Context-driven Business Process Modelling
Matthias Born
, Jens Kirchner
and J
org P. M
SAP Research, Vincenz-Priessnitz-Strasse 1, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Department of Informatics, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Abstract. Business professionals create business process models in order to get
an understanding of who is involved and which resources are needed for the ex-
ecution of a business process. Such business process models are required as a
basis for knowledge transfer, quality purposes, regulations, communication be-
tween internal and external collaborative partners, or documentation in general.
Current process modelling approaches and tools are still very costly, error-prone,
and often used in an insouciant manner. For example, changes affecting similar
process artefacts need to be executed manually in each embedding model. We
aim to increase the reusability of business process knowledge and propose the
integration of a context-driver principle for business process modelling.
1 Introduction
Business process modelling is the first phase of the business process management life-
cycle [1]. The actual reasons why organisations model their processes may be quite
different [2]. Business process models depict and describe activities that contribute to
the production of goods or delivery of services taking place in an enterprise. This work
focuses on the conceptual business process modelling phase which depicts processes on
the level of activities, sub-processes, and the control-flow between them [3]. The tar-
get group comprises professionals with business knowledge who typically do not have
a strong technical background. We concentrate on how business process models are
used as a way of documentation, communication, and collaboration of business needs.
Hence, the actual purpose of a process model in our work is to provide various infor-
mation elements to its users. Such business process models can be required for quality
purposes or compliance, with regulations to document processes explicitly. For exam-
ple, a business process model contains information about what activities are composed
in a process, who is responsible for performing certain activities, when and where they
are executed, how and why they are performed, and what business objects, and which
data is manipulated. Different business process modelling techniques are available and
each of those techniques highlights different information aspects to answer these ques-
tions [4]. In order for enterprises to benefit from process modelling efforts, business
analysts require better support in creating process models. However, current process
modelling tools provide very little guidance to the user and, thus, resemble a scratch-
board rather than a technical approach. If any guidance is provided at all, it is on a
purely syntactical level.
Born M., Kirchner J. and Müller J. (2009).
Context-driven Business Process Modelling.
In Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Advanced Technologies and Techniques for Enterprise Information Systems, pages 17-26
DOI: 10.5220/0002201500170026
This paper is organised as follows. Next, we present an overview about the problem
statement, starting by an analysis of the requirements (Section 2.1) and following by a
running example (Section 2.2). Based on this, we describe the application of a context-
driver principle for business process modelling (Section 3). We will then present rele-
vant related work in Section 4 and conclude the paper with Section 5.
2 Problem Statement
2.1 Requirements Analysis
In order to gain a deeper understanding of the requirements and problem areas of cur-
rent business process modelling approaches, we have arranged several workshops with
different target groups covering a variety of industry sectors. Amongst others, we have
talked to business analysts, business consultants and technicians, SAP internal groups
and its customers, covering retail, real-estate, telecommunication, and high-tech indus-
tries, as well as public administration. The workshops have been organised in a semi-
structured way and included open discussions about general and industry related prob-
lems. Based on this analysis, we argue that current process modelling approaches and
tools are still very costly and error-prone since users are not guided in any sensible
way. This statement is supported by an analysis of Gartner [5] that shows that busi-
ness process modelling tools are too complex for the average user and that the major
modelling tool with a market share of 30% is Microsoft Visio [6]. Vendors still con-
struct their own model representations and tools, which are mostly not interchangeable,
and yet most business analysts are using office tools (like Microsoft PowerPoint or
Microsoft Excel) to describe their process landscape [7, 8]. Instead of reusing existing
process models or parts of process models, they are usually replicated and modelled
from scratch. In addition to the low level of reusability, a further drawback is that there
is no common understanding of business process models and their involved objects of
the business world. Modellers are free to name and describe process artefacts in any
arbitrary way [7, 8].
2.2 Motivation
Let us assume that there exist two departments, namely the financial department and
the sales department within a company, which are using their own terminology in order
to model and describe the processing of an invoice (compare Figure 1). As the nam-
ing of business process artefacts is often more art than science [9] the modellers may
apply their own naming conventions and name business artefacts in arbitrary ways.
Figure 1 shows that both processes actually describe the same process, while both de-
partments use their own terminology. Apart from using a different terminology, both
process models have a slightly different order of the activities. In this example, the fi-
nancial department has to update the order after the invoice was created. Besides that
the sequence of both process flows is the same. One further distinction is that the task
“Bill Creation” does not need “Outgoing goods” as an input. This example highlights
that a reuse of business artefacts is difficult. We distinguish between two basic levels of
Billing – Sales departmentInvoice Processing –
Financial department
Request For
Post Invoice
Sales Orders
Bill is
Bill Creation
Bill is created
Sending of a
Bill is sent
Role Event Resource Activity
Update order
with invoice
Fig. 1. Simple example of an Invoice Processing process.
reusability: On the one hand, reusability of the semantic representation and on the other
hand, reusablity of the structural characteristics of business process artefacts.
(a) Reusability across process models, i.e., parts of a process model, e.g., the activity
“Create Invoice” in the “Invoice processing” process model in Figure 1, may also
occur in other process models (e.g. sales process). However, different creators of
process models typically come up with different labels for the same activity (e.g.,
another modeller might call the activity “Creation of an invoice”).
(b) Reusability of structural dependencies, i.e., elements of the process model are typ-
ically linked to one or more elements. For example, the process step “Post Invoice”
is linked to the responsible role Accounting Manager”. However, in the second
process model the same process step has not only a different label but is also linked
to a different responsible role, namely “Financial Manager”.
Our work aims to overcome the issue of reusability for both cases. We argue that we
can achieve a higher consistency and reusability of process knowledge by introducing
a context-driver principle into business process modelling approaches.
3 Context-driven Business Process Modelling
Context awareness plays an essential role for the dynamic appearance of structures and
the dynamic linguistic representation of components in our framework. The facets of
context awareness within this work are influenced by the context-driver idea of CCTS
[10–12]. A process model is defined by its process artefacts, which have a unique se-
mantic representation, and the context in which it is used. The general idea is to create a
standardised, consistent, and understandable description of every process artefact using
controlled vocabularies and to link each process artefact to a specific business context.
We want to give a brief example. Let us assume a modeller creates an activity “create
invoice”, which is already available in the repository. Now, the idea is to avoid creat-
ing a second instance of this activity, but rather to adjust the valid business context of
the activity “create invoice”. Logically, a modeller would first need to define, in which
business context he is modelling.
We will explain the concepts of the context-driver principle in the next sections and
show how it can improve reusability of process artefacts. In general, the conceptual
framework is designed to be flexible and extensible.
3.1 Context-driver Principle
Context defines the environment in which a business process artefact is used. On the
one hand, the context-driver principle must be sufficiently discrete in order to enable
semantically unambiguous precision. In other words, a semantic meaning of a business
process artefact is always unambiguous, when considered in a specific context. For ex-
ample, an input resource Bank in an Issue Management is not precise if this entity is
defined without context. “Bank” describes different objects in the industry area of “Fi-
nance” and “Marine”. Therefore, it is not possible to define only one “bank”, which can
be used everywhere. Rather, the context in which “bank” is used adds further semantic
meaning. This is similar to the previous approach of Stuhec [10].
On the other hand, a business process specifies the sequence of activities. This in-
formation, however, is of less semantic importance and thus only the structural infor-
mation will be relevant. In this case, the context-driver principle of [10] was extended
to support such structural differences. In general, the context-driver principle allows to
identify, store, and represent a business process artefact only once while specifying the
differences depending on specific context categories (e.g., business process, industry,
country, etc). In our example process (Figure 1), each activity has only one unique se-
mantic conceptual instance in the process repository, however, there may be a structural
difference (a different predecessor or successor) or even different representations (e.g.
synonyms, abbreviations, etc) depending on the context.
We have adapted the meta-model from CCTS [11] in order to provide a flexible
mechanism for creating new context categories. In CCTS, business contexts are classi-
fied into eight context categories. However, our meta-model is not restricted to a fixed
set of context categories. Figure 2 depicts our approach which we will explain in more
detail hereafter.
BusinessContext ContextUnit ContextValue ContextCategory
1..* 1..* 0..* 1..* 1..* 1
BusinessArtefact BusinessTerm
1 0..*
Fig. 2. Meta Model of the adapted Context-driver Principle.
Context Categories allow the classification of different context environments, e.g.
“Industry”, “Geography”, “Period”, etc. Within this work, we do not focus on the def-
inition of suitable context categories. However, our meta-model allows to add any ad-
ditional classification. Every context category refers to multiple Context Values. For
example, the context category “Period” may have the context values “1st Year Quar-
ter”, “2nd Year Quarter”, or “3rd Year Quarter”. A set of arbitrary context values de-
scribes the valid environment for a business process artefact. Such a context value set
is linked to a Context Unit. Multiple context units can be linked to a Business Context.
Finally, each Business Artefact can be described by multiple Business Terms, and has
exactly one business context assigned. A business term represents the natural language
representation for a business artefact. The association between business artefacts and
business terms is also linked to a business context and thus specifies the valid linguis-
tic representation for a business artefact in a given business context. Let us recall our
running example (Figure 1) where two departments use a different terminology to de-
scribe the same business case. Introducing context awareness allows both departments
to use their own terminology while using the same conceptual business artefacts. We
want to point out that context awareness does not change the semantic meaning of the
artefacts but instead delivers a mechanism that different representation can be linked to
one common conceptual business artefact.
In our work, we define a business context as the formal description of a specific
business circumstance.
3.2 Logical Definition
Business contexts can be based on mathematical sets for their representation. We will
provide an insight of the usage of the set theory within the approach by [12]. The fol-
lowing sets (Listing 1) represent three context categories. Set I represents the industry
sector which contains context values such as Automotive”, “Finance”, “Sales”. Set G
represents geographical values which can be the ISO codes for countries (ISO 3166)
such as “DE” for Germany, “GB” for the United Kingdom, and “US” for the United
States of America. Finally, Set P represents processes which are numbered.
I = {Automotive, Finance, Sales}; G = {DE, GB, US}; P = {P1, P2, P3, P4} (1)
Let us assume, we have defined a business artefact and we want to define a business
context which specifies that the artefact is valid in the sales and finance sector within
Germany and the United Kingdom. It should be also applicable for process P1 and P4.
In order to build a valid business context, we need to define a context unit which builds a
Cartesian product of subsets of the context categories. These subsets are listed as set I’,
set G’, and set P’ (I’ I G’ G P’ P). The valid business context, which we
name BC, is a Cartesian product that is shown in Listing 2.
BC = (I’ × G’ × P’) = ({Sales, Finance} × {DE, GB} × {P1, P4})
As we have now defined the logical principle behind the context-driver approach,
we want to continue with describing how this approach can be utilised into business
process modelling techniques.
3.3 Context-driven Activity Structures
Business process models contain a set of activities which are processed in a sequential
order. The sequential order constitutes the backbone of a process. Having a closer look
at the activities, some business process modelling notations, such as the extended Event-
driven Process Chain (EPC), enable the visualisation of entities that are involved in the
execution of a process. These entities can be roles that execute the activity, or roles that
are responsible, or resources which are required for the execution of an activity, such as
input or output data or documents.
We want to recall our running example in Figure 1. The activity “Create Invoice” is
linked to one responsible role Accounting Manager” and has several input resources,
e.g. “Customer Data” or “Sales Order”, and one output resource, namely “Invoice”.
Thus, we can see that an activity has several relations to other business artefacts which
we also call entities in the following. A set of entity-relations can be different regard-
ing the context in which an activity is represented. Our example shows that the sales
department does not have the input resource Outgoing goods. Now, we will show how
this scenario can be reflected using the context-driver principle.
The solution will be presented in an abstract way with variables which represent
process artefacts, such as activities (A) and entities (E). Entities reflect basic process
artefacts, such as roles, resources, data, documents, etc. Predicates (P) represent the
semantical meaning, e.g. “is responsible”, of the relations which are named Activity
Relations (AR). Figure 3 represents a scenario of one activity which appears in three
structural forms and is processed in two different process models. Although the relation-
structures look different, it is always the same activity with one unambiguous semantic
(a) Context 1, Qualifier Default.
(b) Context 1, Qualifier Variant.
(c) Context 2, Qualifier Default.
Fig. 3. Abstract Context-Driven Activity Scenario.
One major goal of our approach is the semantic formalisation of process model
components, which should be represented with low redundancy and therefore to enable
and encourage the reusability of process model knowledge. If we compare these three
activity structures, we can determine relations which are used in both contexts (AR1), in
only one context (AR4, AR5), and also relations which are even different within a single
business context (AR2, AR3). The latter is labelled as Qualifier Default and Qualifier
Variant. On the contrary to the context-driver approach by Stuhec [12], instances of
one semantic activity can also have different relations within the same business context.
For example, our process model from Figure 1 may contain the activity “Post Invoice”
twice, however both activities may be linked to different roles. To overcome this issue,
we introduce the concept of qualifiers, which can be seen as a kind of artificial context.
This artificial context will not be visible to a modeller but it is needed in order to identify
duplicate activities and relate them to the correct artefacts. One other possibility would
be to create a copy of the activity and store all relations for each instance of it. However,
this will lead to an uncontrolled number of instances which will make the reuse of
existing relations problematic. As we have already mentioned, we only want to keep one
instance of the activity and build the dependencies based on a certain context setting.
Hence, a modeller has to set his context before creating and updating a process model.
With this solution it is possible to define relation variations of an activity structure
within a context.
3.4 Context-driven Process Structures
In general, a business process model is based on activities which are performed in a
specific order. Within our framework a business process is linked to a Process Structure.
A process structure contains the sequence flow of activities represented by their Activity
Structures which were introduced in Section 3.3. Activities define the executional part
of a business process. In order to present the sequential flow of a process model we
introduce the concept of a Process Step. A process step is a special kind of wrapper
object that can contain activity structures or logical coordinators, such as XOR, OR, or
AND, or other relevant artefacts, such as sub-processes. In addition, a process step not
only contains an activity or other entity but also contains a qualifier. The reason was
discussed in the Section 3.3. An activity might have two different structures within one
process. Thus, a process step contains also information about an artificial context value
which is used to achieve a unique identification for such duplicate activities. Finally,
process steps are linked using a flow relation from one step to another.
Although process structures are different to activity structures, the application of
context awareness in process structures is also reasonable. Figure 4 depicts an example
scenario with two abstract business process models in two different business contexts.
The process steps of these models are marked with capital letters.
(a) Context C1.
(b) Context C2.
Fig. 4. Abstraction of a Context-Driven Process Flow Scenario.
We recognise that both business process models are similar. In fact they are the
same, apart from the aspect that process step B is omitted in business context C2. With-
out context awareness we would have to keep two separate business process model
representations. However, with the usage of context awareness we are able to have one
business process model representation which is able to consider differences regarding
its appearance in a specific business context, which is depicted in Figure 5.
Fig. 5. Combined Abstraction of a Context-Driven Process Flow Scenario.
One of our goals is to provide an intuitive way of maintaining business process arte-
facts. Once the process modeller enters a name into the label of a model element within
his hitherto process modelling environment, a software agent validates this term against
the current business context, compares the entered details with available knowledge in
the repository, and finally selects the appropriate business artefact. As a result, the usage
of proper business artefacts and terminology can be supported.
4 Related Work
A major facet which this work addresses is the context awareness aspect of business
process models. There are already initial approaches of the consideration of contexts
within business process models [13–15]. In [16], the authors concentrate on the context-
relevant adjustment of configuration variants of the technical execution of business pro-
cesses. The authors of [17] contemplate on the situations which affect the flow of busi-
ness process models. In their work, they do not focus on structural differences and how
context methods can actually change the flow of these models. Their focus is set on
the formalization of these situations in the form of process contexts. However, these as-
pects primarily concentrate on business processes within companies and they primarily
focus on their context-driven flow. The context awareness aspects which are described
in this paper consider the context-driven differences in the structural appearance of busi-
ness process models and focus on various levels as well as context-driven terminolo-
gies for business artefacts. Furthermore, our solution does not focus on any specific
application of contexts and neither on any specific context category. It rather contem-
plates context-driven differences in general on an abstract level. With the development
of CCTS [11], the specification already introduced the idea of context awareness among
business-related data objects and data types. The concept of business contexts and core
components depicts the concrete characteristic of context awareness in CCTS. Based on
the specification, business contexts are classified into eight context categories. Within
the work of Stuhec [10], the context aspects of CCTS were implemented into an SAP
prototype called CCTS Modeler Warp 10
. Currently, the approach relates only to data
CCTS Modeler Warp 10 is a Semantic Web ontology-based data integration, modelling and
mapping tool that leverages the semantics of meta data by implementing the semantic-based
approach described in ISO 15000-5 Core Component Technical Specification.
modelling but we have successfully adapted those principles for business process mod-
elling. The approach was chosen as it has been proven efficient and practical for busi-
ness data modelling.
Another related research stream is the work of [18]. The authors propose an exten-
sion of EPCs, called the aggregate EPC (aEPC), which can be used to describe a set of
similar processes with a single model. In contrast to this, our work not only focuses on
the process flow but on all relations between business artefacts. Furthermore, the con-
text aware process models from our framework could be used in order to create such
aggregated EPCs.
5 Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented the adaptation of a context-driver principle for busi-
ness process modelling approaches. We argue that we can achieve a higher consistency
and reusability of process knowledge by introducing such a formalised context aware
specification. Our current implementation assumes the existence of suitable context cat-
egories which potentially are created by knowledge engineers. A remaining open ques-
tion is, what context categories might be appropriate for business process modelling
and who will define them.
To be able to prove the conception, the semantic representation, which would be
stored in the process repository, has been reproduced in a relational form. The relational
data model was used for this purpose because all relations can be stored in a relational
database. Furthermore, this was also advantageous for the validation of the structural
relationships and dependencies, which could be proven by means of query statements.
Different real-life business processes from SAP where used in order to show the var-
ious aspects of process models. The context awareness approach enables the usage of
context-driven vocabulary and also the context-driven appearance of activity structures
and process structures in order to consider business situation dependent variations. Test
queries have emulated possible functional queries of software agents. All entities and
structures could be stored and retrieved in the expected way. This part of the validation
also showed that relational databases are an appropriate technology for an implemen-
tation. Currently, we are implementing the solution prototypically into a web-based
business process modelling tool.
In the future, we want to investigate the impact of the context-driver principle into
business process modelling activities. In order to verify the actual benefits and accep-
tance of such a context aware modelling system, we want to conduct a case study. Our
analysis aims to reveal if the concepts support or hinder business process modelling
activities. One critical aspect is the performance of our approach. Having a huge set of
context values and resulting business context settings might lower the search function-
ality tremendously. In order to show the influence of the different context settings, we
are currently preparing a test environment.
Overall, the goal is to enhance the quality of process models from the very begin-
ning and enable a better reuse of existing process knowledge, by establishing a common
understanding and terminology of business process artefacts.
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