A Corpus-based Multi-label Emotion Classification
using Maximum Entropy
Ye Wu
and Fuji Ren
Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan
School of Computer, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China
Abstract. Thanks to the Internet, blog posts online have emerged as a new grass-
roots medium, which create a huge resource of text-based emotion. Comparing
to other ideal experimental settings, what we obtained from the World Wide Web
evolve and respond more to real-world events. In this paper, our corpus consists
of a collection of blog posts, which annotated as multi-label to make the classifi-
cation of emotion more precise than the single-label set of basic emotions. Em-
ploying a maximum entropy classifier, our results show that the emotions can be
clearly separated by the proposed method. Additionally, we show that the micro-
average F1-scores of multi-label detection increase when the mount of available
training data further increases.
1 Introduction
From the informative contents involved in text, not only communication information,
but also private attitudes such as emotion states can be found. Human-computer in-
teraction would be more natural and social if we can capture the emotion information
occurring in texts. Researchers have tried to detect the emotion state of the intelligent
interfaces users in many ways, and these works are dubbed as “affective computing”
by Picard [1], which have recognized the potential and importance of affect to human-
computer interaction.
Some approaches to text-based emotion classification demonstrated good perfor-
mance. Liu et al. did a rare study in text-based emotional prediction, which used a
database of common-sense knowledge and created affect models to form a representa-
tion of the emotional affinity of a sentence [2]. Work on emotion classification in the
view of text-to-speech was carried out by Cecilia [3]. They addressed text-based emo-
tion prediction as the first task in text-to-speech synthesis. Mihalcea deployed a series
of interesting experiments to find happiness [4], whose study is based on a collection of
blog posts from LiveJournal.com blog community.
As Nass study suggests, people most naturally interact with their computer in a
social and affectively meaningful way just like with other people [5]. The authors of
previous work almost adopt the notion of basic emotions [6], thus using six emotion
categories: Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happiness, Sadness, and Surprise. And in some other
works the authors just recognized two emotional passages (i.e. positive versus negative,
or happy versus sad). In our experiments, we took Chinese blog posts as the sources of
our corpus, and when we showed some text samples to testers, no one of them thought
Wu Y. and Ren F. (2009).
A Corpus-based Multi-label Emotion Classification using Maximum Entropy.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science , pages 103-110
DOI: 10.5220/0002169901030110
employing one of the six basic emotions can describe the emotion information to mass
of sentences precisely because human is more sensitive. Therefore previous models
mentioned above usually result in an emotion distortion problem, which means that the
results of the classification can not denote emotion states correctly. On the other hand,
Mishne experiment with emotion classification using cross-training and an ontology of
over 100 moods shows rather low accuracy even when the training corpus is very large
[7]. So we proposed that maybe we should consider this problem as similar with RGB
model. Thus at first we could complete the task of automatically classifying texts into
categories according to descriptions of their emotions, and then find the co-occurrence
patterns and their valence between labels, and finally synthesize those labels assigned to
one text to a more detailed and precise one described in Chinese, depending on the rules
learned from the previous step. In this paper, we utilized multi-label classification that
has been applied on topic detection and some other domains, to perform experiments as
the first single step of the work we focus on.
The remaining parts of this paper are organized as follows. Section 2 provides a
brief introduction of the blog emotion corpus we used. Section 3 describes the model
of our method, including the representation of the training samples, and the approach
to multi-label classification we employed. In Section 4 we present the results of our ex-
periments, compared using different evaluation measures. Finally, Section 5 describes
with a discussion and Section 6 concludes on this investigation and presents the possible
directions for the future work.
2 A Blog Emotion Corpus
With the increase in the web’s accessibility in the last years, the amount of weblogs has
risen dramatically and the so-called blogsphere attracts new research interests.
In this paper, our study is based on a collection of blog posts from various Chinese
blog communities, because these sources for modeling are recognized as more private,
honest, and polemic than opinions voiced in other style [4]. Emotion recognition models
proposedbefore were usually implemented on a roughly annotated corpus, so ambiguity
would be caused by the emotion corpus itself. Some corpora with which the previousre-
lated work experimented are actually emotionless. Lee et al. reported a high accuracy of
emotion recognition, but 73.17% of their corpus are neutral [8], and thus they obtained
a baseline system with the accuracy of 73.17%, which can be achieved easy by simply
marking the neutral texts. Our current corpus Ren-CECps (Chinese Emotion Corpus of
RenLab) 1.0 is manually annotated as a sentence level one consists of 198 documents,
5608 sentences, and 135,606 Chinese characters. Annotators worked in triples on the
same texts. They have been trained and work independently in order to avoid any anno-
tation bias and get a true understanding of the task difficulty. The goal of our annotation
project is to annotate a corpus of approximately 1000 blog posts, and the details of the
corpus would be published after completing it. Comparing the six basic categories of
emotion, each annotator marks the sentences with one or more of eight emotions listed
as follow: Anger, Anxiety, Expect, Hate, Joy, Love, Sorrow and Surprise. In order to
find the rules howeach emotion keyword or phrase correspondto the labels in our future
work, the image value of every emotion term attributed to every emotion label is also
scored by our annotators. Other than arbitrary keywords with parts of speech tags which
were usually utilized in previous works, we mark emotion keywords without POS tags,
for the flexibility and diversity of part of speech in Chinese. Besides, our emotion terms
include long structural emotion phrases that are accustomed to express persons affect
in Chinese, and special emotion phrases like idioms, proverbs, and words of separation
and reunion are also annotated in our corpus.
Furthermore, advanced linguistic and practical features could be considered in the
task of emotion classification, such as degree word, negativeword, conjunction,rhetoric,
and punctuation are also labeled detailedly in our sentence-level annotation. Relative
experiments will be carried on in the next steps of our work.
3 The Model for Emotion Classification
Feature-based statistical classification is applied to text emotion recognition, since basic
algorithm within emotion recognizers is very similar to text categorization and topic
detection. This part we employ maximum entropy classifier as our machine learning
method to the automatic emotion classification, and we extract feature sets from the
corpus we constructed.
3.1 Text Representation
Maximum entropy (ME or maxent for short) is a general purpose machine learning
model that has been successfully applied in Natural Language Processing (NLP)[9-11].
This conditional model for text classification provides a rich frameworkfor representing
relationships between classes and features of a given domain, with the goal of best ac-
counting for some training data. Given training data D = {hx
, y
i, hx
, y
i, . . . , hx
, y
(having vocabulary V and set Y of classes), any real-valued function of the text x and
class y, f
(x,y) can be treated as a feature.
As we have annotated a blog emotion corpus including an abundance of emotional
contents, we take a part of it to perform our experiments at sentence level. There are
5608 sentences in the corpus we chose. Firstly we excluded the neutral sentences with-
out any emotion information at all, and the remaining 4968 sentences with emotion
labels are utilized in the later study.
We represent text feature vectors in several different ways, three utilzing correl-
ative information between terms and multiple labels, and two just considering single
label.Then we compare their performance. In multi-label situation, an element in the
feature vector can be described as follow. Given sentence x with label vector y, if the
sentence was labeled with y
involved in y,
(x, y) = V(x, w
(x, y) = 0,
here feature value V(x, w
) equals to the summation of values marked manually by an-
notators for term w
in x, the number of occurrences of term w
in x, and the presence
of term w
in x not considering the frequency respectively. According to these defini-
tions we can obtain three feature sets: correlative labels value feature set, correlative
labels frequency feature set and correlative labels present feature set. Accordingly, in
single-label situation, if the sentence was labeled with y,
(x, y) = V(x, w
(x, y) = 0,
here feature value V(x, w
) equals to the number of occurrences of term w
in x, and the
presence of term w
in x not considering the frequency respectively. According to these
definitions we can obtain two feature sets: frequency feature set and present feature
set. Note that the single-label situation obviates manually marked values because every
keywords and phrases in our corpus are annotated in multi-label way. We would see
multi-label feature representation for classification resulted in better performance in the
next section.
3.2 Binary Pruning
Binary pruning is one common approach to automatic classification of data belong-
ing to more than one class by first training an independent maximum entropy binary
classifier for each label. For each sentence, each classifier has a probability score for
the respective class, and then classifies a sentence into a category if the correspond-
ing binary classifier scores above some threshold. Comparative experiments using 14
classifiers have been conducted Yang [12]. This approach is considered to be unable
to exploit dependencies between labels [13], but the advantage of this technique is that
it is possible to correctly classify test texts whose actual combinations do not occur in
the training data, so it is more feasible. Furthermore, by offering a hierarchical solution
selecting only the best scoring classes for each text, this approach reduces overfitting of
the model parameters to the training data.
4 Experiments and Evaluations
Since each sentence from the corpus is represented as a feature vector in the ways we
referred in Section 3, we train maximum entropy classifiers and present the results from
experiments in this section. To test our approach, we did two sets of experiments and
compared the results with several widely used metrics.
4.1 Emotion Classification
In the first experiment, accuracy of every maximum entropy binary classifier that clas-
sify sentences either with or without a special kind of emotion, using 5-fold cross
validation with all 4968 sentences having emotion labels, and average accuracy for the
ve different feature sets, are included in Table 1, in which c& v, c& f, c& p, fre, and
Table 1. Classification accuracy for 8 emotions, 5 feature sets, given as percents.
Emotion c&v c&f c&p fre pre
Anger 85.58 85.52 85.56 83.32 83.02
Anxiety 76.09 76.21 75.89 71.09 70.74
Expect 74.94 74.36 75.13 69.83 70.29
Hate 76.94 76.66 77.06 74.16 73.89
Joy 70.27 70.51 69.93 68.62 68.22
Love 63.80 63.68 64.41 62.88 62.80
Sorrow 77.14 76.70 76.59 73.98 74.22
Surprise 90.03 89.89 89.81 89.03 89.16
Average 76.85 76.69 76.80 74.11 74.04
pre stand for correlative labels value feature set, correlative labels frequency feature
set, correlative labels present feature set, frequency feature set and present feature set
The average accuracy for each of all ve feature sets is measured above 70%, and
the best result is measured at 76.85%. As it turns out, the labels in this corpus are clearly
separated, and therefore we can use this data to learn the co-occurrence of multiple la-
bels indicated in the blog sentences. The numbers in this table also show that the results
using correlative labels feature sets have about 3% improvement over single label fea-
ture sets. In the results for three correlative labels feature sets, the set with manually
marked image value shows best, and binary present features outperform frequency fea-
tures, which is also inferred in related tasks using other classifiers [14].
4.2 Multi-label Experimental Evaluations
The common notions of precision and recall have been applied to measure performance
of a statistical classification. This set of experiments are built with different training sets
and evaluated with the same test set consisting of 1000 sentences.
Table 2 shows the results for each classifier on each emotion class. Here we trained
with the correlative labels value feature set which performed the best at average accu-
racy from 5-fold cross validation in section 4.1, with 1000 to 3968 training samples
(1000/ 2000/ 3000/ 3968 samples).
Overall performance for multi-label classification is measured by summing up the
values over all classes and doing a division. Here T P
(true positive) is the number
of documents correctly assigned to emotion class E
(the number of classes is |E|),
and F P
(false positives), F N
(false negatives) and T N
(true negative) are defined
accordingly. We calculate precision and recall according to the micro-average approach
P recision
(T P
+ F P
(T P
+ F N
Table 2. Results of binary classifiers using 1000, 2000, 3000, 3968 training samples.
Samples Emotion Precision recall F1-score
1000 Anger 12.77 57.75 20.92
Anxiety 38.10 32.00 34.78
Expect 49.29 34.67 40.70
Hate 20.55 50.34 29.18
Joy 55.71 30.23 39.20
Love 63.41 36.28 46.15
Sorrow 47.17 21.28 29.33
Surprise 52.94 25.00 33.96
2000 Anger 15.38 50.70 23.61
Anxiety 43.42 33.00 37.50
Expect 56.05 41.67 47.80
Hate 22.88 41.61 29.52
Joy 56.41 34.11 42.51
Love 61.23 39.30 47.88
Sorrow 44.93 26.38 33.24
Surprise 47.73 29.17 36.21
3000 Anger 18.18 50.70 26.77
Anxiety 41.51 33.00 36.77
Expect 56.52 39.00 46.15
Hate 23.87 35.57 28.57
Joy 52.97 44.96 48.64
Love 60.92 46.05 52.45
Sorrow 49.46 38.72 43.44
Surprise 33.33 31.94 32.62
3968 Anger 19.23 49.30 27.67
Anxiety 38.42 34.00 36.07
Expect 53.21 38.67 44.79
Hate 25.12 36.24 29.67
Joy 56.70 49.22 52.70
Love 62.87 48.84 54.97
Sorrow 49.77 45.11 47.32
Surprise 34.57 38.89 36.60
F 1
2 · P recision
· Recall
(P recision
+ Recall
Table 3 depicts the macro-average F1-scores as well as micro-average F1-scores
with 1000, 2000, 3000 and 3968 training, using binary pruning. The macro-average of
F1 scores is the mean of the F1-scores of all the labels, attributing equal weights to the
label F1 scores, while the micro-average is the F1-score obtained from the summation
of contingency matrices for all binary classifiers. Thus the micro-average metric gives
equal weight to all classifications, so that F1 scores of larger classes influence the metric
more than F1 scores of smaller classes. Comparing micro-average and macro-average
of F1-scores for all emotion class labels facilitates evaluation of the performance of
multi-label classifiers. Mean accuracy over all emotion classes for different training
sets are also included in Table 3.
Table 3. Results of multi-label classification using binary pruning, with 4 training sets.
Measure 1000 samples 2000 samples 3000 samples 3968 samples
macro-F1 34.28 37.28 39.43 41.22
micro-F1 35.45 36.52 42.45 44.30
mean accuracy 73.33 75.61 76.27 76.61
5 Discussion and Conclusion
The classification performance of binary classifiers which use correlative information
involved feature sets we defined, has about 3% improvement. Nevertheless, observa-
tions of multi-label micro-average F1-scores look not so good. One of possible reasons
is the current data set appears to be not enough to gather meaningful statistics. As we
worked on small text units - sentences, some of them create few features in the feature
vector, making training data very sparse. The results of micro-average precision, recall
and F1-score indicate that the performance of our method is still improving with the
increment of the amount of samples in training set.
The results also show that different kind of emotion follow different track with the
increment of training data. Love is the largest class in all of eight emotion classes while
Surprise is the smallest one. Not surprisingly, the result of smaller class is worse than
the result of larger class according to Table 2 in the last section. When the maximum en-
tropy classifier for the small emotion class begins to train, this emotion is absent in the
most of labels. Another observation that should be noted in Table 2 is comparing pos-
itive emotions such as Love and Joy, classifiers for their opposite emotions like Hate
and Sorrow performed not so well. And the F1-scores of Anxiety and Expect declined
on the contrary when the amount of training samples increases. We think that we should
conduct some investigations to explain these phenomena. The degressive F1-scores of
emotion class Anxiety and Expect is most likely due to the borderline between these
two kinds of emotions is ambiguous, and sometimes Expect also be regarded as posi-
tive Anxiety. Classifiers for each emotion should be discussed separately in more detail
considering their characteristics.
6 Conclusions
In this paper we have presented preliminary experiments of text-based multi-label clas-
sification using a blog emotion corpus, with finding emotional information from self-
expression blog posts as our goal. Using the correlative labels value feature set to create
feature vectors, the reported mean accuracy and micro-average of F1-scores make we
believe that our results can still improve by increasing the training set size. Addition-
ally, our classification accuracy is not substantially worse than annotation task because
of the subjective error.
In future work, we wish to take more advanced linguistic features into account, uti-
lizing all the useful information marked in the blog emotion corpus, after our current
annotation project is completed. And more complex models for multi-label classifica-
tion would be tried then. In the processing of statistical learning, it is hoped that the
co-occurrence patterns and their valence between labels could be found to eliminate the
emotion distortion, and help affect understanding not only for human-computer inter-
action but also psychological research.
We are grateful to all the annotators. This research has been partially supported by
the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Re-
search (B), 19300029.
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