Chris McDonald
Computer Science & Software Engineering, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia
Keywords: Simulation, Wireless Networks, Computer Science Education.
Abstract: The current generation of Computer Science students are far more likely to engage with computer
networking through their own mobile, wireless devices than they are using fixed, wired desktop computers.
Traditional approaches to teaching computer networking evolved when the Internet was composed of fixed
wired infrastructure, and this historical background still forms most of the material in contemporary
textbooks on computer networking. Today's students have strong expectations that their computer
networking courses will have a significant focus on the networking devices and applications that they use
daily - increasingly mobile and wireless. This paper describes a computer-networking project, examining
delay tolerant networks, that has successfully assessed students' understanding of networking protocols
using both simulation and actual implementations on Apple iPods. Importantly, students developed identical
source code to be compiled and then executed by both the simulator and the iPods. The paper then reflects
on the use of simulation in computer networking projects, identifying some deficiencies in students'
understanding that may be masked by the use of simulation alone.
It can be argued that computer networking continues
to be the field of computing making the greatest
impact on our daily lives, with the Internet becoming
the ubiquitous carrier of global applications such as
user-contributed videos and music, instant
messaging, location-aware mapping and
applications, and the myriad of competing and often
contradictory information sources. Our students'
almost insatiable desire for access to the Internet
often pushes aside the desire to actually understand
the technical aspects of how it all works, and even
why it all works.
Contemporary students, collectively described
as Generation-Y, the M-generation, and Millennials,
are more likely, or wish, to access many Internet
services using handheld and mobile devices,
including laptop computers, network-enabled
personal digital assistants (PDAs) and palmtop
computers or tablets (Junco, 2007; Oblinger, 2005).
For current students in Computer Science courses
the Internet's “last-mile” problem is being solved,
not through traditional fibre or copper connections to
the home, but by near-ubiquitous wireless access.
Consequently, students undertaking courses in
computer networking today are expecting their
courses to contain, if not focus on, details of wireless
and mobile networking, developed this century, and
not to remain focused on the traditional, often
inaccessible, wired backbone infrastructure and their
protocols, developed in the 1970s.
To maintain students' engagement and, more
importantly, to increase their understanding of the
design and implementation of computer networks, it
is now necessary to convey many of the fundamental
concepts by drawing upon mobile and wireless
networking examples. This paper presents our
recent successes with student projects employing a
combination of simulations and real exercises using
the wireless communication facilities of Apple
The cnet network simulator has undergone a
sequence of developments over eighteen years,
being used as a primary teaching tool in both
undergraduate and graduate computer networking
courses (McDonald, 1991). Today cnet supports
student-developed protocols and experimentation
with a variety of data-link layer, network layer, and
transport layer networking protocols in networks
McDonald C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 258-264
DOI: 10.5220/0001979702580264
comprising any combination of wide-area-
networking (WAN), local-area-networking (LAN),
or wireless-local-area-networking (WLAN) links.
Students working in open or closed laboratory
sessions, or professors, wishing to demonstrate
networking concepts in the classroom may develop
or extend a wide variety of network protocols and
employ cnet controls and statistical routines to
gather and evaluate their experiments. cnet has been
selected by William Stallings to complement the
materials in his award winning networking textbook
(Stallings, 2007).
cnet has most recently been extended to support
wireless networking and, in particular, now supports
ad-hoc and mobile networking as characterized by
delay tolerant networking (see section 4). Using
cnet's event-driven framework students may control
the mobility (speed and direction) of hundreds of
mobile nodes, having them move across a physical
landscape and occasionally pausing at defined
landmarks or when other mobile nodes are detected.
cnet permits full control of one or more wireless
antennae on each mobile node and the physical
characteristics, such as transmission frequency,
output power and gain, input sensitivity, and
whether the node's radio card is in a low power
“sleep” mode, may all be controlled, either as fixed
parameters to a single simulation or dynamically for
a location- and power-aware protocol..
Students also have programmatic control over
the propagation of their nodes' wireless signals. For
example, once cnet has considered the physical
properties of each transmission (to determine
strength of arrival over the distance between nodes)
and managed physical layer collisions, student-
written code may further determine the successful
arrival of a signal through obstacles (such as walls),
across different terrain types (such as concrete or
grass), or at certain angles (using omni-directional
cnet was first developed as a simulator running
on a variety of Linux and UNIX platforms and
Apple's Mac OS-X. Support has recently been added
for student-written protocols to be cross-compiled
for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch platforms. The
motivation of this has been so that students may first
design, implement, test, and evaluate wireless
network protocols within the robust simulator, and
then cross-compile their unmodified source code for
execution on the physical, mobile devices. It is
believed that, in combination, the use of both
simulation and actual exercises can dramatically
increase a student's understanding of wireless
networking, particularly the nature of physical errors
and transmissions. Recent developments have been
generously supported by a ACM-SIGCSE Special
Project Grant and through support from Apple Inc.
cnet's full source-code and examples are released
under the GNU Public Licence (GPL).
The Apple iPod Touch is a handheld mobile device
with a 670MHz ARM11 processor, 128MB of RAM
in which the operating system and applications
execute, and of flash memory providing a solid-state
disk. The iPod runs a modified version of Apple's
OS-X operating system and provides a multi-touch
GUI for all input. Apple promotes the devices as
music and video players, also capable of executing
approved applications. However, it is possible to
bypass the supported, constrained, environment of
the device and to develop general programs for it,
taking advantage of the IEEE802.11 (Wi-Fi)
networking interface and general TCP/IP protocol
stack (an activity requiring the unsanctioned
“jailbreaking” of the device).
Our school purchased twenty 8GB iPod Touch
devices for experimentation in this networking
project. Our students have long developed their cnet
simulations on their own home or laptop computers,
as well as on our laboratory equipment. For this
project, students were not expected to have
undertaken the difficult task of installing all files
necessary for cross-compilation for the iPods.
Instead, the cnet simulator was modified to accept an
additional command-line argument to request that
students' protocol files be sent to a purpose-written
remote cnet/iPod cross-compiler. The round-trip
between the students' personal machines and the
server was typically only three seconds. The
products of this cross-compilation phase are a
directory of files, forming an application bundle,
including the actual executable application, an XML
configuration, and basic icons. The salient point is
that identical source code is developed and compiled
for protocols exercised by both the simulator and the
The Students then loaded this new iPod
application, their developed protocol, on (typically)
six iPods and walked around one floor of our
Computer Science building. Under execution,
students' protocols perform as they did on the
simulator, generating fictitious messages and control
packets forming the implemented protocol, and
responding to screen-based input via cnet's event
buttons or the virtual keyboard. Wireless frames
from the students' protocols are actually transmitted
via the iPod's Wi-Fi interface, as encapsulated UDP
frames broadcast to all devices within range. A non-
standard artefact of the iPod's networking protocol
stack is that frames broadcast from the Wi-Fi
interface are also received by the transmitting
device, and cnet's on-device implementation was
modified to filter these frames before they reached
students' protocols.
For the assessed project described in this paper, we
required students to implement a delay tolerant
network (DTN) protocol. A DTN is one in which
mobile wireless nodes experience frequent, lengthy
delays in communicating with other nodes because
there is no guaranteed connectivity between
communicating end points (Jain, 2004). The nodes
themselves, typically personal digital assistants
(PDAs), “smartphones”, or tablets, generate network
traffic for the other nodes in the network, and
transmit their messages using their own built-in
wireless antennae. The lack of fixed infrastructure
means that the nodes are collectively and
cooperatively responsible for the delivery of their
own messages, and for the messages of other nodes.
DTNs are often described as potential
mechanisms for communication between low-earth
orbiting (LEO) satellites, for communication
between devices in environments lacking fixed
infrastructure, and for emergency workers
communicating after natural disasters. The most
frequently cited example of DTNs is the Wizzy
Digital Courier service which exchanges email
between remote villages and schools in South Africa
using motorcycles and a milk truck (Wizzy, 2007).
In an environment where wireless network
coverage is sparse, such as (unfortunately) many
university campuses, the mobile devices will,
themselves, carry and exchange messages for each
other. The devices (actually, the people carrying the
devices) form a social network with other devices
that they meet while walking around campus, and
periodically try to keep in contact with them by
generating and sending self-contained messages.
The nature of the network is such that the reliable
and timely delivery of the messages is not critical;
thus protocols and applications in this domain must
be delay tolerant. Messages eventually arriving at
the intended destination may arrive out of order and
do not need to be acknowledged.
There are many metrics used to evaluate the
effectiveness of a DTN. For example, information in
messages can lose its value over time, and if our
DTN cannot deliver messages in a timely fashion,
then it will be considered ineffective (and hence will
not be used). The latency with which messages can
be delivered will depend on a number of factors,
including the number of nodes in the communication
region (and thus the node density), and the speed at
which nodes move (and thus come into contact with
other nodes). Similarly, later messages from a source
node could be considered more important than
earlier ones, and devices have limited storage
available for carrying the messages of other nodes.
In combination, these two factors suggest that nodes
may have to occasionally drop messages due to a
lack of storage. To evaluate the effectiveness of a
DTN implementation we thus need to evaluate it
under a range of operating conditions.
The Computer Networks course at The University of
Western Australia is offered to students in their third
undergraduate year, and is taken by a wide variety of
students undertaking bachelor degrees in Computer
Science, Software Engineering, and Electronic
Engineering. In recent years the course has had
enrolments of between 120 and 65 students. The
course comprises one eighth of a year's work, and is
assessed with a practical project contributing 40%
and two examinations contributing 60%. The
practical project, described in this section, ran for 6
weeks and was undertaken in groups of four.
The goal of the student project was to design,
implement, and analyse a delay tolerant protocol
using the cnet simulator, to analyse and report on the
observed effectiveness of the protocol developed,
and to report on the differences between the
simulated protocol and the actual, physical one. The
project was designed to assess students'
understanding of important aspects of Media Access
Control (MAC), Data Link and Network Layer
networking protocols, and their ability to analyse
and report on their observations.
In some schools, such a project may appear
under-specified, as no explicit information was
provided as to how students should undertake their
protocol development and evaluation. Students had
already completed four weekly closed laboratory
sessions, which had introduced them to the cnet
environment and, in particular, encouraged them to
experiment with the fundamentals of wireless signal
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
transmission and reception, typical transmission
distances, and the handling of frame collisions.
The research topic of delay tolerant networks is
sometimes described as a “solution without a
problem” and, as an artefact of this, there are
extremely few general-purpose protocol
implementations available for consideration or even
described in textbooks. For this reason, we view
delay tolerant networks as a fertile ground for
student projects in which students are expected to
demonstrate initiative in developing and analysing
their own designs. Projects involving delay tolerant
networks hold many opportunities for creativity, as
there are so many protocol characteristics that can be
varied. Another beneficial consequence was that no
internet-sourced plagiarism was observed.
Students undertook the project in 17 groups of four,
but often chose to co-opt other students to carry
additional iPods to form DTN networks of up to 15
nodes. About ten students also used their own
iPhones and iPods in the groups' experiments.
Student groups typically partitioned the networking
responsibilities into lower and upper layers.
Prompted by lecture materials, one pair of students
developed a carrier-sense multiple-access with
collision-avoidance (CSMA/CA) MAC protocol to
transmit wireless data frames, and a simple mobility
model (both only required on the simulator). The
other pair developed the node beaconing and
message transmission and carrying responsibilities.
cnet protocols are written in ISO-C99, and the C-
preprocessor is thus employed to isolate the
simulator-specific code.
Students typically implemented a simple random
waypoint model of node mobility, in which nodes
would randomly choose their next remote
destination and walking speed, walk toward that
destination at a constant speed and, once there,
pause for a random period of time before setting off
again (Camp, 2002). At first, students anticipated
that they would experience difficulty with both
walking and transmitting and receiving
simultaneously (generation-Y's equivalent of being
able to walk and chew gum?), but cnet's internal
scheduler represents and reports events, such as
periodic movement and wireless frame arrival,
consistently, making the anticipated complexity
To provide a strong sense of localization and
realism, our students were provided with a
representation of the floor plan of our Computer
Science building as cnet enables this map to be
displayed on the simulation background. The
random waypoint model was modified to honour the
position of walls in our building, and moving nodes
could only enter corridors and lab areas through the
actual doorways. Similarly, cnet protocols (under
simulation) have the opportunity to define their own
wireless signal propagation models. Earlier
experiments had identified that the Wi-Fi signals of
the iPods could pass through one, but not two, of the
(concrete block) walls in our building, and students
implemented a signal propagation model that
dropped signals attempting to pass through two or
more walls. A representative student DTN
simulation is presented in Figure 1.
As well as developing solutions for mobility and
wireless signal propagation, students had to design
and implement a strategy for message generation
and delivery. The simplest metric for evaluating the
success of a strategy was, while holding constant the
number of nodes and the walking speeds and pause
durations, to measure the average delivery time of
each message (cnet permits all simulation attributes
and required statistics to be specified in an external
topology file). During the project it was very
encouraging to see students using our asynchronous
message forum to independently promote a
competition to find the shortest possible message
delivery time.
From the students' submissions it was clear that
most groups investigated a number of strategies of
increasing complexity, driven by the desire to
minimize message delivery time. The simplest
strategy seen amongst the students' submissions was
one making no attempt to transmit a generated
message until the intended recipient was within
wireless range (such nodes periodically transmitted
beacon frames). While this strategy works, messages
would typically take several minutes to be
exchanged between nodes that appeared within the
same region by chance (although the presence of
social hotspots increased the likelihood of their
meeting). The next strategy attempted was one in
which nodes quickly transmitted their messages to
any close neighbour, attempting to simply “pass-off”
the responsibility for delivery (akin to the basic “hot
potato” routing algorithm often cited in networking
textbooks). Students quickly observed that this
strategy frequently resulted in two adjacent nodes
continually exchanging messages until one of them
commenced walking. The solution to this required
nodes to either mark messages that they had most
recently held, or for nodes to maintain queues of
recently seen messages (to thwart cyclic exchanges).
The most complex student strategies attempted
involved nodes not only maintaining queues of
outgoing and recently seen messages, but also
maintaining information about recently seen nodes
and, using the signal strength of frames arriving
from those nodes, estimates of the direction and
speeds of those nodes to determine if they would
still be within wireless range. These advanced
solutions involved nodes “bidding” to forward an
offered message in a direction in which the intended
recipient was seen very recently. In later simulations
involving as many as three hundred nodes on our
campus (i.e. high node densities in an environment
in which signals could propagate 70 metres),
message delivery times were often less than a
As recently as 2002, large enrolments in the
discipline of Computer Science resulted in a number
of modifications to our teaching methods to address
the problems associated with teaching large cohorts
of students. Changes included the dropping of
weekly tutorials, an increased use of software
simulations to demonstrate many Computer Science
concepts, and the development and support of
flexible learning approaches facilitating use of home
and laptop computers.
More recently, the dramatic drop in enrolments
in Computer Science has not been matched by a
return of some of our traditional teaching methods,
such as tutorials and in-class and in-laboratory
demonstrations and experiments. Students are still
exposed to high quality teaching materials and
exercises, that are typically undertaken alone, but the
student experience is considerably poorer for the
reduced interaction with other students, and a
reduced focus on experimental techniques involving
physical, error-prone, scenarios. Related concerns
are also raised by Kotz, who identifies a number of
simplistic assumptions made by many wireless
network simulation tools (Kotz, 2004). Excessive
use of simplistic simulations, without accompanying
physical exercises to both support and verify the
observations made from the simulations, should
raise the obvious concerns about what is actually
being taught to, and learnt by, our students.
The dramatic reduction in Computer Science
enrolments is not, of course, specific to our
university, and is being widely experienced in the
western hemisphere. Prospective Computer Science
students, and even those already within our
programmes, have realistic concerns about the
“offshoring” of programming skills, and the
relevance of some Computer Science material to
their future careers. It is not unreasonable for
students to question the value of their university
contact, if they can ``successfully'' undertake all
learning online, and in isolation.
A wealth of recent literature in Computer
Science Education journals and conferences focuses
on teaching practices to revitalize the discipline, and
to increase the on-campus engagement of students.
In particular, many universities are reintroducing
practical, experimental-based laboratory sessions in
which students see an immediate benefit to
undertaking the work at university, and with other
Our simulation-based investigation into delay
tolerant networks, which was successful in achieving
its initial aims, has highlighted a number of
problems that must be addressed in the near future.
The type of project described in this paper is well
supported by the cnet simulator, making it widely
available to a large number of universities and
colleges. However, while students were able to
successfully demonstrate their ability to develop
reasonably complex network protocols, they
experienced genuine difficulties developing
hypotheses, constructing and executing (simulation-
based) experiments, and evaluating the observed
results. Furthermore, it was clear that students had
great difficulty relating the physical dimensions and
properties, represented in their simulation, to an
actual wireless computing environment that they
observed with the iPods, and it is believed that this is
affecting their ability to construct meaningful
experiments that will expose and demonstrate the
strengths and weaknesses of their protocols.
To address the observed shortcomings with
students' understanding we are currently developing
a sequence of additional projects that will combine
the convenience and versatility of network
simulation, with the error-prone physical
characteristics of real wireless networking. New,
smaller, projects will incorporate actual mobile
wireless devices into our course. The motivation
behind this is the belief, supported through our
observations with this reported project, that many
Computer Science students currently have a poor
understanding of the physical constraints of mobile
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and wireless networking, and that this is limiting
their understanding of how, and why, contemporary
wireless protocols have to address these constraints.
In addition, it is believed that knowledge of this
material is not currently developed when only
exposing students to simulated network
This paper has described a novel student project in
computer networking focusing on the types of
networking with which contemporary Computer
Science students are most familiar - mobile and
wireless networking. Within the project, students are
still exposed to many of the traditional aspects of
networking including the need for error detection
and recovery, the value of layered network
protocols, and the challenges of robust and reliable
message delivery. The project encourages students
to design and implement a sequence of solutions of
increasing complexity, and our experience has been
that students have been enthused by the challenges
that this project has raised.
Interested readers are welcome to contact the
author for copies of the full project materials
described in this paper, including the cnet network
simulator and its support for iPods.
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(WCMC): Special issue on Mobile Ad Hoc
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Jain, S., Fall, K., Patra, R., 2004. Routing in a delay
tolerant network, In Proceedings of the 2004
conference on Applications, technologies,
architectures, and protocols for computer
communications, Portland, Oregon, pp145-158.
Junco, J., Mastrodicasa, J., 2007. Connecting to the
Net.Generation: What Higher Education Professionals
Need to Know About Today's Students, In Student
Affairs Administration in Higher Education (NASPA),
Kotz, D., Newport, C., Gray, R.S., Lui, J., Yuan, Y.,
Elliot, C, 2004. Experimental evaluation of wireless
simulation assumptions. In Proceedings of the 7th
ACM international symposium on Modeling, analysis
and simulation of wireless and mobile systems, pp78-
82. ACM Press.
McDonald, C.S., 1991. A Network Specification
Language and Execution Environment for
Undergraduate Teaching, in Proceedings of the ACM
Computer Science Education Technical Symposium
'91, San Antonio, Texas, pp25-34. Software available
Oblinger, D.G, Oblinger, J.L., Editors, 2005. Educating
the Net Generation, EDUCAUSE, available from
Stallings, W., 2007. Data and Computer Communications.
8th ed., Prentice-Hall.
The Wizzy Digital Courier, 2007. Available from
Figure 1: A representative student DTN simulation.