A Novel Interface For Human-Robot Interaction
Nelson Gonçalves and João Sequeira
Institute of Systems and Robotics, Insituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Human-robot interaction, Emotions.
An approach is presented for the expression of basic emotions through only the agent body pose and velocity.
The approach is applied in human-robot interaction scenarios, where both humans and robots communicate
only through their relative position and velocities. As a result, an interface for human-robot interaction is
obtained, which does not require the use of haptic devices or explicit communication with humans, verbal
for instance. The small set of emotions that can be conveyed enable humans and robots to anticipate the
intentions of the opponent and adapt their behavior accordingly. The aproach is implemented using a webcam,
simple vision processing algorithms and Hidden Markov models. The results of preliminary experiments are
The problem considered in this paper is the recog-
nition of emotions in human-robot interaction (HRI)
scenarios without explicit communication or the us-
age of haptic devices.
Such HRI problems can occur in many common
applications. An example is that of a mobile robot
advertising and selling products in a supermarket. Al-
though it can move directly towards approach poten-
tial clients, this behavior may be considered too intru-
sive and unpleasant. Therefore, the robot must first
estimate the interest of the clients without using hap-
tic or voice interfaces. If a reasonable interest is per-
ceived, the robot should then approach the clients.
Another application of interest is active surveil-
lance, where mobile robots must intercept and iden-
tify intruders. These are not expected to cooperate
and can even sabotage the robots. The intentions of
the intruders must then be estimated at a safe distance
and without explicit communication. In this appli-
cation, the mobile robots can move aggressively, di-
rectly towards the intruders at high velocity. The pur-
pose is to intimidate them and also to block potential
exit pathways. In these applications, the use of tra-
ditional interface devices, such as voice or touch, is
not efficient. The main reason is that in these appli-
cations, humans and robots keep some distance be-
tween them during most of the time. Another reason
is that explicit communication, verbally for instance,
may not be possible due to ambient background noise.
The proposed approach is to express and perceive
emotions through the body pose and velocity. A
friendly emotion can be expressed through a smooth
path, executed at a low velocity. The antagonistic
emotion of anger, may be expressed through sharp,
discontinuous paths performed at a high velocity. An
advantage of the proposed approach is an increase of
the available bandwidth for human-robotcommunica-
tion, since the body motion is another possible com-
munication channel. Another advantage is that agents
can perceive the intentions of opponents at some dis-
tance and adapt their behaviors accordingly. This is
relevant to robots in adversarial environments.
The remainder of this paper is as follows. A re-
view of the literature is presented in Section 2. In
Section 3 the nature of emotions and their forms of ex-
pression are discussed. A classifier for the recognition
of emotions is presented in Section 4, which is evalu-
ated in a set of preliminary experiments described in
Section 5. Finally, in Section 6 the approach is dis-
cussed and future work is presented.
In the HRI problem considered, humans are not ex-
pected to explicitly communicate with robots or to
use haptic interfaces. This is an uncommon scenario
Gonçalves N. and Sequeira J. (2009).
EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONS THROUGH BODY MOTION - A Novel Interface For Human-Robot Interaction.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Robotics and Automation, pages 465-470
DOI: 10.5220/0002220404650470
in HRI applications, (Fong et al., 2003; Goodrich and
Schultz, 2007), where typical interfaces make use of
voice, touch and human facial expressions. Neverthe-
less, the information conveyed through the body pose
and velocity was considered in (Breazeal, 2003) and
applied in practice in (Finke et al., 2005).
An early study on the expression of emotions in
both humans and animals was conducted by Darwin
in (Darwin, 1872). It is reported that the human body
motion and stances, when expressing an emotion, are
similar to when acting in accordance. For example,
the body stances when expressing anger are almost
identical to those when preparing for an actual attack.
Also, it is well known that the state of mind has a
strong influence on the motion of a person, (Naka-
mura et al., 2007). This is often exploited in computer
animation to increase the realism of human charac-
ters, (Becheiraz and Thalmann, 1996; Neff and Fi-
ume, 2006).
In neuro-psychologicalstudies of human emotion,
facial expressions typically receive much more atten-
tion than other forms of expression, (de Gelder et al.,
2004). But in (Atkinson et al., 2004), it was found
that emotions could be recognized from static and dy-
namic body stances. This was case also when hu-
man motion was represented using only a cloud of
points. Finally, in (den Stock et al., 2008) the body
motion was also found to bias the recognition of bi-
modal emotions from sound and vision cues.
The nature of emotions is, to the best of the au-
thors knowledge, an unsolved problem. Therefore,
in this section an attempt is made to understand the
nature emotions and how they can be perceived and
In the pioneer work by Darwin, (Darwin, 1872),
and William James, (James, 1884), is argued that at
least some emotions are a form of instinctive reac-
tion to stimuli received from the environment. The
reason is the similarity in some expressions among
humans from very different cultures. Also, it is not
plausible that a conscientious process it at the origin
of emotions in animals. Nevertheless, since these ini-
tial contributions many other definitions of emotion
have been unsuccessfully proposed, (Scherer, 2005).
Although the question of what is an emotion is yet
unanswered, it is more relevant for the HRI problem
to answer questions related to the causes of emotions.
The answer to these questions is stated in terms of
the causation categories by Aristotle, (Russell, 2004).
If these are known, then suitable models can be build
and used for perceiving and expressing emotions. The
first question to be posed is: "why do humans express
emotions ?". A possible answer is given in terms of
the final causation category:
Assumption 1 (Manifestation of Emotions). The fi-
nal cause of an emotion is the change in the agent
state, perceptible to external observers.
The final causation category is identified with the
concepts of purpose and ultimate goals. Thus, in this
paper it is assumed that the purpose of an emotion is
to be announced to others, through a change in the
agent state. It is clear that other answers are possi-
ble if other causes are identified. The answer could
be given in terms of specific hormones or physiolog-
ical mechanisms, such as in (Scherer, 2005). These
answers belong, respectively, to the material and effi-
cient causation categories.
The final causation category is used because an
important design guideline is obtained. That the emo-
tions an agent can express do not form part of the
state. In order to understand this argument, consider
the case where emotions form part of the agent state.
Then the sequence of emotions being expressed is
uniquely determined by the state past history and dy-
namics. As a result, the agent state changes could be
known in advance and there would be no need to ex-
press them. Therefore, in this paper emotions are con-
sidered not part of the agent state, but instead part of
the agent actions. The difference between emotions
and other actions is that the former cannot be applied
to the environment. As the result of this discussion, a
definition for emotions is obtained.
Definition 1 (Agent Emotion). An emotion is an ac-
tion executed by the agent on his state, producing an
externally perceptible state change.
This definition is useful for the design of HRI in-
terfaces. For an application example, consider the
case where facial expressions are used to express
emotions. Let the state of the agent, human or robot,
be the configuration of the mouth and the eyebrows.
An emotion is then the act of displaying a particular
configuration of the mouth and eyebrows. Similarly,
emotions can be perceived by identifying the respec-
tive state configurations.
The previous definition does not provide clues on
how the state is altered through an emotion. Thus,
the next question is: "why is an emotion expressed
through some state changes and not others ?". The
answer is given using the efficient causation category,
which is related to the concepts of method or func-
tion. A possible answer is then that the forms of emo-
tion expression in humans are function of evolution-
ary pressures. An immediate consequence is that un-
ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Expressive motion
Emotion semantic
to Express
motion features
Figure 1: Architecture for emotion perception and decision.
der different environments, different forms of expres-
sion would emerge. Another consequence is that a
learning algorithm could be employed to determine
the human forms of expression. But in general, it
would require that humans and robots interact during
an excessively long period of time. Therefore, it is
more practical to mimic, where possible, the forms of
expression in humans and domestic animals.
In the remainder of the paper and when clear from
context, humans and robots are both referred to as
agents. It is assumed that agents move in a 2D plane.
Furthermore, robots are assumed not to possess any
anthropomorphic features.
The proposed architecture for the perception of
emotions is presented in Figure 1. The motion of hu-
mans is perceived and classified using features of in-
terest defined a priori by the system designer. Thus
the recognition problem can be formulated without
knowledge on the semantics of emotions, since from
Definition 1, only state changes must be perceived.
After the type of emotion is perceived, the robot must
decide which emotion to display. In this step is re-
quired knowledge of the context and also the mean-
ing of emotions. The solution is presented in Sub-
Section 4.2, where the notion of empathy is used.
4.1 Expressive Motion Classifier
The design of the classifier of emotions from the hu-
man body motion is formulated as time series classi-
fication problem. The human body is approximated
by the geometric center and the features of interest
are the human pose and velocity relative to the robot.
This choice is based on the expression of emotions
by human actors described in (Atkinson et al., 2004)
and the social distances presented in (Becheiraz and
Thalmann, 1996; Pacchierotti et al., 2006). An accu-
rate estimation of the features values is not required.
The reason is that the basic emotions, such as fear and
Figure 2: Typical HRI situation.
disgust, are fundamental to survival and are expressed
with clear state changes.
A typical situation for HRI through motion is de-
picted in Figure 2. The mobile robot is represented
by the polygonal shape and both agents are moving at
different linear velocities. The robot is able to mea-
sure the relative pose of the human, at a constant rate
. Since the robot is also moving, it will perceive
an apparent motion of the human. This effect must be
corrected to prevent erroneous classifications.
Consider a static frame {w
}, which is coincident
with the robot body frame at time t
. Let p(t
) be
the position of the human measured by the robot and
assume that the human is static. Then, for a small
enough interval , at t
the measured value should
) = R(ω(t
) + v
)) (1)
where v
(.) is the robot linear velocity, ω(.) the an-
gular velocity about the robot frame origin and R(.)
is the rotation matrix from frame {w
} to the robot
frame at time t
. Let p(t
) be the actual mea-
sured value by the robot at time t
. If the human is
not stationary, then the predicted and measured values
are not equal and their difference is due to the human
) = ( ˆp(t
) p(t
The vector of observed motion features is then
= (kp(t
)k, θ(t
), kv
)k) (3)
where θ(t
) = atan(p(t
)). The first two features
model static properties of the expression of emotions,
which are linked to focus of the agent on the observer.
The relative velocity of the human is related to the in-
tensity of the emotion.
The block diagram of the emotion classifier is pre-
sented in Figure 3. The input is an array of feature
vectors, m
= ( f
, f
, ..., f
). Through vec-
tor quantization, each feature vector f
is replaced by
a symbol s
. Then the probability of each Hidden
Markov Model e
generating the sequence of symbols,
, is computed with the forward algorithm. The
EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONS THROUGH BODY MOTION - A Novel Interface For Human-Robot Interaction
. . .
[k, k+n]
[k, k+n]
P( s | e )
[k, k+n]
P( s | e )
[k, k+n]
Figure 3: Emotion classifier from motion.
output of the classifier is a vector with the normalized
value of these probabilities, P(s
) .
A similar approach was used in (Takeda et al.,
2007) with good results in estimating the next dance
step for a robotic dance partner.
4.2 Emotion Semantic Decision
The expression of emotions in humans is closely
linked to similar instinctivebehaviors, (Darwin, 1872;
James, 1884; Scherer, 2005). Therefore, it is reason-
able to use a reactive approach to determine the emo-
tion to express. The proposed solution is to make use
of the concept of empathy. The emotion expressed by
the robot, e
, is the one assigned the highest probabil-
ity by the classifier
: max
)} (4)
This is a straightforward solution and does not require
knowledge of the emotion semantics or context. A
similar method is used in (Takeda et al., 2007), where
the dance step is selected based on the ratio between
the two highest probabilities. If it is above some
threshold the step associated to the highest probability
is executed, otherwise the robot wheels are stopped.
This method is not suitable for expressing emotions
through motion because stopping can be perceived as
an emotion, fear for instance. It is also not robust to
classification errors and does not enable robots to take
the initiative. The latter is an important aspect in gen-
eral HRI problems. Since most humans are not famil-
iar with robots, they may not expect an autonomous
behaviors from these machines. The original solution
can be improved by minimizing a decision cost
e (γ) : min
; γ)
where c
(.) is the cost of expressing emotion e
stead of emotion e
and P(e
; γ) is the a priori proba-
bility of observing emotion e
. The discrete parameter
γ is used to define the context of the mobile robot ap-
plication. For instance, in surveillance applications
it is reasonable to expect humans to behave aggres-
sively. The probability of observing anger is then
greater than that of happiness and the robot should
also prefer also to express hostility over happiness.
A set of experiments where conducted to evaluate the
emotion classifier, with results presented in this sec-
tion. The interface was implemented in C++ language
using a standard, of-the-shelve webcam mounted on
top of a Pioneer P3-AT robot. The purpose is to eval-
uate the classifier from the robot world perspective
view. The experiments where performed with a hu-
man wearing a bright, green colored vest to facilitate
the detection of color blobs. The webcam was cali-
brated to measure the distance and angle of the hu-
man under the assumption that the height of the hip
is constant. The blob detection is affected by high
frequency noise because the vest surface is wrinkled
and is not perceived with an uniform color. A median
filter was applied the values of the blob centroid, to
remove some of the noise. The maximum sampling
rate was approximately 6 samples per second, much
slower than the rate in (Takeda et al., 2007) for in-
The parameters for the vector quantization pro-
cedure where determined by hand, based on the
social distances discussed in (Becheiraz and Thal-
mann, 1996; Pacchierotti et al., 2006). The val-
ues of the relative position and angle are quantized
in {1.0, 2.0, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5}[m] and {−40
}, re-
spectively. The norm of the relative velocity is quan-
tized in {0.5, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5}[m/s], where 0.5m/s
roughly corresponds to the human being stopped.
