Separating Conceptual and Visual Aspects in
Simon Nikles and Simon Brander
FHNW – University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
Riggenbachstr. 16, 4600 Olten, Switzerland
Abstract. ATHENE is a modelling environment which allows for creating
meta-models and models based on these, aimed at generating an ontology of the
modelled content. This work deals with the question on whether and how to
separate the conceptual part of a (meta-)model from its graphical representation.
We provide an overview on existing ontology- and meta-modelling approaches
compared to ATHENE and develop a conceptual basis for enhancing the meta
level of the tool.
1 Introduction
Nowadays, semantic technologies have matured and are now well established. There
usually are, however, two major drawbacks when working with such technologies:
First, the tools are often too complex for business users that do not think in terms of
concepts, instances and properties. Second, building ontologies is time-consuming
and not that easy: while ontology experts lack the insight into the business knowl-
edge, the domain expert lacks the expertise to create a formally correct description
(i.e. model) of her knowledge. To solve these issues, the University of Applied
Sciences Northwestern Switzerland is developing the ATHENE environment. The
ATHENE modelling environment applies a meta-modelling approach as described in
many sources, such as [7] or [4] to define domain-specific graphical notations and
generic operations to transform the end user's models into an ontology. The
metamodels themselves are represented as ontologies combining the conceptual
domain and the visualisation.
A weakness discovered when combining conceptual and visual aspects of a model
was found when similar individuals occur in more than one model or multiple times
in the same model: this results in multiple model-elements which actually mean the
same thing (e.g. with different positions). Further on, as each model-element has
individual visual attribute-values like position or size it cannot represent classes. By
attaching information on visualisation to the conceptual elements, obviously artificial
data (e.g. the position of a task inside a process model) is added to the ontology. This
data has, however, nothing to do with the real things that the ontology should
These reasons led to the intention to separate the visualisation from the actual
ontology model.
Nikles S. and Brander S. (2009).
Separating Conceptual and Visual Aspects in Meta-Modelling.
In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Advanced Technologies and Techniques for Enterprise Information Systems, pages 90-94
DOI: 10.5220/0002200800900094
2 Related Work
The main differentiation of ATHENE compared to other approaches to model
ontologies is that it focuses on the modelling of domain specific notations and only
generates an ontology internally, whilst other tools like Dome
(DERI Ontology
Management Environment), Protégé
, or OntoEdit [13], [12] remain in the thinking of
concepts and properties and model them mainly as concept-trees. As graph-based
visualisation is mostly an additional option or the visualisation is predefined and
independent from the meaning of the type (e.g. the shape of the concept computer is
similar to the one of the concept person), the ontology (conceptual model) is clearly
separated from the notation.
Several tools which apply meta-modelling approaches are available. The main
distinction of ATHENE is its ontology orientation. Unlike other environments like
GME (Generic modelling environment) [9] or Eclipse GMF (Graphical Modelling
Framework) ATHENE does not aim at code generation. Whilst for example GMF has
a clear separation of notation and abstract syntax, several tools and approaches
directly attach the visual information (e.g. ADONIS [1], GME [9]).
The importance of separating the abstract syntax from the graphical notation is
pointed out by numerous authors. [2] mentions for example the reusability of
visualisation objects and advantage when changing notations. [10] clearly proposes to
map the notation onto the abstract syntax. In his E3-Model [5] shows how views and
presentation relate to models.
Different approaches do also exist for the actual separation. Examples are the
semantic visualisation approach [2], or the schema-based approach [3]. For ATHENE
a mapping-approach which in particular leans on the concept of the GMF will be
described in the next chapter
3 Mapping Approach in ATHENE
A distinct mapping of the visual elements to the abstract elements of a model enables
in particular reusability of visual elements, allows for different visual representations
of a specific element and offers an anchor to attach further definitions like
behavioural specifications or attribute mappings.
The resulting (partially simplified) meta
model of ATHENE is presented in (Fig. 1).
There may exist model-types that consist of object-types. Specialised object-types are
edges and container types which have predefined relational attributes. All elements
may have attributes. With this part of the meta
model, the abstract meta-models are
defined. Each model-type also refers to the mappings that connect the abstract
elements with certain visual elements, denoted as "element view" and specialised by
object-, relation- and container-view offering different visualisation properties. The
property mappings, which are attached to the element mappings offer possibilities to
influence the visualisation depending on values of an abstract element's attribute.
Fig. 1. Conceptual meta
model with mapping.
Fig. 2. Simple metamodel based on the reworked meta
Fig. 2 shows a very simple meta-model ("SimpleFlow") consisting of only one object-
type ("FlowObject") and an edge-type ("Arrow"). The abstract attribute 'Name' is used
as label of the visual elements through the property map ("MapLabel").
Finally Fig. 3 shows the model "Example" of type "SimpleFlow". It simply
contains of two flow objects (Element 1 and 2) and a relation between these objects.
Fig. 3. Example model based on the metamodel "SimpleFlow".
4 Conclusions
On the basis of application scenarios and related literature, several arguments were
worked out for the separation of abstract models and their visual representations.
These arguments especially concern flexibility and reusability and do confirm our
intentions. The only disadvantages found are concerned the simplicity and
redundancy, as in any approach, the separation obviously requires per conceptual
element at least another element for each of its visualisations and, for flexibility
reasons, even an additional mapping element.
In consequence, an extension of the existing meta
-model in ATHENE based on a
mapping approach was developed. The approach offers high flexibility and offers
potentials for further research. In the next step, a prototypical implementation will be
completed and tested.
The literature study also gave indications for further research topics. Namely, the
conceptual model could be revised on basis of OMG's Ontology Definition
Metamodel. Especially possible enhancements of variability and functionality, e.g.
more sophisticated approaches to define visual elements, dependency of properties
and reusing parts of the visualisation could be reached by approaches like the usage of
vector graphics and constraint languages as mentioned in [2] and [3]. Further on,
ATHENE does not support modelling rules at the moment, hence defining and
verifying constraints is a related important future task.
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