Dilek Tapucu
, Yamine Ait-Ameur
, St´ephane Jean
and Murat Osman
LISI/ENSMA and University of Poitiers, BP 40109, 86961 Futuroscope Cedex, France
Department of Computer Engineering, Ege University, 35100 Bornova,
Izmir, Turkey
Department of Computer Engineering, Izmir Institute of Technology, 35340 Urla,
Izmir, Turkey
User preferences, Ontology based database, Preference based querying.
Ontologies have been defined to make explicit the semantics of data. With the emergence of the SemanticWeb,
the amount of ontological data (or instances) available has increased. To manage such data, Ontology Based
DataBases (OBDBs), that store ontologies and their instance data in the same repository have been proposed.
These databases are associated with exploitation languages supporting description, querying, etc. on both
ontologies and data. However, usually queries return a big amount of data that may be sorted in order to find
the relevant ones. Moreover, in the current, few approaches considering user preferences when querying have
been developed. Yet this problem is fundamental for many applications especially in the e-commerce domain.
In this paper, we first propose an extension of an existing OBDB, called OntoDB through extension of their
ontology model in order to support semantic description of preferences. Secondly, an extension of an ontology
based query language, called OntoQL defined on OntoDB for querying ontological data with preferences is
presented. Finally, an implementation of the proposed extensions are described.
Nowadays, ontologies are well accepted to describe
the explicit semantics of concepts and objects ma-
nipulated in a given domain. Domain ontologies are
used to provide with definitions and specifications of
these manipulated concepts. Several application do-
mains have seen the emergence of ontologies in or-
der to characterise the universe where these mod-
els act. Among these application domains, seman-
tic web, databases,ontology engineering are the most
well known. Ontologies are described according to
ontology models. These models introduce the notion
of classes and instances, and a significant amount of
classes and instances are defined when ontologies are
described. Storing, retrieving and manipulating on-
tology classes and instances is a major requirement of
Ontology engineering. In the last decade, the notion
of ontology based database (OBDB) has been devel-
oped (Dehainsala et al., 2007; Pierra et al., 2005) in
order to offer an infrastructure allowing management
of ontologies and their instances (Chong et al., 2005;
Petrini and Risch, 2007). At least these models store
the ontology and its instances, but some of them also
store the ontology model and extensively use meta
modeling techniques. However, the currently defined
OBDB do not deal with the representation of the non
functional aspects related to the ontology models. By
non functional aspects, we mean concepts that are
capable to describe externally defined properties like
quality, preferences or security. Indeed, most of the
well known ontology models like Owl, Plib, etc. do
not provide with such resources to represent such con-
cepts. Each time non functional concepts are intro-
duced, ad hoc concepts or extensions are introduced
in the ontology models like Owl, Plib, etc. or spe-
cific attributes like note or remark or a particular prop-
erty are used to encode these non functional aspects.
Rather than extending a specific ontology model, our
proposal consists in introducing a side model to de-
scribe the non functional concepts together with the
ontology model inside an OBDB. The advantage of
this approach is the possibility to adopt non func-
tional descriptions to any ontology model keeping its
definition unchanged. We particularly study the no-
tion of preference in this context. Technically, this
Tapucu D., Ait-Ameur Y., Jean S. and Osman Ünalir M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002010102080213
extension is possible only if the meta-model allows
to describe the ontology model can be manipulated.
Indeed, such an extension requires to be able to at-
tach ontology model elements to the non functional
model element. In our work, with the OntoDB ontol-
ogy based database, such a manipulation is possible.
This paper describes how a preference model can
be attached to an ontology model through the manip-
ulation of the meta-model level. We show how a spe-
cific preference model is linked to the concept of class
or property of the ontology model. Section 2 is an
overview of the material set up in this paper. Section
3 presents the preference model that we have defined,
shows how preferences are linked to ontological con-
cepts like classes and/or properties. Handling these
preferences in the OntoDB ontology based database
is presented in section 4. Section 5 sets up the ap-
proach on a case study and finally a conclusion and
some perspectives are presented.
This section presents the material needed to set
our approach. We first present the ontology based
database that support the description of an ontology
together with its instances. The second part presents
the approaches that have been proposed to handle
preferences in the database and semantic web areas.
2.1 Ontology Based Database
In the last years, many OBDB architectures have been
proposed. They can be classified in 3 categories ac-
cording to the number of schemas used.
Type 1 OBDBs. In type 1 OBDBs, information is
represented in a single schema composed of a unique
triple table (subject, predicate, object) (Chong et al.,
2005; Petrini and Risch, 2007; Alexaki et al., 2001;
Broekstra et al., 2002; Dehainsala et al., 2007; Pierra
et al., 2005). But this approach raises serious per-
formance issues when queries require many self-joins
over this table.
Type 2 OBDBs. Type 2 OBDBs store separately on-
tology descriptions and instance data in two differ-
ent schemas (Alexaki et al., 2001; Broekstra et al.,
2002). The schema for ontology descriptions depends
upon the ontology model used to represent ontolo-
gies (e.g., RDFS, OWL, PLIB). It is composed of ta-
bles used to store each ontology modeling primitive
such as classes, properties and subsumption relation-
ships. Separating representation of ontology descrip-
tions and instance data leads to better query response
time. However, this approach assumes a fixed ontol-
ogy model.
Type 3 OBDBs. OntoDB (Dehainsala et al., 2007;
Pierra et al., 2005) proposes to add another schema
to type 2 OBDBs. This schema called meta-schema
records the ontology model into a reflexive meta
model. For the ontology schema, the meta-schema
plays the same role as the one played by the sys-
tem catalog in traditional databases. Indeed, meta-
schema may allow: (1) generic access to the ontology,
(2) support of evolution of the used ontology model,
and (3) storage of different ontology models (OWL,
DAML+OIL, PLIB, etc.). Next, we will present the
OntoDB ontological database which we interpreted to
extend to handle preferences.
2.2 The OntoDB: Ontology based
In order to set up our approach, is needed to have
an infrastructure allowing to encoding ontologies and
the defined preference model together with a manip-
ulation language for exploiting the extension to pref-
erences. For our work, the OntoDB ontology based
database and the OntoQL language have been chosen.
OntoDB ensures models and their instances persis-
tency, whereas OntoQL allows to manage and query
ontologies and preferences.
The OntoDB Architecture. The OntoDB architec-
ture is composed of four parts presented on Figure 1:
-The meta-base part (1). The meta-base (catalog sys-
tem), is a traditional part of databases. It contains sys-
tem tables used to manage all the data contained in
the database. In OntoDB, it contains in particular the
description of all tables and columns defined in the
three other parts of this architecture.
-The data part (3). It represents domain objects de-
scribed by ontology classes membership and values of
properties defined on these classes. These objects are
represented according to the table per class approach.
-The ontology part (4). It contains ontologies defin-
ing semantics of the various domains covered by
the database. OntoDB supports the PLIB ontology
-The meta-schema part (2). The meta-schema part
records the ontology model used into a reflexivemeta-
model. For the ontology part, the meta-schema part
plays the same role as the one played by the meta-
base in traditional databases.
The OntoQL Exploitation Language The OntoQL
exploitation language has been designed to exploit the
power offered by the OntoDB architecture (Jean et al.,
2006). Indeed, OntoQL is capable to access and ma-
nipulate the model, its instances and its meta-model.
Figure 1: The OntoDB four parts architecture.
For example, when an ontology is stored, OntoQL is
capable to manage the ontology (e.g. Hotels, Cities,
Prices, rate), itself, its instances (e.g. Ibis Poitiers,
hotel, Sheraton Paris) and the model that describe the
ontologies (e.g. #class, #property, #datatype).
The OntoQL language is equipped with an
data definition language DDL
a data manipulation language
and a query lan-
These language modules allow to
accessing either the ontology model level (by pre-
fixing the accessed date with the # symbol) and the
ontology and its instances (when no prefix is avail-
able). For example, creating a preference concept
at the ontology model level is performed by adding
another new concetpt in the
resource using the following OntoQL clause;
CREATE ENTITY #Preference ( oid int, ... );
Then, accessing and querying preferences is per-
formed by;
SELECT oid FROM Preference WHERE ...
2.3 Preferences
Several approaches handling preferences have been
proposed in various areas of information systems. In
this paper, we concentrate on the main areas semantic
Web and databases areas.
Handling preferences in databases has been the
subject of several research work (Kieling, 2002;
Agrawal and Wimmers, 2000; Viappiani et al., 2006).
These approaches consider a set of preferences that
are evaluated on the logical model of a database.
Extensions of the SQL language are defined within
a specific preference clause. These approaches are
strongly linked to the logical model of the database,
and therefore it is required for an user to have a good
knowledge of this logical model.
In the context of the semantic Web, preferences
have been studied following two main approaches
(Siberski et al., 2006), (P. Gursk and Vanekov, 2008),
(Toninelli et al., 2008). The first one consists in
introducing specific properties in the ontologies, at-
Figure 2: Our Model for Preferences.
tached to classes. The second one consists in using
specific attributes of the ontology model like note,
or definition to encode the preference. In both ap-
proaches, SPARQL queries take into account prop-
erty or attribute values. By examining preferences
on databases and semantic Web, we identify that they
both use definitions of the notion of preferences built
on manipulated models themselves. They all intro-
duce the preference notion at the model level. These
approaches are static and not flexible enough to han-
dle different preference models.
Our approach consists in associating any side prefer-
ence model to any ontology based database that al-
lows to manipulate the ontology model through its
meta-model. Indeed, according to Figure 2, the pref-
erence resource concept of the preference model is
associated to the class or property concepts available
in the ontology model. Let us briefly describe the el-
ements composing these model and link.
3.1 Ontology Resource Definition
The property or class resource is introduced in order
to attach a preferenceto an ontology. Moreover,Prop-
erty or Class Instance resource is used to define spe-
cific instances of the ontology.
3.2 Preference Model
The preference model introduces specific resources
allowing to defining preferences. Two categories of
preferences are introduced: interpreted and non inter-
preted ones.
Interpreted Preferences. Interpreted preferences are
those preferences that can be given an interpretation
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
by means of an evaluation. The nature of their defini-
tion depends on the attached interpretation function.
a- Enumerated Preferences are interpreted by a set
of property values or class instances imported from
the ontology population. For example a preference
can be defined on Bob Marley as an instance of
singer and on reggae as a property value of a song
type. This enumeration is arbitrary defined by the
preference modeler.
b- Numeric references are interpreted by numeric val-
ues. For example, the rating of a hotel can be defined
as 1, 2, 3, or 4 stars in a given tourism domain.
c- Boolean preferences are interpreted as the presence
or the absence of a given feature. For example a pref-
erence on hotels can be expressed as the presence of
the following triple (’air conditioning’, ’wifi’, ’swim-
ming pool’).
d- Interval preferences are interpreted by intervals of
values. For example, the cheap and expensive prefer-
ences can be defined respectively by the [10-20] and
[90-100] intervals.
e- Fuzzy preferences are interpreted by a probabil-
ity rating the presence of a given feature. If we
take the previous example, we get (’air condition-
ing’ 0,9, ’wifi’ 0.5, swimming pool’ 0.2) meaning
that a strongest preference is allowed to air condition-
ing while having a swimming pool is weaker. Notice
that Boolean preference corresponds to a fuzzy pref-
erence with a rating value equal 1.
Uninterpreted Preferences. Uninterpreted prefer-
ences are defined as an enumeration of a set of prop-
erties and classes values that are picked from an on-
tology without any constraint on the chosen values. It
corresponds to an ad hoc expressed preference.
Context based Preferences. When a preference is
defined according to a context, it is possible to specify
the context in which a given preference is expressed.
For example, the cheap preference is interpreted
differently if we consider the country where the pref-
erence is interpreted. Therefore, a specific attribute
is added to describe the context where a preference is
Ontology Preference Link. Once ontological con-
cepts, resources and preferences are defined, a link
pref link, obeying to the class diagram of UML is de-
scribed. The role of this link is to attach a preference
to a given ontological concept that may be a class or
a property. This link is used to reach the preferences
attached to ontological data. The availability of a ma-
nipulation language allowing to access meta-model
data elements, concepts data elements and instances
in required. In our study, the OntoQL language is
used for this purpose.
4 Handling Preference in OntoDB
One can notice that current ontology models do not
offer the possibility to handle preferences expressed
on ontology concepts and instances. Since the On-
toDB architecture coupled with the OntoQL lan-
guage, allows to manipulate the ontology model, we
suggest to feed the ontology model with the prefer-
ence model. As a result, we will get, in the same
universe, both the ontology model and the preference
model. An explicit link between the property or class
ontology model concept and the preference model
concept is defined as well.
4.1 Extension of the OntoDB with
The extension of OntoDB to handle the preferences
consists in describing a set of
OntoQL clauses
that create all the data elements of the UML data
model of preferences defined in Figure 2. The fol-
lowing table shows the creation of the Preference
root entity, the creation of the Preference URI at-
tached to a preference and the creation of the Prefer-
ence Definition as inherited from the preference con-
#Preference( #Preference URI( #Preference
#oid int, #code int, Definition
#URI REF( #name string, UNDER
#Preference URI)); #classification #Preference(
string); #oid int);
4.2 Linking Ontologies and Preferences
at the Ontology Model Level
Once the preferences are defined, they need to be
linked and attached to the ontological concept they
act on. This link, is established by the Pref link class
of the UML class diagram of the preference model
of Figure 2. The following OntoQL statements al-
lows to create such a link in the OntoDB ontology
based database. Practically, to encode composition,
the preference link is absorbed by the ontology model
concept property or class. It becomes an attribute of
the property or class ontology model element. The
following OntoQL statement is defined.
(#Preference) ARRAY
4.3 Querying with Preferences
In order to handle the preferences in the OntoQL
queries, a preference interpreter has been developed
on top of the OntoQL engine. This is materialized
by adding a
clause in the OntoQL
clause. An interpretation function is associated to
each kind of preference available in the preference
model. The form of the
clause becomes:
SELECT ’selection’ FROM ’tableReference PREFERRING
Let us assume that we have a customer who wants a
reservation for a Lodging Service to book an Hotel
Room. The customer submits a request to the holi-
day booking system. It includes the information about
the destination, travelling time and maximum bud-
get. The system finds the most suitable hotel based
on the information provided by the customers prefer-
ences (eg. standard, cheap).
5.1 Tourism Ontology Instantiation
The tourism ontology described by Figure 3 and the
corresponding ontology instances are defined in the
OntoDB database through two families of OntoQL
statements. The first statement consists in creating the
classes of the ontology. The next OntoQL statement
describes the creation of the Hotel.
Figure 3: Tourism Ontology Concepts.
CREATE Class Hotel ( #id int, #name String, #starRate int,
#price int, #airCond boolean, #tv boolean, #wifi boolean,
#pool boolean, #jakuzi boolean);
In order to define ontology instances, the
OntoQL clause is used. For example, to define
the Kyriad hotel corresponding to the #51 hotel in-
stance, we define the following OntoQL statement.
INSERT INTO Hotel (id, name, starRating, price, airCond,
tv, wifi, pool, jakuzi, tennisCourt, casino)
VALUES (51, ’Kyriad ’,3,55, yes,yes,yes, no,no,no,no);
5.2 Preferences in the Tourism Domain
When addressing the tourism domain, qualities of
tourism institutions are evaluated by national or in-
ternational organizations. For our study, we restrict
the definition of such quality features to hotels. For
example, we are interested in defining the :
- star rating meaning that a hotel has one, two,
etc stars in the starRating quality classification. The
OntoQL statement that defines a three star rating is
described by:
INSERT INTO #Numeric Preference( #number value, #code,
#name, #classification) VALUES(3, 51, ’standard’,
- very cheap, cheap, expensive, very expensive that
is attributed to a price in the cost quality classification.
The following OntoQL statement describes the cheap
quality as being any number belonging to the interval
INSERT INTO Interval Preference( #min value, #max value,
#code, #name, #classification) VALUES(45, 60, 100, ’cheap’,
5.3 Attaching Preferences
When the preferences and the ontologies are defined,
it is possible to link ontology classes to the prefer-
ences that are expressed on these classes. For this pur-
pose, the manipulated ontology class is augmented by
preferences thanks to the
clause. A preference
is attached to an instance of a hotel. For example, the
preference cheap is attached to the Kyriad hotel using
the following
OntoQL clause. Here, we put
names for readability but identifiers are in fact used.
UPDATE Hotel set #pref link=ARRAY[’cheap’, ’standard’, ’full
board’] where name=’Kyriad’
name price starRating PREFERENCE(cost,quality, ...)
Kyriad 55 3 [cheap,standard,full board]
5.4 Querying Ontologies
Once the three previous steps are realized, it becomes
possible to address queries to the ontology and its in-
stances. Next, we give two examples of queries with
1- The query that gives the 3 stars hotels is written
SELECT name, starRate FROM Hotel PREFERRING ’standard’
When the
clause is interpreted, the
query is automatically rewritten as follows,
SELECT name, starRate, preference From Hotel WHERE
name starRate preference
Kyriad 3 standard
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2- The query cheap hotels is written as,
SELECT name, price FROM hotel PREFERRING ’cheap’;
When the
clause is interpreted, the
query is automatically rewritten as follows,
SELECT name, price, preference From Hotel WHERE price
BETWEEN 45 and 60;
name price preference
Kyriad 55 cheap
Notice that all the authorized construction of the
OntoQL language can be used in building the query.
The last clause is the
clause. It is used for
rewriting the queries into standard OntoQL queries.
This paper has presented an extension of a database
architecture in order to handle preference modeling
and querying with preferences not at the database log-
ical model but at the semantic level offered by the on-
tology. This extension requires:
- the explicit representation of the ontology in the
database. As a consequence, we have been able to
attach the preferences to the classes and to the prop-
erties of the ontology and not to the columns of the
logical model of the database where instances or data
are stored;
- the possibility to access and to manipulate the ontol-
ogy model through the access and manipulation to the
meta-model and finally,
- the availability of an exploitation language allowing
to manipulating both the instances, their classes and
the meta-model in the case of ontologies.
These requirements are fulfilled by the OntoDB
ontology based database and by the OntoQL exploita-
tion language. The extension of the ontology model
with the preference model permitted to attach various
types of preferences to classes and/or properties of
the ontology. As a consequence, we have been able
to describe semantic queries that handle preferences
expressed at the semantic level, and thus abstracting
from the logical model. We believe that the possi-
bility to access the meta-model level well adapted to
define model extensions that preserve upward com-
patibility with the extended model. This work has
opened several new directions and perspectives. In-
deed, such extensions are possible for other different
domain characterizations like security, user profiles or
model annotations.
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