Maritta Pirhonen
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Jyväskylä
Mattilanniemi 2, Jyväskylä, Finland
Keywords: Project-based learning, Project management education, Supervising.
Abstract: There is a growing need for qualified project managers in the field of IS. The competencies and skills
needed in project managers’ work can not be learned only by reading the books. What kind of challenges
does this bring to educators and educational systems, especially in universities? These challenges include
such as, how to teach management and leadership skills and social competence needed in IS project man-
agement? Project-based learning (PBL) is an approach that enables students to learn management and lead-
ership skills successfully in a working life driven project. PBL has proved to be an effective approach for
learning skills and competencies demanded in project working. However, using PBL method alone does not
guarantee learning result. In order to be successful, PBL method requires effective and competent supervi-
sion and guidance of students. This article focuses in supervising work-related project learning carried out
in collaboration with authentic clients.
In information systems development (ISD) work is
increasingly organized as projects. Information sys-
tems (IS) projects are complex and difficult to man-
age because a software project can involve software
development, maintenance or an enhancement to
software (Schwalbe, 2004). Given the role of the IS
project manager, interestingly, many argue that
technical skills are not as important as non-technical
abilities in the areas of teamwork and communica-
tions, and self-awareness (Faraj and Sambamurthy,
2006; El-Sabaa, 2001; Brewer, 2005; Gillard, 2005;
Turner and Muller, 2006). Project work requires an
ability to work as apart of a group, to plan the work,
to make decisions as a group, and to communicate.
The leadership skills of the project manager in IS
projects are an important factor contributing to the
success of the projects (Faraj and Sambamurthy,
2006; Bloom, 1996; Turner et al., 2005). Effective
project manager must have good written and oral
communication skills and adequate technical compe-
tence to manage the IS project. Pinto and Kharbanda
(1996) emphasize the increased need for qualified
project managers. Jurison (1999) state that project
managers’ broad experience with managerial and
interpersonal skills is a basis for successful projects.
Therefore, it is very difficult to find an experienced
and available project manager with right qualifica-
What kind of challenges does the growing need
for the qualified project managers in IS field bring to
the educational systems, especially universities? In
response to challenge is to use project-based learn-
ing approach for learning skills needed in project
work. Focusing on “real work” is a key means of
motivating students to apply competency to an ac-
tion. Pirhonen and Hämäläinen (2005) state that
working life driven projects with close co-operation
and interaction with industrial and business life may
motivate the students to study - not just to take a
degree. Moreover, project work makes it possible for
students to apply theoretical knowledge to practice
(Rebelsky and Flynt, 2000; Byrkett, 1987), which is
important for the development of expertise (Bereiter
and Scardamalia, 1993; Leinhardt et al., 1995; Tyn-
jälä et al., 2003; Tynjälä, 2008a, 2008b). In terms of
expertise, it is also worth mentioning that project
studies may enable students to participate in the
creation of new knowledge rather than confining
themselves to the acquisition of existing knowledge.
However, using PBL method alone does not
guarantee learning result. In order to be successful,
Pirhonen M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 110-115
DOI: 10.5220/0001983401100115
PBL method requires effective and competent su-
pervision and guidance of students.
This paper is organized as follows. First, peda-
gogical background for project-based learning is
reviewed. Then a particular model of this pedagogi-
cal approach based on studies in the field of infor-
mation systems and the model of supervising are
Project-based learning (PBL) refers to a theory and
practice of utilizing real-world work assignments on
time-limited projects to achieve mandated perform-
ance objectives and to facilitate individual and col-
lective learning (Smith and Dods, 1997). A project-
based learning method is a comprehensive approach
to instruction. It is a learning model that involves
students in problem-solving tasks and allows stu-
dents to actively build and manage their own learn-
ing. PBL is linked to a theory of constructive learn-
ing that entails a shift in learning objectives. The
underlying principle is the assumption that learning
occurs during unstructured, complex activities
(Helle et al., 2006).
Developing generic skills such as teamwork is an
inseparable element in many models of project-
based learning: teamwork is an inherent part of a
project. Students involved in projects practice a vast
range of skills in areas of project management,
teamwork, and communications technology – and
also in self assessment. Often collaboration skills are
put into action by the collaborative nature of project
management. In fact, recent studies have suggested
that project work may have many educational and
social benefits (Moses et al., 2000), such as the de-
velopment of communication skills (Pigford, 1992),
along with team-building and interpersonal skills
(Roberts 2000; Ross and Ruhleder, 1993). Working
process of a group is supported by supervisors who
guide and assist students in independent learning and
information retrieval. Teachers supervise the project
process, and monitor the progress and a performance
of students.
Project work in the field of information systems
gives students the possibility to prepare for profes-
sional practice by producing plans, managing sched-
ules, interviewing users and meeting project dead-
lines (e.g. Oliver and Dalbey, 1994. According to
Hakkarainen et al. (2004), the knowledge-creation
perspective is the most dynamic aspect of expertise,
from both the individual and the societal perspec-
tive. For this reason it is important to support
knowledge-creation activities during university stud-
ies (see also Helle et al., 2006).
The main goal of the project course is to provide the
students with opportunities to gain authentic practi-
cal experience of information systems projects (see
Table 1 for a more specific description of what con-
stitutes these skills are and how they are acquired).
Table 1: The learning goals and the implementation of the
project course (Pirhonen & al. 2005, p. 35).
What? How?
work skills
Goal-oriented and
responsible action,
recognizing stages of
group development,
spirit of the group, the
own role in the group
Allocating the tasks
equitable to the group for
attaining the project
objectives, weakly meet-
ings with the supervisor,
group meetings, discus-
sions, peer reviews
Negotiation techniques,
meeting practices,
ability as a public per-
former, speech and
written communication
Group meetings, meetings
with client, supervisors,
and project managers,
steering group meetings,
seminars, presentations,
agendas, memos, minutes,
work skills
Project management,
following through the
Project plan, phase plans
and reports, weekly plans
and reports, inspection
meetings, steering group
meetings, acting as a
project manager, lectures
given by experts, theme
Expert in
the techni-
cal content
of project
The knowledge of the
project content
Acquaint oneself with the
project scope, identifying
the training needs, school
oneself, the planned use
of recourses of the client
and the support group
The learning goal is to provide a comprehensive and
realistic view of information systems experts´ work
in both project management and implementation of
the task. Further objectives include familiarizing the
students with the tools and methods of the project
domain, acquisition of project management skills,
leadership and group work skills, communication
skills, and technical competence.
3.1 Learning Environment
The learning environment is maintained in co-
ordination with three parties – the student group, the
university, and the client organization (Figure 1).
Figure 1: The actors in the learning environment.
A written cooperation contract between the three
parties is drawn up before the project starts. It covers
the subject matter (a description of the project objec-
tives), the obligations and rights of the contracting
parties, copyrights, guarantees and maintenance,
confidentiality and the concealment of confidential
information, payments and the payment schedule.
The project course is carried out between Sep-
tember and March (26 weeks). The course starts
with lectures and orientation exercises for the stu-
dents. The students form their groups of four to five
members before the task-exhibition session at which
the client representatives present the project assign-
ments. After this session the student groups negoti-
ate the distribution of the project tasks. During the
course each student is expected to use 300 hours for
implementing the project task and 100 hours for
demonstrating project management and project work
skills, including group leading, group work, and
communication. A record of the working hours di-
vided to the tasks is kept. The groups plan their
work, complete the scheduled tasks assigned, and
produce deliverables. Each student is expected to
take the role of project manager and project secre-
tary. These roles rotate every month and therefore
each member of the project group works in both
roles once. In total, a five-student group uses 1,500
hours in planning and implementing the client pro-
ject. The collaboration ends with a steering group
meeting at which the results of the student project
are accepted.
3.2 Project Assignments
The client typically represents a firm such as a soft-
ware house or the IT department of an industrial
organization. The tasks range from extreme coding
projects to developmental projects and research.
They are typically ill-defined and therefore there
may be a need to clarify the task as the project pro-
ceeds. The teachers have responsibility for procure-
ment of project assignments. They contact organiza-
tions and negotiate for possible project subject. In
co-ordination with the potential clients, feasibility of
the overall project concept is developed and as-
sessed. In the beginning of the course the assign-
ments are introduced to the students by the clients.
3.3 Project Organization
The project organization comprises a group of be-
tween five students, supervisors, and client represen-
tatives (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: The organization of the project.
The steering group is selected during the initial stage
and consists of representatives of the client organiza-
tion, the university (supervisors) and the project
team (the project manager and secretary in turn). It
represents the highest authority in terms of decision-
making, and decides on matters concerning the plans
and issues related to the redefinition of the project
content. One of the client representatives chairs the
group meetings and the project-team manager has
the role of a presenting official. Experts or consult-
ants may also be invited to the steering-group meet-
ings. The support group includes the network set up
by the client, which provides the project group with
content-related professional help when needed.
3.4 Project Group
The project group consists of four to five students.
The role of the project manager and the secretary
rotates every month so that each member of the pro-
ject group takes both roles once. The project man-
ager is responsible for the following:
coordination and communication with the
maintaining the project plan
present the proposal to the steering group
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The project secretary is responsible for keeping a
record of meetings and writing memos and minutes.
The project group carries out the project tasks within
the limits of resources available and every student is
responsibly for the quality of his/her work. Students
are expected to review each other’s work to give
After the group members have committed them-
selves to the task from those offered by the organiza-
tions of business and industry they get acquainted
with the client organizations by visiting the client
company. They create different forms of communi-
cation channels, such as electronic mail, phone, and
personal contacts. After familiarizing themselves
with the project scope and tasks involved, the project
manager formulates the preliminary project plan in
co-ordination with the group and the client. Since
the project plan is reviewed by the client and the
supervisors the revised project plan is approved by
the steering group. The steering group has a meeting
an average of five times during the project.
3.5 Assessment
The student group is assessed twice during the six-
month period of the project. The first one takes place
in the middle of December after three months work.
The second assessment is carried out at the end of
the project in April. The content of the assessment is
grouped and structured around the themes covering
issues to the course’s objectives and critical to the
effective project management. The course grade for
individual student is calculated on the basis of the
following assessment framework:
planning (25%)
communication and co-operation (20%)
group work (25%)
attitude (10%)
outcome (20%)
The assessment process is organized so that both the
teams and the supervisor write up an assessment
report using the assessment framework. The assess-
ment is based on the perceptions of the team work
and documentation of the project process. The as-
sessment of the project outcomes is made by the
client. After the written assessments are delivered,
both supervisors and the team discuss and reflect the
project in order to find out the causes of the success
or the failure of the project. The grading of the
course is mainly based on the debates that emerged
in the discussion about written assessment. If
needed, both supervisors and students have the right
to suggest an individual grade for the student differ-
entiating from the one given to the group. If these
personal grades are given, they are based on a
unanimous decision from all parties participating to
the grading process.
Effective and competent supervision and guidance
of students is a vital part of a project-based learning
method; PBL method alone does not guarantee
learning result. Especially in the early stages of the
project, the role of the supervisor is vital in support-
ing communication and cooperation with the client.
The experiences of supervisors have shown that the
start-up phase needs to be conducted in a systematic
way if it is to contribute positively to the project
During the project the students are supervised
both by university teachers and by client representa-
tives. The idea is that technical guidance should
come from the client whenever possible, because
they have the knowledge of the specific technologi-
cal requirements. University provides more generic
guidance concerning the project work. Supervisors
have responsibility for the fulfilment of the aca-
demic learning objectives (see Table 1) only, not for
project results to the client or for guiding the techni-
cal content of project. Supervisors guide the students
in finding the essential aspects in order to carry out
the project successfully. Decision-making is left to
the group, although the supervisor may provide a
timeline for the process. The supervisor takes also
part in the meetings with the client. After the meet-
ing the group and the supervisor analyze the meet-
ings together.
Each project group have two supervisors from
the university from which one acts as a vice supervi-
sor. The supervisors are the facilitators and/or
coaches who promote the collaboration and provide
support and guidance. Supervisors also have an im-
portant role in promoting students’ self assessment
on their work. Their obligation is to provide an envi-
ronment for the group where the student can ask
questions when needed and to direct students to use
actively instruction and expert recourses available.
Supervisors support students´ personal growth and
development as well as guide processes of groups.
In order to support the development of reflective
evaluation of the students, the groups are asked to
formulate plans, track progress, construct and test
alternative solutions and evaluate their hypothetical
consequences. Students keep a learning diary in
weekly basis, which contains reflection on their
work and learning process. The project manager in
turn writes up the weekly reports and plans as well
as learning diaries. All documents are stored in the
digital learning environment (Optima). This enables
supervisors and group members becoming ac-
quainted with the documents before the guiding
meeting. The meeting between the supervisor and
the group takes place weekly. The main objective of
the meetings is to critically evaluate working and
learning of the students. During the meetings, the
weekly project reports and project plans are dis-
cussed. The project manager and team members
report on the state of the project, which is compared
with the documented expectations in the project
plan. Issues that may possible cause problems during
the project are discussed as well. The project secre-
tary writes memos of meetings, which are also
stored in Optima. Memos are checked in the next
meeting. Between the meetings supervising is ar-
ranged mainly by e-mail.
The challenge of the higher education institutions is
to provide opportunities for students to apply and
develop their knowledge and competencies needed
in the world of work. In the field of Information Sys-
tems it is essential to learn skills of project manage-
ment. Project-based learning approach is process
orientated and the students have responsibilities for
managing the project (timeline, quality, decision
making etc.) and group work.
However, there are some barriers that will pre-
vent educational institutions from applying PBL.
Setting up a market-driven project learning course
may involve some difficulties.
Project based learning method alone does not
guarantee good learning result. Effective and compe-
tent supervision and guidance of students is a vital
part of a project-based learning method. In practise,
it is difficult to find experienced teachers with right
qualifications. This may be caused by resistance
among teaching staff because teachers are not pre-
pared and experienced enough to handle open and
complex learning situations. Good supervisors of the
working life driven projects should have multitude
skills. They need to have understanding of learning
processes alongside a project task. Their task is to
provide an open and convenient learning
environment for the students. Supervisors should
also promote collaboration, provide support and
guidance, and design a grading procedure focusing
on the learning process alongside the evaluation of
the project work. In addition, a challenge from
teachers’ point of view is the procurement of project
assignments. Teachers need to have wide social
network with the representatives in working life in
order to find appropriate project tasks.
Moreover, the learning project designed for
business purposes may cause moral conflicts be-
tween the actors (Vartiainen, 2007). In some cases,
the main objective of the client organisation is to
have a complete system, whereas the most important
goal from the students’ point of view is the acquisi-
tion of knowledge and skills for working life.
After all, learning results from the courses using
PBL are comprehensive and transferrable to the
world of work. However, we need further studies on
how to train and motivate teachers to act as supervi-
sors. Is PBL a solution for this issue?
I wish to thank the anonymous referees, Eliisa Jau-
hiainen, lecturer Mikko Jäkälä, and Minna Silvenno-
inen their insightful feedback in the development of
this study.
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