Linguistically-Motivated Automatic Morphological
Analysis for Wordnet Enrichment
Tom Richens
Aston University
Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET, England
Abstract. Performance of NLP systems can only be as good as the lexical
resources they employ. By modelling the evolved structure of language, there is
scope for morpho-semantic enrichment of these resources. A set of
linguistically-informed morphological rules is formulated from the CatVar
database, implemented in a Java model of WordNet and tested on suffixation
and desuffixation. Overgeneration and undergeneration are measured and an
approach to improving these by using multilingual resources is proposed.
1 Introduction
The developers of statistically-based NLP techniques frequently report results with
precision figures up to around 80%, without asking how far the qualitative limitations
of the lexical resources employed might be degrading their results. The research
presented here forms part of a project to address perceived inadequacies with respect
to the representation of morpho-semantic relations in one of the most widely-used
lexical resources namely WordNet (, [4].
1.1 Derivational Morphology as a Tool for Enriching Lexical Resources
However complex the mapping between morphology and semantics might be,
derivationally related words must also be semantically related. Otherwise their
morphological resemblance is co-incidental. The prerequisites for enriching lexical
databases with morpho-semantic relations are correct identification of those
morphological resemblances which are semantically significant and translation of
these as semantic relations [1], [8]. Automated morphological relation discovery risks
overgeneration (discovery of false relations) and undergeneration (failure to discover
valid relations). To avoid these pitfalls requires linguistic rigour which can be applied
by formulating language-aware morphological rules. If suffixed and non-suffixed
forms, either of which can be generated from the other by the application of a well-
informed rule both occur in the lexicon, then a derivational relation, however remote,
exists between them, but if the rule is ill-informed, then there will be exceptions
where the resemblance between them is co-incidental. A morphological rule can be
formulated as a transformation between wordforms. In order to serve as a semantic
tool it needs to define a meaning transformation, which is a semantic relation [1], [2].
Richens T. (2009).
Linguistically-Motivated Automatic Morphological Analysis for Wordnet Enrichment.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science , pages 36-45
DOI: 10.5220/0002171900360045
1.2 Previous Related Research
[5] proposes a mathematically-complex but language-ignorant approach to automatic
affix identification from corpora. It can identify common English inflectional suffixes
and might be an aid to deciphering text in a forgotten language, but does not yield any
semantic information.
[6] present their categorial variation database, CatVar
(, which consists of clusters of
morphologically related {word : part-of-speech} pairs, such that the same wordform
may occur more than once in the same cluster as a different part of speech. Although
they list their data sources, they say little about how these were combined. The
approach to evaluation lacks clarity, so the reported 91.82% precision could be
considered optimistic, though an independent calculation (table 2) gives 90.77%.
CatVar was intended for WordNet enrichment along with other applications.
[13] suggests that the system of representation is more stable and explicit in
Chinese than in languages with phonetic orthography, where the morphemic structure
of one language may depend on another. The research presented here was largely
motivated by the challenge of demonstrating that the representation of a European
language with a multilingual dimension to its morphology is computationally
[1] suggest that morphological relations discovered in one language can be
exported as semantic relations to enrich a wordnet in another language.
[2] propose the formulation of morphological rules to allow the automatic
encoding of such relations. They observe that overgeneration but not undergeneration
can be addressed by automatic cross-reference to a lexicon.
[9] proposes a Morphodynamic WordNet, connecting morphologically related
words. He defines the morphogenesis of semantic forms as the generation of senses
from a semantic nucleus or lexical root. This tree representation is superior to the
cluster representation [6], in that it shows that there is always a rooted derivational
hierarchy in any set of morphologically related forms.
[7] proposes a graph-based approach to discovery of morphological relations from
a machine-readable dictionary which dispenses with the concepts morpheme and affix.
He uses semantic information from dictionary definitions to support this, rather than
inferring semantic information from morphology as proposed here.
1.3 Plan of this Paper
§2 reviews the CatVar database and introduces a lexicon based on WordNet 3.0. §3
describes the formulation and implementation of morphological rules and establishes
density metrics for morpho-semantic relations. §4 presents the results from
morphological rule application on 2 datasets, showing an improvement over CatVar
clusters and using another dataset for comparison; the density of morpho-semantic
relations discovered is compared with that in WordNet demonstrating the scope for
enrichment. §5 analyses the causes of overgeneration and undergeneration in the
results. §6 concludes with the proposal for the deployment of multilingual resources
to improve on these results.
2 Experimental Resources
2.1 WordNet Model and Lexicon
WordNet is a lexical database consisting of word senses, connected by lexical
relations, grouped into sets of synonyms (synsets), connected by semantic relations.
This research was made possible by the development of a Java model of WordNet 3.0
in which synsets, word senses and relations are represented by instances of
corresponding Java classes and appropriate subclasses. The data sources were the
WordNet Prolog files downloaded from The
model allows the interrogation and modification of the data in ways not possible with
standard interfaces. While a word's absence from any lexicon is not conclusive, a
single lexicon must be used for comparative measurements of overgeneration. The
model includes a lexicon generated automatically from the WordNet data.
2.2 CatVar Sample Dataset
From the CatVar database a random sample was taken of 521 clusters of at least 3
pairs, comprising 2417 pairs altogether. The lexicon excludes 248 wordforms (10.3%)
as the given part of speech. Of these 74 are legitimate uses of participles as adjectives
or nouns, leaving 7.2% overgeneration. Morphologically unrelated examples are
{chilli (n.): chilly (adj.)}, {compass (n.): compassion (n.)} and {stud (n.): student
(n.)}. 49 words (2.0%) are morphologically unrelated to the headwords (verified
against [3], [10] and [12]). For comparative purposes overgeneration is then 9.2%.
Examples of undergeneration are failure to capture pairs {facial: face}, {quarterly:
quarter} and {ripen : ripe}. 75 such related words were not found in the appropriate
3 Methodology
3.1 Formulation of Morphological Rules
Apart from 2 prefixations and a few abbreviations, the morphological transformations
exhibited by the CatVar dataset are all cases of suffixation or of identical wordforms
being used as different parts of speech. There are sufficient examples for rules to be
formulated to encapsulate the morphological transformations between pairs of cluster
members, on the understanding that they apply only where the wordforms generated
can be validated against the lexicon.
Overgeneration can be a consequence of attempting to encode derivational
morphology without reference to etymology. Correctly encoding morphological data
requires correctly decoding derivational history, by unravelling language back
through its evolution. Correct formulation of English suffixation rules presupposes an
understanding that different rules apply depending on etymology. English words
ending in "-ion" are generally derived from frequently irregular Latin passive
participles. Consequently correct morphological rules require reference to Latin
grammar. The derivation of English words from Latin active participles is
complicated because some words of Latin origin have come into English directly
while others have come via French: whereas Latin active participles end in "-ans" or
"-ens" from which we get English adjectives in "-ant" or "-ent", French active
participles always end in "-ant", resulting in English adjectives in "-ant" even when
one would expect "-ent" from the Latin origin.
By examining the pairwise transformations exhibited by each cluster in the dataset,
excluding overgenerations, a set of rules was formulated to encapsulate the
transformations involved. Some rules referring to other languages have been
formulated in such a way that a transformation from one English word to another can
be applied, while others could not be implemented without reference to other
languages' lexical resources. Some generalised spelling rules are included for the
application and removal of suffixes. These do not apply to suffix substitutions. The
ruleset is available from
The rules apply to suffixation or desuffixation or to semantic relation
identification. They comprise 5 fields (represented as for suffixation in table 1). A
rule can only apply where the input matches the source part of speech. Where both
wordform fields are empty, no morphological change applies but only a part of speech
change; where the source wordform field is empty and the target is non-empty, the
target wordform is a suffix which is appended to the input, subject to the generalised
spelling rules; where both are non-empty, the rule only applies to an input whose
wordform ends with the source wordform, replacing it with the target wordform,
without reference to general rules. The Target part of speech is associated with the
output. A desuffixation application needs simply to swap the Source and Target
fields. The content of the Relation field expresses the semantic transformation which
applies from Source to Target. The first example in table 1 is a monolingual rule to
which generalised spelling rules do not apply; the second is a multilingual rule
implemented monolingually, to which generalised spelling rules apply.
Some of the semantic relations, including those most frequently exhibited by the
rules e. g. pertainym (23 rules) and participle (18), correspond to WordNet relations.
The next most frequent is gerund (18 rules). The extensive set of nouns ending in "-
ion" generally mean the same as an active (or occasionally passive) gerund. Despite
their usually active meaning, these words are derived from the Latin passive
participle, where a corresponding Latin verb exists. Where no Latin verb exists, they
are most usually generated by appending the suffix "-ation". 191 rules have been
formulated of which 156 have been implemented. The remainder require multilingual
Table 1. Representation of morphological rules.
Source Target Semantic Relation
Wordform POS Wordform POS
ate VERB ative ADJECTIVE Participle
VERB ant ADJECTIVE Participle
3.2 Implementation of Morphological Rules
3.2.1 Autogeneration of Suffixed Forms
Suffixation and desuffixation algorithms were developed to apply the rules, each of
which was defined as a transformation between two {morpheme: part-of-speech}
pairs, to be applied to a {word : part-of-speech} pair to generate a second {word :
part-of-speech} pair. Every input word is confronted with every rule. Where the rule
is applicable to the input word, another is output. The algorithm exploits the lexicon
for validation and the irregular inflection data from the WordNet exception files. The
words output by the rules applied to a seed input word are re-cycled as input until no
further valid output is generated. The total output from each seed is directed to a
cluster of {word: part-of-speech} pairs, structurally identical to a CatVar cluster.
3.2.2 Application of Morphological Rules
To compare the output with CatVar itself, the algorithm was applied using the
shortest word in each CatVar cluster as seed. Where there was more than one shortest
word, all were used. The rules were also tested on a word list generated from the
lexicon. Because the applicability of the ruleset might vary according to word length,
random word lists were generated of word lengths from 4 to 14 characters. These lists
were concatenated to form a list of 1108 wordforms from which 96 hyphenated forms
were removed leaving 1012. This word length range facilitated a desuffixation
experiment. The generalised spelling rules were adapted as desuffixation rules,
similar to [11], though derived independently.
3.3 Potential for Enrichment of WordNet Relations
To explore the scope for morpho-semantic enrichment of WordNet, the proportion of
morphological relations already encoded in WordNet, whether as derivational
pointers or as other types of relation, needed investigation.
The functionality of the class used to represent a {word: part-of-speech} pair was
extended to store the relations in which the WordNet senses of its wordforms
participate. From this data the number of WordNet relations between all senses of the
members of a cluster was calculated. WordNet derivational pointers were counted
Since it is possible for more than one WordNet relation to exist between two
synsets, the number of duplicate relations was also calculated. Assuming that each
cluster member represents a unique sense, then the maximum possible number of
relational pairings for any cluster (excluding duplicates), where there is a relation
between each member of the cluster and every other member and n = the number of
cluster members is given by (n
- n) / 2.
Derivation being a directional phenomenon, viewing a cluster as a tree, while all
members are related indirectly, each member is directly derived from at most 1 other
member. The correct number of relations within each tree comprising unique senses,
where n = the number of nodes is then given by n - 1.
Table 2. Comparison of Autogenerated Results with CatVar data.
Autogeneration from
CatVar sample dataset
to both
Ruleset n/a Full Restricted Full Full Full
Not in lexicon 174 0 0 174 0 0
In lexicon but
unrelated 49 70 0 44 65 5
In lexicon and
related 2194 2432 2151 183 421 2011
Overgeneration 9.2% 2.88% 0% n/a n/a n/a
Recall Baseline +3.52% -11.01% n/a n/a n/a
Precision 90.77% 97.20% 100% n/a n/a n/a
TOTAL 2417 2502 2151 401 486 2016
4 Results
With the full ruleset, table 2 shows a 3.52% improvement in recall and a 7.08%
improvement in precision over the CatVar baseline. Most of the 70 unrelated outputs
were generated from an unrelated input, so that within any output cluster, one error
would be the source of consequent errors. The adjective "moral" was incorrectly
generated from "more" and led to 10 consequent overgenerations such as "moralise"
and "morality". There were 3 {word : POS} pairs in the seed set which were not in the
lexicon, 22 initial errors in applying the rules and 45 consequent errors.
In an attempt to eliminate all overgeneration, the 21 overgenerating rules were
removed and the experiment was repeated with the restricted ruleset. 100% precision
was achieved representing 10.17% improvement over the baseline at the price of a
11.01% deterioration in recall. 190 wordforms in the CatVar dataset were no longer
represented. Of these only 3 were morphologically unrelated. Results achieved with
the word list data are shown in table 3.
Table 3. Performance on Suffixation and Desuffixation with word list.
list Suffixation Desuffixation
Ruleset n/a Full Full Restricted
In lexicon but
unrelated n/a 19 39 14
In lexicon and
related n/a 768 887 729
generated 1012 787 926 743
Recall Baseline +77.77% +91.50% +73.41%
Precision n/a 97.59% 95.78% 98.11%
Overgeneration n/a 2.41% 4.21% 1.88%
TOTAL 1012 1799 1938 1755
Table 4. WordNet relations between members of morphological clusters.
CatVar dataset
Word list
Word list suffix
average Total
average Total
WN DERIV relations 1963 3.77 664 0.60 1008 0.91
All WN relations 2366 4.54 827 0.75 1278 1.15
DERIV as % of WN 82.97% 80.29% 78.87%
Duplicate relations 86 0.17 26 0.02 34 0.03
Synsets / cluster 9.01 3.12 4.30
Max. relation count 70.98 18.54 27.95
% of max. realised 6.17% 3.90% 4.02%
Correct relation count 8.01 2.12 3.30
% of correct realised 54.64% 34.14% 34.00%
Table 4 correlates the WordNet relations between members of CatVar and output
clusters, compared to the maximum and correct values for unique senses (§3.3). There
is little variance between experiments in the proportion of the WordNet relations
which are derivational pointers. However, using the original CatVar clusters yields a
significantly higher relation count. This suggests that CatVar has already been used
for WordNet enrichment [6], and that this enrichment has not been confined to
derivational pointers. Given that the maximum and correct relation count would be
greater if multiple senses are involved, the figures confirm the potential for further
5 Analysis
5.1 Productivity and Overgeneration
Productivity was measured by lexicon-validated rule executions including duplicates
generated by more than one rule. Table 5 shows the rules for which the ratio of initial
and consequent overgenerations to rule applications >= 0.5 for both word list
experiments, such that the rule is generating more wrong data than right data. With
suffix stripping, the worst overgenerating rule was a monolingual implementation of a
multilingually-formulated rule. Correct multilingual application of such rules could
yield an improvement in performance.
Table 6 shows all the rules which overgenerated in both word list experiments.
None of these rules are multilingual. Further investigation into the circumstances in
which the worse-performing rules overgenerate may enable these rules to be re-
formulated. Certain rules overgenerate below a threshold word-length [11], producing
false associations such as between "fin" and "fine"; "read" and "ready", and between
unrelated meanings of "still" as different parts of speech.
Table 5. Rules generating more wrong than right data on word list dataset.
Source Target
per rule execution
Languages in
form POS
form POS
V ative Adj. 3 1
V ed N 1 1
al Adj. ate Adj. 1 1
e N y Adj. 0.75 1
V ant Adj. 0.67 > 1
V ee N 0.5 1
age N V 1.33 > 1
ed N V 1 1
en V N 1 1
al N V 0.57 1
eer N N 0.5 1
man N N 0.5 1
5.2 Undergeneration
183 related wordforms in CatVar were not autogenerated: 28 plurals in "-s" were
outside the scope of the rules; 20 undergenerations arose from non-implementation of
rules requiring reference to Latin passive participles. Implementing these rules is the
most important single improvement that could be made to the ruleset. 11 forms were
not generated because no consistent rule could be found for the application of the "e-"
suffix; 6 words were not generated because the rule required a different part of speech
for either source or target; 5 root forms including "biology" and "vertebra" are
missing from the CatVar dataset and consequently their derivatives were not
Table 6. Persistently overgenerating rules.
POS Suffix
Langs. in
Output overgeneration /
rule productivity
N. y Adj. 1 0.14 0.09
V. ed N. 1 1 1
V. ed Adj. 1 0.02 0.11
Adj. ly Adv. 1 0.01 0.03
69 cases of undergeneration in desuffixation were identified plus 6 cases of
consequent undergeneration. These include 6 POS mismatches and 5 singulars not
generated from plurals; 12 undergenerations (17.39%) involve an unimplemented rule
involving Latin passive participles; in 5 cases, both words have a French derivation,
but the spellings do not correspond because they were imported probably at different
times from a language whose spelling was not yet standardised. 40.58% of
undergenerations in desuffixation involve other languages.
6 Conclusions and Proposed Future Research
A linguistically-motivated and multilingually aware approach to discovering morpho-
semantic relations has been demonstrated, which outperforms the CatVar database
and can be applied directly to any lexicon without other resources.
There is plenty of scope for enriching WordNet with data relating to derivational
morphology. The Java model of WordNet is a firm foundation for implementing and
demonstrating this enrichment. A set of new types of relation has been proposed to
capture the semantics . Further research will verify their applicability.
Some morphological rules are unreliable as implemented, and need more rigorous
formulations. Implementation of appropriate word length thresholds would allow the
automatic processing of regular longer words while shorter words are checked
manually. Further rules could be formulated by examining suffixes in the lexicon
without CatVar.
Some of the most important morphological rules have not been implemented, for
lack of multilingual resources. Others have been implemented monolingually,
accounting for much overgeneration. The most important cause of undergeneration is
non-implementation of multilingual rules, especially with reference to Latin
participles. Implementing these rules is the most important single enhancement that
could be made. This will be a significant area of further research, leading to a fully
enriched morpho-semantic database.
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