Nieves R. Brisaboa, Ana Cerdeira-Pena, Miguel R. Luaces and Diego Seco
Database Lab., University of A Coru
na, Campus de Elvi
na, S/N 15071, A Coru
na, Spain
GIR, Workflow, Index structure, Ontology.
Many public organizations are working on the construction of spatial data infrastructures (SDI) that will enable
them to share their geographic information. However, not only geographic data are managed in these SDIs,
and, in general, in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), but also many textual documents must be stored
and retrieved (such as urban planning permissions and administrative files). Textual index structures must be
integrated with GIS in order to provide an efficient access to these documents. Furthermore, many of these
documents include geographic references within their texts. Therefore, queries with geographic scopes should
be correctly answered by the index structure and the special characteristics of these geographic references, due
to their spatial nature, should be taken into account. We present in this paper a workflow process that allows
a gradual and collaborative creation of a document repository. These documents can be efficiently retrieved
using queries regarding their texts and regarding the geographic references included within them. Moreover,
the index structure and the supported query types are briefly described.
The research field of Geographic Information Sys-
tems (Worboys, 2004) has received much attention
during the last years. Recent improvements in hard-
ware have made the implementation of this type of
systems affordable for many organizations. Fur-
thermore, a cooperative effort including the defini-
tion of standards and specifications for interoperable
systems, has been undertaken by two international
organizations: ISO (ISO/IEC, 2002) and the Open
Geospatial Consortium (Open GIS Consortium, Inc.,
2003). This effort is making possible that many public
organizations are working on the construction of spa-
tial data infrastructures (SDI) (Global Spatial Data In-
frastructure Association, 2008) that will enable them
to share their geographic information. However,
these geographic infrastructures manage not only ge-
ographical information but also textual information
(such as urban planning permissions and administra-
tive files). Therefore, textual index structures must be
integrated in these infrastructures to provide an effi-
cient access to these documents.
This work has been partially supported by “Ministerio
de Educaci
on y Ciencia” (PGE y FEDER) ref. TIN2006-
16071-C03-03, and by “Xunta de Galicia” ref. 2006/4 and
ref. 08SIN008E.
The research field of Information Retrieval (Baeza-
Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999) has been active for
the last decades. The growing importance of Inter-
net and the World Wide Web have made it one of the
most important research fields nowadays. Many dif-
ferent index structures, compression techniques, and
retrieval algorithms have been proposed in the last
few years. More importantly, these proposals have
been widely used in the implementation of document
databases, digital libraries, and web search engines.
Altough many of the documents stored in these digital
libraries and documents databases include geographic
references, these ones are rarely used in information
retrieval systems.
During the last decades, these two research fields
have advanced independently. Pure textual techniques
focus only on the language aspects of the documents
and pure spatial techniques focus only on the geo-
graphic aspects of the documents. None of them is
suitable for a combined approach to information re-
trieval because each one completely neglects the other
type of information. As a result, there is a lack of
system architectures, index structures, and query lan-
guages that combine both types of information. Some
recent proposals (Lieberman et al., 2007; Chen et al.,
2006; Martins et al., 2005) define new index struc-
tures that take into account both the textual and the ge-
R. Brisaboa N., Cerdeira-Pena A., R. Luaces M. and Seco D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 78-83
DOI: 10.5220/0001993500780083
ographic aspects of a document. These proposals are
the origin of a new research field called Geographic
Information Retrieval (GIR).
In (Luaces et al., 2008), we present an architec-
ture of a GIR system and an index structure that im-
prove the query capabilities of other proposals. How-
ever, this architecture is not flexible enough to be used
in organizations where the number of documents is
constantly increasing. In public organizations (e.g.
city councils), where new planning permissions or ad-
ministrative files are generated every day, a workflow
process must be implemented to define all the tasks
for indexing a document in the repository. Moreover,
there are some tasks that must be performed before
the document indexing (e.g. metadata storage, scan-
ning, OCR, etc.). These tasks were not taken into
account in the presented architecture that assumes a
static document collection.
Therefore, this paper proposes a set of strategies
for the workflow management of the repository cre-
ation process and a general system architecture sup-
porting them. The proposed strategies improve the
performance of the system, ensuring that all the nec-
essary tasks are correctly performed, and facilitating
the work of the people devoted to this activity. In ad-
dition, textual, spatial, and hybrid queries (e.g. plan-
ning permissions of civil buildings in A Coru
na) can
be solved by means of the index structure integrated
in the system.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Some related work is presented in the next section.
Section 3 presents the general architecture for the
workflow management in the digitalization process.
Then, in the Section 4 we briefly describe the index
structure and the supported query types. Finally, Sec-
tion 5 presents our conclusions and future lines of
Inverted indexes are considered the classical text
indexing technique (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto,
1999). An inverted index associates to each word in
the text a list of pointers to the positions where the
word appears in the documents. The main drawback
of these indexes is that geographic references are
mostly ignored because place names are considered
words just like the other ones. If the user poses a
query such as hotels in Spain, the place name Spain
is considered a word, and only those documents that
contain exactly that word are retrieved.
Regarding indexing geographic information,
many different spatial index structures have been pro-
posed throughout the years. A good survey of these
structures can be found in (Gaede and Gnther, 1998).
A drawback of spatial index structures is that they do
not take into consideration the geographic ontology
of the real world. Internal nodes in the structure are
meaningless in the real world and it is not possible to
associate location-specific information to these nodes
because there is no relation at all between the nodes
in the spatial index structure and real world locations.
Some work has been done to combine both
types of indexes. The papers about the SPIRIT
(Spatially-Aware Information Retrieval on the Inter-
net) project (Jones et al., 2004; Vaid et al., 2005) are
a very good starting point. Regarding our work in this
research area, in (Luaces et al., 2008) we present an
architecture of a GIR system and an index structure
that combines an inverted index, a spatial index, and
an ontology-based structure. Pure textual queries,
pure spatial queries, and hybrid queries can be solved
by this index structure that is described in Section 4.
Finally, regarding our work in document man-
agement systems and workflow processes, in (Places
et al., 2007) we present a set of strategies to face the
management of the workflow of the digital library
building process and a general system architecture
supporting them. The paper also presents a tool
developed following that architecture. This tool
provides an integrated environment where all tasks
involved in the repository building can be performed.
As we noted before, in this work we extend the
architecture to include new tasks that make the index
able to solve queries taking into account the spatial
nature of the geographic references included in the
text of the documents.
According to (Hollingsworth, 1995), a workflow is
concerned with the automation of procedures where
documents, information, or tasks are passed between
participants following a defined set of rules to achieve
or contribute to an overall business goal; the comput-
erized facilitation or automation of a business pro-
cess, in whole or part. Workflow management sys-
tems can be classified in several types depending on
the nature and characteristics of the process (van der
Aalst and van Hee, 2002; Fischer, 2003). Collabo-
rative workflow systems automate business processes
where a group of people participate to achieve a com-
mon goal. This type of business processes involves a
chain of activities where the documents, which hold
the information, are processed and transformed until
that goal is achieved. We based the architecture of
the system in this model because the problematic of
building a document repository fits perfectly in it.
In general, we can differentiate three user profiles
involved in the repository building:
Administrator. Administrators are responsible for
the process as a whole. They are in charge of as-
signing tasks to different workers and controlling
the state of each digitalized document.
Advanced Users. Advanced users are in charge
of carrying out critical activities such as metadata
storage or reviewing the geographic references
extracted from the texts obtained by the OCR pro-
Standard Users. Standard users are the workers
who carry out tasks such as scanning or OCR cor-
rection. This role is played by users with some
knowledge in the document field but without any
responsibility on the management of the system.
Figure 1 shows the overall system architecture. When
we defined it, we followed the recommendations of
the Workflow Reference Model (van der Aalst and
van Hee, 2002), a commonly accepted framework
for the design and development of workflow manage-
ment systems intended to accommodate the variety
of implementation techniques and operational envi-
ronments that characterize this technology. Thus, al-
though we used this architecture for the implementa-
tion of a specific system, it can be used in other envi-
ronments and situations.
As we can see in Figure 1, the identification and
authorizing module is in charge of the authentication
of the workers who want to use the system. Each user
has a system role depending on the tasks he/she is go-
ing to work on. In terms of this system role, the au-
thorizing module only provides the user with access
to the needed features. Furthermore, the system ar-
chitecture is composed of a module for each activity
carried out during the repository creation.
Metadata Storage. This subsystem is in charge of
the introduction and storage of the metadata for
each document (title, author, year, source, etc.).
This task is performed by the advanced users of
the system, therefore only they have access to this
Scanning. This system provides access to the
scanning hardware and software, and it is the
responsible for managing the specification of
the scanning parameters for each document (for
example, options like scanning two pages at
the same time, landscape orientation, resolution,
number of colours, etc.).
OCR. It provides access to the OCR software that
allows the users to obtain the text of the docu-
ments and automatically stores it.
Correction. This module provides the reviewer
with both the image and the extracted text to carry
out the correction to make the necessary modifi-
Markup. It provides the tools used for marking the
text with metadata such as the title, author, page,
Abstraction. Given that the system must be
generic, it must support indexing several kinds of
documents. These documents will be different not
only because they may be stored using different
file formats (e.g. plain text, XML, etc.), but also
because their contents schema may be different
(e.g. the author could be an optional attribute in
the different schemas). To solve this problem, we
have defined an abstraction that represents a doc-
ument as a set of fields, each one obtained from
the text marked in the previous task.
Geo-references. It provides the tools used to de-
tect the geographic references included into the
text of the documents and translate them to a
model of the real world (e.g. latitude/longitude
coordinates, type of geographic references, etc.).
Several proposals have appeared recently to auto-
mate this task. However, human performance is
not achieved by these proposals. Therefore, both
man-made and automated geo-references are pos-
sible in the system.
Indexing and Web Publishing. Once the document
is accepted, this module is in charge of indexing
its content using geographic information retrieval
Workflow Administration Module. This subsystem
is in charge of managing the workflow between
all these activities involved in the digitalization. It
also provides reporting tools for monitoring pur-
The system architecture assumes the use of different
repositories and databases. The document database
and the text repository store the documents and texts
extracted from them. An index is built over the doc-
ument database and text repository to support the
search for information. This index, which is described
in the next section, combines a textual index, a spatial
index, and an ontology-based structure. Finally, the
workflow database stores the information about the
digitalization chain, with the list of tasks, the state of
each document, etc.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
System users
(standard: S; advanced: A; and administrator user: Adm)
and Web
A, S
Identification and authorizing module
Figure 1: System architecture.
In this section we briefly describe the index structure
presented in (Luaces et al., 2008) and the query types
that can be solved with it. Figure 2 shows the index
structure. The base of this structure is a spatial ontol-
ogy. This ontology models both the vocabulary and
the spatial structure of places for purposes of infor-
mation retrieval. The structure of the ontology is fixed
and therefore our index structure must be constructed
ad-hoc for the concrete domain where it will be used.
The main component of the index structure is a
tree composed by nodes that represent place names.
These nodes are connected by means of inclusion re-
lationships (for instance, Galicia is included in Spain).
In each node we store: (i) the keyword (a place name),
(ii) the geographic references associated to the place
name, (iii) the bounding box of the geometry repre-
senting this place, (iv) a list with the document iden-
tifiers of the documents that include geographic refer-
ences to this place, and (v) a list of children nodes that
are geographically within this node. Furthermore, an
R-Tree is used in each node to improve the perfor-
mance of the spatial queries.
Two auxiliary structures are used in the index.
First, a place name hash table stores for each place
name its position in the index structure. This provides
direct access to a single node by means of a keyword
that is returned by a gazetteer service if the word pro-
cessed is a place name. The second auxiliary structure
is a traditional inverted index with all the words in the
documents that is used to solve textual queries.
Keeping separate indexes for text and geograph-
ical scopes has many advantages. First, all textual
queries can be efficiently processed by the inverted
index, and all spatial queries can be efficiently pro-
cessed by the index structure. Queries combining
textual and spatial aspects are supported, as well.
Moreover, updates in each index are handled indepen-
dently, which makes the addition and removal of data
easier. Finally, specific optimizations can be applied
to each individual indexing structure. On the contrary,
the main drawbacks of this structure are: (i) the tree
that supports the structure is possibly unbalanced pe-
nalizing the efficiency of the system, and (ii) ontolo-
gies have a fixed structure and thus our structure is
static and it must be constructed ad-hoc.
Finally, the most important characteristic of an in-
dex structure is the type of queries that can be solved
with it. Our index structure support three types of
queries: pure textual queries, pure spatial queries, and
queries with a textual and a spatial component. In this
last type, the spatial component can be given both as
a location name and as a geographical area.
Pure textual queries such as retrieve all docu-
ments where the words hotel and sea appear can be
solved by our system because a textual index is part
of the index structure. Similarly, pure spatial queries
such retrieve all documents that refer to the follow-
ing geographic area can also be solved because the
index structure is built like a spatial index. Each node
in the tree is associated with the bounding box of the
geographic objects in its subtree. Hence, the same al-
gorithm that is used with spatial indexes can be used
with our structure.
Furthermore, the index structure that we propose
can be used to solve queries that involve a textual and
a spatial component. In this case, the textual index
is used to retrieve the list of documents that contain
the words, and the spatial index structure is used to
compute the list of documents that reference the geo-
graphic area. The result to the query is computed as
the intersection of both lists. In the case of queries
such as sunny places in Spain (see Figure 2), our
system uses a gazetteer service to discover that Spain
is a geographic reference and then it uses the place
name hash table to retrieve the index node that repre-
Figure 2: Index structure.
sents Spain. Thus, we save some time by avoiding a
tree traversal.
Another improvement over text and spatial in-
dexes is that our index structure can easily perform
query expansion on geographic references because
the index structure is built from an ontology of the
geographic space. Consider the following query re-
trieve all documents that refer to Spain”. The query
evaluation service will discover that Spain is a geo-
graphic reference and the place name index will be
used to quickly locate the internal node that represents
the geographic object Spain. Then all the documents
associated to this node are part of the result to the
query. Moreover, all the children of this node are ge-
ographic objects that are contained within Spain (for
instance, the city of Madrid). Therefore, all the doc-
uments referenced by the subtree are also part of the
result of the query. The consequence is that the index
structure has been used to expand the query because
the result contains not only those documents that in-
clude the term Spain, but also all the documents that
contain the name of a geographic object included in
Spain (e.g., all the cities and regions of Spain).
The creation of a document repository is not a simple
process. It requires the coordination of people and
tools to carry out every activity that is part of the pro-
cess. This process is even more complicated when the
geographic references included in the text of the doc-
uments must be obtained and translated to a model
of the real world. For all this process to be correctly
and efficiently made, it is necessary the use of sup-
port tools that facilitate the work of each participant
and ensure the quality of the obtained results.
The proposed workflow strategies and system ar-
chitecture support the control and coordination of
people and tasks involved in the digitalization pro-
cess. The use of this architecture automates the com-
pletion of activities that are prone to error and opti-
mizes the performance of the process and the quality
of the obtained results. This architecture was defined
following the recommendations of the Workflow Ref-
erence Model. This system was built as a web appli-
cation that provides an integrated environment for the
execution of all the tasks.
Furthermore, the index structure integrated in the
document management system combines a textual in-
dex, a spatial index and an ontology-based structure.
Finally, new types of queries can be solved with this
index structure.
We are currently finishing a prototype of the sys-
tem. After that, we plan on using it in a real scenario
and evaluate its performance. Future improvements
of the workflow process and the index structure are
possible. First, we plan to include other types of spa-
tial relationships in the index structure in addition to
inclusion (e.g. adjacency). These relationships can be
easily represented in the ontology-based structure an
the index structure can be extended to support them.
Another line of future work involves exploring the use
of Toponym Resolution techniques to improve the task
in charge of obtaining geo-references. Finally, it is
necessary to define algorithms to rank the documents
retrieved by the system. For this task, we must define
a measure of spatial relevance and combine it with the
relevance computed using the inverted index.
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