A Meta-modeling Approach
Nicolas Marion, Ronan Querrec and Pierre Chevaillier
CERV, 29280 Plouzan´e, France
Learning scenario, VRLE, IMS-LD, Meta-modeling.
This paper focuses on learning scenario modeling for Virtual Reality Learning Environments (VRLE). Learn-
ing scenario models used in computer-supported learning environments are usually not able to describe ed-
ucational activities implying interaction of learners with a virtual environment. In this paper, we propose
an IMS-LD extension making it possible to describe executable educational activities taking place in virtual
worlds. Moreover, the model described in this paper is generic in the sense that it can create scenarios regard-
less of the nature of virtual environments or application domain.
A learning scenario describes educational activities
taking place during a training session, and is usually
written by the trainer. This paper focuses on learning
scenarios modeling for sessions where some learning
activities use virtual reality learning environments
(VRLE). A VRLE is a computer-supported learning
environment (CSLE) that uses virtual reality (VR)
technology in order to immerse learners in a virtual
environment. In the context of learning scenarios
modeling, the specificity of VRLE in comparison to
classic CSLE is related to the nature of activities that
take place in the scenario, that imply actions of actors
in a virtual environment.
Educational modeling languages that describe learn-
ing scenarios usually define five types of information
(Koper, 2001):
Prerequisites: prerequisites describe knowledge
or skills the learner should have in order to take
advantage of the learning scenario.
Learning objectives: learning objectives are
knowledge or skills to be gained by learners that
achieve the learning scenario.
Activities: it consists in the description of activi-
ties that can be performed in the environment by
the different actors, learners or teachers, and their
Roles: they describe the involvement of the users
in the learning scenario, and activities they have
to perform.
Environments: an environment describes the
context of execution of educational activities. It
contains necessary resources to the execution of
Existing learning scenario models in the domain of
CSLE (Koper et al., 2003; Rodr´ıguez-Artacho and
Verdejo Ma´ıllo, 2004), generally consider educational
activities as “black boxes”, described by a textual de-
scription. Activities are considered atomic, in the way
that their execution is not described in the scenario.
Only their inputs (resources) and outputs (outcomes)
are taken into account.
On the other side, most VRLE include an author-
ing tool that allows the description of learning activi-
ties execution in a virtual environment (Munro, 2003;
Gerbaud et al., 2008). Learning scenario models in-
cluded in these authoring tools usually have two prob-
lems. 1) They don’t describe the integration of the
activity in virtual environment into a more global ed-
ucational process. 2) They are generally not reusable
because of their specificity in relation to a particular
Marion N., Querrec R. and Chevaillier P. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 253-258
DOI: 10.5220/0001976102530258
domain, like maths (Koedinger et al., 2004), to a par-
ticular task, like assembly operations (Brough et al.,
2007), or to a particular pedagogical strategy, like dis-
covery learning (Van Joolingen and de Jong, 2003).
Our learning scenario model proposition is
grounded on the observation made by (Gu´eraud and
Cagnat, 2006) that learning scenarios describing situ-
ations in which learners interact strongly with interac-
tive educational tools (like virtual environmentsin our
context) must provide information on the internal pro-
gression of educational activities. However, (Burgos
et al., 2007) pointed out the difficulties encountered
when trying to integrate simulations or games in an
executable learning scenario. A full integration of the
simulation in the learning flow should make it possi-
ble to receive information from the learning scenario
(initial configuration, environment modification...)
and to send information generated during its execu-
tion (actions performed, state of the world...). The
constraint it brings is that a specific wrapper, linking
the simulation and the learning scenario, should be
created for each simulation. Then, evenif the learning
scenario model is as generic as classical CSLE mod-
els, we encounter the same problem as with VRLE
authoring tools because the integration of the virtual
environment requires specific development.
There is a need to provide models and tools allow-
ing trainers to create learning scenarios integrating ac-
tivities in virtual environment, regardless of the nature
of those environments, and directly executable on a
virtual reality platform. The learning scenario model
we propose is based upon IMS-LD (Koper et al.,
2003), a specification that has been normalized and
widely accepted in the field of CSLE. IMS-LD allows
to write scenarios describing the five types of infor-
mation presented in introduction (prerequisites, learn-
ing objectives, activities, roles and environments).
In order to fully integrate a virtual environment
in the learning flow, a both-way communication is
necessary so that: 1) the virtual environment can be
adapted to the profile of learners and activities they
previously performed and 2) the learning flow can be
modified based on what happens in the virtual en-
vironment in real time. It is thus necessary to ex-
tend IMS-LD so that the learning flow can take into
account learners activity in the virtual environment.
In section 2 we present the abstraction level of the
model, and more precisely the virtual environment
meta-model that it uses. In section 3 we show how
IMS-LD can be extended to integrate activities in vir-
tual environments in learning scenarios.
As previously said, the integration of a virtual en-
vironment in the learning flow requires a both-way
communication between the learning flow and the vir-
tual environment. To enable this communication, the
learning scenario must be able to reference concepts
used in the virtual environment. To do so, an approach
consists in describing all those concepts in a domain-
specific model of the application. This domain-
specific model gathers information about types of en-
tities that can be found in the environment, their prop-
erties, behaviors, etc. Thus, a learning scenario linked
to such a model can express properties about the en-
vironment using domain-specific concepts. At this
point, two abstraction levels can be identified: the vir-
tual environment (level 0) and the model of this envi-
ronment (level 1). In order for the learning scenario
model not to be specific to one domain, the concepts
of this domain (level 1) must be considered as inter-
changeable input data of the learning scenario model.
For the learning scenario model to be able to han-
dle these data, it uses a meta-model (level 2) that de-
scribes concepts used in domain-specific model.
To sum up, a learning scenario takes place in a vir-
tual environment (level 0) and references the model
of this environment (level 1). The scenario is ex-
pressed using a learning scenario model that uses the
virtual environment meta-model (level 2). Figure 1
shows the links between learning scenarios, learning
scenario model and the different virtual environments
modeling level.
Figure 1: Representation of links between learning scenar-
ios, learning scenario model and the different virtual envi-
ronments modeling level.
This meta-modeling approach can be compared with
the content layer of the PALO model (Rodr´ıguez-
Artacho and Verdejo Ma´ıllo, 2004). Unfortunately,
the meta-model they use contains only two concepts
(entity and relationship), and is not expressiveenough
to describe complex virtual environments. For exam-
MODELS - A Meta-modeling Approach
ple, it cannot describe the dynamic behavior of enti-
ties, or actions that can be performed by users in a
virtual environment.
The MASCARET (Buche et al., 2004) (Multi-
Agent System for Collaborative, Adaptive and Re-
alistic Environment for Training) project is intended
to design realistic VRLEs. MASCARET contains sev-
eral models that describes different parts of VRLE. In
this paper, we describe two models that are used by
the learning scenario model: the virtual environment
meta-model and the organisational model.
Virtual Environment Meta-model: VEHA
VEHA (Marion et al., 2007) is a meta-model designed
to define virtual environments, providing a semantics
allowing artificial or human agents to build a repre-
sentation of it.VEHA meta-model is based upon UML
. Figure 2 presents a overview of VEHA.
Figure 2: A part of VEHA meta-model.
Concepts of domain-specific models are represented
by instances of the
class. The structural
) and Behavioral (
properties of classes are associated with
via the
class. Instances of these classes (entities ac-
tually evolving in the environment) are defined by the
To explicit knowledge about virtual reality, VEHA
extends UML meta-model adding classes making it
Unified Modeling Language 2.1:
possible to model objects that are geometrically rep-
resented in the virtual environment, and which are
therefore controllable by the user. A VEHA environ-
ment is a set of objects with graphical representations.
class can represent such objects. Enti-
ties are instances of a particular class:
It owns not only
, but also information re-
lated to the shape, geometry, positioning, etc.(not rep-
resented on the figure).
VEHA provides an informed virtual environment
meta-model that explicits characteristics of environ-
ments and entities that compose them. In addition, it
allows the introspection of the domain-specific model
(level 1), as well as the virtual environment (level 0).
This meta-model can be used by a learning scenario
model to express a learning scenario that references
concepts of the domain. Thus, the scenario can de-
scribe properties of the environment that have to be
observed by the learning flow during learners activity,
as well as modifications to bring to the environment,
based on the progress of the learning flow execution.
MASCARET’s Organisational Model
MASCARET allows the creation of virtual environ-
ments in which humans and virtual agents can in-
teract by playing roles within organisations. This is
done via an Agent–Role–Organisation structure, de-
scribed in (Buche et al., 2004). It is important for the
learning scenario to reference organisational entities
that exist in a virtual environment, in order to make
it possible for users of the learning scenario to play
specific roles in the virtual environment. The learn-
ing scenario model proposed in this article uses MAS-
CARET, more precisely its virtual environment meta-
model (VEHA) and its organisational model. The
scenario model allows to create scenarios describing
learning activities in virtual environments, as long
as those virtual environments are described in MAS-
CARET. MASCARET has already been used to create
virtual environments for learning like GASPAR (Mar-
ion et al., 2007), S
EVI (Querrec et al., 2003)
and a physics lab work (Baudouin et al., 2008).
In this section, we present how IMS-LD can be ex-
tended to integrate activities taking place in virtual
environments. This section contains three parts, de-
scribing three aspects of learning scenarios that need
to be extended to integrate activities in virtual envi-
ronments: the pedagogical organisation model (3.1),
the property model (3.2) and the environment model
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.1 Pedagogical Organisation Model
This part focuses on the organisation of the different
roles that perform activities in the scenario. In IMS-
LD, every information of the scenario is contained in
learning design
. A learning design contains
a set of roles. Two types of role exist: learner roles
and staff roles. In the scenario, roles are associated
to activities that represent activities that users play-
ing that role have to perform. Proposed model adds
the notion of pedagogical organisation. This notions
is based on MASCARETS organisational model. Fig-
ure 3 presents the pedagogical organisation model we
propose, as well as the part of MASCARET on which
it is based.
Figure 3: Pedagogical organisation class model.
contains one pedagogical or-
ganisation. Pedagogical organisations, are defined
using the notion of organisation described in MAS-
CARET. A pedagogical organisation is composed of
pedagogical roles. In comparison to a MASCARET
role, a pedagogical role adds two information:
a link to one or many roles of the virtual environ-
ment (
). This linked can be used
by the trainer to specify that a user will play one
or several roles of the virtual environment (in ad-
dition to his pedagogicalroles) in order to perform
a collaborative activity.
a link to one or several instances of the
class, that represent the users of the scenario
that will play this role at run-time, and perform
associated activities. These persons can be
humans or virtual agents.
This extension of IMS-LD organisational model al-
lows the learning scenario to take into account the or-
ganisational structure of the virtual environment. The
trainer can associate a pedagogical role to one or sev-
eral roles in the virtual environmentso that users play-
ing that pedagogical role are automatically associated
to the corresponding role in the virtual environment
for a specific activity. an trainer or an intelligent tu-
toring sustem (ITS).
3.2 Properties Model
The principle of properties is that the trainer can de-
scribe variables on which tests can be done, and de-
scribe the progress of the scenario based on the results
of those tests. This mechanism adds flexibility for the
trainer to describe the scheduling of the scenario.
In IMS-LD specification, a property represents a
variable that can have a type and a value. Properties
defined by IMS-LD can have different scopes: local
(same value for all users in a scenario), global (same
value for every user in every scenario), personal (dif-
ferent value for every user) or role (same value for
every user playing the same role).
In order to make it possible for the trainer to take
into account the virtual environment in the learning
scenario, it is necessary to extend the definition of
property made by IMS-LD. In the learning scenario
model, a property can not only represent a variable
as in IMS-LD, but also an entity’s property, an en-
tity’s state-machine or the fact that an action has been
performed in the virtual environment. The properties
model is based on UMLs properties model, already
implemented in VEHA. Figure 4 represents the class
diagram of properties model.
Figure 4: Properties model of proposed learning scenario
This figure shows four types of property:
Properties as defined by IMS-LD are represented
by the
class. A variable contains a
, that defines the data type and
initial value of the variable. During run-time, one
or many slots (property instances) are instantiated
MODELS - A Meta-modeling Approach
for each variable (depending on the type of the
variable; for example, for a personal value will be
instantiated one slot by user).
represents a link to
a property of an entity in a virtual environ-
ment. The difference with a
is that an
references an existing slot,
that belongs to an instantiated entity of the virtual
represents a link to a state-
machine of an entity in a virtual environment. The
value of such a property is the current state of the
referenced state machine.
allows to know if a specific
action has been performed in the virtual environ-
are defined in the domain-specific
model and describe the set of actions that can be
performed by actors (human or virtual) in the vir-
tual environment.
model is not
detailed in this paper.
Those four types of property behave the same way
in that that we can retrieve their value or modify
their value, with the exception of
from which we can only retrieve the value.
The properties defined by the trainer are used to
define conditions in the scenario. These conditions
associate an expression (defined by a set of proper-
ties and their values combined with boolean opera-
tors) and a pedagogical action.During run time, con-
ditions are tested by the platform, and pedagogical
actions associated with true conditions are triggered.
As in IMS-LD, pedagogical actions can be: change
the value of a property, send a notification or change
the visibility of a component of the scenario (make
available or unavailable activities, environment, re-
sources, ...). In addition, we added a new action
. The
class represents a set
of pedagogical actions that can be applied to a virtual
environment, given a certain context. The various ac-
tions are based on the list of pedagogical assistances
defined by (Lourdeaux et al., 2002).
Properties, expressions, conditions and pedagogical
actions make it possible for the trainer to add run
time individualization to the scenario based on learn-
ers’ actions. Our proposition adds three new types
of property that allow the description of learners’ ex-
pected activity in virtual environments, and pedagog-
ical actions to perform.
3.3 Environment’s Model
Every activity takes place in an environment. Figure
5 represents corresponding class model.
Figure 5: Environment’s class model.
In IMS-LD, an environment contains learning objects
and services. In the context of VRLE, the notion of
environment is a bit different. In addition to learn-
ing objects and services, an environment contains a
virtual world in which learners are immersed and act.
To take this specificity into account, proposed model
adds a virtual world to the environment via the
class defined in VEHA. A world represents an in-
formed virtual environment created with VEHA and
contains two main information:
A domain-specific model for the application
, level 1). This model contains all the con-
cepts described by a domain expert (as classes, as-
sociations, etc.), types of entities composing the
environment, their properties, etc. the whole be-
ing gathered into packages.
A virtual environment (
, level 0).
This environment describes an actual instantia-
tion of the domain-specific model and contains
objects (cf. section 2).
Every information about the virtual environment can
be referenced by the scenario and properties about en-
tities of this environment can be defined (cf. 3.2).
Proposed model adds a link between a learning ob-
ject and VEHA elements. This association makes it
possible to express links that can exist between vir-
tual environment entities and learning objects outside
the virtual world. For example, it can describe the as-
sociation between a virtual tool and its instructions of
use in PDF format. Then, this link can be used dur-
ing simulation by an trainer or a pedagogical agent to
provide struggling learners an appropriate resource.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
This paper describes a learning scenario model able
to integrate VRLE in the learning process. The main
advantage of this model, based on a meta-modeling
approach is that it is generic, in that virtual envi-
ronments can be integrated, regardless of their na-
ture or domain. This model extends IMS-LD on sev-
eral aspects. First, it makes it possible to take into
account the organisational aspect of virtual environ-
ments. Then, three types of properties have been
added (
) so that conditions about virtual en-
vironments’ state can be written. Finally, the model
integrates virtual worlds in IMS-LD environments,
and thus makes it possible to create links between
learning objects and elements of the virtual environ-
ment. The learning scenario model described in this
paper has been used to create a learning scenario for
EVI (Querrec et al., 2003), a MASCARET-
based virtual reality application designed to train fire-
fighters. The main prospects of this work focus on the
evaluation of this model by didactics expert of differ-
ent domains. The goal of this evaluation is to check
that the scenario model is flexible enough to take into
account characteristics specific to different domains
as well as characteristics specific to different peda-
gogical strategies.
This study has been carried out with the financial sup-
port from R´egion Bretagne.
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MODELS - A Meta-modeling Approach