Valentina Ndou, Pasquale Del Vecchio and Laura Schina
eBusiness management section, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
Keywords: Digital marketplaces, SMEs, Business models.
Abstract: In the networked economy firms are recognizing the power of the Internet as a platform for creating
different forms of relationships and collaborations aimed to enhance value and achieve a sustainable
competitive advantage. Digital Marketplaces represent one of the most powerful solutions adopted by firms
to support the networking practices among firms, especially among SMEs. However in developing countries
the potentialities of digital marketplaces remains largely unexploited. Different human, organizational and
technological factors, issues and problems pertain in these countries, requiring focused studies and
appropriate approaches. This article argues that in order for firms in developing countries to benefit from
digital marketplace platforms it is necessary to root them in an assessment study which permits to
understand the firms preparedness to use the digital marketplace in terms of technological infrastructure,
human resources’ capabilities and skills, integration and innovation level among firms. Based on the
outcomes of this assessment it is then possible to find out a viable digital marketplace model that fits with
actual readiness status of firms and helps them to develop progressively the necessary resources and
capabilities to enhance their competitiveness in the current digital economic landscape.
The widespread diffusion of e-Business and rising
global competition have prompted a dramatic
rethinking of the ways in which business is
organized. The new internetworking technologies,
that enhance collaboration and coordination of firms
and foster the development of innovative business
models, are increasingly important factors for firms
An important trend in various industries is the
creation of Digital Marketplaces as a key enabler
that allows firms to expand the potential benefits
originating from linking electronically with
suppliers, customers, and other business partners.
The number of new digital marketplaces grew
rapidly in 1999 and 2000 (White et al. 2007). In
sectors such as industrial metals, chemicals, energy
supply, food, construction, and automotive, “e-
marketplaces are becoming the new business venues
for buying, selling, and supporting to engage in the
customers, products, and services” (Raisch, 2001).
Over the years digital marketplaces have
produced significant benefits for firms, in terms of
reductions in transaction costs, improved planning
and improved audit of capability, which, if well
communicated, might provide strong incentives for
other organisations to adopt (Howard et al. 2006).
On the other hand, it is widely believed that
digital marketplaces offer increased opportunities for
firms in developing countries by enabling firms to
eliminate geographical barriers and expand globally
to reap profits in new markets that were once out of
However, it has been observed that although
digital marketplaces are already appearing in almost
every industry and country a very small number of
them have been able to grasp the benefits and resist
on time. In 2006 just 750 active digital marketplaces
were registered on the directory of eMarket Services
compared to 2,233 digital marketplaces identified
by Laseter et al in 2001. the statistics show also that
the use of digital marketplaces in developing
countries is really low. The study conducted by
Humprey et al in 2003 related to the use of b2b
marketplaces in three developing countries shows
that 77 per cent of the respondents had not registered
with a digital marketplace. While of the remaining
23 per cent that had registered with one or more
digital marketplace, only seven had completed at
least one sale. These statistics demonstrate the low
levels of adoption across firms as result of a number
Ndou V., Del Vecchio P. and Schina L. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 159-166
DOI: 10.5220/0002219601590166
of barriers faced for the adoption of digital
Humprey et al (2003) identifies as inhibiting
factors for developing countries the perceived
incompatibility between the use of digital
marketplaces and the formation of trusted
relationships; lack of preparedness, awareness and
the need for training; sophisticated technologies.
Marketplaces’ operators provide standardized
solutions that do neither match the needs of
developing countries nor allow this latter to exploit
new technologies’ potentialities.
In order for developing countries to grasp the
advantages of digital marketplaces it is not feasible
to simply transfer technologies and processes from
advanced economies. … people involved with the
design, implementation and management of IT-
enabled projects and systems in the developing
countries must improve their capacity to address the
specific contextual characteristics of the
organization, sector, country or region within which
their work is located (Avgerou and Walsham 2000).
Therefore, what can and needs to be done in
these contexts is to find out a digital marketplace
model that is rooted in an assessment study which
permits to understand the firms preparedness to use
the digital marketplace in terms of technological
infrastructure, human resources’ capabilities and
skills, integration and innovation level among firms.
Moving away from these assertions, the aim of
this paper is to provide a conceptual framework for
finding out an appropriate digital marketplace
business model for food firms in Tunisian context
that matches with their specific conditions. In
specific we have undertaken a study among food
firms in Tunisia to assess their awareness and actual
preparedness to use the digital marketplace. Based
on the outcomes of that assessment we found out the
appropriate digital marketplace model to start with
as well as an evolutionary path that firms need to
follow in order to enhance their competitiveness.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. The next section discusses the concept of
digital marketplace and their importance for firms.
Next, we present the survey study undertaken with
the objective to understand the e-readiness level
among Tunisian food firms in order to propose a
viable digital marketplace model that is appropriate
to the context under study. We describe the survey
and sample selection. Next we discuss the business
model that fits with actual readiness status of firms
for using new business models. The proposed model
traces an evolutionary path in order for participating
firms to get aware, to learn and adopt to new
business models as well as to develop progressively
the necessary resources and capabilities (relational,
technical and infrastructural) to enhance their
competitiveness in the current digital economic
Digital Marketplaces are an integral part of
conducting business online (White et al. 2007; Soh
et al. 2002; Gengatharen & Standing 2005; Markus
& Christiaanse 2003; Kambil & van Heck 2002;
Koch 2002). Simply speaking, this application can
be defined as web-based systems that link multiple
businesses together for the purposes of trading or
collaboration (Howard et al., 2006).
Digital marketplaces are based on the notion of
electronically connecting many buyers and suppliers
to a central marketspace in order to facilitate
exchanges of, for example, information, goods and
services (Bakos, 1991; Bakos, 1998; Grieger, 2003;
Kaplan & Sawhney, 2000).
Digital Marketplaces have become increasingly
used across industries and sectors, nowadays, there
exits different types and categories of these
technological platforms. Some authors categorize
them based on the functionalities they offer (Dai and
Kauffman, 2002; Grieger, 2004; Rudberg et al.,
2002) some based on number of owners and their
role in the marketplace (Le 2005).
Three classes of marketplace ownership are
commonly identified:
Third party or public marketplaces are owned
and operated by one or more independent third
Consortium marketplaces are formed by a
collaboration of firms that also participate in the
marketplace either as buyers or suppliers
(Devine et al., 2001).
Private marketplace is an electronic network
formed by a single company to trade with its
customers, its suppliers or both (Hoffman et al.,
Consortium marketplaces were identified as most
likely to be sustainable (Devine et al., 2001), as the
founders can introduce their own customers and
suppliers to the marketplace, helping the
marketplace establish a viable level of transactions –
a ready source of buyers and suppliers not available
to third party marketplaces (White et al., 2007).
According to Kaplan and Sawhney (2000) the
digital marketplaces add value through two basic
functions: aggregation and matching.
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
The aggregation mechanism involves bringing
many buyers and sellers together under one roof,
which facilitates “one-stop shopping” and thus
reduces transaction costs.
The matching mechanism brings buyers and
sellers together to dynamically negotiate prices on a
real-time basis.
Howard et al.’s (2006) argues that there are
significant evidences regarding the benefits that
firms could realize by using digital marketplaces in
term of reductions in transaction costs, improved
supplier communication, improved planning and
improved audit of capability. While Rask and Kragh,
(2004), classify the main benefits for participation in
a digital marketplace into three main categories:
efficiency benefits (reducing process time
and cost);
positioning benefits (improving company’s
competitive position);
and legitimacy benefits (maintaining
relationship with trading partners).
However, most of the implemented digital
marketplaces have failed to realize their core
objectives and to deliver real value for their
participants. According to Bruun, Jensen, &
Skovgaard (2002), many digital marketplaces have
failed as they have been founded on optimism and
hope rather than on attractive value propositions and
solid strategies.
Evidently, the benefits that could be created via
digital marketplaces has generated tremendous
interest. This has led to a large number of e-
marketplace initiatives rushed online without
sufficient knowledge of their customers’ priorities,
with no distinctive offerings, and without a clear
idea about how to become profitable (Wise &
Morrison, 2000). Digital marketplaces’ operators
provide standardized solutions that do neither match
the needs of firms nor allow this latter to exploit new
technologies’ potentialities. Also they ignore the fact
that most industries are dominated by small and
medium enterprises that are far less likely to use new
technologies as result of resource poverty, limited IT
infrastructure, limited knowledge and expertise with
information systems.
Finally, White et al. (2007) claim that developing
and creating high-value-added services is
challenging for digital marketplaces as technology is
not in place to enable more sophisticated forms of
real-time collaboration among multiple participants.
Therefore, offering simply a standard
marketplace platform will result in a failure of the
initiative as firms might not be prepared to use it, do
not see the value proposition and hence they remain
disinterested in using the platform for integration.
According to Rayport and Jaworski (2002), the
process of convincing organizations to join the
digital marketplace is both long and expensive,
despite the fact that the same offers its participants
appropriate economic incentives. On the other hand,
prospective buyers and suppliers will not join the
digital marketplace only on “visionary predictions of
the glorious future of B2B e-trade; they must see the
benefits in it right now,” according to Lennstrand et
al. (2001). Therefore, finding a business model that
provides enough value to trading partners, to justify
the effort and cost of participation is a substantial
challenge associated with the creation of a digital
marketplace (Rayport & Jaworski, 2002).
In order to capture the state of the preparedness of
firms to adopt a new internetworking platform a
survey has been conducted to collect data. The
sample of the study consisted on Tunisian food
SMEs chosen according to the EU definition of
firms with 10-250 employees.
The population of firms was derived from a
database of the Tunisian industry portal containing
data on Tunisian food processing firms.
The sample is made of 27 firms with 13 medium
size enterprises and 14 small size enterprises. Out of
the 27 firms surveyed, 18 questionnaires were
useful for the survey producing a response rate of 67
The data were collected in march 2008, over a
period of three weeks, by means of face to face
interviews and in some cases e- mail surveys (when
mangers didn’t gave use the availability to realize a
face – to face interview). We used the questionnaire
as a tool to gather data. The final questionnaire
included a 3 pages structured questionnaire with a
set of indicators organized into the following
- The technological networks in which are
included indicators that measure the ICT
infrastructure for networking in the firms in
particular the use of Internet, the use of Local Area
Networks (LAN) and Virtual Private Network
(VPN) for remote access.
- The e-business activities that firms use to
support and optimize internal business processes,
procurement and supply chain integration, marketing
and sales activities, use of e-business software;
- The level of awareness and use of digital
marketplaces aimed to identify if firms use digital
marketplace and/or are aware about the potentialities
and benefits they can deliver.
- Limitations and Conditions to e-Business –
aimed to identify the perceived factors and barriers
that firms consider as limitation for the adoption and
use of e-business models.
Data provided have been analysed by using a
series of descriptive statistics processed into the
Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS version
12.0 for Windows.
The results of the survey regarding the ICT
networking are displayed in the figure 1.
Figure1: Technological Infrastructure.
The results show a shortage of networking
technological infrastructure. Generally, the surveyed
firms have internet connection or plan to have it, but
when it comes to technologies used to connect
computers such as LAN, WLAN, VPN the firms
surveyed reported to use them in a very low rate.
LAN is existent in 33 % of firms surveyed, while
just 11% of the firms have the VPN since it is
inherent to the technology infrastructure of medium
sized firm. The VOIP is inexistent in all firms and is
not even planned to be used. The results also,
confirmed the limited awareness of firms for ICT
issues and a general lack of ICT skills within the
industry. In fact, although firms surveyed do have an
Internet connection or are planning to have one they
don’t have vision about its usage. Only 39% of the
firms allow its employees to have an external access
and 11% are planning to have it whereas the 50%
remaining don’t even plan for it.
E-business activity - The results regarding the
business solutions used by Tunisian Agrifood firms
are displayed in the figure 2. According to the
results, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems
are the most diffused among Agrifood Industry.
Also, there is a wide range of firms that are planning
to implement the ERP. The firms that neither have
ERP nor plan for it argue on the fact that the size of
their firm is manageable without any IS that require
tremendous efforts and investments. This is
consistent with the fact that accounting application
(excel, software, in house solutions) are widely
Even though some firms do have the Intranet as a
mean of intra organizational communication, its
level of use remains relatively low and its
functionalities under used. Although, Intranet exist
yet the purpose of use and its outcome is relatively
Figure 2: e - Business Solutions.
Only one of the medium sized enterprises use or
plan to use the Extranet whereas the small firms
have no plan for adopting the extranet as a business
solution that will connect them to their trading
partners. The elearning application is not highly
diffused. However, the firms consider it very
important and the results show that all our sample
plan to have it. This is consistent with the
government politic as it is providing incentives and
support for elearning adoption.
The findings concerning the level of diffusion of
extranet are consisting with the findings concerning
the Supply Chain Management (SCM). The
managers of SMEs in agrifood sectors believe that
the SCM overpasses their needs and it is an extra
expense. Therefore, we find out a high rate of firms
that don’t even plan to implement SCM.
The level of diffusion of web sites remains
relatively low and the firms do not get the point with
such an investment and its benefits. In fact, a lot of
managers-especially in small size companies-believe
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
that a web site’s requirements in term of investment
are higher than the expected returns and benefits.
Our findings are consistent with the e-
BusinessW@tch (2006). In fact, according to e-
Business W@tch ERP is largely adopted among
agrifood firms since it allows process integration and
E-Marketplace Awareness – Some questions
regarding the level of knowledge, the willingness
and the likelihood of adoption of a trading platform
as a business solution were inserted in the study, as
well. The survey data reported that 27.8% of the
firms were aware of the digital marketplace and able
to provide a brief description of it. Among the firms
aware of digital marketplace only one firm is a small
size one. In contrast, 72.3% of the firms plan to
undertake e-business activities without any intent to
integrate their system with their main trading
Limitations and Conditions to E-Business - The
questionnaire was also aimed to identify the main
obstacles and limitations that companies encounter
in performing online transactions and e-business
activities. In particular we asked them to identify the
most important constraints they face in an attempt to
use different ebusiness platforms or models. Nine
main indicators resulted as most influential:
Lack of human capital (HC); Fear of loosing
privacy and confidentiality of the company’s
information (PCI); Lack of financial resources,(FR);
Lack of top management support, (TMS); Strict
government regulation, (SGR); Lack of regulations
for online payment (ROP); Our partners do not use
e-business (PU); Benefits of using e-business are not
clear, (BEB); IT and software integration problems
(ITSI). The results are displayed in Figure 3.
In general terms, the results show that the lack of
regulations for online payment is the main inhibitor
of e-business followed by the fact that business
partners using e-business and the lack of resources
especially human capital. In fact, past studies on e-
business highlighted some challenges that
Figure 3: Factors inhibiting eBusiness adoption.
e-business adopters might face. Notice that training
and finding qualified e business employees are
among the most critical challenges that e-business
adopters might face.
However, even though we notice some degree of
e-business awareness, the volume of transactions via
Internet is still of an issue. There are no transactions
on line since SMEs are not linked to an agency that
secures electronic certification. Further, the
problems of payment security still persist along with
logistic and quality problems. Therefore, the only
symptoms of EC in Tunisia are e-mail, e-catalog and
information portals and at some exceptions the
possibility to order online. The rest of the transaction
is done via classical way. Thus, we cannot really talk
about EC in Tunisian SMEs as it still needs time to
The research findings show that Tunisian food firms
didn’t get the full use of e-business nor get tangible
benefits. The managers proved a good level of
theoretical knowledge concerning e-business and its
benefits however practical cases didn’t bubble up
yet. This is due to managerial and technical
inhibitors that our prospects expressed.
Such results suggest avoiding the choice of
solutions which tend to use sophisticated
technologies, require high level of integration and
collaboration among supply chain actors or that
point directly to the integration firms. Rather, it is
reasonable opting for ‘lighter’ solutions, to start
involving a limited number of operators, particularly
aware and interested, but not necessarily equipped,
around a simple solution that requires lower levels
of innovation and coordination capabilities by local
firms. It is important to note that the design of a
marketplace is not a given, it highly depends on
users ability to recognize opportunities, benefits as
well as the barriers to be faced by them. However, in
most cases a kind of intermediary actor is needed
which bring buyers and sellers together and tries to
create awareness among them by providing the
The intermediary actor arrange and direct the
activities and process of the digital marketplace. The
role of intermediaries can be played by a
confederation of the industry, industry associations
or other types of representative organizations that
are able to secure a critical mass of users to the
digital marketplace.
This marketplace model is known in literature as
Consortium marketplace. Different authors have
identified it as most likely to be sustainable
especially for fragmented industries and SME
(Devine et al., 2001), as the founders can introduce
their own customers and suppliers to the
marketplace, helping the marketplace establish a
viable level of transactions.
In contrast to a private marketplace, a consortium
marketplace by definition is open to a number of
buyers and suppliers in the industry, if not all,
increasing the likelihood of participation and use.
Thus, in this initial stage the digital marketplace
will serve as aggregator of buyers and sellers in a
one single market in order to enhance products
promotion and commercialization. It is aimed at
offering a one-stop procurement solution to firms by
matching buyers and sellers through its website.
The digital marketplace in this case will serve as
a context to initiate a change management process
aimed at creating, overtime, the necessary
technological and organizational prerequisites for
any further intervention aimed at developing and
enhancing the competitiveness of firms. Simple
trading services such as e-Catalogue, e-mail
Communication, Request for Quote, Auction are
suitable for firms in this stage. These services do not
support new processes, they just replicate the
traditional processes over the Internet, in an effort to
cut costs and accelerate the process (POPOVIC,
2002) .
However, this is just the first step of an
evolutionary learning process of creation,
development, consolidation and renewal of firms
competitiveness through e-Business.
This stage is a prerequisite for increasing the
firms awareness regarding the potentialities and the
benefits of e-Business solutions. Any solution, no
matter how simple, will not be automatically
adopted if not framed in a wider awareness initiative
aimed at informing the relevant stakeholders of the
impacts and benefits that this solution can have for
them over the short and the medium-long term. To
further increase the awareness of SME and for
building the local SMEs capabilities some training
programs that tap on ICTs could be of great support
for firms.
Starting to use the basic services offered by
digital marketplaces in this initial stage is an
indispensable phase for creating the right conditions
for pursuing an evolutionary pathway towards more
collaborative configurations. For example the use of
eCatalogues or Auction services involves
information sharing or data exchange between
trading parts. Through communication with trading
partners firms starts to pull inside the marketplace
other supply chain firms with which they realize
In this way firms start to move towards more
collaborative settings where suppliers, customers,
and partners share more information and data
between them, create strong ties as well as longer-
term supplier-customer relationships.
Then, to support this new type of relationships
created among participating and to provide more
value added for them the digital marketplace needs
to evolve towards the development of new services
that reinforce the relationships among different
actors, create new ones and exploit partnerships in
order to enhance services. More advanced
collaborative technologies could be implemented in
order to connect, suppliers, customers and partners
in a global supply network where critical knowledge
and information about demand, supply,
manufacturing and other departments and processes
is shared instantaneously. More value added services
could be provided at this stage such as – online
orders, transactions, bid aggregation, contract
management, transaction tracking, logistics,
traceability etc - which permits the supply chain
actors to integrate their operations and processes.
The use of such services as bid aggregation,
logistics, traceability etc doesn’t simply enable firms
to exchange knowledge and information and but also
to develop it together in order to better understand
customers and market trends.
Thus a further stage of digital marketplace could
be developed to leverage on the integrated and
collaborative culture of the firms to create
distributed knowledge networks, composed by a set
of dynamic linkages among diverse members who
are engaged in deliberate and strategic exchanges of
information, knowledge and services to design and
produce both integrated and/or modular products.
Networking services could be implemented in this
stage such as Virtual Project Workspace (VPW) for
product development teams, elearning services,
knowledge management, virtual communities.
The approach proposed suggest that firms need
to go through a sequential stages where the activities
are cumulative. This means that firms in stage 2, for
example, undertakes the same activities as those in
stage 1, that is communicating with customers and
suppliers via email and using the web for realizing
catalogues, but in addition they start collaborating
and transacting online with other actors of the
supply chain.
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
The thesis underpinning this paper is that the context
features shapes the type of the business models for
digital marketplaces. It is argued that before starting
a digital marketplace initiative it is necessary to
undertake a context assessment that permits to
understand the firms preparedness to use the digital
marketplace in terms of technological infrastructure,
human resources’ capabilities and skills, integration
and innovation level among firms.
On this basis a specific evolutionary approach
has been presented. The aim is to provide
developing firms with solutions that match their
needs and that help them to get aware, to learn and
adopt to new business models as well as to develop
progressively the necessary resources and
capabilities (relational, technical and infrastructural)
to enhance their competitiveness in the current
digital economic landscape.
Our approach also presents important
implications. The concept of digital marketplaces is
useful for firms in developing countries, however
despite the promise they remain largely unused
because of the inadequacy of solutions to context
features. We argue that the success of a digital
marketplace initiative needs to be rooted in an
assessment study of the context that permits to
understand the firms preparedness to use the digital
marketplace in terms of technological infrastructure,
human resources’ capabilities and skills, integration
and innovation level among firms.
Based on the outcomes of this assessment it is
then possible to find out a suitable business model
for the digital marketplace that show sensitivity to
local realities and ensure the effective participation
of the firms.
It is essential to start with feasible initiatives and
build up steadily the qualifications necessary for
facing hindrances. However, starting at the right
point and in the right way doesn’t automatically
guarantee success and competitive advantage to
destinations, but can represent a way to start
admitting the fundamental role of the innovation,
according to the need to survive in a high complex
In today’s business environment firms and
destinations need to continuously upgrade and
develop organizational structures, assets and
capabilities, the social and customer capital to
enhance to enhance their competitiveness. Thus
firms need to adopt a co-evolutionary that stimulate
collaboration and coordination among firms. The
active role of an intermediary is crucial especially at
the earliest stages, to raise awareness, assure firms
participation, build and maintain wide commitment
and involvement.
The ideas that we propose need to be refined in
further conceptual and empirical research. First, a
field analysis is needed in order to appraise and to
validate the evolutionary path proposed in this
paper. Second, it will be important also to monitor
the process of adoption of digital marketplace and
their specific impacts on firms competitiveness.
Third, further research could also focus o how to
realize digital marketplace solutions that integrates
internal business systems with a common platform.
The research can be oriented toward identification of
a unifying solution for SME, in which there is a
convergence and integration of activities, considered
as part of a joint entity. This solution may be able to
generate a high number of benefits, related to the
opportunity to decrease errors and mistakes in the
transactions, to reduce the duplication of activities,
to manage business in a simple and fast way.
Further research could be also focused on
understanding the factors that inhibit or support the
passage of firms from one stage to another of the
evolutionary model.
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ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business