Tomás Martínez-Ruiz, Félix García and Mario Piattini
Alarcos Research Grou, Department of Information Technologies and Systems
Escuela Superior de Informática, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad, 4, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: Software process institutionalization, Process lines, Variability, Flexibility, Tailoring, Standardization,
Variants, Variation points.
Abstract: Software Process Institutionalization is an important step which must be carried out by organizations if they
are to improve their processes, and must take place in a coherent manner in accordance with the
organization’s policies. However, process institutionalization implies adapting processes from a set of the
organization’s standard processes, and these standard processes must be continually maintained and updated
through the standardization of best practices, since adaptation in itself cannot create capable processes. In
this paper we propose using the philosophy of software process lines to design a cycle and specify a set of
techniques and practices to institutionalize software processes. The cycle, techniques and practices include
both process tailoring and process standardization to offer organizations an infrastructure with which to
generate processes that are better fitted to their necessities. The use of our cycle will enable capable
processes to be tailored from software process lines, and the analysis of these processes will permit the
improvement of the organization’s set of standard processes and of the software process line.
Software product quality does not depend on its own
quality, but on the quality of the processes used to
create the products and the capability of the
processes (Fuggetta, 2000). In order to guarantee
this, process models include several best practices
obtained from industries. But, since many different
enterprises exist, and each of them has its own
characteristics and, as Humphrey states, “just as
there are no two identical projects in the world,
there are no two identical processes(Humphrey,
1989), processes must be tailored previously if they
are to be implemented (Yoon et al., 2001).
Software process lines are an approach through
which to manage the variations that appear during
process tailoring (Rombach, 2005). Variability must
be based on a conceptual process with several
variation points and a metaprocess (Bayer et al.,
2005), similar to that of product lines (Bayer et al.,
2006). According to (Lu and Sadiq, 2007) variability
allows the propagation of best practices. SPEM
(Software Process Engineering Metamodel (OMG,
2007)), which is a standard metamodel to represent
processes, may offer support to process lines, by
means of its extension with variants, variation
points and other elements which provide variability
in processes (Martínez-Ruiz et al., 2008).
Furthermore, when processes are tailored they
are more and more fitted to the characteristics and
needs of the enterprise, and therefore become
institutionalized processes of that organization
(Calvo-Manzano et al., 2007). These
institutionalized processes are ingrained in the way
in which the work is performed and there is
commitment and consistency to performing the
process (Chrissis et al., 2006). The philosophy of
institutionalization to create tailor processes is
considered in several improvement standards such as
ISO 15504 (ISO, 2004), and CMMI (SEI, 2002). As
a matter of fact, the third CMMI capability level is
described as “a managed process adapted from a set
of standard processes using some organization
adaptation guidelines, and which provides work
products, measures and other improvement
information” (Chrissis et al., 2006), which is an
institutionalized process.
Since software process lines permit process
tailoring, they facilitate support to institutionalize
Martínez-Ruiz T., García F. and Piattini M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001985803590362
processes. According to the previously identified
issues, in this paper we describe how processes can
be institutionalized using software process lines, by
means of a cycle with which to manage an
organization’s institutionalization process in an
iterative manner and several techniques and
practices to support the cycle. Section 2 describes
the aforementioned cycle and Section 3 presents an
example of this proposal. Finally, in Section 4 our
conclusions and future work are presented.
The proposed cycle contains the basic activities
through which to perform process
institutionalization. shows the steps included in the
institutionalization cycle.
The cycle starts with a standard process, which
will be institutionalized within the organization. The
cycle must be in a continuous state of execution and
each of the executions must be considered as
iterations. After each execution we consequently
obtain a standardized process and new variants with
which to personalize such process. The cycle is
divided into four steps. The first two permit the
process tailoring, and the other two are focused on
process standardization.
Figure 1: Steps of the Institutionalization Cycle.
Process Tailoring. This step sets off one or
more of the organization’s standardized process
lines. Otherwise, standard process lines or process
lines from another organization can be used. In this
step, the variants are inserted into the core process
in order to configure the process according to the
needs of the project in which the process will be
Process Execution. The tailored process created
in the previous step is implemented to develop the
project within the organization. Although the
process has been tailored, several deviations may
occur during the execution of the project, and the
process must be readjusted. These adjustments must
be registered.
Process and Projects Analysis. The results of
the previous steps are analyzed and some process
parts are better adjusted than others. This
information provides the changes needed in the core
process and the variants which are necessary to
generate processes which best fit the necessities of
the projects.
Process Standardization. The new core process
and variants defined in the previous step are now
standardized, that is they are integrated into the
assets of the organization and can be used to tailor
new processes (by starting another iteration).
After each iteration, the processes are more and
more fitted to the needs of the organization, which is
to say they become better and better standardized. In
the n-rd iteration of the cycle, the processes are fully
standardized to the organization and can be tailored
and executed in the project with no variations.
As we can see, during the tailoring part of the
cycle, tailoring processes are created by inserting
variation points into the core process of the line and
their occupation using variants. This corresponds
with the top-down approach defined by (Rombach,
2005), while the standardization part describes how
to obtain commonalities between processes
according to the bottom-up approach.
In order to assist organizations in the use of the
cycle, we propose the definition of some techniques
and practices based on process lines to support the
iterations included in the cycle (to see Figure 2). As
can be observed in Figure 2, process tailoring is
based on an extension of SPEM to model software
process lines (Martínez-Ruiz et al., 2008), which
allows the dynamic variation of processes during
their execution. By storing and retrieving
information in repositories, process mining can be
carried out to discover new variations and those
which are best. Their use helps us to configure
processes according to the characteristics of the
organization and project.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Techniques and Practices for Software Process Institutionalization.
In order to provide an application example of the
proposal presented, we shall illustrate the execution
of an iteration of the cycle, by describing how the
proposed techniques and practices can be applied.
This research is currently being applied to the
Development process of the COMPETISOFT
process model (Oktaba et al., 2008). This process
contains several activities but, depending on the
project we are developing, these activities must
either be considered separately or can be merged.
To start the cycle, the process line of our
development process can be developed by using
SPEM with suitable extensions to support process
lines, as is described in (Martínez-Ruiz et al., 2008).
As is shown in , several variation points can be
configured to create different tailored processes.
While processes are being executed, the variants
can be reconfigured into the variation points in order
to fit the process to the real work.
Both the variations made during tailoring and
during execution will be compared to determine how
to update the process line in order to support the
needs of the variability processes. This information
will allow these processes to be standardized within
the organization by taking into account the way in
which they were executed and by making them more
and more similar to the organization’s real
processes. In the last step of the cycle, new variants
and their application in the process are discovered
and institutionalized within the organization as
simply another component of the process line.
The original Software Development process only
considers variability at two points. However, before
we execute our cycle the necessity for new variants
may be discovered. For example, the inclusion of
variability in the construction activity as a result of
the programming language and the programming
environment used may be necessary. The new
process line models this variability by defining new
activity variants, and new activity variation points in
the Software Development process, as
Figure 4
VarPoint 2
Software Development
VarPoint 1
Design Integration and Testing
Figure 3: Process line example.
VarPoint 2
Software Development
VarPoint 1
n Inte
ration and Testin
Figure 4: New Process Line with new variability.
Institutionalization is vital to allow an increase in
organizations’ maturity levels and to therefore
guarantee the quality of software products. Software
process lines are a successful mechanism through
which to adapt processes. The combination of
process lines is an effective means to carry out
institutionalization due to their capability of creating
personalized processes. As a result of their
modularity, they offer a support with which to carry
out process mining on the variations, which implies
the improvement of both the process line itself and
the generated processes. In order to support and to
facilitate the implementation of the cycle, we have
design several techniques and practices based on
software process lines. These offer users the
capability to tailor and manage processes, learn
about their execution and reuse the information in
other processes to facilitate subsequent tailoring.
As future work we wish to design an
institutionalization environment which includes the
cycle and the techniques and practices described in
this paper. The environment will be based on SPEM,
with the adequate mechanisms to model process
lines. Once techniques and practices have been
created, a tool which includes them all and which
will permit organizations to use the cycle to
institutionalize their processes will be developed.
This work is partially supported by the research into
Software Process Lines sponsored by Sistemas
Técnicos de Loterías del Estado S.A. within the
framework of the agreement of the Innovación del
Entorno Metodológico de Desarrollo y
Mantenimiento de Software, the Program FPU of the
Spanish MICINN, and by the ESFINGE (financed
by the MICINN, TIN2006-15175-C05-05) and
INGENIO (financed by the Junta de Comunidades
de Castilla-La Mancha, PAC08-0154-9262) projects.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems