Jenny Lundberg and Rune Gustavsson
Department of Interaction and Systems Design, Blekinge Institute of Technology, 37225 Ronneby, Sweden
Keywords: Information sharing in teams, Semantics, Context, Abbreviation, Robustness.
Abstract: In the paper we propose a robust approach towards context dependant information modelling supporting
trustworthy information exchange. Shortcomings and challenges of present approaches of syntax-based
information modelling in dynamic context are identified. Basic principles are introduced and used to
provide a robust approach towards meeting some of those challenges. The approach has a main aim of
reducing brittleness of context dependant information and enabling intelligible information handling in
distributed environments. The application domain is Emergency Service Centres, where the distributed
handling of emergency calls in life critical situations of future change is in focus. The main contribution in
the paper is a principled approach of use of abbreviations in dynamic emergency situations. Points of
interaction for coordination are introduced as a tool supporting mappings of abbreviations between different
Design, implementation and maintenance of digital
support for handling of tasks in life-critical
situations are a challenge. We have addressed some
of those challenges even for distributed
organizations such as Emergency Service Centres
(Lundberg, 2007). The operators handling
emergency calls rely on proper ICT systems
supporting their everyday work. In this life-critical
context abbreviations are commonly used mainly as
a way of saving time, but also as a quality assurance
method by introducing structured action-types
related to calls in a semantically unambiguous way.
Abbreviation-based information exchange is
common in many life-critical situations such as
dealing with emergency calls (the main application
of this paper), Air Traffic Control (ATC), operator
control of critical infrastructures, and in several
medical applications. There are some clear benefits
of abbreviation-based information sharing in teams
but also some inherit, and potentially catastrophic,
limitations of this approach. In the following Section
2 Setting the scene, we illustrate those aspects and
identify some challenges towards ensuring
semantically correct context dependent information
exchange in teams. The reminder of this paper is
organized as follows. Section 3 present our robust
abbreviation approach based on changes of context
with a specific focus upon information modelling,
common ground, coordination, situations and work-
flows. Other approaches are shortly described in
Section 4. In Section 5 we revisit our challenges of
Section 2 and summarise our approach with some
pointers of future research. The paper ends with
references, presented in Section 6.
To illustrate the challenges addressed in the paper,
we introduce a well-known example of using
abbreviation-based reasoning. That is reasoning
based on results done by handheld calculators as
depicted in the following Figure 1.
The result obtained by the calculator is the
depicted numeric value 1.41421356237095. This
value is calculated using the displayed equation
including ordinary numeric calculations and the
value of cos(pi) and sqrt(2).
The semantic information (value) can, however,
only be assessed by the user of the Calcul Engine in
the given context. Different contexts typically entail
different semantic information from the same
calculated value. In fact, this example illustrates the
power of algorithmic numerical calculation where
Lundberg J. and Gustavsson R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002004102000205
Figure 1: Reasoning based on support by calculators.
the syntax determines the semantics of the
abbreviations used, i.e., numbers, numerical
operators, and numeric functions. The power of
algorithmic calculations is that they are context free
and the interpretation of the results, by the users, is
separated from the calculations of numbers. In fact,
the power of mathematical models (reuse in
modelling different applications) is due to their
independence of semantic meaning!
To further illustrate the strengths and
weaknesses of using abbreviation based reasoning,
we now take a closer look at workflow support in
Emergency Service Centers (ESC) and Air Traffic
Control Centers (ATC).
The workflow within individual ESC can be
described as a sequence of states.
State 1: Classification of incoming calls
State 2: Identification of appropriate
State 3: Deployment of teams
State 4: Debriefing and reporting
The tasks of each state are governed by a set of
abbreviations. The operators within the individual
centers understand how to faithfully code and
decode these abbreviations due to continuous
training and evaluation. Abbreviations support
efficient quality assured workflow support with
possibilities of parallelisms between states. That is
quality and efficiency.
The power of this type of abbreviations is also a
weakness. Inherent in the power of abbreviations is a
stable set of action-types corresponding to the
abbreviations and a closed group of users to enable
efficient training and other means of quality
assurance of the shared intended meaning of the
abbreviations. When connecting geographically
separated centers, and/or changing tasks to enable
more dynamic call centre handling, the mecha-nisms
of abbreviations becomes an obstacle against
changes and hence an issue to consider in depth
(Lundberg, 2007). In short, how could we, in a
principled way, handle context changes in
abbreviation based information exchange?
The following example illustrates the critical
dependency on a common understanding of context-
dependencies in abbreviation-based information
exchange. The example of misunderstand-ding in
coordination is due to the fact that the two main
actors involved didn’t succeed in handling two
implicit different contexts with overlapping
In the example, an air traffic controller and a
pilot misunderstood the meaning of the abbreviation
‘holding’. In December 1995, the disaster of
American Airlines Flight 965 from Miami to
Columbia, resulted in a loss of 159 human lives as a
direct consequence to this misunderstanding. Part of
the conversation was as follows, where the air traffic
controller asked the pilot;
- Are you holding?
The pilot confirms with:
- Roger, we’re holding.
They misunderstood each other due to the
unsuccessful establishment of an agreed-upon
meaning of the word “holding”. Did it mean holding
latitude or holding rate of decent? The air traffic
controller and the pilot had different contexts and
interpretations of what ‘holding’ meant. As the air
traffic controller understood the holding as to
holding latitude, the pilot understood it as holding
rate of decent. A closer focus upon the situation, and
the fact that they had two different contexts could
most probably have avoided the loss of lives.
Those two examples illustrate the following two
inherent weaknesses with abbreviation based
information sharing:
Problems associated with changes of
Problems in understanding and
discovery of implicit sharing of
abbreviations in different contexts
The following Figure 2 captures the semantic
hurdles of mapping of intentions between a sender
and a receiver.
We have highlighted in the figure the challenges
related to introduction of an information-processing
artifact between the sender and receiver. The face-
to-face communication in natural language has thus
been disrupted with a processing unit with two
interfaces and a context model (CM) used by the
processing unit to perform syntax based (rule-based)
Information processing
Figure 2: Semantic hurdles in semantically correct
mappings between sender and receiver.
translation between the input format at the sender
interface and the output format at the receiver
interface. In Figure 1 the Context Model is the
numeric calculation algorithms of Calcul Engine.
In short, how can we model and trustworthy
convey meaning of artifact-mediated information in
distributed environments when change is the rule
and not the exception?
The essence of this challenge is addressing the
semantically correct mapping of the intention of the
information (by the sender) to the proper actions of
the receiver. This challenge has been in focus of
researchers in the fields of natural languages,
cognitive science, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive
systems engineering, Knowledge intensive systems
engineering and HMI engineering since decades.
In the case of abbreviations the sender and
receiver agree about the semantic meaning of the
abbreviation and the tasks it should and could/could
not handle. Furthermore, the contextual meaning of
the information at hand has been reduced to the
syntax of the abbreviation. The remaining part of the
context is shared interpretation of the abbreviation
between sender and receiver as illustrated in using
hand held calculators (Figure 1).
As we have earlier noted; in certain contexts,
such as in numerical calculations, the Context model
(CM) of Figure 2 could indeed be purely syntax
based, i.e., the syntax of numerical calculations
fulfills the needs we have on the context model
whenever we need to do numerical calculations! In
short, numerical calculations in any context obey the
same syntax based rules. In fact, numerical
calculations are examples of algorithmic
applications where the reasoning power of the
computational artifact is syntax oriented and the
interpretation of the relevance of the computations in
a given context lies in the agreed upon modeling
principles and interpretation by the sender and
receiver at the two interfaces of Figure 2.
However, turning to knowledge-intensive
applications, such as support systems in real-world
decision-making, the situation is fundamentally
different. Let envelope, Env(CM), denote the set of
computations enabled by the Information pro-
cessing artifact in Figure 2, given the Context model
CM. Let Comp(C), denote the set of desirable
computations by the actors of Figure 2. Clearly we
always have that Env(CM) is a subset of Comp(C).
In the examples of abbreviations and algorithmic
application we can cope with this difference by
adding agreed-upon context dependant semantic
interpretation to the computational results. In general
this is not the case for knowledge-intensive
applications due to the (unintended) change of
context. The difference between Env(CM) and
Comp is sometime denoted the brittleness of the CM
Despite this inherent shortcoming of machine
readable context models there have been
considerable efforts devoted to formal models and
ontologies of different domains. An ontology is a
syntactic specification of concepts and their relations
in a given domain. An ontology defines a formal
semantic of a domain. Large amounts of resources
have been spent on efforts creation of, for instance,
enterprise ontologies.
The purpose of having a shared or at least
intelligible enterprise wide semantic is to enable an
understanding of the business both within the
company as well as with customers and business-to-
business. However, this approach has not produced
the intended success (Hepp, 2007). One of the main
reasons for this back-lash is due to the lack of
understanding how changes in business processes
entails proper and controlled changes in the
corresponding CM as well as the specifications and
changes of the interfaces of Figure 2. For enterprises
in development and change, a control of ontological
framework and support for change of contexts and
interfaces is crucial for success. Our Robust
abbreviation-based approach suppor-ting change
(Section 3) gives some pointers to those ends.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
As illustrated in our examples of ESC and ATC in
Section 2 abbreviations can be seen as compiled
support of context dependent workflows. The
compiled version of workflows is sets of states. In
order to control and support changes of
abbreviation-based support we need to have a more
abstract model of states, that is situations, and
information flows to support robust changes of
Context Models, Interfaces, and Contexts (Figure 2).
The remaining part of this section is thus
addressing the following issues:
Section 3.1 Information modelling
Section 3.2 Common ground and coordination
Section 3.3 Situations and workflows
Section 3.4 Our approach of robust change
3.1 Information Modelling
Keith Devlin (Devlin, 2001) has provided a semantic
based logical framework supporting understanding
and structuring of information (InfoSense). The
logical framework has been influenced by the work
of Barwise and Perry (Barwise and Perry, 1999) at
Stanford in the 1980’s. They developed their
theories in order to understand human languages as
communication of meaning, semantics and
pragmatics. Suitable adaptations of the theories will
provide us with models and techniques to address
types of situations and hence workflows (Brandt,
2007; Östlund, 2007).
Devlin’s logical framework in structuring of
information can preferably be seen as a high level
description of information exchange. The connection
between Information (understood, or interpreted, by
a human agent) and its Repre-sentation is captured
by the following equation:
Information = Representation + Interpretation
The equation describe that information are
visible via a representation. The representation could
for example be a book, a computer system or
similar. The Interpretation describes the inter-
pretation capabilities of the receiving agent. As an
example, we have a situation of a fire, and a rescue
person sees smoke. The rescue person makes the
general assumption that there is a fire, since smoke
implies fire. Thus the constraint of the rescue
person’s knowledge about smoke and fire makes
him understand that this ‘type’ of seeing smoke, are
related to the ‘situation’ fire. One of Devlin’s basic
contributions in InfoSense is to clarify the relations
between representations and the proper
interpretations by users to identify the intended
situations (contexts).
The exchange of information between a sender
and receiver can be described as follows (Figure 2):
The sender, in figure 2, wants to inform the
receiver of a Situation S. The Representation of the
situation is described by a sequence of abb-
reviations A
that is fed into the Sender interface of
the artifact. The sequence A
is processed by the CM
and produces a output sequence of abbreviations A
The receiver interprets A
and can infer the Situation
S. If we assume that the syntax based processing is
correct and A
and A
have agreed upon semantics
then the sender has successfully informed the
receiver about the situation S and proper actions can
be taken. Agreed upon semantics of situations are
denoted common grounds (Devlin, 2001).
3.2 Common Ground and
Common ground between stakeholders thus enables
correct abbreviation based semantic information
exchange related to situations. In abbreviation based
information exchange as in our examples ESC and
ATC the common ground is the agreed upon
interpretation of sets of abbreviations. Trusted
coordination in those teams can thus be assured by
proper training of skills mapping between situations
and sequences of abbreviations. Abbreviations can
thus be seen as coordination mechanisms in ESC,
ATC and similar applications.
3.3 Situations and Workflows
In Section 2 we identified that the workflow in a
ESC could be identified by 4 states. These states are
in fact compilations of corresponding four context
dependant Situations; S
, S
, S
, and S
To enable a principled change of contexts in
abbreviation based coordination a first step is to
identify the corresponding set of situations that
underpin the workflows at hand. These are complex
tasks, not the least from a validation perspective. In
our ESC case we have identified and validated a
proper set of situations covering the relevant
workflows. Proper methods and tools to that end
include: work practise, ethnography, and situation
theories (Lundberg, 2007, Brandt, 2007, Östlund,
2007, Barwise-Perry, 1999, Devlin 1991, 2001).
3.4 Robust Change of Contexts
We propose a robust approach for context dependent
information modelling in critical information
infrastructures. A basic information process is
coordination (Chen, Sharman, Rao, Upadyaya,
2007). Coordination could be at different system
levels and between different system components. In
Figure 1 we model coordination at the highest
system level, that is, between system actors (agent or
Figure 3: Interaction points between sender and receiver.
To be more specific, we introduce, in Figure 3,
interaction points in dialogues between agents to
enable support for different coordination aspects of
Figure 2.
Overlaying the interaction points with basic
information sharing of Figure 2 we recognise that
the lower abbreviation based interactions, of Figure
3, are facilitated by the Context Model processing of
data. The interpretation of those results is by the
sender and receiver in the given context and the
shared common ground supported by the
The main reason for introducing interaction
points is that they give a natural structure of
coordination between sender and receiver. High-
level interaction points are focusing on the
contextual information sharing, whence low-level
interaction points are related to the information
processing system. Complex coordination can be
modelled using interaction points. Furthermore,
interaction points capture the critical coordination
challenges we have to address and maintain at the
levels of common ground and processing. We also
have to address the trustworthiness of translations of
sequences of abbreviations between those levels.
Our model supporting robust change of contexts
in abbreviation based information exchange is
founded on the following steps:
1. Identify the set of situations and
corresponding workflows that can be
inferred from the set of abbreviations.
2. Validate mapping from situations,
workflows to sequences of
3. Describe the new context and
workflows given the identified set of
4. Make a mapping of the new workflows
on sequences of abbreviation
5. Validate mappings and introduce
training of mappings among teams.
Furthermore, our approach to abbreviation based
CM handling can be a basis for further
investigations on causes of brittleness, and
establishment of common grounds as well as off-
and on-line training of skills. Principled maintenance
of CM due to changes of contexts is also supported.
Ongoing research and development on Web services
and Semantic web are focusing on ontologies and
schemas, i.e., on syntax-based structures (Hendler,
2008). Message passing between web services are
facilitated by SOAP messages encoded in XML. A
SOAP message between a seller and buyer could
have the message:
The issue here is to have a consistent
interpretation of the abbreviation “confirmed”.
Again we have the problem of abbreviation-based
semantics! The works on syntax-based (ontology-
based) abbreviations in semantic web have the same
shortcomings as abbreviations discussed in Section
2. However, those ontology-based abbreviations
could be very helpful in defining the corresponding
Situation-based information flows, supporting
semantics in a given context, as outlined in Section
Approaches as (Veale, 2008) where the focus
area is limited have a clear and well defined
approach. However, most of the current approaches
are still based in the syntax area. Our top-down
approach to shared semantic based information takes
a supplementary view.
based message
Context based
Sender Recieve
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In Section 1 and 2 we identified two challenges in
abbreviation-based information sharing in teams:
Change of context
In Section 3 we outlined how we can identify the
abstract Situation types and information flows in
corresponding Context. A shift from localized
context to a distributed one is facilitated by
implementing the derived situation-based workflow
and defining a new set of abbreviations to support
the distributed information exchange as depicted in
Figure 2.
Dealing with misunderstandings due to identical
abbreviations can be solved by identifying those
ambiguities using the common ground. Resolving
ambiguities can be established in several ways. One
way is to distinguish the different contexts by
prefixes. For example; pilot-holding and tower-
holding in the given example presented in section 2.
The process outlined thus establishes a robust
model supporting abbreviation-based changes of
contexts. It can with advantage be used in training
situations as-well and to identify implicit brittleness
(Nardi, O’Day, 1999).
Future work includes more elaborated models
and tool supporting translation of abbreviations into
rule sets and information types. Taking into account
cognitive modelling and building rules from info
senses constraints would be an interesting approach
to consider.
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approach to understanding the web. Communications
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Hepp, M., 2007, Possible ontologies – how reality
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Veale, T. and Hao, Y., 2008, A context-sensitive frame-
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