Leonardo Romeu, Jorge Audy and Andressa Covatti
School of Computer Science, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Keywords: Software Process Improvement, CMMI, GQM, Six Sigma.
Abstract: The software quality area has presented various studies and surveys in different fronts, either about products
or processes. There are many initiatives in the area of software process improvement, which might be more
than often conflicting in an organization. If we observe some of the existing models and methodologies in
the market, the CMMI Model and the Six Sigma Methodology stand head and shoulders above the rest for
being complemented. While CMMI focuses on organization and on process management and Six Sigma has
its focus on the client and on the financial results, both highlight the importance of the data produced for
decision making. This study presents a method for the integrated implementation of the CMMI Model and
the Six Sigma Methodology for programs of process improvement, having as a backup measurement and
assessment techniques such as the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM).
Quality is a concern even bigger in all types of
organizations, in the software organizations this
concern is intensified, once that the level of
information systems in all sections grows. During
the last years, there has been a great interest by the
software engineering community in general, for
process improvement as an agent that provides
product improvement, taking into account that, by
understanding and improving the development
processes it is possible to improve the product
quality and cut down on expenses. (Sommerville,
The major concern with the software process is
straight related with the necessity to understand,
evaluate, learn, improve, plan, verify and mainly
control software engineers’s job. To achieve this
goal it is needed to, document the facts, define,
measure, analise, evaluate, control and change the
development processes.
These controls could help the organization to
reduce terms, supply trustable budgets, speed their
processes of development and will have primacy of
the market (Rocha, Maldonado and Weber, 2001).
Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a businees
performance evaluation known by the industry as a
measure of health of the organizations. The BSC can
also be described as a bunch of actions derived from
the organizational strategy that are selected to
represent a tool that will be used by the leadears to
communicate either external or internal in the
organization (Goethert and Fisher, 2003).
The Capability Maturity Model Integration
(CMMI) is a model very well spread and used in the
world to implement processes improvement in
software companies. (Chrissis, Konrad and Shrum,
The methodology Six Sigma is at its turn know
to be used in the industry to improve the
development processes of products. It is based on
statistics to measure and prove the improvement of
the products and processes.
These initiatives BSC, CMMI and Six Sigma,
might be called as complements, in the moment that
we use the CMMI to implement development
processes and Six Sigma as the official methodology
to implement continuous process improvement.
Connected to this, the utilization of BSC to support
the improvement program, to be adjusted to
Romeu L., Audy J. and Covatti A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002003901710176
organization’s strategic objectives and the GQM
approach to define efficient measures.
This paper aims to introduce a method that
proposes connections between models and
methodologies above mentioned and to describe a
case study performed to validate the method
This paper has the following structure: section 2
presents the theoretical base; section 3 describes
related studies; section 4 describes the proposed
method; section 5 discuss the case study; section 6
presents the conclusions, future studies and the
research limitations.
2.1 CMMI
CMMI is an evolution to the model Capability
Maturity Model (CMM) (Kulpa, 2003). It was
created to help the organizations in maturity or
capabilities evaluations of process areas, set
improvement priorities and to implement these
improvements. To attend these objectives in the
several areas either the systems engineering as well
as software engineering, CMMI version 1.1 is
composed by the following models:
SE-CMM (Systems Engineering CMM);
SA-CMM (Software Acquisition CMM);
IPD-CMM (Integrated Product
Development Team Model);
SECAM (System Engineering Capability
Assessment Model);
SECM (Systems Engineering Capability
CMMI is formed by the integration of the models
above and it covers products, development and
maintenance areas. Nowadays four areas are covered
by CMMI v1.1: Systems Engineering, Software
Engineering, Integrated Product and Process
Development and Suppliers (Chrissis, Konrad,
Shrum, 2003).
2.2 Six Sigma
The Six Sigma methodology can be considered as a
quality management philosophy. It is a methodology
used to manage business and processes improvement
and has its focus on the customer. It uses data to lead
and implement solutions that are found from causal
analysis of a certain problem.
The method uses statistics to measure and
analyse organization’s processes. Statistically
talking, reach the Six Sigma means that, the process
or product is being done or manufactured practically
with no defects. The Six Sigma represents 3.4
defects found per millions of opportunities, which
represents a potentiality of about 99.9996% of
efficiency. It is known that nowadays the majority of
implemented processes operate between 3 and 4
sigma, that means, close to 93.3% to 99.4% of
efficiency. (Hayes, 2005).
Six Sigma, apart from the quality models, is a
methodology oriented to business that uses a process
improvement approach with several aspects like cost
reduction and profit increase. Its main principle is
increasing customer’s satisfaction based on the
defects reduction. Six Sigma methodology, when
used by the organizations, enables that the team
responsible for implementing improvement, to
identify the process and the actions correspondent
that will be affected. This flexibility is the part that
allows Six Sigma and its joint of tools to be easily
integrated to process improvement models already
2.3 Balanced Scorecard
The organizations face several obstacles when they
develop a measuring system that is able to measure
the right things at the right time. What is needed is a
system that balances the historical accuracy of
financial numbers with the future performance
objectives as well as it helps the organization to
implement new strategies.
BSC is a tool that meets both purposes, the
approach developed by Robert Kaplan and David
Norton as a result of a research on the 90’s intended
to prove that only financial indicators were not
efficient to the global organizations. Throughout
researches made in many companies, they created
the so called Balanced Scorecard, which apart from
the financial indicators also concerns with
customer’s problems, internal processes and learning
and growth. (Niven, 2002).
2.4 GQM
The Goal Question Metric approach is based on the
presuming that, for an organization to implement a
measurement process in an effective way, first they
must specify their objectives and projects. From this
point, data for each objective must be planned so
that they can be set in an operational manner.
Finally, provides a structure to interpret the collected
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
data that would meet the measurement objectives
previously defined. (Basili, 1994)
GQM helps to define and gather objectives to
process models, products and quality perspectives
based on specific needs of projects and organizations
through measurement program.
Figure 1: GQM structure.
Recent studies prove the concerns to integrate
improvement efforts, in order to obtain
organizational growth in all areas using different
models, methods and approaches. (Rocha,
Maldonado and Weber, 2001).
According to Vasques, Balanced Scorecard,
CMMI and Six Sigma are strongly related because,
the first deals with de organization’s strategies,
directions that it is going to take and its priorities;
the second one provides to the organizations a guide
of management by processes and the third provides a
process improvement methodology already rested
and proved worldwide. (Vasques, 2005).
Pickeril says that there is an interesting
relationship between the improvement approach
used by CMMI, the IDEAL model, developed by
SEI, and Six Sigma methodology. IDEAL
improvement life-cycle contemplates five steps to
process improvement: Initiating, Diagnosing,
Establishing, Acting and Leveraging and it might be
used to implement process improvement along with
Six Sigma. (Pickerill, 2005).
As per Siviy, Six Sigma can be used as a support
tool to implement CMMI in software organizations.
Teams that are used to the Six Sigma methodology
feel more comfortable and contribute on the
implementation of a quality model like CMMI, and
besides that, these teams will not be resistant on the
implementation of measures and controls in the
proposed processes. (Siviy, 2004).
After the studies of several models, methodologies,
and methods it becomes clear that the efforts to
processes implementation and continuous
improvement programs at the software organizations
quality area need to be adjusted to the strategic plans
of the organization. This basis it will be possible to
help on the achievement of goals and objectives
proposed to them. The method is divided basically in
three levels: Organizational, Projects and Systems
and Continuous improvement.
Figure 2: Method basic configuration.
As we can note in the figure 2 that the GQM
approach is part of all levels of the model supporting
measures definition and interpretation.
To represent the method MIBCIS it was chosen
UML through activities diagrams. Some adjustments
and use of stereotypes are necessary to better specify
the method.
The activities proposed in the method MIBCIS
does not happen in sequence, some are periodical
and some are by events. The strategic plans, for
instance, are done/revised periodically. On the other
hand, continuous improvement happens by events,
the improvements or new processes implementation
is an activity usually triggered from improvement
opportunities or requests of change. Besides the
activities described on the model through UML
activity diagrams, a series of document templates
have been developed as work products for each
4.1 Organizational Level
On the organizational level the organization’s
strategic objectives are evaluated. The business
processes passes by an analysis, and based on that,
BSC approach is used to define performance
indicators that will support decisions that are
supposed to be taken based on that data.
The organization’s strategic objectives and
planning are used to construct the strategic maps
which are part of the existing work products of this
stage. At this point it is also created the so-called
document Strategic Objectives, where they are
organized within BSC perspectives.
Each strategic objective must be worked and
detailed afterwards to generate the performance
indicators definition. The objectives detailing is
done in a document called strategic maps.
Based on the information of these documents,
finally it is defined the performance indicators. The
performance indicators provide management
information to support decision making process. To
help these performance indicators to be composed
there is a necessity to define and specify good
measures. MIBCIS proposes the GQM approach to
be used to set the measures.
4.2 Projects and Systems Level
In this level, the method MIBCIS suggests to use the
reference model CMMI to define software
development processes and management processes.
The reference model guides the organization in the
direction of saying what should be done to achieve
quality projects but not how to do it. How to do will
be set by the organization itself that will generate a
framework of processes from the good practices
suggested by CMMI.
To help in the construction of new processes the
method also proposes the usage of a methodology
called Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) that implements
a development life-cycle, specifically to attend the
necessities of creation of new processes, products
and services.
This combination of Six Sigma to implement
new processes using CMMI as a reference model
turned to be able through the mapping of DFSS to
Figure 3: DMADV.
By using DMADV life-cycle, which can be seen
on Figure 3 above, along with the IDEAL model the
new processes will be set. The process commences
through the Define phase, as its name says it deals
with customer’s needs definition, be it internal or
external. In the Measure phase these needs are
specified on a measurable way. It can be achieved
by studying competitors and/or partners results, and
to do so, benchmark technique can be used. At the
Analyse phase, possible solutions must be
considered to support customer’s requirements. On
this phase, besides solutions’ analysis, one of them
will be chosen to be developed. In the Design phase
the previously chosen solution is then fully
developed and implanted. At last, in the Verify
phase it is necessary to identify if the new process
requirements are in compliance with the
benchmarks, until the execution allows the
organization to have an own base of comparison.
After the defining the new process, the
organization must use its GQM program to define
measures to manage it quantitatively.
Eventually, when the new process is ready, it
will be part of the organization’s process framework.
4.3 Continuous Improvement Level
The Continuous improvement level is responsible to
identify improvement opportunities and to develop
solutions to enhance the processes, products and
services quality.
The improvement opportunities identification is
done through performance indicators data analysis.
All the generated organization’s measurement data
will be submitted to analysis by the process
improvement group that will be formed by a
multidiscipline team that are able to evaluate the
data over several perspectives.
After this analysis the results will be re-checked
and if they are satisfactory, the data analysis is
concluded. If the analysis results are not acceptable
the problem causes need to be identified and the
group might take two different decisions: either it is
necessary to create a process improvement project or
it is necessary to create a new process to give
solution of the existing problems. If the analysis
results points to the creation of a new process, so the
methodology Design for Six Sigma will be used as
per previously described. If the analysis results
suggests that there is no need of a new process, but
changing one of the existing processes, so the
methodology DMAIC will be used.
The method DMAIC of the Six Sigma
methodology can be mapped to the process
improvement activities proposed by the IDEAL
model and it is formed by five phases as shown
Figure 4: DMAIC.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The case study was applied on a large scale software
development unit. The organization owns offices in
more than 34 countries worldwide. According to the
information supplied by the organization, it has
more than 55 thousand employees all over the world.
The unit where the study was carried out is located
in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil.
There are more than 400 people working on projects
that meet the companies’ IT area in any region of the
world. The biggest interaction is with the
headquarters, located in Austin, Texas, USA, which
is responsible for the demand of projects. This
Brazil’s unit is certified on SW-CMM level 2
5.1 Organizational Level
Concerning this level of the model, the same brings
meaningful contributions setting the flows for usage
of the Balanced Scorecard. This level of the model
does the alignment of the program of quality with
the organization’s strategic objectives in a clear and
efficient way.
Through the case study it was noted that this
level of the method presents signs of possibility of
generalization, once that, the studied organization
does not uses the technique BSC. This basis the
performance indicators were mapped from the
Hoshin Plan, used by the organization to the BSC
proposed in the method. This mapping was done
through Strategic Objectives and Strategic Maps
documents. The sources of the data were the Hoshin
Plans of the IT, PMO and GPQT (Global Process,
Quality and Tools) areas of the studied organization.
5.2 Projects and Systems Level
The method adopts cycles well spread to the creation
of processes; this basis the application of this level
was easy and direct. But it was noted that the
method is not efficient when it comes to defining
execution roles to the creation of process’ life-
cycles. This facility however, does not mean that the
method can help in a practical way the organizations
which are commencing the definition of its own
processes’ framework once the studied organization
has already been working this way.
5.3 Continuous Improvement Level
Though the analysis flow of measures and indicators
the proposed method contributes straight with this
area. The organization which was object of studies
had all the information needed to this level, although
they were not well organized in a way that
everybody could have access. The improvement
projects, that use a specific program called BPI,
could be perfectly mapped to the proposed methods,
because they meet all Six Sigma requirements.
We can note that the integration between continuous
improvement initiatives used in one organization can
help the implementation of a quality program. The
different efforts that arise with the objective to
improve products, processes e services quality need
to be connected. These actions need to have as a
main focus on the business process improvement of
each organization.
Along with BSC, software measures were the
quantitative part of the indicators, it means, what we
want to measure. Those measures will naturally be
aligned to the strategic objectives of the organization
once they will be created from performance
indicators’ definitions. This procedure eliminates
efforts to collect and work information that are not
import for the organization.
After it is given a definition to what type of
information it is considered important to the
organization it is necessary to define which process
will give origin to the data that will feed the
Once this process is defined, the indicators will
give to the organization the possibility to realize and
choose improvement fields based on trustable
information. Using the methodology Six Sigma, it is
possible to make an analysis of the processes, work
the causes that affect them and control the process.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems