Yu Suk Cho, Ji He Suk and Kwang Hee Han
Cognitive Engineering Lab, Department of Psychology,Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Keywords: Embodied agents, Mismatched emotion, Emotional information.
Abstract: Today an embodied agent generates a large amount of interest because of its vital role for human-human
interactions and human-computer interactions in virtual world. A number of researchers have found that we
can recognize and distinguish between emotions expressed by an embodied agent. In addition many studies
found that we respond to simulated emotions in a similar way to human emotion. This study investigates
interpretation of mismatched emotions expressed by an embodied agent (e.g. a happy face with a sad voice).
The study employed a 4 (visual: happy, sad, warm, cold) X 4 (audio: happy, sad, warm, cold) within-
subjects repeated measure design. The results suggest that people perceive emotions not depending on just
one channel but depending on both channels. Additionally facial expression (happy face vs. sad face) makes
a difference in influence of two channels; Audio channel has more influence in interpretation of emotions
when facial expression is happy. People were able to feel other emotion which was not expressed by face or
voice from mismatched emotional expressions, so there is a possibility that we may express various and
delicate emotions with embodied agent by using only several kinds of emotions.
Expression and perception of emotions are very
important in human-human interactions. A number
of studies indicated that facial expressions of basic
emotions can be recognized as the same meaning
(Ekman, 1990). Emotion is vital for human-human
interactions and human-computer interactions in
virtual world. A recent study found that we can
recognize and distinguish between emotions
expressed by an embodied agent with similar
accuracy to those of human emotional expressions
(Bartneck, 2001). In addition we respond to
simulated emotions in a similar way to human
emotion (Brave et al., 2005). However there is a few
researches focused on emotions of agent.
De Gelder and Vroomen (2000) have investigated
how the combination of visual and audio elements of
emotional expressions influence our perceptions. In
this study despite participants being told to ignore
the voice, the audio element of the emotional
expression still influenced participants
perceptions. This result means crossmodal
perception in visual and audio channel. Creed and
Beale (2008) investigated crossmodal perception of
emotional expressions by agent.
This study focused on perception of mismatched
emotional expressions by the agent.
H1: Participants will perceive mismatched
emotional expressions not depending on just one
channel but depending on both visual and audio
H2: Participants will perceive another emotion
from mismatched emotional expressions; emotion
expressed neither by face nor by voice.
2.1 Participants
Participants were 45 (26 male and 19 female)
undergraduate students enrolled in a psychology
2.2 Design and Measures
The study employed 4 (visual: happy, sad, warm,
cold) X 4 (audio: happy, sad, warm, cold) within-
subjects repeated measure design. The first factor
was facial expressions of the agent (happy, sad,
warm, cold) and the second factor was audio
Suk Cho Y., He Suk J. and Hee Han K. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 178-181
DOI: 10.5220/0001992001780181
expressions of the agent (happy, sad, warm, cold).
The study was comprised of sixteen different
conditions and participants were asked to rate the
emotional expression in each condition using two
seven-point semantic differential scales (happy-sad,
2.3 Materials
We made four facial animations that express four
different emotions (happy, sad, warm, cold) with 3D
MAYA and recorded female human voice in four
moods (happy, sad, warm, cold). When developing
the different emotional facial expressions, we used
Ekman s (2004) study about expression and
perception of emotions. For example, happy facial
expression involved opening the mouth and raising
the lip corners. We selected the sentence that was
short and could be said in a variety of emotional
voices for recording; ‘It’s eleven o’clock.’ Facial
animation and voice files were integrated using
Flash CS3 Professional. These integrated
animations included all possible combinations
between the visual and audio expressions of
emotions; four matched combinations ([happyface–
happyvoice], [sadface–sadvoice], [warmface–
warmvoice], [coldface–coldvoice]) and twelve
mismatched combinations (e.g. [happyface-
A pilot study was conducted to validate the
agent s four emotional expressions and four
emotional voices (see fig. 1). Participants included
12 undergraduate students.
Participants viewed
facial animations of the agent without the voice and
evaluated the emotional expression using four five-
point likert scales (happy, sad, warm, cold). In
addition they evaluated the emotional expression of
voices recorded by 2 females and 1 male.
The results of the pilot study indicated that
participants perceived the emotional expression of
agent as intended (happy face(happy M=4.5)), sad
face (sad M=4.0), warm face (warm M=3.7), cold
face (cold M=4.0)). As for the voice, we selected the
voice perceived appropriately for almost emotions
Figure 1: facial emotional expressions of agent (clockwise
from top-left: happy, warm, sad, cold).
2.4 Procedure
Participants were initially asked to provide some
basic demographic information about themselves
including their age, gender. Agent was introduced to
participants for friendly and comfortable feeling.
Participants rated the emotional expression in each
condition using four seven-point semantic
differential scales (happiness-sadness, warmth-
coldness, arousal-relax, pleasure-displeasure) and
answered about an open question (how does the
agent feel?). During the experiment, participants
could see the animations as many times as they
3.1 Happiness-sadness
There was a significant main effect for the emotional
faces and the emotional voices in animations with
respect to happiness-sadness, F (3, 132) = 184.618,
p < 0.001; F (2.305, 101.399) = 69.663, p < 0.001.
There was also a significant interaction between
faces and voices F (9, 396) = 3.572, p < 0.001. The
perceived intensity of happiness has been influenced
not by only one of two dimensions (a face and
voice) but by combination of them. As ranging from
4.9 to 6.9, happy face has been more influenced by
the voices than sad face. Warm and cold faces have
no differences in happiness-sadness scale. However,
It is noted that cold face with happy voice tends to
be perceived as happy even though coldness and
happiness are in different dimension of emotions.
Figure 2: The perceived intensity of happiness.
3.2 Warmth-coldness
There was a significant main effect for the emotional
faces and the emotional voices in animations with
respect to warmth-coldness, F (3, 132) = 62.907, p <
0.001; F (2.431, 106.974) = 28.972, p < 0.001.
Warm face is rated as most warm whereas cold face
as most cold. It is the same result as voice.
Figure 3: The perceived intensity of warmth.
There was also a significant interaction between
faces and voices, F (6.590, 289.955) = 5.030, p <
0.001. The perceived intensity of warmth has been
influenced not by only one of two dimensions (faces
and voices) but by combination of them. Warm face
has been more influenced by the voices than cold
3.3 Arousal, Pleasure and Open
We analyzed open question to examine the
possibility that mismatched emotion of voice and
face may evoke another emotion; neither emotion
expressed by face nor emotion expressed by voice.
Many participants reported they felt ‘disappointed’
in sadface-warmvoice and sadface-coldvoice,
‘fatigued, bored’ in coldface-sadvoice and
warmface-sadvoice, and ‘happy but pretending sad’
in happyface-sadvoice and happyface-coldvoice. We
conducted MDS (multi dimensional scaling) to
examine these results simply and graphically. MDS
Stress and RSQ were 0.12, 0.927.
Figure 4: Circumplex model of affect and MDS graph.
In figure4, the left graph is circumplex model of
affect (Russell, 1980) and the right one is our 16
conditions expressed by MDS. Dimension1 can be
explained with pleasure-displeasure and dimension2
can be explained with arousal-relax. Two graphs are
very alike. The position of happyface-happyvoice
condition is similar to the position of happiness in
Russell’s circumplex model of affect and sadface-
sadvoice is matched for sad in Russell’s circumplex
model of affect.
However, we can’t confirm other conditions’
emotion with comparing two graphs, so we display
corresponding open question results to the right
graph. In spite of that the position of each condition
is the result of seven-point semantic differential
scales and emotion at the square is the result of open
question, we can notice that each emotion is very
similar to Russell’s emotion when comparing
positions in each graph. Mismatched emotional
expressions are not perceived queerly but may be
interpreted another emotion.
The results of this study suggest that people perceive
agent’s emotions not depending on just one channel
but depending on both visual and audio channel.
Additionally facial expression (happy face vs. sad
face) makes a difference in influence of two
channels. That is, audio channel has more influence
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
in interpretation of emotion when facial expression
is happy; according to the voice, participants
perceived more various emotions when facial is
happy. This result can be explained with cultural
effect. In East Asian countries such as Japan, China,
and Korea, where people are more collectivistic and
interdependent, it is more important for emotional
expressions to be controlled and subdued, and a
relative absence of affect is considered important for
maintaining harmonious relationships (Heine et al.,
1999). This tendency is stronger in negative
emotional expressions; they tend to avoid expressing
their negative emotion freely. Because of this
cultural characteristic, participants may take account
of emotional information from both channels to
discover the true emotional state of others and this
may be for perception of agent’s emotion.
In the pilot study, when presented with cold face
participants have reported feeling little happy.
However, it has found that combined cold face with
happy or warm voice is perceived as a little happy or
warm. It seems that this is because people do not
always express their own emotions on their faces
clearly. However cold expression has been perceived,
people also have reflected voice containing
particular emotion and identified emotion expressed.
The result from open question and MDS
indicates that when facial expressions were not
congruent with, participants were able to feel other
emotion which was not expressed by face or voice.
They recognized certain emotions such as being
bored, fatigued, disappointed by combining two
channels. This finding suggests that it is possible to
combine one facial expression and other vocal
emotion in order to represent different kinds of
emotions by agents. In other words, every emotion
agents intend to convey needs not producing because
agent may express various emotions by using only
several kinds of emotions.
However, there are a few limitations in the study.
First, one limitation is that the agent in this
experiment is unlike human appearance. Therefore,
participants may be influenced as recognizing the
emotion expressed by agents and feel the emotion a
little differently. Second, coldness and warmness
seem to be more ambiguous than basic emotions.
Because warm facial expression is similar to happy
facial expression, it was difficult for us to produce
warm and happy facial expression distinctively in
the experiment. Future research should use basic
emotions and find which emotion would evoke if
particular basic emotions merge.
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