With respect to the use of clustering algorithms, this
approach does not require a large amount of data to
be properly trained. Also, the quantization values de-
termined by the algorithms may not reflect the social
distances used by humans.
The emotions considered in the experiments
where: (i) anger, (ii) fear, (iii) friendliness and (iv)
apathy, which can be understood as the agent not ex-
pressing any emotion. Their expression was exem-
plified by a human in front of the robot. The human
ran towards the robot to express anger, while friend-
liness was expressed with a normal pace. In order
to express fear, the human moved toward the robot
but at halfway stopped and moved away. The expres-
sion of apathy was exemplified with the human mov-
ing parallel to the webcam image plane or away from
ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 4: Example of feature kp(t
)k for each emotion.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 5: Example of feature kv
)k for each emotion.
the robot. A total of twenty videos where recorded,
with five examples for each emotion. The features
)k, kv
)k and θ(t
) are plotted in Figures 4
to 6, taken from an example of each emotion. In these
figures is visible that the distance and angle features
produced distinctive sequences for each of the emo-
tions emotion. For example, friendliness and fear pro-
duce similar distance sequences but clearly distinct
sequences of angles. The estimation of the values for
the velocity feature is sensitive to the noise and de-
tection failures of the vision system. Another source
of error is the height of the hip which as small varia-
tions during the motion. Although some patterns are
visible in Figure 5 for each emotion, the sequences
of values are very irregular and with also abnormally
high values.
The HMM of each emotion was trained using the
quantized sequence of features from all the videos.
Each HMM is composed with ve states and a left-
right transition structure. After the training phase, the
emotion classifier was evaluated using all of the emo-
tion examples. The prior probabilities of each emo-
tion are equal, P(e
;γ) = 0.25, and the elements of the
decision cost matrix are all unitary. In Table 1 are
summarized the classification for each set of videos.
The numbers between parenthesis in the first column
represent the total number of sequences, s
set of videos. The numbers in the other columns rep-
resent the number of times the correspondingemotion
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 6: Example of feature θ(t
) for each emotion.
was perceived. From Table 1, the emotions of friend-
liness and fear had the highest number of correct clas-
sifications but not anger and apathy. The main rea-
son is that these emotions have sequences with much
smaller dimensions, see Figure 4 for instance. Nev-
ertheless, the data in Table 1, is useful to determine
the values for c
and P(e
;γ), which reduce the clas-
sification errors. These can also, to some degree, be
handled by the selection and expression of emotions
in the robot. For instance, the first action of the robot
can be to stop and observe the human in order to re-
duce classification errors. This is a common trait in
the expression of fear in humans, for example.
An HRI interface for the expression of emotions
through body motion was presented. The approach
was implemented in practice with a standard vision
system. Despite the simplicity of the implementation,
acceptable results where obtained. In addition, the
bottlenecks of the system performance where iden-
tified. Thus, given more efficient feature estimation
methods, it is reasonable to assert the feasibility of the
proposed HRI interface. Since human body motion is
emotionally charged, (Atkinson et al., 2004), no prior
training in robotics or specially designed hardware is
required in this HRI interface. Thus, it can be used
in HRI applications where humans are un-skilled in
mobile robotics.
The interface is valuable also to other mobile
robot applications. As argued by António Damásio,
in (Damasio, 2006) and elsewhere, emotions are fun-
damental to successful decision making in humans.
Thus the ability to express them without the need for
additional hardware is by itself a feature of interest.
Since any movement of the agent can be perceived as
an emotion, knowledge of the application context is
required for disambiguation purposes. The discrete
parameter γ was introduced to account for the appli-
EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONS THROUGH BODY MOTION - A Novel Interface For Human-Robot Interaction
Table 1: Emotion classifier results with c
= 1.0 and P(e
;γ) = 0.25.
Video Set \ Emotion Friendly Afraid Apathy Anger
Friendly (23) 10 4 5 4
Afraid (31) 9 11 8 3
Apathy (11) 3 3 1 4
Anger (13) 3 3 7 1
cation context.
The vision system low frame rate and the detec-
tion failures had a negative impact on the system per-
formance. Therefore, future work is aimed at increas-
ing the frame rate and the robustness of the human de-
tection. For instance, through better the use of hard-
ware and a detection algorithms, such as a face de-
tector. Also, the approach must be evaluated using
groups of humans with different backgrounds in mo-
bile robotics.
This work was supported by European Project FP6-
2005-IST-6-045062-URUS, and Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia (ISR/IST pluriannual funding)
through the POSConhecimento Program that includes
FEDER funds. Nelson Gonçalves is working under
grant SFRH/BD/23804/2005, from Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia.
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics