Guenter Pirklbauer, Rudolf Ramler and Rene Zeilinger
Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Softwarepark 21, A-4232 Hagenberg, Austria
Application lifecycle management, Software engineering process, Tool integration, Requirements engineering.
In the last years a new trend emerged in the software engineering tool market: Application Lifecycle Manage-
ment (ALM). ALM aims at integrating processes and tools to coordinate development activities in software
engineering. However, a common understanding or widely accepted definition of the term ALM has not yet
evolved. Thus, companies introducing ALM are usually confronted with a wide range of solutions following
different, vendor-specific interpretations. The aim of this paper is to clarify the concept of ALM and to provide
guidance on how to develop an ALM strategy for software development organizations. The paper identifies
key problem areas typically addressed by ALM and derives a model to relate the solution concepts of ALM to
engineering and management activities. The work has been applied in the context of an improvement project
conducted at an industrial company. This case shows how the model can be used to systematically develop a
tailored, vendor-independent ALM solution.
Traditional software development emphasizes distinct
project phases and a functionally separated organiza-
tion with specialized roles. All of these roles have
their own separate perspective, are organized along
their own processes, use their own tools, and their
data and results are locked in their own repositories.
The management of software product development
faces the challenge to align these different perspec-
tives to the overall business objectives, to enforce
consistent processes spanning the different groups,
to manage the relationship between the development
artifacts produced by the different groups, and to
monitor the development progress across the whole
lifecycle. Application lifecycle management (ALM)
promises to meet these challenges (e.g., (Schwaber
et al., 2006)) and over the last few years a large num-
ber of ALM solutions have been announced.
The term ALM is quite new. It appeared in the
software tool market around 2004 (Azoff, 2007). Its
purpose was to emphasize the tool vendors’ move to-
wards integrated tool suites covering the whole ap-
plication lifecycle. However, tool vendors tend to in-
terpret and define ALM differently, often according to
their existing or planned marketing strategies. A com-
mon understanding or widely accepted definition of
ALM has not yet evolved (Kriinen and Vlimki, 2008).
Due to the loosely defined scope of ALM, a broad va-
riety of tools has up to now been labeled as ALM so-
lution while, at the same time, it is hard to compare
these solutions on an objective basis.
The goal of this paper is to shed some light into
the current situation of ALM and to provide guidance
on how to develop an ALM strategy for software de-
velopment organizations.
The work presented in this paper has been applied
in the context of an improvement project conducted
at an international company headquartered in Aus-
tria. The company’s software products are organized
as software product lines, i.e., the standard products
are customized according to the needs of individual
customers. The products evolve over many years of
ongoing development, organized in a sequence of re-
lated projects with a floating boundary between de-
velopment and maintenance.
By analyzing the organizational context, we have
identified a number of company-specific problems
that we have generalized to the following key prob-
lem areas. These key problem areas correspond to
Pirklbauer G., Ramler R. and Zeilinger R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002007203990402
issues and obstacles we also observe in many other
industrial projects conducted by a variety of different
Lack of Reuse of Lifecycle Artifacts.
When enterprises evolve over time, the reuse of
artifacts gets more and more important. Reuse at
the level of code has been addressed by object-
oriented concepts. The key challenge lies in trans-
forming the reuse paradigm to lifecycle artifacts
such as requirements, architecture, design, terms,
and definitions.
Unclear Rationale of Historical Decisions.
Decisions are often based on informal discus-
sions, which are not documented or preserved in
any other way. Therefore, decisions can not be
traced back to their origins and the rationale for
requirements can not be reconstructed.
Intransparent Consequences of Changes.
Software products are subject to continual im-
provement and enhancement over many years.
Changes and enhancements become part of the
day-to-day business and the need for systematic
investigation of the impact of changes increases.
Imbalance of Activities over the Lifecycle.
In many organizations the activities over the life-
cycle of software products are imbalanced with an
overemphasis on core engineering activities such
as coding, testing, building, and deployment. Ac-
tivities like product management, product portfo-
lio management, asset management are frequently
Heterogeneous Tool-Infrastructure.
In the analyzed case, the existing tool infrastruc-
ture has evolved over many years. Tool integra-
tion has not been seen as an important aspect for
the infrastructure. Hence, collaboration of roles
using different tools is hampered as the tools iso-
late activities by intransparentand proprietary tool
data stores and repositories.
Disrupted Workflows.
The limited interoperability of tools also causes
frequent disruptions in workflows and processes.
As a consequence, we observed a high number of
redundant activities as well as data in the analyzed
case. This redundancy leads to increased admin-
istrative overhead, error-prone manual work, and
inconsistencies, which are in turn the source of fu-
ture errors.
Intransparent Status of Artifacts and Work
Due to the heterogeneous tool landscape, artifacts
are stored both distributed and redundantly in sev-
eral tool repositories. Even with careful consider-
ations and policies in place to align workflows it
is cumbersome to determine the current status of
an artifact or the overall progress of the work.
Inability to Reconstruct Historical States.
Apart from the fact that the code of the software
system is under control of a versioning system,
many artifacts are produced and archived in sepa-
rate tools, that are not able to capture the historic
states or use incompatible approaches versioning,
baseling, and merging.
Missing Integration of Product Management
and Project Management.
In the analyzed case, the software products
evolved over many years. After the initial de-
velopment phase, the software product will be re-
leased and from this point on it is maintained and
enhanced in a series of ongoing, parallel projects.
This enforces two views. The view on prod-
ucts and the view on projects. Often, however,
the management focus is mainly concerned about
individual projects, which results in sub-optimal
business decisions.
To develop a strategy for introducing ALM in the case
company,we developeda conceptual model for ALM,
independent from a particular tool vendor’s offer. In-
stead of features and activities, the model emphasizes
the solution concepts proposed by ALM and relates
these solution concepts to the existing engineering
and management activities.
3.1 ALM Solution Concepts
We identified two main goals of ALM by matching
the tool vendors’ propositions with the key problem
areas listed above.
1. Seamless integration of engineering activities at
tool and process level across the whole lifecycle
of an application
2. Emphasis on management activities to shift the
technical perspective of engineering towards the
business perspective of software management
These two main goals are refined to a number of solu-
tion concepts, which are implemented by tool vendors
using central repositories, service-oriented architec-
tures, integrated tool platforms, etc. Following solu-
tion concepts have been identified:
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Traceability. Traceability is a well-known con-
cept, defined as “the degree to which a relation-
ship can be established between two or more prod-
ucts of the development process, especially prod-
ucts having a predecessor-successor or master-
subordinate relationship to one another” (IEEE,
Version Control. Over the lifecycle of an appli-
cation multiple versions evolve and require con-
sistent control for managing releases, maintaining
defined states and baselines across different arti-
facts, as well as reverting to these defined states.
The concept of version control is well established
(see e.g. (Leon, 2000)), whereby research is con-
tinuously pushing the boundaries of version con-
trol concepts beyond source code artifacts (Es-
tublier et al., 2005).
Measurement. Retrieving or computing infor-
mation about products, processes and resources
as well as their relationships is the basis for es-
tablishing transparency, objective evaluation and
planning of future activities. The role of measure-
ment has been firmly grounded into the manage-
ment of software projects by DeMarco (DeMarco,
1986) and has been expanded to the entire appli-
cation lifecycle.
Workflow Support. By execution, workflows bring
together a sequence of operations, resources,
roles, and information flows to achieve a result
of value. Traditionally, workflows have been fo-
cused on single activities and tools, for example,
issue tracking or requirements management. Cur-
rent approaches, such as the Application Lifecy-
cle Framework (ALF) (Eclipse, 2008), provide a
interoperability platform for tools to establish a
workflow across the entire lifecycle of an applica-
Collaboration. Software development is a team
endeavor and, thus, concepts and tools for collab-
oration, e.g. Wikis have found their way into soft-
ware development. Computer-support for collab-
oration and cooperation is yet again another long-
established field (see e.g. (Grudin, 1994)).
Shared Services. In addition to the aboveconcepts
we identified a number of basic services which
are relevant for every activity and tool applied in
the course of ALM. A typical example is manag-
ing users and access rights, which are often im-
plemented as a central service shared among the
different activities and tools.
Figure 1: Integration-oriented ALM Model
3.2 Dimensions of Integration
The identified solution concepts have a strong focus
on integration in two directions. First, they provide
profound support for the integration of engineering
activities over the whole application lifecycle at tool
level as well as process level. Thereby they address
the first goal of ALM. Second, the same concepts also
enable the integration of engineering activities with
management activities. In that way they establish the
link between the technical and business perspective
along the application lifecycle, the second goal of
Figure 1 depicts these three dimensions show-
ing the engineering activities (software requirements,
software design, software construction, software test-
ing, and software maintenance according to (Abran
et al., 2004)) on the x-axis and the management activ-
ities (software configuration management, software
engineering management, software process manage-
ment, software quality management according to
(Abran et al., 2004)) on the y-axis. The solution con-
cepts of ALM (traceability, version control, measure-
ment, workflow support, collaboration, and shared
services according to Section 3.1) are shown as third
dimension depicted as z-axis to clearly distinguish
them from engineering and management activities.
This perception helps to clarify the contribution of
ALM as the thread that ties the different activities of
engineering and management together.
The ALM model has been used to find an ALM strat-
egy for the analyzed company. Therefore, the prob-
lems were mapped to combinations of engineering
and management activites. The concepts were prior-
ized according to the estimated value for supporting
the found combinations. As a consequence, the ALM
solution concepts traceability and baselining (part of
version control) have been implemented in the com-
pany. We have made changes on two different lev-
els of the company’s software engineering structure.
Firstly on the process level and secondly on the tool-
infrastructure level.
On the process level the company had neglected
some activities of requirements engineering, since the
time pressure in the projects did not allow a detailed
documentation of requirements and related decisions.
The implemented solution is based on an information
model representing new artifacts. These documents
enforce the documentation of all relevant information
and consistently describe the state of the entire prod-
uct, which previously had to be digested from a long
list of descriptions of incremental changes made over
On tool-infrastructure a requirements manage-
ment tool had been introduced as central integration
point for the new artifacts. Hence, the information
previously contained in different repositories is now
hosted under a single roof, avoiding inconsistencies
as well as unnecessary overhead for maintaining base-
lines and traceability.
In this paper we have identified key problem areas
of enterprises in the software engineering business.
Based on these key problem areas we have elaborated
a model of ALM, which integrates engineering activ-
ities and management activities. This model can be
operationalized to systematically develop a company-
specific ALM strategy and to trigger process improve-
ment projects. Furthermore, the model fosters a com-
mon view for the evaluation of ALM solutions.
An example about the application of the model
for introducing ALM in a software development com-
pany has been provided. Preliminary results confirm
the applicability of the model as a guidance for iden-
tifying and prioritizing problem areas as well as plan-
ning a tailored ALM solution. Our plans for future in-
clude the repeated application of the model for other
companies in different domains and to establish a
vendor-independent improvement approach leverag-
ing ALM for small and medium enterprises.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems