Hiroshi Igaki, Hiroyuki Sakamoto and Masahide Nakamura
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
Home Network System, RSS, Mashup, Web Service.
Home Network System(HNS), which connects home appliances and sensors to networks, has been researched
actively. HNS makes it possible to remote-control and monitor home appliances. However, use of these
services has been limited to home appliances and sensors in HNS.In this paper, we present integrated services
combining RSS documents and HNS with our RSS conversion service. In our service, the hyperlink in each
item on an RSS document is replaced to a WebAPI of home appliance control. This converted RSS(integrated
RSS) can control home appliances by clicking items in an RSS reader.
Ubiquitous and embedded technologies are emerging
widely as new fundamental technological frameworks
for a home network system. Based on the technolo-
gies, many smart devices including sensors and home
appliances in home network system have network ca-
pability to access their functions from other appli-
ances or softwares. With using such devices, various
applications have been being developed. One of the
applications is an appliance integration service. The
integration service provides a user with new added
value by combination of multiple devices in HNS.
An automatic door(Nabtesco Corp., 2008) and a sen-
sor light(Residential Landscape Lighting & Design,
2008) with a human-detect sensor are typical exam-
ples with using multiple devices.
As Web 2.0 technology spreads, mashup services
with higher added value combining the various infor-
mation resources exhibited on the Web have become
popular. Then, we aim at development of more so-
phisticated integration services combining with not
only home appliances but the information resources
on the Web as a next step of HNS integration ser-
vices. For example, ”stock price information service”
which tells a user a certain stock price fluctuation
by combining the alarm device and stock informa-
tion, and ”energy-saving air-conditioner, ventilation
service” which performs optimal opening and closing
of windows, ventilating fans, and air-conditioner con-
trol based on the weather information on the Web. To
integrate home network system and Web information
resources, we use RSS(Berkman Center for Internet
& Society at Harvard Law School, 2007) documents
and HNS-WebAPIs.
In our research, we focus on a
element in
the RSS document. The link element usually has a hy-
perlink to access detailed information of each
in the document. By replacing the hyperlink by We-
bAPI of home appliance control(HNS-WebAPI), new
integrated services using both web information re-
sources and home network system can be developed.
In our proposed RSS conversion service, based
on a certain pre-defined conversion rule, replacement
of the hyperlink of adequate items in the RSS doc-
ument is performed. The conversion rule contains a
HNS-WebAPI and an item extractor to extract ade-
quate items in the RSS document. Based on the rule,
our service specifies items in RSS documents, and re-
places a hyperlink of the link element into a HNS-
In this paper, we explain about our RSS conver-
sion service based on the conversion rule.
Igaki H., Sakamoto H. and Nakamura M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 131-134
DOI: 10.5220/0002194001310134
2.1 Home Network System
A Home Network System(in short, HNS) consists of
one or more networked appliances connected to a
LAN at home. Each networked appliance has a set
of control APIs, so that the user or external software
agents can control the appliance via the network (e.g.,
(DLNA, 2007)(ECHONET Consortium, 2004)).
In this paper, we assume that such control APIs
are exhibited as WebAPIs. The term ”WebAPI” here
indicates an API that can be accessed over HTTP.
(Nakamura et al., 2008) shows examples of WebAPIs
which are exposed by a legacy appliance wrapped in
a Web Service . Hereafter we call such WebAPIs in
2.2 RSS as Web Information Resources
RSS is a Web content syndication format(Berkman
Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School,
2007). Adopting RSS to the information resources
on the Web ,such as blog entries, news headlines,
weather information and TV programs enables users
to access the resources in a standardized way.
In a typical format of an RSS document,
element indicates outline of information
resources, and the
expresses each informa-
tion item itself. For example, in the case of
an RSS document containing blog entries, name,
URL, and summary of the blog are described in
, and each
indicates each entry.
Then, each
contains a
element, sum-
element), a hyperlink to the
detailed information (a
element), and date of
the entry etc.. A user can browsevarious kinds of RSS
documents on the web through an RSS reader(News
On Feeds, 2008). Similarly, many applications can
produce RSS documents to mashup with other re-
sources or web services.
Recently, very various and worthy information re-
sources such as news headline, weather forecasts,
stock quotations, TV program listings, and Podcast-
ing, etc. are exhibited as RSS documents. We suppose
novel integrated services are realized by combining
these information resources and home appliances. In
this paper, we assume the following services as new
integrated services combining information resources
and home appliances.
RSS-TV Service
If a user selects a certain TV program under tele-
vising from a TV program listing RSS through an
RSS reader, the program can be watched by the
user’s TV in HNS.
Podcasting Play Service
In this service, a MP3 Stereo Component plays
a podcasted item selected by the user on RSS
In the following section, we introduce about our
RSS Conversion Service to realize these kinds of ser-
We focused on the
element which is sub ele-
ment of the
in the RSS document in order to
integrate an RSS document and HNS. Originally, the
element includes a hyperlink to the detailed in-
formation of each information item. A user can read
a title, summary, and published date etc. of the items
in the RSS documents. If the user wants to acquire
more detailed information, he/she moves to URL of
the hyperlink. Therefore, the general RSS reader of-
fers a GUI which a user can travel to the hyperlinked
information by clicking on the title of the item.
Then, we propose an RSS conversion service
which changes the hyperlink in the
into arbitrary HNS-WebAPI like Figure 1. Our ser-
vice enables users to invoke a suitable HNS-WebAPI
by clicking title of a specific information item. In or-
der to make an RSS document and an HNS-WebAPI
cooperate appropriately,our service uses a conversion
rule which contains search conditions for extraction
Figure 1: RSS Conversion Service.
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
Table 1: Example of Conversion Rules.
TargetElement: category
Search Query: ABC-TV
HNS-WebAPI: http://myHNS/TVService/ch?param0=6
TargetElement: category
Search Query: Fuji Network
HNS-WebAPI: http://myHNS/TVService/ch?param0=10
of suitable items in an RSS document and an ade-
quate HNS-WebAPI. In the following section, we de-
note about the conversion rule for our service.
4.1 Conversion Rules
We define a conversion rule as a combination of an
item extractor extracting adequate items and a HNS-
WebAPI. The item extractor consists of a target ele-
ment and a search query. The target element shows
arbitrary element name included in each
, etc. in an RSS document.
The search query using regular expressions is given
to find adequate items based on the character string in
the target element.
If this item extractor and an HNS-WebAPI as
a conversion rule are given,
which is sub-
element of each
in an RSS document is re-
placed to a suitable HNS-WebAPI based on the rule.
A user can invoke the HNS-WebAPI by clicking a ti-
tle of the item on the RSS reader.
Table 1 shows an example of a conversion rule
for the RSS-TV Service. The TV program list-
ing RSS to which the conversion rule is applied
Figure 2: Conversion of Podcasting-RSS in Podcasting Play
Table 2: A Conversion Rule for Podcasting Play Service.
TargetElement: enclosure@type
Search Query: audio/mpeg
HNS-WebAPI: http://myHNS/streamMP3.cgi?url=
includes a TV station name in the
each item. In the conversion rule, a target el-
ement ”category” and a search query ”ABC-TV”
are specified as an item extractor. Then, a HNS-
WebAPI ”http://myhome/TVService/ch?param0=6”
which sets channel of a TV to 6ch is given in the
rule. By preparing conversion rules with the similar
scheme on other TV programs, every TV programs
and TV WebAPIs which set channel of the TV are
4.2 Tag Variable for Dynamic
We define a tag variable as a variable whose value
can be specified with any element value or attribute in
. The tag variable is used for expressing a flex-
ible HNS-WebAPI in a conversion rule. When our
RSS Conversion service replaces data of the
the tag variable is replaced with data of specified ele-
ment based on a specified RSS document.
For example, a Podcasting RSS contains a hyper-
link to an MP3 file in ”url” attribute of an
element in each item. A MP3 Stereo component We-
bAPI takes url of mp3 file as an argument. In the con-
version rule of Podcasting Play Service(denoted in 3),
if argument of the HNS-WebAPI is given statically,
only pre-given MP3 file can be played by the HNS-
WebAPI. To integrate such the RSS document and
the HNS-WebAPI flexibly, url of an MP3 file must
be given to the MP3 Stereo component WebAPI dy-
Table 2 is a conversion rule for the Podcasting
Play Service. In this rule, the HNS-WebAPI has a
tag variable ”$enclosure@url$”. Figure 2 shows one
of the
elements of a podcasting RSS. Like this
figure, the tag variable ”$enclosure@url$ is replaced
to the url attribute of the enclosure element in the
Figure 3 shows our registration UI for creating
conversion rules. This UI program consists of
Figure 3: UI for Conversion Rule Registration.
Figure 4: Integrated Services with an RSS reader.
makeRule.html(HTML with JavaScript, LOC:97) and
makeRule.cgi(Perl/CGI, LOC:53).
First, the user enters url of an RSS document
in this registration UI. The UI displays the contents
of inputted RSS document on the upper part of the
screen. The user inputs a target element, a search
query, and a HNS-WebAPI based on the displayed
RSS document. After inputting all conversion rules, a
definition file(rule.txt) which contains all rules is cre-
ated by clicking the [makeRule] button.
In the next step, our RSSConverter.cgi(Perl/CGI,
LOC:57) applies the definition file containing
rules to a specified RSS document. The fol-
lowing url is an example of url for getting con-
verted RSS document. Practically, RSS
is an actual url of an original RSS document.
RSSConverter.cgi applies rule.txt which contains
conversion rules to the RSS document specified by
URL, and creates a new converted RSS docu-
ment. Tag variables given to the HNS-WebAPI in the
rules are also converted, simultaneously. As shown
in the Figure 4, a user can browse the converted RSS
document, and execute the HNS-WebAPI specified in
the conversion rules by clicking each
Recently, RSS processing services like Yahoo
Pipes which can aggregate multiple RSS documents
and extract required items are being widely devel-
oped. Therefore, information resources to which our
RSS conversion service can apply will increase fur-
This research was partially supported by: the Japan
Ministry of Education, Culture,Sports,Science and
Technology, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
(No.21700077, No.20700027).
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Har-
vard Law School (2007). Rss2.0., http://
DLNA (2007). Digital Living Network Alliance. http://
ECHONET Consortium (1997-2004). http:// english/index.htm.
Nabtesco Corp. (2008). Automatic entrance system.
Nakamura, M., Tanaka, A., Igaki, H., Tamada, H., and ichi
Matsumoto, K. (2008). Constructing home network
systems and integrated services using legacy home ap-
pliances and web services. International Journal of
Web Services Research, 5:82–98.
News On Feeds (2008). List of news aggregators.
Residential Landscape Lighting & Design (2008). Home
automation! including product, controllers &
systems. http://www.residential-landscape-lighting-
lighting automation.htm.
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business