Francesco Guerra
Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale, Universit`a di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Sonia Bergamaschi, Mirko Orsini, Antonio Sala
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Universit`a di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Claudio Sartori
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica, Universit`a di Bologna, Italy
Keyword-based search engine, Database, semantics, Metadata, Querying process.
Traditional techniques for query formulation need the knowledge of the database contents, i.e. which data are
stored in the data source and how they are represented.
In this paper, we discuss the development of a keyword-based search engine for structured data sources. The
idea is to couple the ease of use and flexibility of keyword-based search with metadata extracted from data
schemata and extensional knowledge which constitute a semantic network of knowledge. Translating key-
words into SQL statements, we will develop a search engine that is effective, semantic-based, and applicable
also when instance are not continuously available, such as in integrated data sources or in data sources ex-
tracted from the deep web.
Querying structured data sources addresses sev-
eral critical issues, especially in large and complex
sources that may not easily be known and managed
by users. The query formulation needs the knowledge
of the database contents, i.e. which data are stored in
the data source and how they are represented. Let us
consider, for example, relational databases, where ex-
pressing a query means to be able to select the right ta-
bles and attributes of a database, and to specify proper
constraints on attributes. Such a process implies over-
coming some critical tasks concerning structural and
lexical aspects:
1. the user selects the tables and attributes of interest
on the basis of their names, which may be mis-
leading or not meaningful (lexical aspect);
2. the user expresses constraints on attribute without
having accurate knowledge of the domain. Thus,
s/he may define too selective or, vice-versa, too
broad or illegal selection clauses (lexical aspect);
3. the user does not know the relationships between
the tables and, consequently, it is hard to pose
multi-table queries (structural and lexical aspect).
Therefore, there is a direct connection between the
user’s ability to express queries and the knowledge
of what and how the data are stored. If the user
knows the database contents, the query process re-
quires only the translation of the user’s search crite-
ria into a proper formalism. On the contrary, selective
queries require an analysis of the data source, i.e. a
complex and time consuming task, for users that do
not knowthe database contents. This issue is very sig-
nificant when you deal with real applications, where
data structures and instances are heterogeneous, since
they come from different and unknown sources. The
same issue has to be addressed in querying an inte-
grated data source, i.e. the unified view that results
from the application of an integration methodology to
a set of data sources (Lenzerini, 2002). In these cases,
the same real world objects are represented in differ-
ent sources with different data schemata, names of
Guerra F., Bergamaschi S., Orsini M., Sala A. and Sartori C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002155802410246
attributes and domains of values, and, consequently,
synonym, polysemic, broader terms have to be taken
into account in query formulations. The knowledgeof
the data collected in the “integrated” view is manda-
tory for expressing selective queries.
The research community has developed tech-
niques for querying structured data sources that, from
the user’s perspective, can be roughly grouped into
two categories:
1. query engines where the structures of the sources
allow the users formulating selective queries by
means of a specific query language;
2. keyword-based search engines, which exploit in-
formation retrieval techniques for selecting the in-
stances closer to the terms provided by the users.
Query engines allow users to express complex queries
with selection clauses defining constraints on the re-
sults. On the other hand, a user has to know the
structure of the sources (i.e. names of the tables,
the names and domains of attributes, the relationships
between the tables) and a query language for writ-
ing effective queries. The research community has
been involved in developing tools for supporting users
in writing queries (according to the query by exam-
ple approach (Zloof, 1975)) and for visualizing data
sources structures (see (Katifori et al., 2007) for a
Keyword-based search engines are more intuitive
for the user, but they support less selective queries,
since they detect instances in data sources that satisfy
specified keywords. Some effective keyword-based
search techniques applied to relational databases have
been proposed (see section 2 for some related work).
All those systems apply information retrieval tech-
niques to the database instances, and, consequently,
they suffer of several limitations. First, they are based
on instance-analysis. This is a critical aspect, because
it limits their action area to materialized data sources.
Thus, traditional keyword-based search engine can-
not be applied to integrated data sources, or to data
sources which are part of the deep web. Second, they
do not take into account the particular knowledge that
is conveyed by database structures for the search pur-
poses. Current techniques exploit database informa-
tion mainly to identify the same instances in different
tables (typically by means of foreign keys).
We claim that the currentapproachesfor keyword-
based searching on structured data sources may be
improved in two directions. Firstly, the search pro-
cess may be coupled with techniques derived from
database systems and information retrieval. This is
a new research direction, with challenging perspec-
tives (Weikum, 2007). Secondly, we think that tech-
niques based on semantics may improve the develop-
ment of an effective keyword-based search. There is a
lot of research on data and semantics. In data integra-
tion, techniques based on semantics are exploited for
making the integration process as automatic as pos-
sible (Doan and Halevy, 2005). The Semantic Web
aims at building a web of data, where semantic tech-
niques are exploitedfor allowing data to be shared and
reused across application, enterprise, and community
. Some researchers suggest the applica-
tion of semantic web techniques to deep web, for im-
proving the search (Wright, 2008).
In this paper, we discuss the development of
a keyword-based search engine for structured data
sources that exploits the semantics associated to the
data structures for improving the results, by means of
the exploitation of a semantic network of knowledge.
In particular, we claim that semantics may be added
to the process by taking into account:
1. the semantics associated to the data schemata
may be used for improving searches. In particu-
lar, let us consider a relational database: semantic
relationships join the table with the correspond-
ing attributes, other relationships connect the at-
tributes belonging to the same table, foreign keys
link tables with each other, attribute domains al-
low addressing the search to specific attributes.
Such semantics constitute a network of relation-
ships that has to be exploited for selecting the ta-
bles containing the user’s keywords;
2. lexical knowledge may be used for two pur-
poses: first to analyze the keywords inserted by
the user in order to “fit in” them with the lexi-
con used in the sources: a set of functions for
translating a term in a set of synonym, simi-
lar, broader/narrower, meronym terms may turn a
keyword into a set of keywords with higher re-
call. Obviously, such operation has to be properly
parametrized since it may decrease the result pre-
cision. Second, lexical knowledge allows defining
relationships connecting the database schema ele-
ments, enhancing the semantic network of knowl-
3. new kinds of metadata may be defined to im-
prove searches. Statistical indexes based on in-
stance analysis may support the search process
by indicating the data structures where to ad-
dress the research. Keywords introduced in pre-
vious searches and the corresponding obtained re-
sults may be exploited to build and update in-
dexes, with the goal of improving next searches
and ranking the results. Besides these kinds of
metadata, we think that it may be useful to intro-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
duce a “semantic” metadata, i.e. a metadata that
“synthesizes” the knowledge held by the instances
represented in tables/attributes. For this reason,
we think to exploit and extend “relevant values”
as defined in (Bergamaschi et al., 2007). Relevant
values, which are automatically computed, repre-
sent an attribute domain with a reduced list of its
most important values w.r.t. a semantics based on
lexical and syntactic knowledge. Relevant values
may be used to address the search to specific ta-
bles and attributes that have their relevant values
“similar” to the user provided keywords.
4. external tools and external ontologies may be
used to build and refine the semantic network. In
particular, WordNet
may be exploited for deriv-
ing lexical knowledge, ontologies and taxonomies
available in Internet (e.g.: SUMO
, OpenCyc
) for deriving new semantic relationships.
By taking into account these semantics, we aim at
developing a keyword-based search engine working
even in absence of knowledge about instances. Our
proposal, namely Keymantic, conceives the search
engine as a component for query routing, i.e. works
coupled to a generic relational database management
system, with the task of identifying the relevant do-
main(s) of a query and then mapping the keywords
into a query to the fields of the data schema for that
domain (Madhavan et al., 2006).
Our proposal extends the issues for the implemen-
tation of a keyword search engine based on query
routing introduced in (Madhavan et al., 2007), accord-
ing with the following outline: section 2 introduces
some related work, section 3 describes the functional
architecture of our proposal, and the main features
of the modules that constitute it and finally section 4
sketches out some conclusion.
Works related to the issues discussed in this paper are
in the areas of Semantic Web, matching based on se-
mantic techniques and keyword-based search engines.
The first two topics have been extensively investi-
gated in the literature: a complete overview of these
themes is out of the purposes of this paper. Besides
the references inserted in the text, we would like to
highlight that current main challenges for creating a
“web of data”, i.e. the semantic web purpose, con-
cern the application of semantic techniques to the
deep web, thus building a semantic deep web (Wright,
2008) and the application of techniques developed for
DBMS to the structured data that exist on the Web
today (Madhavan et al., 2006).
This paper starts from the assessments introduced
in (Guha et al., 2003), where the concept of seman-
tic search is defined as navigational search, i.e. when
the user provides keywords that s/he expects to find
in the data, and research search, i.e. the user pro-
vides a phrase that is intended to denote the object an
user wants to have information about. We take into
account and extend the ideas for the implementation
of a keyword search engine based on query routing
introduced in (Madhavan et al., 2007), where a new
data integration architecture with features similar to
the ones depicted in this paper, PAYGO, is proposed
for web scale data integration. Few other proposals
may be compared to Keymantic: EasyQuery (Li et al.,
2007), that follows an approach based on statistic and
syntactic matching for query routing, and the YACOB
system (Sattler et al., 2005), that does not follow a se-
mantic approach and is mediator based data integra-
tion system oriented.
Finally, Keymantic differs from the approaches
adopted by the current keyword-based search en-
gines for relational databases under development
by the research community (e.g.: BANKS (Aditya
et al., 2002), DISCOVER (Hristidis and Papakon-
stantinou, 2002), DBXplorer (Agrawal et al., 2002),
Pr`ecis (Simitsis et al., 2008)). All these systems
do not really take into account intensional knowl-
edge extracted from database schemata, but they ap-
ply and extend information retrieval techniques to
their instances. Challenges for such systems are
mainly related to query optimization and ranking
(see (Liu et al., 2006)), keyword search on mul-
tiple data sources (see (Sayyadian et al., 2007)),
identification of related records in different tables -
with the application of join techniques or other tech-
niques (BANKS, DBXplorer, DISCOVER and (Yu
et al., 2007)), and the development of a new search
paradigm (Pr`ecis). On the contrary, our proposal aims
at exploiting the structural knowledge available in
the data sources in conjunction with the extensional
knowledge, and foresees the definition of easy lan-
guages for expressing selection clauses.
From the architectural point of view, the search en-
gine is designed to be an add-on to allow querying
generic relational databases. Figure 1 showsthat Key-
mantic may functionally be divided into four mod-
ules, with specific tasks. The pre-processing mod-
ule builds the semantic network, stored in a Knowl-
edge base repository, that is exploited by the search-
ing module to select the tables and attributes that col-
lect the required data. The keyword analysis module
is in charge of analyzing user’s input and, by means
of the knowledge held in the semantic network, trans-
forms it into a corresponding set of terms closer to the
domains of the involved database. Finally, the post-
processing module aims at providing the results to the
user, cleaning them from duplicated items and rank-
ing them.
Figure 1: The functional architecture of Keymantic.
Next sections adds some details on the the main
features and issues of each module.
3.1 The Pre-processing Module
The pre-processing moduleis in chargeof the creation
of indexes and data structures to be exploited for the
keyword analysis and the search task. Our approach
exploits the following elements:
1. The semantic network: a set of relationships that
connect the elements of the data structures of the
involved database. The relationships generate a
weighted path that connects tables and attributes.
The relationships are generated by taking into ac-
count structural and lexical knowledge extracted
from the sources (see (Beneventano et al., 2001;
Bergamaschi et al., 2001) for an example);
2. Attribute domain evaluation: indexes storing in-
formation about the attribute domains may be ex-
ploited for checking the compatibility between
keywords and data types of the attributes;
3. “Relevant values” (Bergamaschi et al., 2007):
since they are automatically computed values of
an attribute that allow synthesizing the domain of
an attribute, they may be exploited, by means of
specific matching techniques, for addressing the
keyword search on the most promising attribute.
3.2 The Keyword Analysis Module
A keyword-based search engine foresees as input a
set of keywords and provides as a result the instances
of the data sources containing those keywords. The
analysis of the users input may allow distinguishing
schema-related keywords (that indicate on which por-
tion of the schema the search should be addressed)
from intensional related keywords that allow filtering
out the results. Such an analysis is mainly based on
matching techniques (Giunchiglia et al., 2007) that
compute the proximity of every keyword with respect
to the terms used to name the elements of the data
sources and which are collected in the semantic net-
work by the pre-processing module.
Some functions may be developed and applied to
the keywords in order to enrich the search process.
We divide such functions in two categories: conceptu-
alization and transformation functions. In our experi-
ence, most of the keyword a user provide are about in-
stances. The metadata describing the database struc-
tures refers to abstract concepts. Thus, we need
a conceptualization function, which transforms data
in metadata, for associating a keyword to the most
promising database structure. We think that only the
semantics extracted from external knowledge sources
may support this task. In particular, it is possible to
exploit the “instance” function provided by WordNet
that returns the concept associated to a term. Some
other conceptualization functions may be developed
by taking into account Wikipedia
and Dmoz. For
each term collected, Wikipedia indicates a set of cat-
egories where the term belongs. Dmoz organizes in-
formation in nested categories. For each term, it is
therefore possible to have a list of terms that repre-
sent increasingly broader conceptualizations. Lexical
transformation are based on WordNet. For each ele-
ment, WordNet returns synonym, broader/narrower,
meronym terms thus allowing a richer search, de-
creasing at the same time the precision level of the
result. This aspect has to be taken into account in
ranking the results.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Such a process may be further refined by provid-
ing an annotation of the keywords with respect to a
lexical reference or an ontology. By associating a def-
inite meaning to the keywords, the recall of the results
improves. Some disambiguation techniques may be
applied to automatize the process. Such techniques
are typically based on context. Since the context pro-
vided by few keywords is too poor to be exploited by
automatic software, a graphical interface to support
the user in this task has to be developed.
Finally, the adoption of an easy language for the
keyword definition has to be evaluated, exploiting the
structural characteristics of the underlying databases
to express simple selection predicates and approxi-
mate searches. In particular, we will evaluate the
possibility of expressing keywords such as “vehi-
cle:price=15000”, stating that the search is addressed
to vehicles whose price is 15000 euro. This kind
of keywords allows to search for instances that have
given values (15000) of a specific structural element
(the attribute price of the table vehicle). The approx-
imate searches among structural elements will pro-
vide not only results from the table “vehicle” (if it
exists) but also those coming from tables whose name
is semantically close to vehicle (for example the ta-
ble “car”,...). The approximate searches on the exten-
sional side will provide, not only the vehicles whose
price is 15000 euro, but also those with a price close
to that value.
3.3 The Searching Module
This module performs two tasks: the selection of the
searched tables and attributes and the rewriting of the
user provided keyword into an SQL query to be exe-
cuted by the DBMS holding the data.
The first operation is performed by applying
matching techniques to schema-related keywords (or
the ones obtained by the application of conceptual-
ization functions). The goal of this task is to identify
the most promising tables and attributes on the basis
of the results of the pre-processing phase. There is a
rich literature about matching techniques (see for ex-
ample (Giunchiglia et al., 2007)). For our purposes,
we aim at extending some algorithms for approximate
matching (see (Navarro, 2001) for a survey) in order
to base our work on the semantic network computed
in the pre-processing phase.
The second operation transforms keywords re-
sulting from the previous phase into SQL queries.
It is a straightforward process, since the target at-
tribute/table computed in the previous step will be
translated into a select/from clause and intensional re-
lated keyword that will define the selection clause of
the query. Notice that (a) each keyword may gener-
ate more than one query, according to the semantic
network and to the applied transformation functions.
Each query result differently ranks the user keyword;
(b) a trivial approach will be adopted for reconciliat-
ing keywords that cannot be referred to the same table
(or to tables that may not be connected by join opera-
tions). In this case the user will be informed of the in-
consistency and asked to change the set of keywords.
3.4 Post-processing
This module concerns the analysis of the query re-
sults to be proposed to the user. We think that two
tasks have to be achieved in this phase: data fusion
and result rank.
Data fusion is the identification and the handling
of the same real world object in different databases
in order to provide the user with a unique and cor-
rect answer. Several techniques have been proposed
for solving the issues related to data fusion. In partic-
ular, (Naumann et al., 2006) proposed an automatic
technique that shall be adapted and extended for a
keyword-based search engine.
Results will be ranked according to the keywords
used for generating the SQL queries. In particular, the
transformations to the keywords obtained applying
the techniques introduced in section 3.2 are weighted
and then exploited to rank the results.
In this paper, we presented our preliminary work for
the development of a keyword-based search engine
for data schemata. We think that research on this
topic is challenging: firstly, it allows the combination
of techniques from information retrieval and database
systems; secondly, it investigates issues that are com-
plementary and orthogonal to the ones addressed by
current search engines; thirdly, it allows the reuse and
the extension of techniques previously developed in
the field of semantic web, data matching, data fusion.
We think that our work may be applied in several
domains, such as non-materialized integrated sources
and deep web data sources.
Future work will be devoted to the development,
implementation and testing of each component where
a particular attention will be addressed on the opti-
mization of the developed techniques, concerning es-
pecially the response time. The search engine will
be evaluated in different application domains, such
as the TPC-H benchmark
, which provides a relevant
database for the industrial domain and it is an impor-
tant reference for similar applications.
This work has been partially funded by the Ital-
ian Ministry of University and Research within the
project ”NeP4B - Networked Peers for Business” and
by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena
within the project ”Searching a needle in amounts of
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems