The ESSAF Framework for Structured Qualitative Analysis
Friedrich Köster, Michael Klaas, Hanh Quyen Nguyen, Walter Brenner
Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen, Mueller-Friedberg-Str. 8, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Markus Brändle, Sebastian Obermeier
ABB Research, Segelhofstr. 1K, Post Box, 5405 Baden, Switzerland
Keywords: Collaborative security assessment, ESSAF framework, Embedded systems security, Security knowledge
management, Threat modeling.
Abstract: The standardization of network protocols and software components in embedded systems development has
introduced security threats that have been common before in e-commerce and office systems into the
domain of critical infrastructures. The ESSAF framework presented in this paper lays the ground for
collaborative, structured security assessments during the design and development phase of these systems. Its
three phases system modeling, security modeling and mitigation planning guide software developers in the
independent assessment of their product’s security, minimizing the burden on security experts in the
collection of security relevant data.
The use of networked embedded systems for the
monitoring and control of critical infrastructures,
such as energy, telecommunication or transportation
networks and factory automation systems, has
introduced similar IT security problems into these
domains that have been existing in e-commerce and
office networks for a long time (Byres and Lowe
2004). The increasing use of commercial off-the-
shelf (COTS) software and standardized protocols
such as TCP/IP in the development of these
embedded systems increases both the number of
vulnerabilities – due to better accessibility of the
systems – and threats – due to more widespread
knowledge about the vulnerabilities (Igure, Laughter
et al. 2006).
Systematically assessing the security
requirements and issues of these systems during the
development phase is a crucial task in the design of
any embedded system for critical infrastructures.
Whenever a security assessment of such systems
must be conducted, a multitude of stakeholders from
different disciplines and with a diverse background
should work together. Each of the stakeholders
involved in building and assessing such systems has
different pieces of information and different
expertise, which can only contribute to a
comprehensive evaluation of a system’s security if it
is systematically collected and documented in a
well-defined way.
1.1 Contributions
In this paper, we describe the ESSAF framework
(Embedded System Security Assessment
Framework), which provides a method and a
software tool for the collaborative evaluation and
documentation of embedded systems during their
design and development phase. The framework
includes a software tool currently under
development, which supports the assessment and
knowledge sharing process. The framework
integrates techniques for system modelling, security
requirements documentation, threat modelling, risk
and mitigation management with collaboration and
knowledge management techniques together with a
consistent data model for the structured analysis of
embedded systems. The method and tool enable
Köster F., Klaas M., Quyen Nguyen H., Brenner W., Braendle M. and Obermeier S. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 305-312
DOI: 10.5220/0002189903050312
system experts without specific security knowledge
to participate in the evaluation process. They help to
make security assessments more efficient than
current “offline” or “brainstorming” based methods
while enabling the integration of ongoing security
evaluations into the development process.
1.2 Related Work
Several methods for the modeling of threats and
vulnerabilities or the identification and assessment
of IT security risks exist. Especially the field of
“probabilistic” risk management approaches, which
focus on the formulation of scenarios and their
evaluation in terms of probability of occurrence and
(monetary) impact, is now well described (Ralston,
Graham et al. 2007). Sometimes, the monetary
impact quantification is replaced or combined with
other units such as loss of life or severity of injury
(Tolbert 2005). National or international standards
such as (Standards Australia & Standards New
Zealand (SA/SNZ) 2000) and (ISO/IEC 2005)
describe the organization of risk management
processes that will also consider information
security risks. They cover multiple phases of a risk
management process, with a focus on the
organizational aspects.
In order to effectively solve the given assessment
task, the abstraction level of the method needs to be
considered. The well-known OCTAVE method
(Alberts and Dorofee 2001), (Alberts, Dorofee et al.
2003) has a focus on a strategic, high-level
description of the risk assessment process, but leaves
the choice of techniques to the users. This requires
constant involvement of a specialist that can choose
suitable techniques for data collection. Collaboration
is often organized in the form of physical meetings
with all stakeholders together with a security expert,
as in the CORAS method (Vraalsen, den Braber et
al. 2004).
A security assessment method that takes into
account the technical implementation of systems has
been described by Microsoft researchers in
(Swiderski and Snyder 2004) and (Howard and
Lipner 2006). This method uses information about
damage potential and affected users in order to rate
risks, which is not generally known in the
development scenarios which are targeted by this
Aspects of collaboration in security assessments
for IT systems without regard for a specific method
have been covered by (Steffan and Schumacher
2005) for the area of attack modeling. The concept
of using a knowledge base in security risk
management has been described by (Kailay 1995).
Organizational and practical challenges in
connection with IT security for critical control
systems are described in (Naedele 2007).
1.3 Roadmap
We start in section 0 with a description of the
ESSAF method. Section 0 describes the processes
for collaboration. The description of knowledge
sharing mechanisms can be found in section 0. Our
findings are summarized in section 0.
The main focus of the ESSAF method is to
document what to protect (security objectives of
assets) how (rationales, security measures) from
which threats. The assessment process is divided
into the three phases System Modeling, Security
Modeling and Mitigation Planning, which are
sketched in the process model shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Iterative process Model of the three phases to 1:
collect information about the system, its security
objectives and security measures, 2: document and asses
the system’s security and 3: plan necessary changes to
improve the system’s security architecture.
Even though the three phases are shown in
consecutive order, it is not necessary to fully
complete one phase before entering the next. For
example, a vulnerability can be entered for an asset
before the whole system model is completed. The
idea is that as more information is entered into an
assessment, the necessary cross-references between
assets, security measures, rationales and threats will
prompt for an iterative completion of the
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Some security objectives only apply to data assets, whereas others are useful to describe security needs of
functions. Storages, for example, inherit the security objectives of the data they hold, but they can have their own
availability requirement.
Authenticity Access Control Auditability Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Function x x x x
Data x x
Storage x x x
information. Also, the overall process is designed to
be carried out concomitantly to the design and
development activities for the modeled system.
2.1 System Modeling
The system modeling phase starts by documenting
the system’s assets and their relationships in a data
flow diagram: Data, functions and storage entities
are related to each other by data flows that connect
them. A suitable level of abstraction should be
chosen in order to keep the system model
understandable to participants that are not involved
in the actual implementation of the system (Schuette
and Rotthowe 2004); not every implemented
software function needs to become a function in the
data flow diagram, and multiple data elements can
be summarized as one entity if they are of the same
type and have the same security objectives (e.g.
different control data can be modeled as one entity).
Assets are annotated with security objectives,
which represent the required security level of a
system. In a model instance, each security objective
defines a protection goal for a specific asset. The
following six commonly used security objectives
according to (Dzung, Naedele et al. 2005) are pre-
defined, but more specialized security objectives can
be added if needed (e.g. non-repudiability, plausible
deniability, third-party protection (Ma 2004)):
Authenticity: the identity of a user (e.g. an
operator or another process) must be verifiable
Access Control: access to resources is limited to
authorized users based on rules; the authorization
requires prior authentication
Auditability: it is possible to identify the user that
performed an operation
Confidentiality: data may not be disclosed to
unauthorized users
Integrity: data must be protected during
transmission and storage against unauthorized
modification or destruction
Availability: a resource must be accessible or
usable upon demand by a legitimate entity or
Table 1 shows the security objectives that are
applicable to each type of asset. For all applicable
security objectives for each system component,
ESSAF requires the security assessors to provide a
reasoning if the security objective is deemed to be
When the required security level has been
described by all assets’ security objectives, the
current security level of a system needs to be
documented in rationales. A rationale describes how
a security objective is achieved (or not achieved, or
partially achieved) for a given asset. A rationale may
use a security measure, which is security
functionality provided by one of the system’s
components. An example of a rationale using a
security measure would be: “User credentials are
encrypted by the web server’s SSL function”. If a
rationale contains an assumption, the assumption
must be explicitly formulated (techniques for
uncovering hidden assumptions are described in
(Bishop and Armstrong 2005)). In this case, one
assumption is that “the web server’s SSL function
will always be used if user credentials are
transmitted over a network”. The list of all
assumptions can later be used by other stakeholders
who are concerned with the deployment or use of the
system in order to make sure that all documented
assumptions are met in the implementation.
2.2 Security Modeling
In order to check whether the current security
architecture can uphold against the intended security
requirements, the documented security objectives
need to be mapped against the currently
implemented security measures in a matrix. By
reasoning about the sufficiency of each security
measure, gaps can be identified where the currently
implemented measures are not enough in order to
ensure the security objectives. There may not be
security measures in place for all the security
objectives of all assets. In this case, the reasoning
and assumptions behind the lack of security
measures has to be documented in the rationale.
Framework for Structured Qualitative Analysis
The question whether the implementation of a
security measure or other functionality is correct and
sufficient in order to uphold a security objective is
not in the scope of this method, but needs to be
assessed by (security) experts, possibly with the help
of other tools such as port scanners, static code
validation and external vulnerability databases
(Viega, Bloch et al. 2000). It is possible that there is
a security measure in place, but the technical
implementation is not strong enough or can be
circumvented in some way. It is not intended to
automatically detect this kind of flaws, but known
vulnerabilities should be stored in the knowledge
base and can then be checked off each time a
security measure is introduced.
Another starting point for the discovery of
vulnerabilities is the analysis of all assumptions.
Whenever an assumption from a rationale does not
hold true, this will very likely introduce a new
vulnerability into the system.
A third possibility to support vulnerability
discovery is a rule based approach. The main idea
behind rule based vulnerability discovery is to
capture security expert knowledge into a set of rules
that can be automatically (or in a check-list
approach) applied to a system model in order to
detect inconsistencies or “weak spots” that warrant a
more careful analysis by a human expert in order to
decide whether it is a vulnerability or not. The rules
can be formulated in predicate logic. An example for
a predicate logic rule that would point out that some
confidential data has not been explicitly modeled
may be: “Exists Function SSL Server And Not
Exists Data SSL Certificate”. This approach is
applicable for system elements which are classified
hierarchically (cf. section 0), so that the semantics of
the elements are known.
A threat is described in terms of a possible attack
scenario that includes
the targeted assets and the security objectives
that are endangered as well as the possible
motivation for this compromise,
the associated assets that also play a role in this
the vulnerabilities that could be exploited in
order to realize this goal and
an approximated classification of the costs or
complexity of the attack (low, medium or
The complexity rating can be made according to the
criteria that are described under “Access Complexity
(AC)” in (Mell, Scarfone et al. 2007).
Severity Rating
A system developer of a sufficiently generic
embedded system cannot quantify risk very well by
means of probability and impact estimates due to
limited knowledge about later usages of the system.
Nonetheless, vulnerabilities need to be prioritized in
order to make informed decisions about mitigation
measures. Much of the information is already
contained in the textual descriptions of the assets’
rationales and in the system model itself. In order to
increase the manageability of the found
vulnerabilities, a simple severity ranking scheme is
proposed based on four factors:
1. number of endangered security objectives of
2. importance of the endangered security objectives,
3. number of threats that could exploit the
vulnerability and
4. exploitability (costs) of the threats for the
Table 2: Derivation of the impact level for a vulnerability.
Level Description
at least three affected security objectives of
“default” importance or
at least one affected “critical” security
at least two affected security objectives of
“default” importance
one affected security objective of “default”
importance plus
any number of affected security objectives
of “low” importance
Table 3: Derivation of the exploitability level for a
Level Description
at least two threats that exploit the
vulnerability or
at least one threat with low attack costs that
exploits the vulnerability
at least one threat with medium or high attack
cost that exploits the vulnerability
Low no known threat that exploits the vulnerability
In a first step, factors 1. and 2. can be combined
into an “impact” figure for each vulnerability (cf.
Table 2), clearly focusing on the technical impact,
not the business impact. Factors 3. and 4. can be
combined into an “exploitability” figure (cf. Table
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3) with the help of a vulnerability-threat-matrix that
indicates which threats (if any) exploit what
vulnerabilities. Each vulnerability can then be
mapped in a severity matrix that has the impact
rating on the x-axis and the exploitability rating on
the y-axis (cf. Figure 2). The reasoning behind the
exploitability rating acknowledges that even a
vulnerability for which no threat is known can be
very critical, as there is no technique which could
assure that all threats have been documented. On the
other hand, it does not ignore the threat information
and gives a “best estimate” for the likelihood of
attacks based on the known information.
2.3 Mitigation Planning
Mitigations address the found vulnerabilities in
order to attenuate their effect, to provide additional
countermeasures or to completely eliminate them.
All possible mitigations are described with the
following information:
security measures that will be introduced by the
vulnerabilities that the mitigation is supposed to
approximate cost of mitigation measure in
person days and/or monetary value and
possible negative effects on the system
As development resources are always limited,
planning is needed in order to find a set of
mitigation measures which will lead to the greatest
improvement to the system’s security with the
available resources under the constraints of technical
feasibility and possible side effects. The basic steps
of this process are as follows:
1. Identify possible mitigation measures for the
found vulnerabilities; relate all vulnerabilities and
mitigation measures.
2. Assess the approximate costs and mitigating
effects for all measures; plan what new assets and
security measures will be introduced by the
mitigations and what the overall effect will be on
the whole system.
3. Select a set of mitigations for implementation (by
expert reasoning).
4. Go through the process for the new system model
and adjust the system model and the vulnerability,
threat and risk analysis accordingly.
The implementation of new mitigations will
introduce new assets, security measures and security
objectives into the system model, and most likely,
even new threats and vulnerabilities will arise from
Medium High High
Medium Medium High
Low Medium Medium
Low Medium High
Figure 2: Severity matrix for vulnerabilities.
the changes. This makes it imperative to go through
a new iteration of the security assessment process
once the new mitigations have been selected. The
process will only stop once it is decided that no
more mitigations are reasonable or feasible.
We divide the collaboration features into two
independent processes: 1) The storage, sharing and
collaborative creation of single assessments
(described in this section) and 2) the creation,
editing and sharing of an inter-divisional common
knowledge base of findings (see section 0). During
an assessment, it is important to capture the
knowledge of as many stakeholders as possible. The
role model described in section 0 prescribes which
roles need to be filled as a minimum prerequisite for
security assessments with validation by cross-
checking of the entered information.
3.1 Role Model
Practical experience shows that it is hard to start a
security assessment “on a blank page”. In order to
get started easily, the method begins by
documenting the functions, data and storages of a
system, which are well known to developers and
system architects. Since a system architect is used to
creating abstract models of systems and has the best
overview of the system, he is tasked with the
creation of an initial system model with the most
important components. The system architect can
Framework for Structured Qualitative Analysis
Table 4: Roles in the creation of a security assessment.
Role Tasks and responsibilities
Creates a first, complete overview of
the involved system components and
their relations. Documents rationales
and existing security measures,
identifies vulnerabilities. Provides
feasibility judgments about possible
Provides specific input about the
components in parts of the system.
Identifies vulnerabilities.
Assigns security objectives to the
system components. Checks plausibility
and completeness of the system model.
Describes and rates threats. Provides
cost figures for mitigations.
Checks the plausibility and
completeness of found vulnerabilities
and threats. Proposes mitigation
Checks the overall plausibility of the
model and its assumptions. Approves
versions of the assessment. Decides
about mitigation measures.
then delegate the detailed definition of parts of the
system to system developers that are familiar with
this part of the system. A product manager then
defines what security objectives are needed for the
system’s assets. For each security objective of each
asset, the system architect (possibly again with the
help of system developers) needs to provide a
rationale that states how the security objective is
achieved, also modeling the security measures
involved. A crucial part is the identification of
vulnerabilities, which is mainly the task of system
architect and developers, but can be supported by the
security expert.
The assumption is that the role of the security
expert is the hardest to fill, and the security expert
will have the highest time constraints. One goal of
the method thus is to minimize the effort for the
security expert not directly related to the discovery
and treatment of security issues. Therefore, the
identification of vulnerabilities will also be
supported by a central knowledge base (see section
0). The security expert needs to judge whether
vulnerabilities or threats have been overlooked, and
he can propose mitigation measures such as suitable
security measures or changes to the existing
architecture or functions. When the system has
reached a stable development state, the business
manager is responsible to approve the assessment
when he has the impression that it has been carried
out diligently and reflects all major risks. The
business manager also decides on mitigation
measures based on the information about effects and
costs provided by the system architect and the
product manager. A summary of all roles that exist
for a security assessment is provided in Table 4.
3.2 Validation by Structure
An important effect of collaborative modeling is that
inconsistencies and different views about the
“appropriate” representation of the system structure
or security architecture often lead to the discovery of
vulnerabilities. For example, when the system
architect has to provide a rationale for an asset’s
security objectives, he may use an assumption or a
security measure. The system developers may then
discover if they violate one of those assumptions, or
if a security measure is used in a way that it was not
intended for (e.g. using a checksum function to
check for data integrity, which is not correct in a
security context).
Furthermore, the structure of the system model
itself can help to uncover vulnerabilities. For
example, a security measure such as “input
validation” has to be attributed to a function in the
system model that provides it. It is well conceivable
that a system architect creates this security measure,
but finds no function where to assign it. In the
process of finding a developer which is responsible
for this functionality, it may turn out that no suitable
function can be found that provides input validation.
An additional support for security assessment
collaboration is a common knowledge base that
holds assessment objects and their related security
information (e.g. security objectives, threats, and
vulnerabilities) of previous assessments. The
knowledge base fulfills three main goals: 1) To
make the creation of new assessments more efficient
by re-using objects from the knowledge base, 2) to
validate individual assessments and check their
plausibility against information from the knowledge
base (Steffan and Schumacher 2005) and 3) to
enable inter-divisional communication about
security issues that pertain to objects from the
knowledge base which have been used in more than
one assessment.
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
4.1 Knowledge Base Content
When deciding on what to store in the knowledge
base for later re-use, it is important to distinguish
between “negative” and “positive” security
information. “Negative” information informs about
required security levels, which may or may not be
accomplished (e.g. security objectives,
vulnerabilities, threats). “Positive” security
information explains how the security levels are
assured (e.g. rationales, assumptions, security
measures); if missing, it will raise a “red flag” that
prompts for action – either further documentation of
the measures in place, or mitigation measures that
remove an assets’ vulnerability. If “positive”
security information is delivered from the
knowledge base, this would carry the risk that
rationales and security measures are adopted without
checking if they are applicable in the new context.
Because the reasoning behind the security
architecture needs to be done by those responsible
for a system, no rationales, assumptions or reasoning
about why a security objective is not relevant to an
asset can be stored in the knowledge base.
4.2 Administration and Organization
of the Knowledge Base
Good data quality and sufficient retrieval methods
determine the success of the central knowledge base.
In order to support these goals, the knowledge base
can only be filled by a dedicated knowledge base
administrator. Once the security assessments of
different teams are uploaded to a central server, the
administrator evaluates them for system and
“negative” security information that can be entered
into the knowledge base. The editor can also group
entities and assign a common name to this group of
entities (e.g. a set of functions, storages and data
flows which have a common purpose and usually
exist together). When components are taken from an
individual assessment, their name may be changed
by the editor in order to adhere to a common naming
scheme in the knowledge base. The components will
still be identifiable by their assessment and object
IDs which are not changeable by the editor. The
knowledge base is stored and edited centrally on a
server; the local client applications regularly
download the current version of the knowledge base
(or the changes since the last download,
respectively). New information cannot be entered
directly by clients into the knowledge base, but
needs to be extracted from assessments stored on the
server. The process of storing, editing and sharing
knowledge is outlined in Figure 3.
Server Local Tool 1
- System Modeling
- Threat Modeling
- Mitigation
- Knowledge Base
Local Tool 2
- System Modeling
- Threat Modeling
- Mitigation
- Knowledge Base
- Knowledge Extraction
- Knowledge Base
- Versioning
- Locking
- Edit Control
- Access
- System
- Inference
- Vulnerabilities/
Figure 3: Collaboration between different users through a
central server.
In order to identify and retrieve the objects from
the knowledge base, it is essential to be able to
classify them according to a common scheme. This
classification is achieved by assigning tags to each
system component. The tags can then be organized
in a hierarchy for each entity class (i.e. one hierarchy
for all functions, one for all data elements, etc.).
This improves the organization of knowledge in
two cases: When a new object is created by an
assessment user and is then marked with a tag that
already exists in the knowledge base, it is possible to
automatically propose using an existing system
component from the knowledge base which may not
have been considered for re-use when entering the
new entity in the assessment. And for administering
the knowledge base, this hierarchy can speed up the
process of finding duplicate entities in order to
decide if some new information should be entered
into the knowledge base or not. Security information
such as vulnerabilities and threats are assigned to the
system components that they can affect, and can be
found by searching for their associated system
4.3 Update Notification
When a system component from the knowledge base
is re-used in another assessment, it “remembers” its
ID, just as components that are entered into the
knowledge base also retain their original assessment
and object IDs. In this way, if new “negative”
security information such as security objectives,
vulnerabilities or threats are discovered in one of the
assessments where the component is used, all other
Framework for Structured Qualitative Analysis
assessment projects can be notified of this new
information after the next download of the central
knowledge base. The assessment teams can mark the
new information as “irrelevant” or “mitigated”, but
they have to provide a reasoning why the
vulnerability, threat, etc. is not relevant in their
The ESSAF framework enables the collaborative,
structured documentation of an embedded system’s
architecture, its components and their security
objectives and security measures as a basis for a
systematic analysis of vulnerabilities and threats to
the system. This allows for informed decisions about
a mitigation strategy for the identified
vulnerabilities. Because assumptions and the
reasoning behind evaluations are documented, the
traceability of the results is ensured.
The analysis can be carried out by system
designers and developers, who do not need to be
security experts, as part of their daily work. The
assessment information can evolve gradually as
more information is provided by different
stakeholders. The resulting documentation serves as
the basis for further analysis by a security expert,
who can save effort in data collection. The data
structure also allows for the use of a knowledge base
that can assist in the identification of inconsistencies
and possible vulnerabilities.
No information about concrete use cases is
needed for the analysis and rating of vulnerabilities,
especially no probability or monetary impact figures
have to be indicated. This supports the use of the
method during the design and development of
embedded systems that may be deployed in very
diverse settings later. The supporting software tool
enables the structuring of information.
This work was supported by the Swiss
Confederation’s innovation promotion agency CTI.
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SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography