Java
2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE). This
technological solution meets the essential
requirements for the system including application of
numerous tools, clear programming model, and
work on different a platform, which is very
important for the distributed systems (Dilijonas D.,
Bastina L., 2007).
The research works in ATM networks optimization
sphere address main topics of optimal ATMs
network size, demand for cash and forecasting cash
withdrawal amounts in ATMs. The software
solutions, applied for cash management processes,
lack of sufficiently robust forecasting and
optimization tools, they are mostly based on simple
forecasting models, and are not capable to work
effectively in distributed environments. As the ATM
networks have features of the distributed systems,
the hybrid artificial intelligence methods should be
applied for optimization of such systems. The
practical model, proposed in this article, is based on
the combination of neural networks and multi-agent
technologies. The combined application of these
technologies gives the advantage of managing cash
Network System
Figure 2: Agent model overview (Global design specification).
optimization dynamically in the complex systems.
Application of the proposed model resulted in cash
reduction by average 20 – 30%. The current stage of
design is accomplished by development of system,
based on agent technologies (JADE Framework).
The future researches are directed to the integration
of reasoning agent capabilities (Dilijonas D., Zavrid
D., 2008) into the designed ATM cash management
and service support system.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems