Claudia Marinica
, Andrei Olaru
and Fabrice Guillet
LINA Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique de l’Universite de Nantes
rue Christian Pauc BP 50609 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France
Departement of Computer Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest
Splaiul Independentei 313 060042 Bucharest, Romania
Association Rules, Mining Algorithms, User-Driven Mining, Rule Interestingness, Subjective Measures.
One of the main issues in the process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases is the Mining of Association
Rules. Although a great variety of pattern mining algorithms have been designed to this purpose, their main
problems rely on in the large number of extracted rules, that need to be filtered in a post-processing step
resulting in fewer but more interesting results. In this paper we suggest a new algorithm, that allows the user
to explore the rules space locally and incrementally. The user interests and preferences are represented by
means of the new proposed formalism - the Rule Schemas. The method has been successfully tested on the
database provided by Nantes Habitat.
Knowledge Discovery in Databases is the non-trivial
process of identifying valid, novel, potentially use-
ful, and ultimately understandable patterns in data
(Fayyad et al., 1996). Association Rule Mining
(Agrawal et al., 1993) is an important technique of
data mining, an Association Rule being defined as an
implication of the form a b, that shows that the
presence of itemset a in a transaction implies, with a
certain confidence c, the presence of itemset b in the
same transaction.
Association rules may obtain valuable informa-
tion from large databases, but the number of rules
extracted by classic algorithms is so large that it is
impossible for un user to find himself the interest-
ing ones, knowing that most rules are not interest-
ing, already known or with no consequence in action
(Piatetsky-Shapiro and Matheus, 1994), (Silberschatz
and Tuzhilin, 1995). Generally, the interestingness
of rules depends on objective (statistical) measures
as the support and the confidence. Complementary,
subjective measures were proposed in order to ex-
tract those interesting rules as compared to user back-
ground knowledge and user expectations. The two
main subjective measures of interest are unexpected-
ness rules surprising to the user and actionability
rules helping the user to take actions (Silberschatz
and Tuzhilin, 1995).
Although, usually, the reduction of the number of
rules is done in the post-processing phase. Thus, the
entire set of association rules is mined, most of them
being, after all, considered as not interesting and elim-
inated. As a consequence, the whole process become
quite inefficient (Silberschatz and Tuzhilin, 1995).
This paper proposes to introduce post-mining
principles into the mining step, focusing on interest-
ing rules without the necessity of extracting all rules
existing in the database. The user may explore the
rule space incrementally, a small amount at each step
(Blanchard et al., 2007), starting from his/her own be-
liefs and knowledge and discovering rules related to
these goals: confirming rules, specialized rules, gen-
eralized rules or exception rules. At each step the
user chooses the most relevant rules for further ex-
ploration. This approach is based on a novel, flexible
and unitary specification language that we propose in
order to represent user interests the Rule Schema
with the 4 Operations that can be applied on – and on
a novel local mining algorithm that we designed, gen-
erating a local set of candidate rules as all possible
rules that may result from applying the Operations to
the Rule Schemas. This way, global post-processing
is avoided in favor of a local and focused rule explo-
Marinica C., Olaru A. and Guillet F. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002003002000205
ration that however is globally valid.
The proposed method has been tested on a real-life
database, provided courtesy of the Nantes Habitat
agency. Several interesting experiments have been
carried out and relevant results have been obtained.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the research domain and reviews related
works. Section 3 describes the Rule Schema formal-
ism with the proposed Operations that the user can
perform on, and presents the local mining algorithm.
Results are discussed in section 4. Finally, section 5
presents the conclusion.
2.1 Association Rule Mining
The association rule mining technique (Agrawal et al.,
1993) is applied over databases described as D =
{I, T }. Let I = {I = 1, I
, ...,I
} be a set of attributes
(called items) and let T = {t
, . . .t
} be the transac-
tion set. Each transaction t
= {I
, I
, . . . , I
} is a set
of items, such as t
I and each set of items, X, is
called itemset.
An association rule is an implication X Y ,
where X and Y are two itemsets and X Y =
This rule holds on T with the confidence c if c%
of transactions in T that contain X, also contain Y.
The rule has support s in transaction set T if s% of
transactions contain X Y.
2.2 Mining Algorithms
Over the last decade, a great variety of rule min-
ing algorithms was proposed starting with classic al-
gorithms, passing by condensed representation algo-
rithms and, ending with, incomplete set algorithms
and inference generation techniques (Ceglar and Rod-
dick, 2006). Classic algorithms, classified in candi-
date generation and pattern growth algorithm, extract
all valid itemsets from data. Apriori (Agrawal et al.,
1996) is the basic pattern generation algorithm and an
important base for many algorithms proposed since.
This type of algorithms is described on two steps:
identifying candidate itemsets and validating the can-
didates. However, it is difficult to modify the pruning
strategy in order not to extract all patterns, but only
the ones that might be interesting to the user. In fact,
We would like to thank Nantes Habitat, the Public Housing
Unit in Nantes, France, and especially to Ms. Cristelle Le Bouter
for supporting this work.
most of the usual pattern-mining algorithms extract
all patterns that have a minimum support. Moreover,
most algorithms extract patterns, and not rules, asso-
ciation rules being built by using the mined itemsets.
Pattern growth algorithms, extended by several
approaches, were introduced for the first time with
the fundamental algorithm FP-Growth (Pei and Han,
2000). This algorithm simplifies the process of item-
set generation creating complex hyperstructures: one
structure describing the items with their frequency
and the other being represented by the frequent pat-
tern tree. Nevertheless, this technique is not conve-
nient for big databases, due to memory problems.
Condensed representation algorithms and incom-
plete set of algorithms generate a subset of valid item-
sets from which all itemsets can be derived, but this
idea is not related to our work.
Closer to our paper ideas, Padmanabhan and
Tuzilin proposed the inference generation reduction
incorporating user knowledge in the mining algorithm
(Padmanabhan and Tuzhilin, 1998). Thus, starting
from a user belief and applying an Apriori-like local
algorithm, a set of rules satisfying several constraints
is generated.
2.3 Subjective Measures
Subjective measures and the integration of user be-
liefs were first discussed in the paper of Silberschatz
and Tuzhilin (Silberschatz and Tuzhilin, 1995), in
which the most important two subjective interesting-
ness measures are introduced: unexpectedness and
actionability. Three cases of unexpectedness are gen-
erally considered, comparing discovered rules and
previous knowledge: unexpected condition, unex-
pected conclusion, and both condition and conclusion
unexpected (Liu et al., 1999).
The concept of rule templates is introduced by
Klemettinen (Klemettinen et al., 1994), as items in
two lists: inclusion rules that are interesting, and
restriction rules that are not interesting. However,
all rules must be extracted and the search is not done
locally. Moreover, the formalism is very simple and
not too flexible. A logical representation and com-
parison for user beliefs has been suggested (Padman-
abhan and Tuzhilin, 1998), but this approach is fairly
limited. In (Li, 2006) the author proposed a frame-
work for the discovery of a family of optimal rule sets
for a range of interestingness metrics.
Liu presented (Liu et al., 1997) an interesting
representation of user beliefs. It contains three lev-
els of specification: General Impressions (GI), Rea-
sonably Precise Concepts (RPC) and Precise Knowl-
edge (PK). All three formalisms use items in a tax-
onomy, therefore allowing only for is-a relations be-
tween items. Moreover, using three different levels
of specification might be difficult to use, if the user
wants to combine their features.
A very early paper proposed the integration of
special structures for the representation of domain
knowledge and constraints (Anand et al., 1995):
Hierarchical Generalization Trees (HG-Trees), At-
tribute Relationship Rules (AR-rules) and Environ-
ment Based Constraints (EBC). Using item tax-
onomies was suggested in (Srikant and Agrawal,
1995), but, however, taxonomies are limited to is-a
relations. There are many advantages in using ontolo-
gies instead (Phillips and Buchanan, 2001).
Nevertheless, the number of rules extracted rests
by these methods too large making impossible the
post-analysis task, and an interactive process could
help the user to find small sets of information.
3.1 Rule Schema formalism
Interesting rules are in a certain relation confirma-
tion or contradiction with the current beliefs of the
user. We propose a new formalism Rule Schemas
in order to express user beliefs and expectations about
the associations in the database.
Definition 1. A Rule Schema is represented as fol-
rs(Condition Conclusion [General]) [s% c%]
where Condition and the Conclusion contain the
items that the user believes to be present in the an-
tecedent and, respectively, in the consequent of the
rule. The General part contains the items that the user
is not sure in which of the two other parts to place.
The three parts Condition, Conclusion and
General are all Expressions of the form Expr =
{Expr} | [Expr] | Expr? | Item a disjunction or a
conjunction of Expressions or an optional Expression
(the items contained might not be present in the rule).
The Rule Schema also contains optional constraints
of support and confidence.
This formalism is based on the specification lan-
guage proposed in (Liu et al., 1999), but it improves it
by completely covering the three levels of specifica-
tion presented in the General Impressions formalism
(Liu et al., 1999). If the Condition and Conclusion are
used, the Schema is more like a Reasonably Precise
Concept or Precise Knowledge. If the General part is
used, the Schema is more like a General Impression.
The improvement is that a Rule Schema may use all
three parts simultaneously.
3.2 Operations on Rule Schemas
Extending previous works (Blanchard et al., 2007),
we propose 4 Operations that allow the user to ex-
plore the rule space starting from his/her beliefs and
Confirmation is the simplest operation that we pro-
pose. It filters all rules that contain the items in
Condition and in Conclusion in the antecedent, and
respectively, in the consequent, and the items in the
General part in any of the two sides of the implica-
tion. The items in the General part may be split in any
possible ways between the antecedent and the conse-
More formally, the searched rules are of the form:
Condition Subset Conclusion (General
Subset), for all Subset General
Example. The Rule Schema rs([A] [B] [C, D]) is
confirmed by any of the four following rules:
A,C, D B
A,C B, D
A, D B,C
A B,C, D
k-Specialization, based on (Bayardo et al., 1999), al-
lows the user to find the rules that have a more par-
ticular condition and the same conclusion, and which
improve the confidence of the initial rule. That is, a
specialization of a b [s1 c1] is a, c b [s2 c2], if
c2 > c1.
k-Specialization is not performed directly on the
database, but on the rules resulting from the Con-
firmation of the initial Rule Schema. For the rules
of the form Condition Conclusion obtained af-
ter the Confirmation operation, results of the k-
Specialization are of the form:
Condition Set Conclusion, for all |Set| = k
and Set (I (Condition Conclusion)), with I the
full itemset.
Example. For a Rule Schema rs([A] [B]) and
I = {A, B,C, D} the output of the 1-Specialization op-
eration may be:
A B [s1 c1]
A,C B [s2 c2]
A, D B [s3 c3]
In the example above, it is required that the con-
fidence measure satisfies c2 c1 and c3 c1. Obvi-
ously, for support, s2 s1 and s3 s1.
k-Generalization is the opposite of k-Specialization.
This operation finds the rules that have a more general
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
condition implying the same conclusion. Support is
expected to be higher and confidence slightly lower.
Searched rules by k-Generalization operation are of
the form:
Condition Set Conclusion, for all |Set| = k
and Set Condition.
k-Exception is an important operation, as it finds
rules with an unexpected conclusion, in the context
of a more specialized condition. That is, for rules
of the form a B [s1 c1] exceptions are of the form
a, c ¬B [s2 c2]. In (Duval et al., 2007) an exception
is considered valuable knowledge if, knowing that the
confidence of c ¬B is c3, then c2 c1, and c3 must
be fairly low, as it must not be c alone, but the associ-
ation with a that leads to ¬B. k-Exception operation
is the k-Specialization of the rules with negated con-
3.3 Local Mining Algorithm
In our approach, the search for interesting rules be-
comes local: rules are searched in the neighbourhood
of rules and associations that the user already knows,
or that the user believes to be true, specified by means
of the Rule Schemas.
Example. Suppose the user wants to find all 1-
Specialization rules of the Rule Schema rs([A]
[{B,C}][D]) [10%, 60%]. That is, A leads to either
B or C, and they are associated with D. Support and
confidence must be over 10% and 60% respectively.
The full item set is I = {A, B,C, D, E, F}. The algo-
rithm works as follows:
first, Expressions are expanded and the General
part is split between condition and conclusion.
Generated rules are then checked against the
database and candidates with support lower than
10% are pruned:
[A] [B D] [25% 67%]
[A D] [B] [25% 44%]
[A] [C D] [8% 26%] – pruned
[A D] [C] [8% 35%] – pruned
based on the previous result, 1-Specialization op-
eration is performed (new items from I are added
to the condition). Candidates are checked and
pruned if support or confidence are lower than the
threshold specified in the Schema or if there is no
improvement in confidence.
[A C] [B D] [7% 20%] – pruned for support
[A E] [B D] [17% 62%] pruned: ancestor’s
confidence is not improved
[A F] [B D] [20% 83%]
[A D C] [B] [7% 35%] – pruned for support
[A D E] [B] [9% 48%] – pruned for support
[A D F] [B] [14% 66%]
results are sorted according to confidence:
[A F] [B D] [20% 83%]
[A D F] [B] [14% 66%]
There are a number of advantages that this ap-
proach has, compared to the Apriori algorithm. They
result in great part from the fact that the Rule Schemas
are partially instantiated, so the search space is greatly
reduced. Moreover, the more the user refines current
Rule Schemas, the lower is the number of generated
candidate rules.
Compared to Apriori, the number of passes
through the databases is lower. Once all candi-
date rules are generated, only one pass through the
database is necessary, to check the support of the can-
didates. For complexity reasons, in the case of multi-
level operations one pass per specificity / generality
level is necessary.
One important issue in the presented approach is
the number of generated candidate rules. This de-
pends on the operation and on the properties of par-
ticular Rule Schemas, as shown below.
For the operation of Confirmation on a Rule
Schema rs(X Y [Z]) (where X ,Y, Z are item sets),
the number of generated rules is equal to the number
of possibilities of splitting the Z set into two subsets:
: for each subset S in Z, S is added to the condition
and Z S to the conclusion. Usually, the number of
items in Z will be fairly low.
In Specialization, all the rules of the form X S
Y are generated, where S 6⊂ X Y and |S| the speci-
ficity level. Normally, the number of candidate rules
would be C
where I contains all items in the
database. However, a more efficient implementation
explores specialized rules one level at a time. Most
level 1 candidates are pruned, so the second level will
be based on much fewer rules, reducing the total num-
ber of generated candidate rules. The same approach
may be used for Exception.
We have developed an application that implements the
algorithm described above and allows the manage-
ment of Rule Schemas. The application was tested
on a real-life database, provided by Nantes Habi-
tat, a public office managing social accommodations
in Nantes, France. Each year, 1500 Nantes Habitat
custemers (out of a total of 50000) answer a question-
naire about the quality of their accommodation. In the
database, there exists one attribute for each question
Question number and text
Q8 Neighborhood is quiet
Q18 Cleanness of the floor
Q26 State of the entry hall
Q29 State of the floor
Q60 Building corresponds to expectations
Q65 Technical interventions
Q92 NH services are adequate to needs
Q97 Price
S boi Boissiere neighbourhood
Figure 1: Meaning of questions in the example.
– with values of 1 to 4 for the decreasing satisfaction
level and one transaction for each questionnaire. A
set of questions with their meanings is presented in
Figure 1. To obtain binary attributes, items of the
form question=answer are formed, for example the
item Q35=1 represents an answer of ”very satisfied”
to the question number 35 about the lighting of com-
mon spaces. Therefore there are a total of 624 items.
With classical algorithms and imposing thresholds of
8% for support and 85% for confidence we extracted a
total of 1.528.978 rules, very difficult to post-process,
even using a tool.
2-Specialization of
rs([Q97 = 4] [Q26 = 4] [2% 95%])
The analyst is interested on what relates to the im-
plication of the dissatisfaction about price (Question
97) on the dissatisfaction about the state of the entry
hall (Question 26) as a part of the common spaces
in the building. The search starts with a Rule Schema
containing unsatisfied answers (value 4) to two ques-
tions related to the problem: Q97 and Q26. Support
must be reasonable (2%) and confidence must be high
An operation of 2-Specialization has the follow-
ing output finding items that are related to the impli-
17 results.
[Q29=4, Q65=4, Q97=4] -> [Q26=4] [ 2.6% 97.5% ]
[Q29=4, Q32=4, Q97=4] -> [Q26=4] [ 2.4% 97.3% ]
[Q16=4, Q29=4, Q97=4] -> [Q26=4] [ 4.6% 97.1% ]
[Q29=4, Q60=1, Q97=4] -> [Q26=4] [ 2.2% 97.0% ]
[Q29=4, Q37=4, Q97=4] -> [Q26=4] [ 2.0% 96.7% ]
[Q18=4, Q31=4, Q97=4] -> [Q26=4] [ 2.0% 96.7% ]
The output shows a number of interesting relations:
apart from dissatisfaction about the state and clean-
ness of common spaces (entry hall, building level,
etc) and equipment (interphone), there is also an in-
dication about the efficiency with which the technical
requests are addressed (Q65). There is also an inter-
esting rule, the forth one: [Q29 = 4, Q60 = 1, Q97 =
4] > [Q26 = 4][2.2% 97.0%]
there is a strong implication between the state of
the building (particularly the level Q29), the price
(Q97) and the respondent’s expectations (Q60), in
that the expectations actually correspond, although
the price is considered too high.
2-Exception of
rs([Q97 = 4] [Q26 = 4] [2% 95%])
The analyst might also want to check if there are
exceptions to the specified Rule Schema. With the
support threshold lowered to 1% (exceptions are rare
rules), a 2-Exception operation outputs:
15 results.
[S_boi, Q18=1, Q97=4] -> [Q26=1] [ 1.5% 100.0%]
[S_boi, Q29=1, Q97=4] -> [Q26=1] [ 1.5% 100.0%]
[S_boi, Q16=1, Q97=4] -> [Q26=1] [ 1.3% 100.0%]
[S_boi, Q47=1, Q97=4] -> [Q26=1] [ 1.2% 100.0%]
[S_boi, Q78=1, Q97=4] -> [Q26=1] [ 1.2% 100.0%]
[S_boi, Q92=1, Q97=4] -> [Q26=1] [ 1.0% 100.0%]
This result is very interesting. It shows that dissat-
isfaction in price can actually lead to a better opinion
on the building, if it is connected, among with some
other items, with a certain neighbourhood (Boissiere),
which is also very calm (Q8). This is important to
know, because, although clients are quite happy with
the conditions in that neighbourhood, they are un-
happy with the price.
2-Generalization of
rs([S boi, Q18 = 1, Q97 = 4] [Q26 = 1])
Considering the last discovery in 2-Exception, the
analyst might want to look a bit more into the first
rule, so he performs a 2-Generalization, with the fol-
lowing output:
3 results.
[S_boi] -> [Q26=1] [ 5.0% 88.1% ]
[Q97=4] -> [Q26=1] [ 22.5% 59.1% ]
[Q18=1] -> [Q26=1] [ 63.2% 76.2% ]
Indeed, the Boissiere neighbourhood has a great
influence on the satisfaction about state of the hall
Confirmation of
rs([S boi] [Q26 = 1] [Q92]) [1% 60%]
Last, the analyst will want to investigate the rela-
tion of the first rule in the last result with the satisfac-
tion about adequacy of Nantes Habitat services (Q92).
The analyst performs a Confirmation operation on the
Rule Schema.
There are 2 results:
[S_boi, Q92=1] -> [Q26=1] [ 3.7% 88.7% ]
[S_boi] -> [Q26=1, Q92=1] [ 3.7% 65.4% ]
It appears that the rules relate more to the satis-
faction answer to Question 92 (Q92
1) and it is usu-
ally perceived by the customers in this neighbourhood
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
that a good adequacy of the agency’s services leads,
among others, to a good state of the building.
This is only an example of actions that an analyst
may perform. Using Rule Schemas is easy and al-
lows focus on the most interesting rules. Also, the
operations are executed very quickly. For compari-
son, using apriori and rule filtering would require ex-
tracting all the rules in the database and filtering all
of them every time (1.528.978 rules for 8% of sup-
port and 85% of confidence), in order to obtain the
desired results. Moreover, if the database is more dy-
namic, the rule extraction must be done again, which
can take a considerable amount of time.
In this paper we have presented a new solution for
local association rule mining that integrates user be-
liefs and expectations. The solution has two impor-
tant components. The Rule Schema formalism, based
on the concepts introduced by Liu (Liu et al., 1999),
helps the user focus the search for interesting rules, by
means of a flexible and unitary manner of representa-
tion. The local mining algorithm that was developed
does not extract all rules and then post-process them,
but, instead, searches interesting rules in the vicinity
of what the user believes or expects. This way, the
user can explore the rule space in a local and incre-
mental manner, global processing being avoided.
The proposed algorithm was tested on a real-life
example, showing that the presented solution is valid
and leads to good practical results.
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