A Model for Protecting Personal Information Privacy
Esraa Omran, Albert Bokma
Department of Computing, Engineering & Technology, Sunderland University, Sunderland, U.K.
Shereef Abu Al-Maati
Computer Science and Engineering, American University of Kuwait, Kuwait
Keywords: Hippocratic database, Ontology, privacy, Health personal information.
Abstract: In the age of identity theft and the increased misuse of personal information held in databases, a crucial
topic is the incorporation of privacy protection into database systems. Several initiatives have been created
to address privacy protection in various forms, from legislation such as PIPEDA to policies such as P3P.
Unfortunately, none of these effectively enforce protection of data. Recent solutions have emerged to
enforcing data privacy & protection such as the Hippocratic database. But this technique has proved
complex in practice. To overcome this deficiency we propose to use personal information ontologies in
combination with Hippocratic databases. This method introduces a new way in reducing the complexity and
in clearly identifying terms of privacy in the database architecture.
Data privacy is a growing concern among
researchers for numerous sectors such as healthcare,
finance, e-commerce, and government. Many
countries have recognized the importance of privacy
protection and have set laws and acts such as the
Personal Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act (PIPEDA) (University of Alberta,
2005). We will present an overview of this and its
principles, and we discuss the Platform for Privacy
Preferences Project (P3P) (W3 website). The P3P
system enables Websites to express their privacy
practices in a standard format that can be retrieved
automatically and interpreted easily by user agents.
P3P user agents allow users to be informed of site
practices (in both machine- and human-readable
formats) and to automate decision-making based on
these practices when appropriate. Thus users need
not read the privacy policies at every site they visit
(W3 website). But setting the rules does not
guarantee their application. Therefore, researchers
have thought of applying privacy protection at the
technical level in what is now known as Privacy-
enforcing technology that aims at making privacy
protection guidelines and laws an integrated part of
the technology. In addition, this technology ensures
that privacy laws and guidelines are practically
applied to the data. Thus, an information system is
designed to embed components that allow
monitoring compliance of the system to privacy
rules, guidelines and conditions. One of the leading
technologies in this field was the Hippocratic
database (Agrwal 2002) by Agrawal where a new
idea is presented based on the classical Hippocratic
Oath for medical doctors: “And about whatever I
may see or hear in treatment, or even without
treatment, in the life of human beings – things that
should not ever be blurted out outside – I will
remain silent, holding such things to be unutterable
and applying this to managing database access. The
Hippocratic Database requires authorization for
access to the datab it manages. This authorization
makes data users access the attributes only for the
usage purposes specified in the privacy policies. A
more sophisticated mechanism to control access is
achieved by integrating it to Personal Information
ontology. As the personal information ontology will
give specified meaning to each purpose, this will
help in reducing the numerous number of purposes
because it will forbid redundant purposes. In
addition, the ontology will help in clarifying the
Omran E., Bokma A. and Abu Al-Maati S. (2009).
USING ONTOLOGIES WITH HIPPOCRATIC DATABASES - A Model for Protecting Personal Information Privacy.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002001803760382
relations between the users and the purposes that
they have the permission to access. This idea gives
a new dimension to database security and privacy.
In this paper, we introduce a prototype
implementation addressing several key issues in
privacy management, and we demonstrate this
prototype in the context of healthcare data
management, a sector in which maintaining the
privacy of individual information is of essential
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section2 describes the Hippocratic database
techniques. Section 3 presents the Personal
Information Ontology. Section 4 discusses different
scenarios for Information Collecting and storing,
information sharing, Data Retrieval and compliance
auditing with the Hippocratic technique. Finally, a
brief discussion of future work is presented.
The Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) provides
a privacy policies specification and exchange but
unfortunately it does not provide any mechanism to
ensure that these promises are applied consistently in
the internal data processing. On the other hand, K-
anonymization has been investigated to meet the
needs for statistical research. Its main idea is to
suppress or generalize the personal information data
in order not to disclose the identity of the record
holders. But the k-anonymity can not be used in
general database access managing applications as it
was developed for statical researchers to perform
reliable analysis on real data.
On the other hand, classical Hippocratic databases
have been introduced as systems that enforce
privacy policies by technical means. The
Hippocratic database idea has emanated from the
traditional Hippocratic Oath which is concerned
with safeguarding the privacy of a patient's health
information. A Hippocratic database includes
privacy policies and authorizations that associate
with each attribute and each user the usage
Privacy protecting access control deals with privacy
policy specification and private data management
systems (Sabah Al-Fedaghi, 2007). The purpose is
the main factor in the Hippocratic database. A
request to access to data depends on access purpose,
and accessing permission is determined after
comparing such a purpose with the intended
purposes of that data in the privacy policies stored
tables. Each user has authorizations for a set of
access purposes. For example, nurses can access the
patient health record for temperature and weight
recording while doctors can access it for treatment
purposes and so on. Though of its advantages in data
management access, it has significant problems such
as the complexity of users-purposes management
and the purposes huge variety.
In this paper we will build on the classical idea of
Hippocratic databases in investigating a new system.
This will be achieved by integrating a suitable
personal information ontology with the classical
Hippocratic database. Management of attributes and
users purposes is a complicated issue in the classical
Hippocratic database.
Figure 1: The infrastructure of the Hippocratic database.
For privacy protection, the Hippocratic database
stores privacy metadata. Privacy metadata contains
privacy policies and privacy authorizations. Privacy
policies refer to administrator's policies for data
collection and usage, including usage purposes.
Privacy authorizations are like passport data
administrators gives to data users to ensure that data
are accessed only according to privacy policies.
These authorizations specify usage purposes and
authorized users for each attribute of a data and
allow data users to access the attributes only for the
usage purposes specified in the privacy policies.
The Hippocratic database applies privacy checking
during data collection and query processing. Data
providers specify privacy preferences during the
data collection. Privacy preferences represent the
data provider's intention (usage purposes).
Hippocratic database stores data records along with
the usage purposes included in the privacy
preferences if the privacy preferences match privacy
policies only. During query processing, the
Hippocratic database checks that data users access is
in accordance with the data provider's intention.
Hippocratic database ensures this by first checking
USING ONTOLOGIES WITH HIPPOCRATIC DATABASES - A Model for Protecting Personal Information Privacy
usage purposes specified in privacy authorizations at
the schema level, and then, by checking the usage
purposes stored with the data at the record level.
In addition to our first definition, privacy is also the
right of individuals to determine for themselves
when, how and to what extent information about
them is communicated to others.
Ontologies as a method for creating a machine
processable model of a domain has been studied
since the early 1990s. This allows to create a model
of a domain by specifying the concepts in it and
their relationships and typically involves the
modelling of classes and subclasses to create a class
hierarchy to which properties can be attached and
where observations or data from the domain can be
associated to in terms of instances. Thus a shared
conceptualisation can be created that can be used to
manage information about a domain and share this
between users or applications.
Using ontologies has been proposed (Gurber,
2001) as a solution for managing the intrinsic
heterogeneity present in knowledge from different
sources. For our purpose we will adopt the logical
theory view of ontology, and the constraining
axioms will play a crucial role in defining the
semantic role in our database design. While we
allow the communicating agents (doctors, nurses
etc...) to have their own data access based on
Hippocratic database and ontology, we will require
the existence of a common ontology expressive
enough to interpret the concepts in all agents'
ontologies. The principal benefit of this approach is
that it provides a formal base for reasoning about the
properties of systems that perform automated
knowledge and data translation based on a shared
In this paper we construct an ontology for
personal information, therefore we will next have an
overview on a Personal Information Act, PIPEDA.
The Personal Information Protection and
Electronic Documents Act was enacted to establish
national rules for personal information protection in
the private sector and establishes, as law, the
Canadian Standards Association’s Model Code for
the Protection of Personal Information, which
encompasses the following principles:
accountability; identifying purposes; consent;
limiting collection; limiting use, disclosure, and
retention; accuracy; safeguards; openness; individual
access; and challenging compliance (University of
Alba, 2005).
PIPEDA has been phased in over a three year
period: 2001, 2002 and 2004. PIPEDA defines
personal information to mean identifiable
information about an individual and personal health
information is defined from (University of Alba,
2005) as follows:
(a) information concerning the physical or mental
health of the individual;
(b) information concerning any health service
provided to the individual;
(c) information concerning the donation by the
individual of any body part or any bodily
substance of the individual or information
derived from the testing or examination of a
body part or bodily substance of the individual;
(d) information that is collected in the course of
providing health services to the individual; or
(e) information that is collected incidentally to the
provision of health services to the Individual.
Figure 2: Investigated Personal Information Ontology.
Taking care of the above principles and
consulting experiences from the International Health
Clinic in Kuwait, we have investigated our Personal
Health Information Ontology in Fig. 2 and 3 and its
application as a layer on the top of the Hippocratic
database as in Fig 5. The ontology has been
constructed using the Protégé Owl tool (Fig 3) in
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
order to be connected in the future to a real project
from the health sector. The Web Ontology Language
(OWL) is part of the growing stack of W3C
recommendations related to the Semantic Web. The
Semantic Web is a vision for the future of the Web,
in which information is given explicit meaning,
making it easier for machines to automatically
process and integrate information available on the
Web. So when we construct our ontology using
OWL environment, we make it more general to be
used in other health care projects. This usage will
enrich our ontology as each project will add to the
ontology new concepts. For example: For the
medical record subclass it could add new properties
that we haven't stated in more detail yet.
(a) (b)
Figure 3: The Investigated Personal Information Ontology
in protégé OWL (a-classes/b-properties).
The ontology has been created in a way that goes
through all the concepts that have been proved to be
the most common and reliable in health care,
depending on the knowledge of an expert in the field
(who designed the database for many hospitals in
Kuwait). In addition, the ontology has been built to
the information abstracted from real records at the
International Clinic in Kuwait and forms from the
internet and countless meetings with physicians,
nurses and reception officials have been held in
order to build a reliable ontology.
In this paper we have constructed a health
system ontology based (using visual basic)
connected to an Access database. This system will
help physicians and researches in classifying
diseases ontologically. The benefit of this
classification appears clear during search process.
The ontology helps in saving time and effort during
the search process, as the ontology defines the
disease asymptotes clearly for each case. For
example, in Figure 4 we have shown the window
that appears when we press the "search disease
information" button. This window offers many
helpful options to find disease information from the
patient's database. This will help the physicians in
diagnosing; help the researchers in finding useful
statistics without affecting the patient's privacy.
Figure 4: Search process using the Investigated
ontological Health system.
This section will discuss scenarios (comparable to
(Agrawal, 2002) scenarios) to show the expected
advantages from integrating the Personal
Information ontology into the Hippocratic database.
The ontology will add a new dimension to the
Hippocratic database which is classification. The
classification that the ontology provides, will define
first the meaning of each data access purpose, and
then which user is permitted to access for which
The effectiveness of the Ontology-Hippocratic
integration will clearly appear through the scenarios.
As this integration should improve the query
performance as it will help in saving time and effort.
In addition, it should improve the privacy saving as
it improves the data access management. The
scenarios will mainly concentrate on the health
Electronic health records have attracted
considerable interest by researchers, because of their
numerous benefits, including improving health care
delivery by allowing timely and accurate access to
information by those involved in patient care,
USING ONTOLOGIES WITH HIPPOCRATIC DATABASES - A Model for Protecting Personal Information Privacy
reducing medical errors and adverse health events,
augmenting security of patient information; and
enhancing availability of information to support
health system planning and reform as well as
research (University of Alba, 2005).
Figure 5: The prototype (Integrating ontology into the
Hippocratic database).
4.1 Scenario for Information Collecting
and Storing with the Proposed
John wants to register for health care. First a
receptionist collects his personal information (such
as Name, birth date, etc). The personal information
ontology will help in this step by specifying the
information to be collected and the exact meaning of
each piece of information in order to collect the
necessary information. Then the receptionist stores
his personal information. Then, the system
processes these information in order to
disclose/share them by Doctors and nurses as
appropriate. The Hippocratic ontology based
functionality will be in making a decision of whom
to share what information. Here is where the role of
ontology appears; the ontology will give each piece
of personal information a clear and specific
definition, then according to this definition, the
personal information based ontology tables will be
connected to their appropriated purposes.
4.2 Scenario for Information Sharing
with the Proposed Approach
Here we will present a scenario demonstrates how
the proposed appraoch can be used to facilitate
policy-compliance information sharing among
multiple organizations. Sara is a professor at a
University Medical School with access to
International’s patient database under a joint
research agreement. She is currently working on a
project to evaluate the effect of pollution on the
blood pressure. To begin her research, Sara logs into
web portal and submits the following SQL query to
the International Hospital database:
Select * from patients where blood pressure>190
Without Hippocratic ontology base controls, Sara
would be given total access to the records of all
patients with blood pressure > 190. This is a
violation of International privacy policy and EU data
protection laws, because not all patients have
consented to reveal their health information to third
parties for research purposes. With the proposed
approach in place, the system rewrites Sara’s query
to comply with International’s data disclosure policy
and patient opt-in and opt-out choices. Thus, the
system filters out the personal data that patients did
not opt to share with third parties for drug research
purposes and returns the remaining data that is
responsive to the query. Again, the ontology would
play a role in the construction of the SQL views, as
SQL views perform a better classified access to the
database. Ontology will save time and effort
consumed in deciding what view to appear to each
4.3 Scenario for Data Retrieval with
the Proposed Approach
A year after his annual physical exam, John has a car
accident and his back has been affected. His doctor
sends him to RadioTech Labs, an International
affiliate, to have a series of X-rays performed. The
lab technician types John's’s name into a computer
terminal and requests access to his medical records.
In the absence of the proposed approach controls,
the technician could potentially see all of John’s
personal health records stored in the International
Clinic’s database. However, with the proposed
system in place, the application returns only John’s
contact information and the records of his latest
hospital visit, but no other health records. This
complies with International’s data disclosure policy
and John’s privacy preferences.
4.4 Scenario of Compliance Auditing
George is an actor and a patient at the International
Hospital. A local magazine discloses portions of
George's personal health records, indicating that he
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
has been treated for depression. He believes that the
International Hospital is responsible for this
unlawful disclosure and threatens to sue the hospital
under national data protection laws. The Hospital
manager is very concerned about this case and
requests that Mary, the database administrator,
immediately provide him with an accounting of all
who have accessed George’s personal health data
and to make all the efforts to know if any one in the
hospital has disclosed George's health information.
Mary logs into the audit interface of our proposed
system to begin the investigation. Mary would first
like to know the identities of all persons who have
accessed George’s medical information in the past
year. She starts with the allowed (user/purpose)
combinations. In order to focus her search, she chose
to know those who can access his health information
only not other personal records (e.g., address,
telephone number, payment information). This task
was to be very difficult and takes more time without
the aid of the proposed method. She has tracked and
analyzed the queries that have accessed George
health information. Especially those who have
accessed his nervous records. Mary notices that the
results show a large number of queries accessing
George’s medical records, but not all of those
queries revealed the diagnosis of depression or his
prescription for anti-depression medication. She has
noticed in particular, that a nurse called Sally has
accessed George's nervous record 50 times in one
month. Though, she has no purpose for that as she
has finished from giving him injections. It appears to
Mary, that Sally is accessing George's nervous
records without reasons for 50 times in one month
using the same query. That's why she suspects in her
and submits a report of all her database analysis to
the manager. He did his investigations and he
discovered that she has disclosed the depression
information to the magazine. Without the aid of the
proposed system, Mary would spend months looking
in files and may have gotten no result at the end. The
proposed system has shortened the way to Mary and
made her job much easier than analyzing an ordinary
In this paper, we have opened the door for research
in using ontology in data access management. We
have integrated the Hippocratic database method
with investigated personal information ontology in
order to provide better privacy security. We
achieved that by first giving a presentation to the
Hippocratic ontology based technology and how it
could play significant role in protecting the privacy
of personal health records without sacrificing the
value of information for diagnosis, treatment, or
research purposes. Our presentation demonstrates
how this technology enables efficient management,
sharing, and processing of sensitive data in
compliance with the principles of the PIPEDA and
other data protection acts and laws. We have also
discussed number of scenarios to demonstrate the
importance of the new method. Finally we have
presented some technical challenges that have been
addressed. We have demonstrated this method as a
possibility for privacy protection technologies and
overcoming its difficulties and problems (Bertino,
2005). We hope that the technology outlined herein
serve as a base for modern health records
infrastructures and encourage the researches in
applying ontology in information management
The investigated system has been built in a
prototype implementation and will shortly be
applied to a real health project in order to prove its
reliability. In addition the new method will be
compared with traditional methods from literature
such as classical Hippocratic database and k-
anonymity (Sweeny, 2002).
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems