-OrBAC: Context based Access Control
Narhimene Boustia
and Aicha Mokhtari
Saad Dahlab University, Algeria
USTHB University, Algeria
Abstract. The final objective of an access control model is to provide a frame-
work to decide if an action performed by subjects on objects is permitted or not.
It is not convenient to directly specify an access control policy using concepts
of subjects, objects and actions. In OrBAC (Organization Based Access Control),
we can not only express static authorizations but also dynamic authorizations, de-
pending on context. Formally, OrBAC is described in first order logic, where the
context is one of the argument of predicate. We propose a new formalism based
on description logic with defaults and exceptions [1] to describe and reason on
OrBAC model. This paper is an enrichment of a previous work [10] with the in-
troducing of an exception operator (ǫ). This formalism covers not only concepts
of information systems like users, objects, subjects and roles but also the context
by the add of two operators of default (δ) and exception (ǫ). Notice that time
complexity is still polynomial [2].
1 Introduction
Security policy models as DAC [3], MAC [4,5] and RBAC [6] (Role Based Access
Cotrol) provide concepts that are useful in current IS. However, such security policies
must also be adapted to deal with new requirements; rule are depending on context.
OrBAC (Organization Based Access Control) is useful to deal with some of these
new requirements [7]. OrBAC is a model that allows to express a security policy at
organizational level, i.e., indepent from the implementation made for this policy. The
access control policy does not directly apply to subject, object and action. It defines
static authorizationsthat apply within organization to controlthe activities performedby
roles on views. However, the OrBAC model also allows specification of more complex
dynamic authorizations applying in a given context. The formalism used is the first
order logic where the context is an additive argument.
The purpose of this paper is to present DL
-OrBAC which is a new formalization
of OrBAC model based on descrition logic with defaults and exceptions (AL
) [1].
Description Logic (DLs) [8] are a family of knowledge used to describe and classify
concepts and their instances. (AL
) extends the well known description logic (AL) [8]
with the two unary connectives (δ, ǫ) to express respectively default and exception.
The idea is to consider that when we are in a usual context, we obtain a default
authorization and we express this fact with the connective(δ), but if the context change,
the authorization is excepted, and we express this exception with the connective (ǫ).
Notice, that even if we have more thant exception, we can represent this fact with the
Boustia N. and Mokhtari A. (2009).
DLδ-OrBAC: Context based Access Control.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 111-118
DOI: 10.5220/0002175801110118
composition of operators of exception (ǫ), and in spite of this, time complexity still
polynomial. This paper is an enrichment of a previous work [10] with the introducing
of an exception operator (ǫ).
The rest of the paper is structured as follow. Section 2 presents OrBAC model,
section 3 introduces description logic with defaults and exceptions. Section 4 defines
-OrBAC, shows how we express security and how we can infer access control
rules in differents contexts. We conclude in section 5 by the prospects of evolution of
2 OrBAC Model
The central entity in OrBAC model is Organization. An Organization can be seen as an
organized group of subjects, each playing a specific role. In the medical domain, “Pi`ere
and Marie Curie Center”, “Service of Pediatrics”,etc are organizations. Subject, Action
and Object are respectively abstracted into Role, Activity and View [7].
A Role is a set of Subjects to which the same security rule apply, for example, the
subject “John” plays the role of “Doctor” in the organization “Service of Pediatrics”. A
View corresponds to a set of Objects that satisfy a common property,for example, in the
medical domain, the view “Medical record” corresponds to the object “Medical record
of patient”. An Activity regroups Actions that partake of the same principle. In OrBAC
model, Actions will mainly contain computer actions such as “read”, “write”,etc, when
Activities contain “consulting”,“writing”,etc. Privileges only apply in specific contexts.
Contexts can be used to specify the concrete circumstances where organizations grant
roles permission to perform activities on views.
It considers that all actions which are not permitted are prohibited, so it suffice to
defines only permission relation.
OrBAC is defined using eight basic sets of entities: OR (set of organizations), S
(set of subjects), AC (set of actions), O (set of objects), R (set of roles), AV (set of
activities), V (set of views) and C (set of contexts).
In the next section, we will introduce our formalism used to describe DL
which is based on description logic with defaults and exceptions.
3 Description Logic with Defaults and Exceptions
Description logic is actually largelly used to represent concept hierarchies, it employs
two kinds of formalisms for the knowledge representation: the terminological formal-
ism (TBox) used to describe conceptual knowledge, the assertional formalism (ABox)
used to allow facts to be stated [8].
In what follows, we present (AL
), an extension of AL language with the two
operators of defaults (δ) and exceptions (ǫ).
3.1 AL
The description language with defaults and exception AL
is inductively defined from
a set R of primitive roles and a set P of primitive concepts [9], augmented by the con-
stant (Top), with the abstract syntax rule:
C, D the most general concept
| P primitive concept
| C D concept conjunction
| ¬P negation of primitive concept
| ∀∃r : C C is a value restriction on all roles R(> 0)
| δC default concept
| C
exception to the concept
δ and ǫ are two unary connectives, is a binary conjunction connective and ∀∃
enables universal quantification on role values.
In the next section, we will give the formalization of OrBAC model based on de-
scription logic with defaults and exceptions. We will show how these two connectives
(δ, ǫ) can be efficient to formalize access control.
4 DL
We now conceptualize the OrBAC model and construct a DL knowledge base capturing
the characteristics of OrBAC, including the context with the use of (δ) and (ǫ).
4.1 The TBox
Given an OrBAC model, we define a DL knowledgebase K, the alphabets of K includes
the following atomic concepts: Organization, Subject, Object, Role, View, Action, Con-
text and Activity. The TBox includes the following axioms, each axiom is illustrated
with examples.
Role Attribution Axiom: defines the relationship between subject and role.
Sub ject ; Role ;
Employ EmployS.Subject EmployR.Role Emp loyOr.Organization
Suppose that in a given hospital X, Jean is assigned in the role of Doctor, and Tom
is assigned in the role of Surgeon. We express all these facts by the following rules.
Employ(E1) EmployS.Subje c t (J ean) Empl oyR.Role(Doctor)
Employ(E2) EmployS.Subje c t (T om) EmployR.Role(Surg eon)
Where E1, and E2 are instances of Employ.
View Definition Axiom: defines relationship between object and view.
V iew
Use UseO.Object UseV.V i ew UseOr.Organ ization
Suppose that in a given hospital X, Med-rec1 and ordinnance1 are instances of
concept Object, and Med-rec and ordinnance are instances of concept View. We
express all these facts by the following rules.
Use(U1) Us eO.Object(Med rec1) U seV.view(Med rec)
U seOr.Organization(X)
Use(U2) Us eO.Object(Ordinnance1) U seV.view(Or dinnance)
U seOr.Organization(X)
Where U1 and U2 are instances of Use.
Activity Definition Axiom: defines relation between action and activity.
Consider ConsiderAc.Action ConsiderAv.Activity
Suppose that in a given hospital X, action write is considered as a modification
activity and action read as a consultation activity. We express all these facts by the
following rules.
Consider(C1) ConsiderAv.Activity(Modify)ConsiderAc.Action(write)
Consider(C2) ConsiderAv.Activity(Consult)ConsiderAc.Action(read)
Where C1 and C2 are instances of Consider.
Context Definition Axiom:
Conte xt
Define DefineAc.Action DefineS.Subject DefineO.Object
Def ineC.Context DefineOr.Organization
We need first to define the Normal context.
Define(D1) De f ineAc.Action(W rite) DefineS.Subject(Jean)
Def ineO.Object(Ordinnance) Def ineC.Context(Normal)
Def ineOr.Organization(X)
Where D1 is an instance of Define.
Permission Attribution Axiom: defines the relation between role, activity, view
and context in an organization.
Prohibition = non Permission
P ermission P ermisionAv .Activity P ermissionR .Role
P ermissionV.V iew P ermissionC.ContextP ermissionOr.Organization
Every user who play the role of Doctor is permitted to modify an ordinnance
when the context normal is true.
P ermission(P 1) P er m isionAv.Activity(Modify)
P ermissionR.Role(Doctor) P ermissionV.V iew(Ordinnance)
P ermissionC.Context(Normal) P ermissionOr.Org anization(X)
Where P1 is an instance of Permission.
Hierarchy Definition Axiom: defines the hierarchy between roles.
Subrole Subrole1.RoleSubrole2.RoleSubroleOr.Organization
Role1 is a sub role of Role2 in organization Or
Suppose that in a given hospital X, a Surgeon play also the role of Doctor, then a
surgeon inherits the set of authorizations of the role doctor. The next rule express
this fact.
P ermission(X, Doctor, Av, V, C) P er m ission(X, Surgeon, Av, V, C)
And because we defined the concept of Sub-role, so the inheritance is expressed as
P ermission(X, Surgeon, Av, V, C) P ermission(X, Doctor, Av, V, C)
Sub role(X, Surgeon, Doctor)
Concrete Permission Axiom:
Is permitted Is permittedAc.Action Is p ermittedS.Subject
Is pemittedO.Object
Jean is permitted to write Diagnosis
Is permitted(I1) Is per mittedAc.Action(W rite)
Is permittedS.Subject(Jean) Is pemittedO.Object(Diagnosis)
Definition of Rules of Security:
Employ U se Consider δP ermission δDefine δIs p ermitted
Employ U se Consider P ermission
Def ine
Is permitted
4.2 The ABox
The ABox of K includes eight catalogs of axioms: Organization assertions axiom, Sub-
ject assertions axiom, Object assertions axiom, View assertions axiom, Role assertions
axiom, Action assertions axiom, Activity assertions axiom and Context assertions ax-
In the next section, we show how a security policy can be modelized and how we
can infer authorizations.
4.3 Inference and Subsumtion
Permission Hierarchy
We know that a Surgeon is a sub-role of Doctor, so we can write:
Sub role(S1) Sub role1.Role(Surgeon) Sub role2.Role(D octor)
Sub roleOr.Organization(X)
When we want to know if a Surgeon is permitted to write an ordinnance, we use
the following rule:
P ermission(X, Surgeon, M odif y, Ordinnance , N ormal)
P ermission(X, Doctor, M odif y, Ordinnance, N orma l) Sub role(S1)
and then the answer in this case is Yes because we use the inheritance of properties
in the normal case.
Access Control if Normal Context is True
Within organization X, Normal context holds between subject Jean, action Write
and object Diagnosis1, we obtain D2, an instance of concept Define.
Define(D2) De f ineAc.Action(W rite) DefineS.Subject(Jean)
Def ineO.Object(Diagnosis1) DefineC.Context(Normal)
Def ineOr.Organization(X)
We also know that Diagnosis1 is an object used in a view Diagnosis, an instance
U3 of Use is write as:
Use(U3) Us eO.Object(Dia gnosis1) UseV.view(Diagnosis)
U seOr.Organization(X)
And finally, we know that in organization X, each person who play the role of
Doctor is permitted to modify Diagnosis, when Normal context is true, we write
an instance P2 as:
P ermission(P 2) P er m isionAv.Activity(Modify)
P ermissionR.Role(Doctor) P ermissionV.V iew(Di agnosis)
P ermissionC.Context(Normal) P ermissionOr.Org anization(X)
Now, the question is: Is Jean permitted to write diagnosis in a normal context?; We
-Jean play role of doctor in organization X: Employ(E1);
-and, Diagnosis1 is an object used in the view Diagnosis: Use(U3);
-and, Write is considered as a modification activity: Consider(C1);
-and, by default, within organizationX, contextNormal holds between subject Jean,
action Write and object Diagnosis1: δDef ine (D2);
-and finally, by default, in organization X, each person who plays the role of Doctor
is permittedto modify Diagnosis, whenNormalcontextis true:δP ermission(P 2).
Formally,we write:Employ(E1)Use(U3)Consider (C1)δP ermission(P 2)
δDef in e(D2)
Using security rules, we can deduce that the precedent proposition subsume δIs
per m itted(I1).
And because Is pe rmitted(I1) δIs permitted(I1), we can deduce that
Jean is permitted to write diagnosis.
Access Control if Context “Contamination-risk” is True. We have within orga-
nization X, context Contamination-risk holds between subject Jean, action Write
and object Diagnosis1, we obtain D3, an instance of concept Define.
Define(D3) De f ineAc.Action(W rite) DefineS.Subject(Jean)
DefineO.Object(Diagnosis1)Def ineC.Context(Contam inationrisk)
DefineC.Context(normal) DefineO r.Organization(X)
We know that context Contamination-risk is an exception of context normal,
DefineC.Context(Contam inationrisk) (Def ineC.Context(Normal))
If we substitute DefineC.Context(Contamination-risk) by its value, we obtain:
δDef in e(D3) δDef ine Ac.Action(W rite) δDefineS.Subject(Jean)
δDefineO.Object(Diagnosis1) δDefineC.Context(N ormal)
(Def ineC.Context(Normal))
Using the rule A
δA A
, we obtain:
δDef ineC.Context(Normal)
(Def ineC.Context(Normal))
after replacment, we get:
δDef in e(D3) δDef ine Ac.Action(W rite) δDefineS.Subject(Jean)
δDefineO.Object(Diagnosis1) (DefineC.Context(N ormal))
which means that: Define(D2)
δDef ine(D3)
In the context Contamination-risk, we create a new instance P3 which is defined
as follow:
P ermission(P 3) P er m isionAv.Activity(Modify)
P ermissionR.Role(Doctor) P ermissionV.V iew(Di agnosis)
P ermissionC.Context(Normal)P ermissionC.Context(Contamination
risk) P erm issionOr.Organization(X)
Context Contamination-risk is an exception of context normal
P ermissionC.Context(Contaminationrisk) (P ermissionC.Context(Normal))
After substitution, we get:
P ermission(P 3) P er m isionAv.Activity(Modify)
P ermissionR.Role(Doctor) P ermissionV.V iew(Di agnosis)
P ermissionC.Context(Normal) (P ermissionC.Context(Normal))
P ermissionOr.Organization(X)
We know that, A
δA A
, we obtain:
P ermission(P 3) P er m isionAv.Activity(Modify)
P ermissionR.Role(Doctor) P ermissionV.V iew(Di agnosis)
(P ermissionC.Context(Normal))
P ermissionOr.Organization(X)
So, we can deduce: P ermision(P 2)
δP erm ission(P 3)
The question we can ask is: Is Jean permitted to write Diagnosis when context
Contamination-risk is true?
We have: -Jean play role of doctor in organization X: Employ(E1);
-and, Diagnosis1 is an object used in the view Diagnosis: Use(U3);
-and, Write is considered as a modification activity: Consider(C1);
-and, by default, within organization X, context Contamination-risk holds between
subject Jean, action Write and object Diagnosis1: δDef ine (D3);
-and finally, by default, in organization X, each person who plays the role of Doc-
tor is permitted to modify Diagnosis, when context Contamination-risk is true:
δP ermission(P 3).
We obtain: Employ(E1) Use(U 3) Consider(C1) δP ermission(P 3)
δDef in e(D3)
Em ploy(E1) U se(U 3) Consider(C1) δP ermission(P 2)
Em ploy(E1)Use(U 3)Consider(C1)P ermission(P 2)
Using security rules, we can deduce that the precedent proposition subsume Is
per m itted(I1)
. And because Is permitted(I1) 6⊑ Is permitted(I1)
, then
we cant deduce Is-permitted(I1), and Jean is not permitted to write diagnosis when
there is a contamination risk.
5 Conclusions
The aim of this paper is to give a logical formalisation to DL
-OrBAC model using
the expressive AL
language. We showed how default and exceptional knowledge are
well suited to represent and reason about access control, we illustrate this fact with a
small example of medical information system.
To implement and reason about this model, we need to choose a reasoner which take
into account default and exceptional knowledge. There are many tools for the classical
description logic [11], we mention Classic, Fact++, RacerPro, but in our knowledge,
there is no tool for description logic with default and exception reasoner.
The next step of our work is to develop such a reasoner. N eoClassic
is actually
our preoccupation.
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