Yuan Lin, Th
ese Libourel and Isabelle Mougenot
LIRMM, UMR 5506 - CC 447, 161 Rue Ada, 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France
Scientific workflow, Meta-model.
Scientists in the environmental domains (biology, geographical information, etc.) need to capitalize, distribute
and validate their experimentations of varying complexities. The concept of the scientific workflow is increas-
ingly being considered to fulfill this requirement. This article presents the first phase of the establishment of
a workflow environment corresponding to the static part, i.e., a meta-model and a language dedicated to the
design of process-chain models. We illustrate our proposal with a simple example from the spatial domain and
conclude with perspectives that open up with the establishment of a workflow environment.
Environmental applications are undergoing consider-
able growth, entailing the establishment of an efficient
mutualisation infrastructure because the data involved
is often voluminous and complex to acquire. All these
experimental domains in which information is often
spatialized share common characteristics: data and
processes exist. However even if data exists in bulk
and is often perennial in nature, the processes associ-
ated with it change over time. Moreover, the exper-
iments are rarely simple and most often correspond
to a more or less sophisticated combination of pro-
cesses. Finally, in critical situations (as, for example,
those of natural or anthropogenic risk), perennial data
has to be correlated with data acquired in real-time,
i.e., experimentation has to be conducted (predefined
process chains) on the new data batches.
This first observation has led us to focus our re-
search on the concepts of collaborative work and
workflows, as introduced in (Khoshafian and Buck-
iewicz, 1998). Workflow is the automatization of a
process (partially or completely) during which doc-
uments, information and tasks pass from one partici-
pant to another within a working group, in conformity
with a set of predefined rules. A workflow system de-
fines, creates and manages the execution of such pro-
The workflow concept is, of course, very much
present in traditional organizations (industrial or fi-
nancial management). But in the environmental con-
text, even if the idea of sequencing and monitoring
different tasks as part of a complex process is nor-
mal for scientists, the functionality of automatizing
these processes in existing distributed infrastructures
which manage heterogeneous resources remains a ba-
sic challenge. Furthermore, natural or anthropogenic
phenomena necessitate modelling in which the se-
quencing of processes also resembles workflows.
In this article, we will first cover the general issues
involved by invoking an example. Then, in section 3,
we will introduce our proposal. We present there the
first phase of our work, i.e., the meta-model of the
scientific workflow language and the method of using
it. Finally, the last part shall consist of perspectives
and a general conclusion.
2.1 Example
The example that we have chosen arises from a sim-
plified analysis of a case of a natural hazard: we
would like to identify, on a map of the area, the build-
ings at risk in the Mauguio commune if a nearby dyke
The scientist in charge of the project knows:
The data that he has available which will consti-
tute the input to his process chain and also the type
of information that he wants as a result.
Lin Y., Libourel T. and Mougenot I. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002000803720375
1. Input: A data layer
relating to dykes (linear)
in the area.
2. Input: A data layer of the buildings in the con-
cerned area (polygon).
3. Result: A map showing the buildings at risk in
the flood zone in case of a failure of the dyke
(which will be identified by an expert on the
Methods and Processes Adopted:
1. Positioning the coordinates on a layer. Differ-
ent geocoding techniques can be used to do so.
2. Constructing a buffer zone from a geolocaliza-
3. Marking up a data layer. This method adds a
detailed legend to the underlying data layer.
The triggering event which is transmitted to it by
the ground operator (or possibly a sensor).
2.2 Analysis of Scientific Stumbling
Our objective is thus to give to this scientist an envi-
ronment, as simple as possible, to describe the anal-
ysis to be conducted and launch the execution of the
underlying processes.
This workflow environment will be integrated into
an already existing mutualisation platform. The un-
derlying community (bio-diversity, ecology, environ-
ment) has already shared data via the platform and
a metadata-based localization engine (Barde et al.,
This platform offers a search engine based on the
metadata of description of resources (data and pro-
cesses) as well as on the shared knowledge of the un-
derlying domains.
Initial analysis leads us to highlight two underly-
ing aspects of the workflow:
1. the static aspect devoted to the management of
process chains (definition, saving);
2. the dynamic aspect devoted to possible execu-
Component and model engineering (Tamzalit and
e, 2005; OMG, 2003) is the basis for the pro-
posal. The environment must be as simple as possible
on the one hand, and the most adaptable and reusable
on the other.
We can provide an overview of such architecture
environment which we divide into:
The term data layer or layer is used by geographical
information systems to designate a set of geometrically ho-
mogeneous spatialized data.
A Static Part: it consists of a meta-model from
which experts can design a descriptive business
model of the desired process chain, conforming
to the domain of expertise;
A Dynamic Part: the models to be executed will
be instantiations of business models created from
resources (components, services, data, etc.) that
are available before the actual execution.
To arrive at our goal, we have to:
1. produce a simple meta-model for rapid adoption
by the experts (this is topic of our current pro-
posal), and
2. demarcate instantiation techniques and validation.
As mentioned in the introduction, our long-term goal
is to offer a complete environment for describing pro-
cess chains and their execution.
Based on the summary, above, we initially pro-
pose a workflow description language. This language
is defined by a meta-model which is inspired by the
existing meta-models we have analyzed and also by
the general meta-model relating to graphs and ontolo-
3.1 The Simple Workflow Meta-model
3.1.1 General Introduction
The aim is to define the minimum number of elements
necessary to illustrate a maximum number of possible
situations (F
urst, 2002).
Figure 1: Our meta-model.
The meta-model was designed from the point of
view of the workflow software environment. It is thus
perceived, at the most abstract level, as a composition
of elements and links between elements. The concept
of the port allows connections between elements and
The elements can be divided into:
Tasks predefined to be one-time or reusable
Existing roles (which will be involved during the
execution phase),
Resources available to be mobilized.
The concept of tasks corresponds to those of Ac-
tivity, Process, etc. generally used by the other work-
flow meta-models. We break up this concept into a
composite: a task can be complex or atomic, with
the possibility of reusing a complex task concatenated
into an atomic task.
The elements are connected by unidirectional links
by the intermediary of ports. We distinguish between:
The DataLinks which serve, on the one hand, for
transferring data between elements and, on the
other, for ensuring the sequence of processes in
the plan.
The ControlLinks and MixedLinks which are in-
cluded mainly for controlling the authorization of
executions and/or temporal scheduling.
Links connect elements by way of ports (normal
ports by default) which are attached to them. Each
element has input/output ports (the I/O type is con-
nected in the direction of the corresponding link).
In addition, to be able to process more complex
examples such as data fusion, synchronization, etc.,
of elements (ports and links), specific ports are intro-
duced: AND, OR, XOR.
To facilitate the manipulation of processes, an as-
sociated graphical language is proposed, cf. figure 2.
3.2 Implementation
We have constructed a first prototype of the meta-
model and of the graphical language
. We present the
illustration made from the original example.
The model obtained (cf. figure 3) from the current
prototype shows instantiated elements conforming to
the meta-model and represented by the symbolic lan-
guage introduced earlier, in figure 2.
In the current context, Web services can, for example,
be considered tasks.
There are no direct links between role and resource.
In most cases, the links between role and resource can be
deduced from role-task and task-resource links.
Prototype written in JAVA
Figure 2: An associated graphical language.
Figure 3: Occupational model.
4.1 Perspectives
We can now state our vision of what remains to be
done and highlight the essential difficulties and stum-
bling blocks that we foresee.
4.1.1 Levels of Expertise and Resource Typing
The experimental approaches that interest us are
based on a protocol requiring many different levels of
expertise. For example, in the context of the illustra-
tive example of section 4, the specialist will describe
the scenario as we have presented it. If his exper-
tise in GIS tools is insufficient, he will then have to
call upon another geomatics expert who will specify
the processes in detail. Finally, if the data or some
required feature is not available, a network adminis-
trator will have to intervene to provide the resources
necessary for the execution.
Model transformations are therefore to be put in
place, with each level of expertise needing verifica-
tions of compatibility in association with supplemen-
tary information on the model elements being used
(signatures and resource typing).
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.1.2 Control and Traceability of Processes
In the current context, distributed executions cannot
be ignored. Because of this, more and more work on
workflows is focusing on the integration of services
available online (such as WS), i.e., on the reuse of
existing resources.
However, a whole set of problems of execution
still remain: How will the different components of a
workflow interact amongst themselves? How can we
guarantee correct execution in such environments?
Experts in the experimental domain are interested
not only in the final results of their experiments, but
also in the way these results are obtained, in the type
of type of dependence between different data items,
etc. (Bowers et al., 2006; Moreau and Foster, 2006).
The execution modalities should take into account
the expression of this requirement: the processes
should be traceable. On the one hand, traceability
provides the possibility of verifying the results at ev-
ery stage, even to monitor each stage execution (and
therefore to better identify points of error) and, on
the other, it allows users to complete data descriptions
(for example, by automatizing the entry of the meta-
data genealogy field).
4.2 Conclusions
The meta-model whose rough draft we have pre-
sented here was created after a survey of existing
work on the subject. However, our analysis has ig-
nored work on web services and the coordination of
services (which we feel correspond more to the dy-
namic part). We have also not covered component
languages and component-assembly languages which
address the compatibility problems we refer to.
The targeted users should have a simple language
at their disposal and should encounter easily appro-
priable concepts; this is what has led us to choose a
relatively simple meta-model and symbolism.
The perspectives that we can quickly draw are:
On the short term, we have to complete, refine,
even simplify the meta-model and try it out on
several diverse examples to judge its suitability;
The concept of role, which so far has been rather
nebulous, could lead to a more modular vision of
workflow by including the notions of hierarchy of
control and/or collaboration;
On the longer term, we have to go beyond the
functionalities of description to develop the dy-
namic aspect (execution).
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