An Experience Focused on Familiarizing Students
with Distance Education Courses
Deniele Pereira Batista, José Antonio Aravena Reyes
Núcleo de Educação a Distância – Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Campus Universitário, Martelos, Juiz de Fora-MG, Brazil
Núbia Schaper Santos, Rosilãna Aparecida Diaz
Núcleo de Educação a Distância – Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Campus Universitário, Martelos, Juiz de Fora-MG, Brazil
Faculdade Metodista Granbery, Rua Batista de Oliveira, nº1145, Granbery, Juiz de Fora-MG, Brazil
Keywords: Distance Education, Didactic Design, Online Activities, Student Autonomy.
Abstract: The Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), through its Distance Education Center (NEAD), has been
developing formative actions for students, teachers, tutors and center coordinators. Such initiative is part of
the Integrated Program for Institutional Formation 2008 from Brazil’s Open University System (UAB). This
text presents a fragment of such program: it focuses on the didactic-pedagogical experiences in the Welcome
Module. This module aims on familiarizing the students enrolled both in the undergraduate and graduate
(lato sensu) divisions with the particular aspects of distance education courses. The discussion foci are the
online activities: their pedagogical conception, conduction methods and student feedbacks. Finally, we
present some considerations in regards to such Welcome Module experience as well as its contribution to the
Distance Education (DE) scenario in Brazil. In this sense, we highlight the didactic design of the Welcome
Module, emphasizing the development of student autonomy, an ability which is essential for the continuity
and the success of an online course.
Our days have been witnessing the emergence of the
fifth generation of Distance Education (DE), based
on deeper exploitation of new technologies (Taylor,
2001). According to Taylor (2001), historically, DE
operations evolved through the following four
generations: the first one was the Mail Model, based
on the printing technology; the second refers to the
Multimedia Model, and was based both on printing
and audiovisual technologies; the third one, the
Telelearning Model, deployed applications of the
telecommunication technologies which provided
opportunities for synchronic communication; and the
last one, the Flexible Learning Model, was based on
the online exchange of materials using the Internet.
Despite the fact of many universities are starting
to implement their fourth generation DE initiatives,
the fifth generation is already emerging. This last
generation is, in essence, derived from the fourth
and aims at taking more advantage of the resources
available on the Internet and on the Web,
specifically, on the Web 2.0.
Generally, universities deploy several strategies
in order to guide their students in online courses.
Research in the field has shown that a well-oriented
student function as a cue for broadening the
potential of the pedagogic plan in regards to both the
usage of the virtual learning environment and the
learning process by those who interact in such
environment (Palloff & Pratt, 2004).
Though it is no easy task to predict whether the
student will succeed in distance courses, a set of
broad guidelines and actions (provided by the course
program) directed to the development of the
competences needed by the students may increase
the probability of their success.
Aiming at promoting student’s success in a
distance course, a Welcome Module was elaborated
by the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF),
Pereira Batista D., Aravena Reyes J., Schaper Santos N. and Aparecida Diaz R. (2009).
WELCOME MODULE - An Experience Focused on Familiarizing Students with Distance Education Courses.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 86-91
DOI: 10.5220/0001977800860091
Table 1: Broad objectives and competences to be developed in the Welcome Module.
Broad Objectives Competences to be developed
1. Develop the sense of
Act as a collaborative member of the learning process which takes place inside the
collectivity; understand the sense of community, establishing a relation of belonging
with the institution; broaden the social network; establish kind and co-responsible
relations with the participants of the teaching-learning process; exert the right to
student representation.
2. Develop the ability to learn
Be collaborative and participative in the learning environment; be autonomous in the
utilization of the environment for learning and knowledge socialization; develop
proactive attitude in the absence of external feedback; manage the space and time
available for a well-succeeded study; master study techniques for better incorporation
of knowledge; evaluate her own progress along the course (in regards to what was
learned); apply formality rules adequate to her role in the environment and to the
media used; communicate properly in the learning environment.
3. Reduce prejudice against
Understand what is DE; understand DE’s basic principles and perspectives concerning
the historical-conceptual, didactic-methodological and technological dimensions;
recognize the advances achieved by developed countries in education through the
deployment of “new” technologies.
4. Develop mastering in
computational tools used in the
DE courses from UFJF.
Get in touch with “new” educational technologies; interact with tools available at
Moodle virtual learning environment; be autonomous in the utilization of the
environment for learning and knowledge socialization; master Information and
Communication Technologies in order to improve learning; incorporate collaborative
construction environments as resources for the learning process.
5. Develop a collaborative
profile for participation in and
conduction of workgroups.
Communicate properly in the learning environment; use collaboration as a method for
learning; work in teams; apply principles of authorship pedagogy; be the author of
individual and collective productions.
through its Distance Education Center (NEAD). In
this paper, we describe this course’s objectives and
theoretical-methodological bases, as well as we
present some conclusions concerning its
The Welcome Module was conceived as an
introductory discipline whose aim was to initiate the
student in this new educational scenario: the
Distance Education. It was structured as a strategy
which makes best practices in online learning
possible, given the necessity of the student to
understand and get used to the specific nature of
teaching and learning processes in DE.
The course was organized according to the
competence approach, which means that it
emphasizes the global development of the several
abilities recruited by the student in communication,
interaction, interpersonal relations, creativity,
intellectual production and so forth.
The concept of competence in which the course
approach is based is that of an “ability to recruit
stored knowledge and emotions in order to make
decisions, solve novel problems and work
creatively” (Brasil, 2002). In order to achieve
satisfactory results, the competence approach should
cover the following dimensions: theoretical
(“know”), practical (“know how to do”) and social
(“know how to be”).
The concept of competence also involves
personal, social, cognitive and self-knowledge
abilities, as well as the ability to perceive contexts
and situations in which the recruitment of some
specific competences will be necessary for more
effective academic and professional interactions.
The development of students’ knowledge,
abilities and attitudes ranges from more basic levels
(e.g. acquiring knowledge about a determined
subject) to higher levels (e.g. applying and
transforming acquired knowledge). The student
advances to more sophisticated levels of competence
as she both incorporates certain concepts and
exercises the habit of studying in the DE modality.
This is to say that the development of competences
and abilities occurs within a process of continuous
and gradual stimuli, which the Module aimed to
offer through its didactic activities. Based on the
idea that it was necessary to “welcome” the students
before the beginning of the curricular disciplines of
the courses chosen by them, the Welcome Module
focused the development of a set of competences
related to each of its objectives. The broad
WELCOME MODULE - An Experience Focused on Familiarizing Students with Distance Education Courses
objectives of such module, as well as the
competences to be developed, are presented in Table
In order to attend to both the objectives and
competences presented in Table 1, and considering
the several learning theories available, we adopted
the theory according to which learning is a
permanent process through which the subject, during
the interaction with another subject, overthrows old
certainties, glimmers new perspectives in regards to
some study object, experiences different reasoning
mechanisms, and substitutes positivist and
reductionist visions for another one which values the
integration of facts for the comprehension of reality.
We characterize these steps as a construction process
above all. To construct implies delegating to the
learner an active pursuit attitude, turning herself into
the protagonist of the learning process. To perceive
herself as co-responsible for that she learns is a
necessary movement in such dynamics, for
knowledge must not be understood as a synonym of
either donation or imposition, but as a synonym of
The social interactionist approach proposed
mainly by Vygotsky constitutes the basis of this
pedagogical proposal. This is due to the value
attributed to the role of the historical and cultural
context in human development, as well as to the
understanding that the psychological operation of
the individual is founded in the relations between
this individual and the exterior world (Vygotsky,
In this sense, the usage of information and
communication tools – made available by the web
interface and suggested along the course – favors the
interactivity desired, allowing the student to
participate, intervene an establish a multidirectional
relation to these connections and their languages.
The Welcome Module attended about 1,400
students, distributed into 20 graduate division groups
and 20 undergraduate groups. The average number
of students per group was 40 and the course duration
was 100 hours. Six teachers, 43 remote tutors, 66
local tutors and 23 center coordinators took part in
the course. Each teacher was responsible for six or
seven groups and there was one tutor per group.
Each of the actors of this process developed
different, but coordinated, roles and functions. The
center coordinator is responsible for the proper
functioning of the local support center (in regards to
both the physical and administrative structures). The
teacher is responsible for the learning process of the
students of a specific subject or set of subjects; she
stimulates the dialogue among tutors (both local and
remote) and students, follows the assessment process
and employs motivational strategies. The remote
tutor is the person in charge of the direct contact
with the students during the learning process,
diluting doubts concerning the theoretical contents
and acting as a moderator in the discussions in the
thematic forum. Finally, the local tutor is
responsible for the local support in regards to the
development of the competences needed for the
accomplishment of the DE activities, guiding the
students in which concerns the fulfillment of the
practical activities and group works.
The Welcome Module took place fully in the
distance modality, through the Moodle virtual
learning environment. In this environment, the
student interacts with the other participants of the
groups, the remote tutor and the teacher in the
pursuit of knowledge construction in regards to the
themes proposed.
Most of the didactic material exploited is made
available at the virtual environment, and all of the
texts can be printed. Besides, the student receives a
kit composed of an Online Student Guide, a two-
volume textbook containing all didactic texts and a
CD-ROM with a slide presentation, texts and a video
about DE.
The methodology used for the development of
the thematic units is based, as already seen, on the
development of competences. In order to suit such
proposal, the following methodological strategies
were adopted:
a) Pedagogical usage of some communication and
information tools, previously selected according to
each objective fixed;
b) Effective acting of the remote tutors in the
conduction of the activities, supervising the
chronogram fulfillment, inciting student’s
participation and providing group/individual support
to students;
c) Accompaniment of the process by the teacher in
charge of the module, providing feedback to
students, mainly in regards to the subjects studied;
d) Deployment of learning techniques focused on the
competences do be developed;
e) Intensification of dialogue among the participants
in the course as a key factor for the
implementation/maintenance of the social
interactionist approach;
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
f) Accompaniment of the students’ scores and
satisfaction through assessment instruments in
accordance to the formative approach;
g) Effective acting of the local tutors, at the support
center, aiming at solving potential technological
difficulties presented by students.
Abandonment or partial accompaniment of
activities occurred with around 10% of the total
amount of students (10.33% among undergraduate
students and 9.84% among graduate ones).
Up to this point we described how the Welcome
Module was conceived and planned. From this point
on, we intend to report, and, at the same time,
discuss, how this course took place. We will
approach the following issues: what activities were
proposed; how did students perform along the
module; how did they evaluate the module; and what
is the role of teachers and tutors in the effective
deployment of the social interactionist approach.
The Federal University of Juiz de Fora, through
NEAD, selected and tested several tools aimed at
enhancing the usage of web in its DE courses.
Besides, there was a pursuit of the development
activities which could lead students to engage in
group tasks. The Welcome Module was structured
into five Moments, lasting one month for graduate
students and two for undergrads, although both
courses were 100 hours long.
During Moment 1, named “Opening Paths”, the
construction of a virtual community was
emphasized. In order to achieve this goal, four
activities were proposed:
- Activity 1: Access to Moodle (checking the system
access and getting in touch with the tools in the
environment), with the aid of a didactic text, in order
to get to know its interface and tools.
- Activity 2: Participation in the forum “Opening
paths: enlarging the relationships network”. This
forum reinforces the intentions of the other media
used in which concerns the main goal of this unit,
which is to develop the sense of community among
participants. This activity is responsible for starting
the student-student and student-tutor meetings and
for promoting the exchange of expectations,
perceptions concerning the course, formation,
experience in DE courses, preferences etc.
- Activity 3: Access to the Meeting Point in order to
exploit its working tools. The student must access
this environment in order to fill in her profile and
disclose her preferences (on reading, leisure, sports,
music, art, movies, ecology etc.). The intention is
that they establish a social network of relationships
among themselves. Hence, the idea is that visits to
this environment be permanent.
- Activity 4: Experience report, the description and
reflection about the tools and issues found during the
experience with the course up to that moment.
In Moment 2, entitled “Drawing the way in DE”,
whose goal was to guide the student for a well-
succeeded study in DE – emphasizing time
management – the following activities were
- Activity 1: “Time Management” forum, during
which each student should tell about the strategies
deployed in order to organize her activities within
the time available.
- Activity 2: Production of a scheme of the text
“Study techniques”.
- Activity 3: Familiarization with some resources of
Google Apps Education, a tool for editing,
communicating and searching available on the web.
The third Moment, “When one knows history,
the walk is easier”, we emphasized the conceptual
aspects of a DE course through the following
- Activity 1: Construction of a glossary of DE terms.
- Activity 2: Supervised research on the web.
- Activity 3: Construction of a conceptual map from
the Cmapstools software.
During Moment 4, named “A good path is made
with good tools”, the focus was to develop
mastering in the computational tools used in DE
courses. In order to achieve that, the following
activities were carried out:
- Activity 1: Reading of texts concerning virtual
learning environments.
- Activity 2: Simulated virtual jury about the theme:
Technology in contemporaneity: advances and
regresses. This was a group activity.
The last Moment“In DE it is impossible to be
happy alone” – was saved for the construction of a
collaborative project. Students engaged in the
following activities:
- Activity 1: Reading of texts about authorship
pedagogy and operative groups.
- Activity 2: Project elaboration using web 2.0 tools.
In groups, students should chose between building a
blog or wiki, whose theme would be the Welcome
In order to make communication between
teachers and tutors easier, we created a forum named
Our Space. In this space, doubts, critics and
WELCOME MODULE - An Experience Focused on Familiarizing Students with Distance Education Courses
suggestions were put together. Each teacher
established a communication forum with her tutors
in order to make the socialization of ideas among
everyone possible.
If technical problems were identified in the
platform (student without access, unavailable
resources, corrupted files etc.), they were forwarded
to the Technologic Coordination of The Distance
Education Center. Besides, students could rely on a
tech support in order to solve doubts concerning the
Meeting Point.
According to the learning theory adopted and
considering the student as a subject in constant
process of knowledge construction, assessment was
put in service of such process. The assessment
system proposed was a formative one and aimed at
identifying potential learning difficulties, as well as
positive aspects of students’ development.
Formative assessment exerts a control function in
the process, privileging results along the process in a
way to allow a reflexive action, by the part of both
teacher and student, in the construction and
reconstruction of knowledge. Assessment, in this
context, is an activity aimed at providing support for
learning and knowledge (Álvarez Méndez, 2002;
Libâneo, 1994).
As assessment can be defined, according to such
conception, as a decision making process based on
the interpretation of data provided by the student,
taking also into consideration its subjective aspect, it
was necessary to apply varied instruments in order
to collect those data in an attempt to evaluate as
accurately as possible the student performance along
the course.
Thus, at the end of each unity, students filled in
an activity control check list, indicating whether it
was accomplished, whether it was finished before
the deadline and how it helped in the development of
the competences.
Through graded activities (in a total of seven),
students were stimulated to engage in the practical
tasks focused on the familiarization with the
platform tools.
At the end of the course, students carried out a
self-assessment, during which they had the
opportunity to review their own trajectories
throughout the course and point out positive and
negative aspects of the general structure of the
Welcome Module.
In this perspective, assessment becomes
dissociate from the concept of an excluding practice
and, thus, from stereotyped ideas such as “to
evaluate someone is to measure one’s behavior
through tests”. In a more progressive conception, to
which our approach is related, assessment is a two-
way process, optimizing both students’ learning and
teachers’ didactic actions.
An evaluation of the Welcome Module was also
performed by the students involved in the course.
Aspects such as didactic material, technology,
methodology, student support and guidance, and
learning assessment were analyzed through a
multiple choice survey. Also, students were invited
to write about their experience with the module.
These data have not been analyzed yet and will be
presented in future works.
We understand that promoting collective
learning moments is central to a well-succeeded
educational process. If meanings cannot be given,
but discovered, maybe our task is to create
conditions for this to happen. Regardless of the
educational modality (local or remote), students,
teachers and tutors must be given the same
opportunities to express themselves, thus
overcoming the transmission pedagogy logic.
The experience with the Welcome Module leads us
into believing that to learn in the logic of DE, in
different times and spaces, is the challenge of this
century. It is a key task for institutions engaged in
DE to aid students in order to favor their network
Some resources are presented as shortcuts to the
optimization of learning. In a DE course, efficiency
and frequency in the usage of the resources available
in the platform (in this case, Moodle) are very
important for both interaction and
individual/collective knowledge construction. The
environment alone is useless. The participants are
the ones to make it work, with different opinions,
varied writing styles and other human singularities.
Turn what is strange into something familiar in the
DE context was one of the objectives of the
Welcome Module. In this sense, the potentiality of
web 2.0 transformed students from consumers into
producers of contents through blogs, wikis and
relationship software, reducing what Moore (1993)
and Moore and Kearsley (2007) call Transitional
Distance. We advanced towards that Lèvy (1993,
1999) defines as collective intelligence construction.
The technologies available at each historic
moment influence society and, particularly,
education. Hence, it is important to deploy such
technological resources pedagogically, in order to
promote high quality DE initiatives. This paper
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
presented one of such attempts, through the
reporting of the experience with the Welcome
Álvarez Méndez. J.M. 2002. Avaliar para conhecer,
examinar para excluir, Artmed. Porto Alegre.
Brasil, Ministério da Educação, Secretaria de Educação
Média e Tecnológica. 2002. Parâmetros curriculares
nacionais: ensino médio, MEC/SEMTEC. Brasília.
Lévy, P. 1993. As tecnologias da inteligência: o futuro do
pensamento na era da informática, Editora 34. Rio de
Lévy, P. 1999. Cibercultura, Editora 34. Rio de Janeiro.
Libâneo, J.C. 1994. Didática, Cortez. São Paulo.
Moore, M. G. 1993. Teoria da distância transacional.
Translated by Wilson Azevêdo. Available at:
69& UserActiveTemplate=1por>.
Moore, M. G.; Kearsley, G. 2007. Educação a distância:
uma visão integrada, Thomson Learning. São Paulo.
Palloff, R. M.; Pratt, K. 2004. O aluno virtual: um guia
para trabalhar com estudantes on-line, Artmed. Porto
Taylor, J. 2001. Fifth generation distance education. In
Higher education series. Report no. 40, Department of
Education, Training and Youth Affairs. Canberra.
Vygotsky, L. S. 1998. A formação social da mente: o
desenvolvimento dos processos psicológicos
superiores, Martins Fontes. São Paulo, 6th ed.
WELCOME MODULE - An Experience Focused on Familiarizing Students with Distance Education Courses