Helping to Build a High Quality Teaching Workforce
Kazunori Okada, Ngoc Lam-Miller, Xinhang Shao
Department of Computer Science, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
Susan Courey
Department of Special Education, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Special education, Online teacher competency management system, Teacher candidate training, Evidence-
based learning system, E-portfolio manager, Lesson plan creator, Web-based assignment, Online evaluation,
Improving classroom teaching, Pedagogical issues/skills.
Abstract: This paper presents our ongoing work for designing, developing, and deploying a web-based support tool
for pre-service credential candidates in special education programs. Our web-based application is divided
into two major components: E-portfolio Manager and Lesson Plan Creator. To help reduce the workload of
credential candidates as well as improve their professional teaching skills, we have designed a lesson plan
creator system with the idea of shortening the amount of time required for creating sound lesson plans.
Another parallel and equally important goal is to help programs manage credential candidates’ progress
throughout their university work. Our application will move paper-based assignments, artifacts and
evaluation forms into digital format for efficient management and assessment of credential candidate work.
Additionally, it collects and manages statistical data for program improvement, thus increasing the quality
of teaching. This paper offers our discussion on the advantages of the presented technology, as well as our
future plans for further development of this evolving system.
Improving educational outcomes for all students is
the overarching goal of two pieces of recent
legislation in the United States (U.S.). The
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004
(IDEA 2004) outlines regulations to ensure all
students, especially students with learning
differences, have access to evidence-based
instructional strategies to benefit from a more
stimulating general education curriculum. The No
Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) requires that all
teachers be highly qualified in content areas and all
students be included in annual assessments of
student outcomes (No Child Left Behind Act
Pub.L.No.107-110, 2002). In response to these
stringent new requirements, educational leaders are
seeking innovative solutions to improve teacher
preparation programs, especially addressing areas of
severe shortages like special education, math, and
science. We contend that innovative technological
tools can strengthen the infrastructure of teacher
preparation programs and improve the quality of
teachers entering the field. Addressing Barrett’s
(2004) challenge of creating a tool that
simultaneously manages a) an authentic reflective
teacher candidate portfolio, and b) an assessment
accountability system; we created a tool that
effectively achieves both management goals. While
an important component of our system is the
collection and management of data for our program
evaluation and improvement, our central focus here
is how our system facilitates an iterative learning
relationship between credential candidates, teachers,
faculty, and field supervisors that informs and
improves teacher efficacy.
Due to the dramatic shortage of special education
teachers, new teachers often enter the classroom as
the teacher of record at the same time they begin
Okada K., Lam-Miller N., Shao X. and Courey S. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 139-146
DOI: 10.5220/0002159501390146
their teacher preparation program. In essence, they
are building and flying the aircraft at the same time.
Kauffman et al. (2002) report new teachers are
receiving little or no guidance about what to teach
and how to teach it despite learning about standards-
based instruction in their credential programs. The
cornerstone of special education for students who
require additional services to access the general
education curriculum is the Individualized Education
Plan (IEP), and every student must have a plan
written specifically to meet their individualized
needs. In turn, new teachers must create lesson plans
that include objectives aligned with IEP goals and
state content area standards. In addition,
instructional strategies to address lesson plan
objectives must be evidence-based, meaning they are
promising or proven effective strategies. Finding and
implementing empirically sound instructional
strategies and interventions is a tall order for special
education teachers who enter the field and their own
classrooms (at the same time they begin a teacher
preparation program) with little or no pedagogical
training and less content knowledge in challenging
areas such as science and math than their general
education peers (Boe, Shin, & Cook, 2007). They
face the immense challenges of learning and
teaching new content areas, and identifying
appropriate strategies to address their students
various learning challenges. Adding to the stress,
credential candidates who are also first year teachers
are overwhelmed with university work in addition to
designing classroom activities. Our technological
tools can assist teachers in becoming immediately
effective in the classroom by addressing these
pressing needs: a) developing an efficient system to
manage the numerous tasks required by a university
credential program, which includes providing
evidence of demonstrated competence in all areas of
teaching; and b) providing support in writing
effective, evidence-based lesson plans.
In this paper, we describe our ongoing work on
designing and developing a web-based tool that
consists of two major parts: E-portfolio Manager and
Lesson Plan Creator. The E-portfolio Manager
provides a simple-to-use web-based service that
manages credential candidates’ progress throughout
their university credential program by placing
critical pedagogical and administrative information
at the fingertips of candidates, educators and
administrators. A portfolio is an essential part of a
candidates’ credential program in that it serves as
both a tool to reflect on one’s developing
pedagogical skills, and a tool to demonstrate mastery
of the teaching standards required by each state.
Prior to the development of electronic portfolios,
candidates were overwhelmed with the collection of
paper documents that resulted in a cumbersome
three to five inch binder. Our system moves paper-
based assignments, artifacts and evaluation forms,
typical requirements of many U.S. university
credential awarding programs, into digital format for
efficient management and assessment of credential
candidate work. The collected digital data is
organized in a searchable database with an intuitive
user interface. Additionally, the system collects
statistical data for improving our program, thus
increasing quality of teaching. This system is
designed specifically to meet the needs of program
candidates who previously tried to use a commercial
program with similar capabilities. However,
candidates found the commercial program to be
extremely difficult to use, unwieldy, costly, and
unable to change to meet developing state and
federal teacher requirements.
The Lesson Plan Creator, a basic tool for new
teachers to efficiently create evidence-based lesson
plans, is embedded in the larger management
system. Our system assists in accomplishing the
federal requirement of locating and implementing
evidence-based instruction that often takes teachers
hours to find. Our first step is development of the
educational strategy search engine. Here we address
the design and implementation of an education
research article search engine. This tool links the
IEP goals to specific content standards and allows
users to issue a specialized search of literature
databases to locate research articles that provide
information about evidence-based content-specific
strategies at chosen grade levels. We accomplish this
task by building a client-server web-system that
includes relational databases for the content standard
using MySQL. As an example, we discuss an
implementation specific for California Content
Standards (CACS). Though the United States
Department of Education initiated a website in 2002,
What Works Clearinghouse, to source scientific
evidence for what works in education, their strict
requirements for inclusion as an evidence-based
empirical study prohibit many promising effective
strategies from being included (What Works
Clearinghouse, 2009). Addressing this shortcoming,
we created our system to enable teachers to examine
peer-reviewed journal articles that report on both
proven and promising strategies that may have been
tested in randomized controlled trials as well as
smaller pilot, single subject, or qualitative studies.
Our technological design may benefit all teacher
preparation programs, thereby moving beyond our
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
specific goal of special education teacher
preparation. For instance, the developing tool could
be helpful in preparing general pre-service teacher
candidates for teaching demanding content subjects,
such as mathematics and science. A convergent
body of research (Cobb, Yackel, & McClain, 2002;
Heibert, & Grouws, 2007; Hill et al., 2008, p 430-
511; Rose, & Meyer, 2006) suggests pre-service
teachers need explicit guidance in how to achieve
conceptual engagement and counteract the tendency
to focus only on specific contents and/or procedures.
In addition, scaffolds for engaging students in
demanding content areas are important because
beginning teachers need explicit alternatives when
their first approach with students does not succeed.
It is imperative that techniques and strategies to
teach difficult concepts to groups of heterogeneous
students in inclusive classrooms be chosen with
efficacy and ease of implementation in mind.
Instructional design must address teachers’
discomfort with teaching difficult mathematics
concepts (Frykholm, 2004) and the lack of
conceptual instructional guidance in classroom
materials and texts (Sood, & Jitendra, 2007). To
address the needs of new teachers who are
struggling to become effective special education
teachers, our work aims to develop and deploy a
web-based on-line tool that exploits evidence-based
pedagogical ideas and facilitates building a
community to support new and returning teachers.
Our tool directs teacher candidates to proven and
promising research-based instructional strategies and
curriculum designs that they can utilize in their
classroom or professional practice. In this way, new
teachers can avoid fads, ineffective practices and
personal biases in choosing instructional strategies.
In addition, our tool encourages teacher candidates
to become informed consumers of educational
research. By generating cumulative knowledge of
effective practices, these new teachers will
contribute to the field’s capacity. Our Lesson Plan
Creator immerses pre-service teachers in educational
research and enables them to continually move
between research and practice. Through the
experiences mediated by these web-based tools, our
teacher candidates have the following opportunities:
a) to deepen their own content knowledge; b) to
develop key pedagogical skills; and c) to support
beneficial use of technology in teaching. Thus, we
address the profound need to build a high quality
workforce skilled in teaching foundational content
knowledge to diverse and struggling students.
This paper introduces our technical contributions
in Sections 2 and 3. Section 4 concludes this paper
by discussing our contributions and the planned
future work of our ongoing study.
One key point of implementing this web-based
application is to study carefully the specifications
and requirements since its domain is very specific to
issues in typical special and general education
programs. Six different types of users with different
privileges are first identified. Credential candidates
are students of education programs who teach
heterogeneous groups of children. Program faculty
and instructors are authenticated with one or more of
the following roles: program administrator, faculty
and university supervisor. Program administrations
are responsible for granting user accounts. Faculty
and university supervisors are instructors of general
and advance courses. Additionally, mentor teachers
are experienced teachers at the schools where
credential candidates are employed. Finally, our
system is also available for guest users such as
credential candidates’ potential employers. To
manage credential candidates’ progress throughout
the credentialing program, as well as to provide
evidence-based lesson plan preparation, our system
is broken down into the following sub-systems.
2.1 Management of Teacher
Key assignments and artifacts that provide evidence
of teaching competency are unique to education
credentialing programs: they are designed to
evaluate whether or not credential candidates meet
state teaching standards. All required courses are
associated with one key assignment which is
identified by the administrator of the program. Our
application provides a site where a credential
candidate can easily submit their key assignment by
uploading the file onto the system. In addition,
students can create electronic versions of artifacts to
upload into the portfolio. Easy management of
teaching artefacts and key assignments allows a
candidate more time for self-reflection and self-
evaluation of his/her developing teaching practice.
In turn, faculty can electronically grade key
assignment for courses and examine the quality of
artifacts. With digitized key assignments and
artifacts, as credential candidates' progress through
the program, their ability to meet teacher
Teaching Workforce
competency standards can be carefully tracked by
faculty and staff. In this way, the quality of teachers
and their credentialing program can be continuously
evaluated and improved.
2.2 Evaluation of Credential Program
Our system also provides for more efficient
electronic submission of required forms completed
by university supervisors, mentor teachers and
credential candidates. For general required courses,
credential candidates are evaluated by their key
assignment work. For advanced courses, university
supervisors assess credential candidates’
performance in the field by completing observation
and evaluation forms three times over the final
semester of the credential program. To provide
additional feedback and support to credential
candidates, mentor teachers also complete
evaluation forms three times over the semester. In
turn, credential candidates evaluate university
supervisors by completing a separate evaluation
form. This mechanism also applies to credential
candidates’ evaluation of mentor teachers after
completing the last semester of student teaching with
the mentor teacher.
2.3 Lesson Plan Creator
Our target groups, teacher candidates, have
experimented with an existing commercial software,
“LiveText” (Live Text, 2009). Although this
software provides a comprehensive platform for
users to create a lesson plan, it is costly, inefficient,
and difficult to change. Moreover, all of the created
data in “LiveText” is treated as propriety and cannot
be shared with the general public. Our candidates
have limited computer background and even less
time to spend learning how to use complicated
software. Thus, developing our own system that
enables teachers to save time and money, and
increase efficacy in the classroom provides the basic
motivation of our work. When creating a lesson
plan, several questions need to be taken into
consideration: a) What kind of content standards
should be used? b) How can teachers find the
appropriate standards? and c) How can we ensure a
lesson plan is evidence-based? In the development
of our system, we answer all three of these
questions. First, the user can search all state content
standards by using the standard search function.
Second, we store all California content standards in
our own database making retrieval fast and easy.
Third, upon aligning the IEP goals with lesson plan
objectives and appropriate content standards, the
user can initiate a search for peer-reviewed journal
articles from which they retrieve promising and
proven strategies for teaching the lesson. We will
discuss more details further on.
2.3.1 Lesson Plan Template
The Lesson Plan Template guides the user in the
creation of an evidence-based lesson plan that meets
the stringent new requirements for implementing
sound instruction in the classroom. The template
enables the user to create, modify, and view lesson
plan template items, and then print the lesson plan or
save in the template form.
2.3.2 California Content Standard
Our system provides an interface for credential
candidates to search CACS, select appropriate
standards from the result list and add them into their
lesson plan. Credential candidates can efficiently
find CACS by inputting content areas, grade levels
and possibly keywords into our search engine.
2.3.3 Peer-reviewed Journal Article
Our system also provides another similar interface
for searching and adding peer-reviewed journal
articles into lesson plans. We are currently
collaborating with various departments to gain
access to multiple digital databases and return the
search result to our users.
2.4 e-Portfolio Manager
e-Portfolio helps credential candidates efficiently
create their own profile, including background and
resume, in a short time period. Credential candidates
can demonstrate their teaching competency with key
assignments and classroom artifacts, which include
but are not limited to PDF files, video clips, and
lesson plans. Our system provides an interface for
uploading PDF files and video clips along with
another interface for adding existing key
assignments and lesson plans. Furthermore, program
faculty can evaluate credential candidates' work
directly in e-portfolio, without passing a paper
binder around as the current authoritative source.
Identified users will be able to access e-portfolio of
all credential candidates with their permission. For
example, e-portfolio is also a site where future
employers may examine a candidate’s work.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The following describes our ongoing system design
and implementation work.
3.1 Application Structure
Figure 1: Simplified Class Diagram.
All functional requirements identified above are
converted into classes as depicted in Figure 1, a
simplified UML class diagram. We designed
Administrator, Faculty and University Supervisor as
derived classes of Professor class because these user
types share several common attributes and
behaviors. In addition, some users of the system can
play more than one of these roles.
Credential candidates design their e portfolios
by completing electronic versions of forms,
previously existing as hard copies only, now
embedded within our easy to use template. These
forms are designed to be instances of the class
named Form, which includes many different fields
as well as their values.
As mentioned above, faculty and university
supervisors are instructors of general and advanced
courses. Credential candidates are evaluated by key
assignments in general courses and mentor teachers
and university supervisors’ evaluations in advanced
courses as demonstrated in Figure 1.
3.2 Database Design
Our ultimate goal is the design of a sound database
with optimized data integrity. Similar to many other
web applications, the e-portfolio system is
responsible for managing users of the system. The
database design process starts with identifying all
the necessary information of different users. Another
characteristic of our system is that credential
candidates are in the center of the connected
multiple sub-systems. We used ER Design Tool
software to design the database schema (Liu,
Vincent, & Murphy, 2006).
One consideration we take into account is how
different actors of the system are deeply connected.
For example, credential candidates, faculty,
administrators, and introductory/general courses are
tied together by key assignments. For each
introductory or general course, credential candidates
are required to submit one key assignment. Key
assignments are created and assigned to courses by
administrators while faculty members teach the
course and grade the key assignments. To design a
light and complete schema that reflects all necessary
information is a challenge. In addition, the
evaluation sub-system has a similar concept of how
credential candidates interact with mentor teachers
or university supervisors. Figure 2 shows our
simplified database schema for the key assignment
Figure 2: Key Assignment Data Schema.
For The Lesson Plan Creator, we house the
content standards data. Each standard is specific to
grade levels and content areas such as Math or
English. One content standard may be applicable for
Teaching Workforce
more than one grade level and/or content area.
Therefore, our job is to eliminate this kind of data
redundancy. To achieve that, we include three
entities: content standard, grade level and content
area to present all the content standards instead of
storing each standard separately.
3.3 Interface Design
During the user interface phase, there are two main
aspects of the system that are taken into account.
First, the front end interface is required to follow our
institutional university web-site template. Second,
we design an easy-to-use web application. Our main
users, credential candidates, are graduate students
who are simultaneously teaching full-time. Their
time constraints and limited computer background
must be considered. Therefore, having a user-
friendly and well guided interface is very important.
In addition, when creating lesson plans that align
content standards with objectives and goals to
initiate a search of peer-reviewed journal articles, it
is more important to construct an intuitive and
simple interface than an overly attractive one, rich in
superfluous features.
One of the core features of our Lesson Plan
Creator is its flexibility to find appropriate CACS
and add them into a lesson plan. There are nine
general content areas in California and each of them
has hundreds of content standards; finding an
appropriate standard is a tedious and time
consuming task. Candidates can search for the most
appropriate content standard by entering pertinent
information from other fields. For example, a user
can choose mathematics, grade 2, and subtraction, to
locate the related content standards (refer to figure
Figure 3: User Interface for CACS Search Page.
All satisfied results will be returned in a table
format ordered by original content standard ID in
order to increase readability with all input keywords
highlighted (refer to figure 4). In this way, our
system quickly narrows down the search scope for
the user and easily adds the content standards they
requested by selecting content standard ID. This
capability enables the user to create the lesson plan
Figure 4: User Interface for CACS Result List.
3.4 System Architecture
This web-based application employs three-tier
client-server architecture per the J2EE specification
that is widely used. The tiers are separated
functionally into user interface, business logic and
data access. The user interface tier represents the
components that display data and tasks available to
the user, as well as handling input. The business
logic tier represents application components that
make computational and procedural decisions based
on calls from the user interface. The data access
layer represents parts of the application that
organizes, stores and retrieves data, sometimes from
multiple data sources. This approach allows us to
write reusable and flexible programming code that
can be easily extended for new features (Weaver et
al., 2003).
J2EE - Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition was
chosen as a platform not only because of the
capability for creating flexible and reusable
components. It also contains the various reliable and
readily available libraries needed to quickly
implement a web application, include role based
authentication and control security (Core J2EE
Patterns – Data Access Object, 2003) and an
abstracted database access API (Securing J2EE
Applications, 2002). HTML and JavaServer Pages
are used to implement the user interface. Javascript
is included for the interface enhancement. We are
writing the business logic layer using Servlet and
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Java classes. We apply Object Oriented Design to
break this layer into smaller components. We also
choose Tomcat as our servlet container because it is
available at no cost, and it is widely used and
endorsed by Sun (Murach, & Steelman, 2008).
For the database layer, we use MySQL for data
storage and retrieval. MySQL is popular among web
developers, not only because it is inexpensive and
lightweight when compared with Oracle Database or
Microsoft SQL Server, but also because it runs fast
and can run on most modern operating systems,
while other products can only run on specific
systems (Murach, & Steelman, 2008). MySQL is
well suited for web applications which have a small
or medium sized user base such as our system. In
addition, we chose Java DataBase Connectivity
(JDBC) drivers for linking the application layer and
database layer. JDBC is supported by J2EE which is
an enhanced version of ODBC driver.
This paper describes our ongoing work designing,
developing, and deploying a web-based support tool
for credential candidates in teacher preparation
programs. While we have focused on our special
education teacher preparation program, our system
may be useful for many teacher preparation
programs. We have presented the system design and
its pilot implementation, consisting of e-portfolio
manager and lesson plan creator. This paper argues
the system’s advantages for facilitating effective,
efficient training of teacher candidates in the
university teacher preparation program and those
candidates who complete the program but wish to
continue building their portfolio and using the
Lesson Plan Creator.
One of many exciting ideas for our future
investigation is to improve our current lesson plan
creator, which currently only outputs research
articles. To enhance our current tool, we are
collecting relevant and important articles, from
which graduate students under our guidance,
manually extract proven and promising instructional
strategies in their methodology sections. Such
collected strategies and interventions can be
organized in a database that can be incorporated into
our lesson plan creator. With such a tool, teacher
candidates will be taken one step closer to
implementing research to practice by having easy
access to the extracted promising strategies. In
addition, we continually keep the field abreast of
new promising and effective strategies for teaching.
We currently have funding for one mathematics and
one special education graduate student to begin
reading and extracting methodologies from peer-
reviewed mathematics education journals.
Future research ideas include the following: a)
covering more content areas than what we are
currently supporting; b) deploying the complete
system in additional credential programs to examine
its efficacy; and c) investigating how to adopt our
system to different programmatic contexts in other
countries and educational cultures.
This research was partially supported by a Grant
H325T070015-08 from the Office of Special
Education Programs, United States Department of
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education