Database Integrity in Integrated Systems
José Francisco Zelasco
and Judith Donayo
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ingeniería, Departamento de Mecánica
D. Matheu 1222, Piso 7 “A”, C1249AAB, C. A. B. A., Argentina
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ingeniería, Departamento de Mecánica
Las Achiras 2279, B1618, El Talar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Abstract. This article makes a proposal, looking into certain aspects of Unified
Modelling Language (UML) and Unified Process (UP) usage, when applied to
the database integrity in integrated information systems. The usage of some
tools and heuristics based on the gathered experience originated on the
MERISE method evolution, gives place to comparative benefits while
conceiving this type of informatics applications. The heuristic and employed
tools consist of starting from a higher level of abstraction provided with inverse
engineering and re-engineering instrumentation methods. The knowledge of a
minimal data schema enables a global vision. The data integrity is assured by
means of verifications between the minimal data diagram and the persistent data
object, reducing the number of modifications done to the initially built
subsystem data. Finally, the conceptual and organizational levels of treatment
allow the comparison of the organization options, yielding naturally into the
user manual and object design.
1 Introduction
Database integrity of an information system from its creation to the end of its life
cycle is an important issue of concern among specialists [14], [11], [17], [8], [1] The
proposal concerning all the aspects of an information system project which
complements the UML method at the level creation [26], is introduced here with the
aim of ensuring the integrity of the database throughout the development of the
system. The general aim of this paper consists of an interconnected set of heuristics
and mechanisms that improve the importance of engineering requirements, facilitating
the creation of specifications, suggesting alternatives for the definition of organization
in terms of job positions, tasks, and the creation of distributed information systems.
Consequently, the information produced is stricter and simpler, and facilitates, in
terms of design, the use of tools such as those proposed by the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) and the Unified Process (UP). In this presentation we will lay
special emphasis on those tools that are related to data structuring and that make their
monitoring easier during the optimization and the distribution of data on the physical
level, while protecting their consistency.
As an introduction to the process of creation, we will introduce a diagram called
sun (Fig. 1) [19] in which we can see that the stage of creation articulated in three
levels of abstraction:
Zelasco J. and Donayo J. (2009).
Database Integrity in Integrated Systems.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002200001320140
1. Conceptual level: what the company does, as a whole, before external actors.
2. Organizational or logical level, (namely internal actors), what the company does,
where and when.
3. Operational or Physical level, how something is done. There is a distinction here
between the tasks performed by men known as men’s tasks ,which give rise to the
user’s manual and the tasks performed by machines known as machine tasks,
involved in the information system.
This diagram goes from bottom left to bottom right like the movement of the sun,
passing in the middle through the upper level, i.e., the conceptual one. The whole line
can be followed iterating twice. The first iteration occurs after the selection of
elements that due to their volume (data) and frequency (events) are of greater
importance. This selection is, thus, known as a representative subset and its creation
corresponds to a preliminary study of the project. The second one comprises the field
of study as a whole, so it corresponds to a complete and detailed study.
The line of the figure, from the beginning to the current conceptual level,
corresponding to inverse engineering, which involves the scenarios of the system in
its current state, is the way the system works. Important aspects, such as management
rules, should be stated. Management rules include what the company should do as a
response to external requirements and integrity constraints, which allow for the
determination of functional dependencies.
Reengineering consists of the transition from the current state to the future state.
Some of the factors taken into account for this passage are: the aim of the company,
the external companies that affect it (competition, legislation and other factors that
could eventually have an incidence in the decisions of the company, etc), all the
decisions from the Board (articles of association, policies, strategies, objectives, and
available resources), fields of activity, the different duties that arise from the
organization chart, etc. From all this information there arise: integrity properties,
constraints and restrictions relevant to the data, management rules relevant to the
data-treatment (not to be confused with business rules as described by some authors),
etc, that bring about the passage to the future state, which corrects and enriches the
results of the current conceptual model. The results of the current model known as
inverse engineering are the starting point, followed by the gathering of information
about the context and definitions of the Board (reengineering) to obtain the future
It is also admitted as a hypothesis that there is greater invariance in the data,
related to integrity properties and restrictions than in the treatments, concerning
events and management rules. From now on, we will try to determine [15], [9]:
1. The minimal data model that includes all the information of a distributed system,
in terms of properties, and which will be stored in the physical database to be
reached through different transitions, mechanisms and optimizations.
2. The treatments model based on Petri nets [23], [5] are executed by a subsystem. A
first scheme describes the Process itself, i.e., what the company is to do as a
response to each external requirement, to initial events of processes and to those
which derive from them. This brings about a concatenated series of operations, an
ongoing activity, per Process. The operations contain tasks expressed in terms of
management rules. Next, that same scheme is enlarged in the Procedure replacing
each operation in one or many phases, corresponding to the uninterrupted activity
Fig. 1. Diagram of the sun.
of a specific job position. This brings about different organization options i.e.,
scenario options that, in this level, could be evaluated comparatively by the
company’s Board, which is to choose the most convenient one. The scheme
describes the future scenarios and use cases. The following level is the operational
level, in which each job position distributes the tasks according to the person’s
activity and the information systems activity. The tasks performed by a person
correspond to the user’s manual and those automated correspond to the system
analysis. The tasks derived from management rules are expressed less colloquially
and eventually more formally.
3. Integrity verification. From the system analysis we pass on to the design, and once
the relevant objects are created, the consistency between the persistent properties
and the minimal established scheme is verified. This is to be done by updating and
querying each one of the corresponding entities /properties. This heuristic ensures
that the minimal data scheme meets the needs of each subsystem, but the main
advantage of this mechanism is to ensure that each subsystem provides all the
elements required by the other subsystems. In this way the modifications of the
previous subsystems are to be minimized when the following ones are developed
according to the priorities established by the Board.
2 Conceptual Data Model
The minimal and complete conceptual data model allows an overall view of the
information system data. This overall view of the memory shared by all the actors of
the system is the mechanism that allows a truly systemic approach of the project. The
database administrator transfers this minimal and total conceptual model without
redundancy, to its physical form through passages and optimizations.
To create the minimal conceptual data modeling, that allows for a global view of
the information system, we do not proceed as in object creation, i.e., the starting point
are the fields of activity from which the relevant properties are gathered and
classified, trying not to confuse or relate classes to objects. This yields greater
objectivity to the integrity verification, as the person who executes the data scheme is
not usually the one who creates the objects of each subsystem.
During the preliminary study, (first iteration) the most important data are chosen,
taking into account the volume and the most frequent processes, so as to determine a
representative subset which, facing the Conceptual data model, can be articulated with
all and each of the subsystems. This can be done iteratively, since at the stage of
detailed study (second iteration) such model will have all the properties with no
redundancy that are to be stored in the physical base.
A list of integrity constraints and restrictions should be created to give rise to
functional dependencies. From the current model and taking into consideration the
modifications that result from reengineering, we pass on to the future model, as we
have mentioned above.
To avoid property redundancy, this scheme requires for existing unary
relationships to be expressed without being transformed into binaries. Although the
look here approach (MERISE proposal) [19] [20] [16] and not the look across one [4]
could simplify the representation of options in ternary relationships, it is useless to
discuss their advantages. In fact, an approach should be developed, which in a simple
way allows the representation of all the functional dependencies that both
complementary approaches represent.
There are certain points to take into account to reach this minimal model. Some
are rather elementary, others are subtle:
1. Each property appears only once in the scheme, as a class or relation attribute.
2. The scheme should respect the second normal rule [2] [21] [24].
3. If a property depends on the identifiers of two or more classes, it is a property of
the relation that links such classes (third normal rule.) [2] [21] [24] [22].
4. Each property can be assigned only one value.
5. An arc that links a class with a relation cannot be optional, i.e., when there is a
relation occurrence, it should be linked with an occurrence of each class. If this is
not the case, it is because there are two different relations that have to be separated
because conceptually it is not the same, even though in the physical level this
optimization may not be admitted.
6. Only one occurrence of each class converges to each relation occurrence and
reciprocally only one relation occurrence converges to each set of occurrences. If
this does not happen it is because the indispensable class that avoids this
ambiguity has been omitted.
7. It should be verified that each class has a set of occurrences, so as not to confuse
unique objects (company’s Board) with data classes, which is a frequent mistake
among beginners.
It should be pointed out that this minimal scheme can be the basis for a conceptual
object-oriented database model scheme using simple generalization [25], and
evaluating multiple inheritance.
With this minimal model you can verify all the updating and queries of each and
every persistent data of each application or subsystem object; this is the “verification
of the integrity”.
From there on, the database administrator may choose between an object-oriented
database and a relational database [3]. He will progressively simplify and include
optimizations with the corresponding redundancy that will be documented to allow
inverse engineering to be done without difficulty whenever necessary. This permits to
control redundancy since reference is always made to the same minimal model.
Indeed, whenever a modification to the database is required, (inverse engineering)
that modification must be expressed in the minimum scheme so that it affects the
entire distributed database to ensure data consistency. Thus, it will be enough to go
down the optimizations tree and transformations from the minimum model to the
database. It should be taken into account that the optimizations must respect, if
possible, the search for the minimum storage cost function and process time cost
(holding cost) and it must also be well documented; thus facilitating such drop .
Besides, the information will be distributed and correctly documented at the
corresponding level. Relying on the documented tracing of the simplification, the
optimization, and the distribution at its different levels are not irrelevant factors to
guarantee integrity and the consequent minimization of the cost of development and
maintenance of the project.
3 Processing Model
We shall briefly mention some aspects of the mechanisms used to describe treatments
at different levels, with the sole intention of showing an overall view of the complete
proposal, since this presentation focuses on the aspect of data integrity in information
We suggest tools derived from Petri's nets to develop the Conceptual Model of
Treatments as well as the Organizational Model of Treatments [27]; [5]. The richness
of the proposed diagrams is superior to that of the sequence or activity diagrams
suggested by UML at lower levels, and thus more appropriate to model at this level of
abstraction as the conceptual level.
3.1 Conceptual Model of Treatments
The Conceptual Model of Treatments describes the processes that initiate from
primary events which are generally external or assimilable to external ones.
These processes are divided into operations which have a set of management
rules. The events as well as such management rules (not business rules) [3] come
from the criteria mentioned in the introduction. Management rules describe each
action that the company should accomplish to satisfy events, not only the initial ones
but also those arising during the process. The operations involve a series of ongoing
or uninterrupted actions. The necessity of a new operation arises from an interruption,
as a result of a response event from an external actor. The organization thus waits for
another external event to restart the following operation. In terms of events, there is
no distinction between response and events, that is to say the response is, in itself, a
new event.
It is worth noting that at this level (the conceptual level) no account is taken of
who does what, when and where in the company. The organization as a whole
responds to the events; this permits, in the following level, to propose, analyze and
evaluate different management options in terms of job positions having previously
stated "what the company does" when facing events, essentially external ones.
The synchronization prior to each operation can be seen at this conceptual level.
This synchronization uses logical operators of conjunction and disjunction. This
allows representing a single event or the different sets of events that trigger the
operation. In the case of response events, there can also be an indication of the output
conditions in which they are produced. The acronyms of the corresponding
management rules are inscribed in the operation which must have a name. These
acronyms are in correspondence with the list of rules where the actions involved are
3.2 Organizational Model of Treatments
The organizational model of treatments describes the characteristics of the treatments
that have not been expressed in the conceptual model of treatment, expanding, in
terms of job positions, the conceptual model of the company’s organization, that is to
say, timing, resources and places.
The conceptual model of treatments describes the flow of events, mainly those
between the organization of the company and the environment.
The organizational model of treatments adds to the conceptual model the
company’s flow of events among the different job positions [5]
The study of a company’s organizational problem belongs to other experts, so
computer specialists are frequently restricted to taking that model as the working base
for the system development [6]. Different organization options, other than the one
imposed, show improvements in the information system. This methodological
proposal not only prevents this inconvenience and the waste of money and time but
also proposes a study of the company’s organization options. When a computer
specialist takes part in contributing with this formal tool based on Petri nets [12] the
advantages of one option over the other one become obvious, particularly from the
automatization point of view. The decision about the company’s organization results
then in an agreement and so the computer specialist faces a more solid and robust
option. Besides, this organizational model of treatments contributes to a more precise
elaboration of the user’s manual and to the analysis prior to design.
The organizational model of treatments consists of expanding each process of the
Conceptual Model of Treatments into the respective procedures.
A chart is used to describe the procedure. The first column or the first set of
consecutive columns corresponds to the external actor/actors related to such process.
The subsequent columns correspond to the job positions to which the procedures are
expanded. The uninterrupted or ongoing activity at the procedure level is called
phase. The phase structure is identical to the operation structure of the conceptual
model of treatments. The phase has the possibility of synchronizing events by means
of logical operators of conjunction and disjunction. It has an identification name, the
acronyms of the management rules which correspond to the actions that a job position
must carry out during that phase and the output conditions of the response events. It is
important to highlight that response events may be directed to both external actors and
internal actors (other job positions). From the foregoing, it can be said that one or
more phases correspond to each operation and that in the case the operation is divided
into various phases, the management rules contained in it will be distributed among
the respective phases.
Finally, in case the phase has rules capable of automatization, the operations that
will be done by the person in that job position and those operations to be automated
will be established. These actions are called “men’s tasks” and “machine tasks”. This
classification is called Operational Treatments Level and gives rise to the user’s
manual and the systems analysis at the level of each use case.
The progressive detail grade of these three levels shows that they are three
different levels of abstraction and that they are useful for a better information system
definition. In this way the representation of use cases and scenarios options is
4 Integrity Verification or Consistency Validation
Integrity Verification or consistency validation (Fig. 2) allows us to ensure data
integrity and the harmonic development of subsystems by reducing costs and the
redundancies derived from the modifications of previous subsystems developed in
order to satisfy the subsequent ones. The verification process consists of contrasting
the object persistent properties of each system with the minimal and complete
conceptual data model.
When analyzing the object persistent properties in previous subsystems, it is
assumed that some anomalies may occur. However, in the minimal conceptual model
these anomalies would be considered as a sub product of the verification process.
Since verification mainly aims to ensure that each subsystem yields the essential
information to the proper functioning of other subsystems. This interaction is
fundamental when the information is distributed.
Some applications are developed before others for some priority reasons. In this
case, the verification process guarantees that the cost of the modifications of the
previously designed applications is minimum or inappreciable.
This objective is achieved by verifying that the persistent properties of each
subsystem can be updated and accessed. It is neither necessary nor possible that data
structure from the minimal conceptual model resembles that from the object models.
However, there must be identifiers (or access paths) that allow for the updating of
classes and relation occurrences as well as of particular properties.
The overall view through the minimal model permits us also to control
redundancies and to avoid problems thus contributing to diminish the system entropy
whose cost may be inappreciable mainly at the beginning of the maintenance phase.
Applying this mechanism and consequently reducing the entropy leads to a more
balanced and tolerant system to the changes in the context in which the organization
is immersed and to the requirement modifications.
Subsystem 1
Subsystem 2
Fig. 2. Integrity verification.
5 Conclusions
Preserving the minimal conceptual model along the system life preserves from
The minimal conceptual data model provides a systemic global view.
The current model of data and treatments, achieved by inverse engineering,
guarantees a higher stability of the system.
And finally, the consistency verification assures minimal modification in previous
developed subsystems.
The application of these tools and heuristics ensures the stability of the database,
provides a reduction of the number of iterations in the development and control of the
systems entropy that result in a substantial reduction of development and maintenance
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