Miroslaw Czyrnek, Filip Koczorowski, Michal Kosiedowski, Cezary Mazurek, Piotr Pawalowski
Wojciech Pieklik, Maciej Stroinski, Jan Weglarz and Marcin Werla
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, ul. Noskowskiego 12/14, Poznan, Poland
Keywords: ICT-supported education, e-Classroom.
Abstract: Over the recent years Poland has been very successful in deploying advanced ICT infrastructure for use by
the public sector. This infrastructure includes fiber-based metropolitan research and education networks
interconnected with the backbone optical network PIONIER, and a vast amount of advanced services that
provide interesting resources and tools also for the education sector. Today Poland gains a big opportunity
of innovating its education system to a novel ICT supported classroom immersed in an integrated education
environment. Creating an educational service network based on research and education network links would
bring a new, better learning and teaching experience for the education system participants. However, it also
sets a big challenge before designers of such an educational service network. In this paper, we discuss the
current opportunities and our approach at creating such a network.
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center has
been the operator of the metropolitan research and
education network in Poznan since early 1990s. This
network (POZMAN) was originally founded to
interconnect academic and research centers such as
universities and research institutes. It later became
the means of interconnecting offices of various
public domain services such as municipality offices,
hospitals or public schools. Today, this metropolitan
network provides fiber to 23 schools in Poznan, thus
creating an opportunity to draw a roadmap for
integrating them into one educational corporate
network also on the service level.
An attempt to create an educational service
network is also justified by the existence of various
advanced services that may either deliver interesting
educational content for use during the educational
process or provide a new quality to this process.
These services include regional digital libraries that
provide access to rare library resources, the public
television educational programme offer and archive
delivered through an Internet-based system,
educational portals that provide a vast ammount of
articles, educational resource directories and online
tools, e-learning platforms with materials in the form
of e-courses, videoconferencing services or virtual
Last but not least, also the analysis of the needs
of the education community in Poznan shows that
the delivery of innovative educational tools based on
advanced services available in the metropolitan
research and education network is highly required by
the education community itself. In October 2008 we
conducted a questionnaire among 42 public high
schools which showed that various activities in this
field were already being undertaken by schools and
that there was a high demand for training teachers in
ICT utilization in the educational process.
In this paper we present the value that a research
and education network with its advanced services
may bring to the educational system. In section 2 we
shortly present an example metropolitan research
and education network (MAN) and the wider context
of its interconnection with other such networks in
Poland, Europe and beyond. Section 3 describes
various services currently deployed in the public
optical network and accessible through the MANs.
Section 4 draws a roadmap for building a service
network for education with the use of available ICT
infrastructure. We end with a presentation of related
initiatives in section 5 and a summary in section 6.
Czyrnek M., Koczorowski F., Kosiedowski M., Mazurek C., Pawalowski P., Pieklik W., Stroinski M., Weglarz J. and Werla M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 97-103
DOI: 10.5220/0001978200970103
The metropolitan research and education network
POZMAN has been operated by Poznan
Supercomputing and Networking Center since 1993.
It started as FDDI-based network linking major
universities and research institutes in the city. Later,
the base technology was changed to ATM, and other
types of institutions such as, for example,
municipality offices and hospitals were being
connected to the network. Today, the network is
based on 10 Gigabit Ethernet technology and
connects over 100 institutions, including all
academic institutions in Poznan, all municipality
offices, most hospitals and 23 public schools.
Figure 1: PIONIER Polish Optical Internet.
Further on, the metropolitan research and
education network of our city is interconnected with
20 other similar networks around Poland through a
nationwide backbone research and education
network called Polish Optical Internet PIONIER as
shown in Figure 1. This allows for wide cooperation
between institutions connected to metropolitan
research and education networks at the national
level. Such cooperation takes place in the research
and academic community, where common projects
are conducted with the vast utilization of the optical
networking advantages. Some of the most important
initiatives that can be mentioned here include access
to remote instrumentation in the form of virtual
laboratory (Lawenda at al., 2004), provision of
country-wide multimedia content delivery system
(Czyrnek at al., 2006) or organization of the national
Federation of Digital Libraries (Lewandowska,
Mazurek and Werla, 2008).
Moreover, the PIONIER network provides
access to the European research and educational
services through the optical interconnection to the
European academic research network Geant2.
PIONIER also has optical links to all Poland
neighboring countries. This international
connectivity is also used to facilitate cooperation
between fiber-enabled institutions, with a majority
of this cooperation taking place within the scientific
community. Access to CERN’s facilities, integration
with the European digital library Europeana,
performing high definition videoconference sessions
or delivering broadband channels to a vast amount
of research projects is not a problem at the
international level.
It is also important to mention that local,
province-wide initiatives to create broadband
province networks connected to PIONIER take place
in various parts of Poland. For example, the
Swietokrzyskie Province is currently in the process
of building a province-wide broadband with the use
of wireless technologies. In other regions, such as
our province Wielkopolska, the plan is to build local
fiber connections to all counties. The existence of
broadband links in the counties gives the local
governments an opportunity to interconnect
institutions they are responsible for, including public
schools. This process has already begun. Pila, one of
the biggest towns in Wielkopolska, has recently
invested in a fiber connection to one of their primary
schools. Further investments are planned in the
The optical network, operated by a research
center as ours, creates a good opportunity for
delivering a new type of educational materials and a
new type of educational tools to public schools. The
optical link provides schools with a new quality in
the education process they maintain. It is at the same
time received at a reasonable monthly cost of 400
zlotys (about 100 euros) for a 100 Mbps connection.
However, this reasonable cost becomes especially
attractive when the optical link is delivered in a
package including also a set of advanced services
that enable real access to the above-mentioned
educational materials and tools. Examples of such
services already existing today in the PIONIER
network and accessible through metropolitan
research and education networks are presented in the
next section.
The broadband network link such as the optical
connection to a metropolitan research and education
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
network is a must for the environment aiming at
innovating the educational process with the use of
ICT tools. While this constitutes the necessary start
and a required infrastructure, the core of this
environment are services that are capable of
delivering vast amounts of new educational
materials and tools. In this section we present
examples of such services, currently used in other
contexts than an integrated educational service
Examples of the above-mentioned services that
could enrich the options that schools have at hand
when maintaining their day-to-day work with
students include the following:
digital libraries;
multimedia content archives;
high definition videoconferencing;
virtual laboratories;
e-learning platforms;
and educational web portals.
We discuss the value of each of these services
for the education processes conducted at schools in
the following subsections.
3.1 Digital Libraries
Over the recent few years many digital libraries
holding lots of valuable resources have emerged in
Poland. This includes 14 regional digital libraries
with such libraries as, for example, Wielkopolska
Digital Library (, Lower
Silesian Digital Library ( or
Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library
( that were built with the use of
the standards-based dLibra framework (Dudczak et
al 2007). What is more important these libraries are
interconnected with each other through OAI-PMH
mechanisms thus creating a nation-wide Federation
of Digital Libraries, which was already mentioned in
section 2. Overall 38 digital libraries are part of this
Federation giving access to a total of over 180
thousand digital objects. One should also not forget
about efforts aiming at integrating the Polish
Federation with the Europeana digital library.
The constantly growing number of digital
objects held by Polish and European digital libraries
may be already accessed today by teachers and
students at schools. These objects constitute a great
value especially for such classes as history,
literature, arts and culture. Some of the objects that
can be found in the Wielkopolska Digital Library,
for example, include rare manuscripts dating from
the 15
century, a collection of local newspapers
from the 19
and early 20
centuries and other
regional artifacts, dating back to 13
Example Wielkopolska Digital Library publications
of educational value are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Example publications in the Wielkopolska
Digital Library bringing educational value for schools.
3.2 Multimedia Content Archives
Another example of digital content with a great
educational value to the teachers and students at
schools are multimedia found in online archives
such as, for example, the digitized archive
maintained by the Polish public broadcaster TVP
( What is important to note here
is that this multimedia content is distributed within
the PIONIER network with the use of thoroughly
tested, intelligent content delivery system, already
mentioned in section 2.
The TVP online archive holds around 1200
educational audio-visual assets. This includes older
programmes digitized recently, and the current
production which is being digitized and put into the
online archive straight away. These programmes
hold a great value to a number of classes and
courses, including physics, chemistry, nature,
science or history. Example resources are shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: The view at the educational multimedia archive
of the Polish public broadcaster TVP.
3.3 High Definition Videoconferencing
Videoconferencing shows a great potential at
enriching educational experience of students at
school. Different types of videoconferencing
techniques are used at schools already today.
According to a questionnaire conducted among high
schools in our city in October 2008, 8 out of 42
schools own dedicated videoconferencing rooms
with equipment and facilities, that are used during
classes. These are television quality
videoconferencing terminals. However, as the
HDViper project ( findings
show, high definition videoconferencing carries
even greater educational potential.
The utilization of HD quality video requires
much higher bandwidths, yet it is fully justified by
the much better user experience. The latter is
especially true for such educational performances as
for example chemical experiments where the
visibility of details is vital, or e-meetings of students
from remote schools where high video quality
constitutes a better feeling of presence. A
questionnaire conducted within the HDViper project
with a number of actual high school teachers showed
that there is a widespread agreement that
videoconferencing gives new possibilities in
education. The teachers pointed to a number of uses
of videoconferencing like cooperation on joint
projects between schools, interviews with famous
people, participation in seminars or scientific
experiments and activities with individual students.
3.4 Virtual Laboratories
Virtual laboratory systems provide means of remote
access to unique laboratory equipment from the
comfort of one’s desk. They are mainly used by
scientists to access expensive and rare equipment,
often in a collaborative manner allowing to perform
observations on a scale unknown before. An
example of such an infrastructure may be remote
radio-telescope access which allows astrophysicists
to use over 20 radio-telescopes distributed across 6
continents to achieve a high resolution image of a
given fragment of the sky (Okon et al., 2009).
Virtual laboratories in the context of mandatory
education will not involve access to expensive
equipment and infrastructures such as the
above-mentioned radio-telescopes. This concept can
be used to access limited laboratory instrumentation
at either selected schools in a given geographical
jurisdiction or at university laboratories. However,
virtual laboratory platforms come with advanced
simulation and visualization tools which can be used
by school with virtually no limit, thus giving access
to results of actual scientific experiments performed
with the use of the aforementioned expensive
infrastructures such as radio-telescopes. This creates
an opportunity for innovative educational scenarios
and enrichment of traditional science, physics or
chemistry classes.
3.5 e-Learning Platforms
e-Learning platforms such as, for example, the open
source Moodle (Rice, 2008) have been known for
quite a few years now. The emergence of the
SCORM format enabled standardization of e-course
creation thus facilitating its exploitation within the
education sector. Many universities currently use
some form of e-learning. In Poznan also the
Teacher’s Training Center (ODN – Osrodek
Doskonalenia Nauczycieli) uses an e-learning
platform to offer various e-courses aimed at
upgrading skills of public school teachers.
The above-mentioned questionnaire we
conducted in 42 high schools in Poznan showed that
8 of them are maintaining their internal e-learning
platforms used to create and utilize educational
materials for students in the form of e-courses.
Furthermore, 80% of schools cooperate with various
universities which provide valuable e-courses on
selected subjects. With the emergence of optical
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
links at schools it is natural to think of enabling their
internal e-learning resources together with the
materials provided by universities to the totality of
schools, thus equalizing access to these resources,
reducing costs of their creation and enabling their
sharing and reuse.
3.6 Educational Web Portals
A vast number of educational resources can also be
found on the web, especially within educational
portals such as the Polish Educational Portal
“Interkl@sa” ( Such
portals contain lots of useful educational materials
and provide interesting tools for use within the
educational process. For example, the above-
mentioned “Interkl@sa” portal provides access to
over 5500 articles catalogued within subject
subpages. It also delivers various specialized tools
such as web educational resource directory, “Virtual
Classroom”, chat or Frantice, a French language
Access to the resources of web educational
portals does not require an optical link to the
metropolitan research and education network.
However, it constitutes a value that should be
combined with the services mentioned above to
deliver an integrated educational environment of
resources and tools that enables to provide means for
the application of an innovative classroom. We
discuss how this should be done in the next section.
Having the fiber-based broadband link to the
Internet and a critical mass of digital resources and
tools available online, schools may begin to organize
improved education courses supported vastly by ICT
use. To this end, two elements must get integrated
into an educational service network. First, one must
define an organizational framework for cooperation
between schools and other educational institutions
within the assumed educational scenarios. Second,
an appropriate approach at the integration of ICT
infrastructure should be assumed. We discuss both
these issues in this section.
4.1 Organization of Educational
Scenarios in the Service Network
When designing an organizational structure of the
educational service network, one must first of all
understand what types of relations may exist
between actors participating in scenarios that can be
supported with the use of this network. Our analysis
and discussion with the education community,
represented by the most active high school principals
in the city, shows that there are 4 categories of actors
delivering and/or utilizing the educational services
in such a network. These are students (S), teachers
(T), Universities (U) and methodological centers
such as the aforementioned ODN (M). The relations
between these actors are presented in Figure 4.
Figure 4: The relations between actors with the
educational service net: S – students, T – teachers, U –
universities, M – methodological centers.
Further on, these actors as listed above, may take
different roles in five educational scenarios we
found on the base of our discussions and the
questionnaire we conducted in October 2008. These
scenarios include:
supporting traditional classroom with
educational services of the network, for
example, reaching to online resources as a
teaching aid in the classroom;
complementary education with the use of
educational services of the network, for
example, students preparing projects based on
resources found within the network;
utilization of university resources in high
school education, for example, organization of
special laboratory e-presentations;
utilization of educational services of the
network in out-of-classroom education, for
example, for the most talented students or
students that cannot participate in classroom
activities for a given period of time;
teacher improvement with the use of
educational services of the network, for
example, utilization of e-learning platforms to
provide improvement e-courses.
In each of these scenarios not only passive
utilization of services and resources takes place, but
the actors may also actively cooperate with each
other on the inter-institution level. That imposes
important requirement of a careful design of the new
processes that take place in this new environment.
To this end key participants in the value-chain such
as the local governments that administer the local
education systems must undertake the role of
designing the new process workflow. In the case of
our activities aiming at establishing an educational
service network, this role has been undertaken by the
Department of Education of the Poznan City Hall.
4.2 Integration of ICT Infrastructure
for the Delivery of Educational
When it comes to the integration of the educational
service network at the technical level, three major
requirements must be taken into consideration.
These requirements are as follows:
ease of service utilization;
ease of resources and tools reuse;
privacy and security.
In relation to the ease of service utilization two
important issues are worth considering. First of them
is the appropriately designed user gateway to the
service network. This not only includes easy-to-use
user interface but, more importantly, seamless
integration of the underlying systems. The users
should be able to access any of the services with the
use of a single authentication mechanism in a single
sign on manner. That imposes a requirement on the
middleware layer of the service network to enable
single sign on in the whole environment and to
contain necessary interfaces to all heterogeneous
underlying systems such as digital libraries,
multimedia content delivery systems or virtual
Reuse of resources and tools is especially
important in this type of environment. This should
be first of all addressed in the context of reusing the
same resources in various scenarios and
applications. It is also important that any new
resource that gets created within the network is
easily noted by other users. In the context of
resource reuse semantic web technologies show a
good potential. To this end the middleware layer of
the educational service network infrastructure should
get equipped with means of semantic description of
resources and tools, and in mechanisms enabling
automatic search for relations between documents
according to the designed ontologies immersed in
the educational service network. Appropriately
defined ontologies will certainly help to facilitate
reuse and sharing of resources in this network.
Finally, the privacy and security issue is
connected with two important issues. First is to
protect the personal data of actors involved in the
utilization of services in the educational service
network. This especially refers to the students
various information on whom, such as the level of
their skills, possible illnesses and/or disabilities,
political and religious beliefs and others, may be
found in the network. They should be protected with
appropriate privacy protection techniques. The other
issue refers to the protection of content provided
within the network. This includes the content
produced by each school, e.g. provided through their
e-learning platforms, and the content enabled for use
only within the educational service net, e.g. some
specific content of television archives which could
be enabled for educational purposes, while at the
same time cannot be enabled for general public
access. In both cases the existence of a coherent
corporate network built on top of the metropolitan
research and education network will help to achieve
the goal of privacy and security protection.
One of the brightest examples of educational service
networks is Glow
(, the
Scottish part of the National Education Network
( in the United Kingdom.
Glow is “the world's first national intranet for
education.” It delivers a trusted and safe
environment where one can create personalized
programmes, share resources, use a variety of online
tools to enhance learning experiences and
collaborate with others across the network. The
resources come from different sources and can either
be accessed from any place after a successful login
or are available for access only from schools, e.g. in
the case of a music archive. In the United States, the
Utah Education Network (
connects Utah’s public schools with high speed links
and provides various services such as interactive
videoconferencing, e-trainings, e-learning or Internet
Important for our work are also advancements in
the field of various applications and tools that could
be utilized to improve the quality of education at
schools. One of such advancements is the subject of
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the VccSSe project
( which aims to
adapt virtual laboratory techniques for utilization
within education processes at school. The work of
the project focuses mainly on mathematics, physics,
chemistry and biology and involves schools from
Romania, Poland, Spain, Finland and Greece. The
use of high definition videoconferencing in
education is the subject of the aforementioned
HDViper project.
Finally, an important field of our attention is the
use of semantic web techniques for facilitating
access to resources and services. A very interesting
work in this field is done within the OASIS project
( This project develops
the so called OASIS hyper-ontology, which aims to
interconnect heterogeneous ontologies to achieve the
sharing of contextual information between different
objects and services (Kehagias et al., 2008). While
the primary application of this hyper-ontology
architectural concept is for seamless service
provision to the elderly, it shows a potential for
utilization also in other fields, such as, for example,
an educational service network.
In this paper we have presented a concept of
building an integrated environment for the provision
of services for education in a metropolitan research
and education network. On the basis of a
questionnaire we conducted in October 2008, we
were able to draw a list of requirements for the
initiative aiming to build such an educational service
network. Furthermore, we found what usage
scenarios are expected in this network and what is
the necessary critical mass to start the work on the
establishment of this environment.
An important message coming from the
education community was also their need to utilize
the resources already existing and available in the
metropolitan research and education network that we
operate. This becomes available today with the
optical link directly reaching schools in our city and
with useful technologies such as semantic web at
hand. Our goal is to work in this direction with the
relevant stakeholders in our region to deliver this
sort of integrated environment where ease of use,
reuse and sharing of resources, as well as privacy
and security are main drivers of the innovative
education experience.
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