From Classic User Modeling to Scrutable User Modeling
Giorgio Gianforme
, Sergio Miranda
, Francesco Orciuoli
and Stefano Paolozzi
Dipartimento di Informatica e Automazione
University of ROMA TRE, Rome, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione e Matematica Applicata
University of Salerno, Fisciano, Italy
Abstract. User Modeling still represents a key component for a large number of
personalization systems. Maintaining a model for each user, a system can suc-
cessfully personalize its contents and use available resources accordingly. On-
tologies, as a shared conceptualization of a particular domain, can be suitably
exploited also in this area. In this paper we explain some concepts about user
modeling, particularly focusing on scrutability and its importance in ontology-
based user modeling systems.
1 Introduction
In a world where information increasing constantly, the challenge is not only to make
information available to people at any time, at any place, and in any form, but specif-
ically to say the “right” thing at the “right” time in the “right” way. User modeling
researches try to address and solve these issues.
User modeling is one of several research areas that intuitively seems to be winning
propositions based on their obvious need and potential “return of investment”. Indeed
as systems have became increasingly more complex in terms of large amounts of infor-
mation to be conveyed and a wide range of task structures, it is important that a system
should be able to provide effective guidance and assistance to enable the user to make
full use of the available functionality. Moreover, given the variety of users of such sys-
tems, the fact that different users will not all have the same problems or needs, and that
a users level of expertise is likely to change over time, it is desirable that interfaces
to complex systems should be able to adapt to and support the requirements of indi-
vidual users. Thus an information-providing system could tailor the form and content
of information provided to users according to its assessment of what the users need or
wish to know, while a dialogue module could construct the human-computerinteraction
according to the users’ preferences.
In this paper we analyze the characteristics of actual user modeling systems and
their importance in human-computer interactions. Moreover, we explain the details of
a fairly new concept in user modeling called scrutability: the ability of analyzing and
eventually modifying a user model by its user. Finally we discuss about the role of
ontologies in user modeling also in according to the scrutability concept.
Gianforme G., Miranda S., Orciuoli F. and Paolozzi S. (2009).
From Classic User Modeling to Scrutable User Modeling.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ontology for e-Technologies OET 2009, pages 23-32
DOI: 10.5220/0002222200230032
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 explains the main concepts
of modern user modeling, describing the characteristics of a user model. Section 3 de-
scribes the importance of user modeling in the human-computer interaction field. In
Section 4 the concept of scrutability and its importance in user modeling are described.
Section 5 are devoted to the description of the ontology role in scrutable user modeling.
Finally Section 6 concludes.
2 User Modeling Analysis
The term user modeling has been applied to the process of gathering information about
the users of a computer system and using this information to provide services or infor-
mation adapted to the specific requirements of individual users (or groups of users).
A “perfect” user model would include all features of the user behavior and knowl-
edge that affect their learning and performance [20]. The information, contained in the
user model determines the adaptability of the system. Constructing this kind of model
is quite complex task, even for people not only for machines, thus simplified, partial
models are used in practice.
The term user model has been used in several different ways in Artificial Intelli-
gence (AI) and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and it is important to clarify these
differences at the outset. According to software design terminology, the term ’user
model’ usually refers to the designer’s model of the users of the system, either in fairly
gross terms, such as their expected level of proficiency, or more specifically in terms of
the models users may have of the system and of the procedures involved when interact-
ing with the system.
These models can be identified as the users’ system model and the users’ task
model [10]. Generally speaking, designers models of users are implicit and thus are not
represented explicitly within a computer system. This type of modeling is usually done
once only, at the design stage of a system, so that any unanticipated user characteris-
tics or any changes in user characteristics over time cannot be accommodated without a
complete re-design of the system. A more refined system is one which is adaptable, that
is system where a user can make choices among various options that affect the system’s
behavior and can save these choices for future reference in a user profile. However, the
most complex (or even sophisticated) kind of system, is an adaptive system which au-
tomatically acquires knowledge about its users, updates this knowledge over time, and
uses the knowledge to adapt itself to the different users requirements.
The two main features of a user model in an adaptive system can be summarized as
follows. First of all, the user model can be viewed as a knowledge source of information
about users, which contains explicit assumptions on those aspects of a user that might
be relevant to the interface of the system. Secondly, a user model could also be used
to simulate the user activity, for example, to predict the effect of an action of the user.
User models have been employed in this way in intelligent tutoring systems and also to
provide anticipation feedback in natural language dialogue systems [5].
2.1 User Model Characteristics
Three main characteristics can be considered for the definition of a user model. Namely
they are:
what information about the user is included in the model and how it can be obtained
how we can model the user representation in the system
how we can distinguish between a model for individual user and a model for classes
of users
We described these aspects in the following.
Information About the User. Information about the user, which is usually saved in
the user model, can be divided in static (i.e they remain constant through the learning
process) and dynamic (i.e. they can change during the learning process).
The static part of the user model includes user’s personal characteristics (e.g. age,
gender, level of instruction, etc.), user’s capabilities (e.g. background knowledge, cog-
nitive and non-cognitive abilities, etc.) and user’s preferences. These characteristics are
usually analyzed at the beginning of the learning process, using interviews (e.g. online
questionnaires) and different tests [6].
The dynamic part of the user model includes user’s knowledge, concepts and skills,
learning style, motivation, viewpoints, current goals, plans and believes, learning ac-
tivities that have been carried out, etc. The information for devising this part of the
user model are gathered directly from users (e.g. specification of current goal), through
tests and practice (e.g. test results, user history of responses and problem solving be-
havior), or user’s actions (browsing behavior, visited concepts, time spent on page, total
session time, selection of links, searching for further info, queries to the help system).
This information is constantly collected during the learning process and is also used for
updating the user model.
It is also possible to distinguish between explicit information acquisition (EIA) and
implicit information acquisition (IIA) in user modeling. EIA usually refers to the ad-
dition of new information to the user model on the basis of information gathered from
an external source. This external source can be represented, for example, by a user
interacting with the system or a user such as a team manager who is reporting the char-
acteristics of an employee or groups of employees to the system. IIA refers to inferring
user model information on the basis of the knowledge available within the user model
and rules of inference that are applied to this knowledge. This kind of information is
usually acquired incrementally. Examples of IIA and EIA are given by user-driven ac-
quisition (in which the system passively acquires information from user actions) and
system-driven acquisition (in which the system identifies what information is needed
and seeks to acquire it), respectively.
Representation of the User’s Information. Different methods can be used for con-
structing the user model. They may include:
Bayesian methods,
Machine learning methods (rule learning, learning of probabilities, instance-based
Logic-based methods (first order predicate calculus), overlay methods,
Stereo-type methods [17] [7],
Specifically developedcomputational procedures (user’s expertiseis calculated from
their navigational actions or time spent on documents),
Specifically developed qualitative rules and procedures (special rules regarding
user’s properties or behavior),
Other general methods (plan recognition)
In real application a combination of two or more methods is frequently applied,
especially when different methods are used for initializing and maintaining the user
model. This grants more accurate modeling and allows better exploitation of gathered
Constructing and Updating the User Model. The methodology for exploiting the
user model is, in some way, similar to the user modeling construction methodology.
Moreover, we can use well-known methods from artificial intelligence and machine
learning (e.g. Bayesian networks, rule learning, instance-based learning, learning of
probabilities, logic-based and heuristic), as well as other general techniques and princi-
ples (e.g. plan recognition), specifically developed computational procedures or specifi-
cally developed qualitative rules (e.g. rules for selecting and evaluating examples, rules
for choosing adaptation type and rules for choosing questions).
Classes of Users vs Individuals. Grouping together classes of users, according to
shared characteristics, has been a widely applied technique in user modeling and it is
related to the topic of stereotypes [17] [15]. Stereotypes provide a way of reducing to
some extent the problem of the unique modeling of each individual user as we can use
stereotypes to fill in the background information on a person when we know only few
details about them [16].
We can also refine the distinction between individual users and group of users in
terms of the number of agents to be modeled and the number of models. Generally, we
assume that the user model refers to a model of the person who really uses the system.
However, a system may also be required to model other persons at the same time [19].
For example a manager may want to ask a system about characteristics of employees.
3 User Modeling in Human Computer Interaction
We have already mentioned that the user modeling problem involved two main research
areas, i.e. artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction (HCI). For the purpose
of this paper we are more interested in HCI.
A key objective of HCI researches is to make systems more usable, more useful, and
to provide users with experiences which are strictly related to their specific background
knowledge and goals. The challenge is not only to make information available to people
at any time, at any place, and in any form, but specifically to say the “right” thing at the
“right” time in the “right” way [18].
Some HCI researchers have been interested in user modeling because there is the
potential that user modeling techniques will improve the collaborativenature of human-
computer systems [2]. In HCI the different kinds of information represented in a user
model are usually concerned with the user’s cognitive style and personality factors.
The main objective in HCI is to provide a “dialogue” adapted to the requirements
of the user and to the particular task which the user is currently engaged in. Thus, in
addition to a user model, a task model is required which describes both the physical and
the conceptual aspects of a domain [1]. While the task model is relativelystable, the user
model, which includes the user’s mental model of the domain and its task structure, is
likely to change dynamically as the user interacts with the system. A requirement on
user models in HCI is that they should be psychologically relevant, and this aspect is
generally validated empirically in experimental studies. This information about users
may be used in a predictive way to assist system designers to design a system with
user requirements in mind; however, recent work in HCI has been concerned with the
automatic adaptation of computer systems to their users and has thus converged with
one of the main concerns of AI.
Recent studies relate user modeling with the new research area of “multimodality”.
By definition, “multimodal” should refer to the use of more than one modality, regard-
less of the nature of the modalities. However, many researchers use the term “multi-
modal” referring specifically to modalities that are commonly used in communication
between people, such as speech, gestures, handwriting, and gaze. Multimodality seam-
lessly combines graphics, text and audio output with speech, text, and touch input to
deliver a dramatically enhanced end user experience. When compared to a single-mode
interface in which the user can only use either voice/audio or visual modes, multimodal
applications give them multiple options for inputting and receiving information. The
term “modality” is used to describe the different ways of operation within a computer
system, in which the same user input can produce different results depending of the
state of the computer. It also defines the mode of communication according to human
senses or type of computer input devices. In terms of human senses the categories are
sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste. In terms of computer input devices we have
modalities that are equivalent to human senses: cameras (sight), haptic sensors (touch),
microphones (hearing), olfactory (smell), and even taste. In addition, however, there
are input devices that do not map directly to human senses: keyboard, mouse, writing
tablet, motion input (e.g. the device itself is moved for interaction), and many others.
In the field of HCI with reference to user modeling it is important to distinguish
between the concepts of adaptive and adaptable. An interesting comparison between
these concepts are sketched in [2] and reported in Figure 1 (see also [13] for more
4 Ontology and User Modeling: Scrutable Models
In the last years the concept of “scrutability” arises, connecting ontologies and user
modeling more deeply. A user modeling system is called scrutable if users can not
only examine the data in their user models, but also the processes that use that data for
Fig.1. Comparison between Adaptable and Adaptive systems.
Scrutability means that the user should be able to explore the user model and model-
ing processes. It is fairly clear that the most important reason for scrutable user models
is the possibility for users to know what information a system maintains about them.
An important characteristic of this kind of user modeling is that a scrutable user
model enables the user to check and correct the model itself. This is a critical argument
for scrutability, and it relates to the previous one stating the users right to know what
the system stores about them. Often, it is simple to gather user modeling information
from the analysis of that part of the users behavior which is observable by the machine.
To understand the importance of this models feature, let us consider the following
scenario: a user allows another person to use his/her system account: the inferences are
no longer about the individual we intended to model. The models accuracy can also be
affected by people giving the user advice: someone might direct the user to type a series
of complex commands. This could result in a user model with an inaccurate picture of
the users behavior. If users can easily check the user model, they can correct it.
Making a model scrutable ensures that the user can see and control the bases of the
systems inferences about them. Anyway, there is a potential problem in allowing users
to see and alter the user model. Indeed, they might just decide to lie to the system and
create a model of themselves that they would like to be accurate: perhaps they would
like the system to show them as experts. Another typical situation is the presence of a
“curious” user who might simply like to see what happens if he/she modifies his/her
user model. It is clear that there is a concrete possibility that users may corrupt their
user model, therefore it must be taken into account in designing the representation and
support tools of a system.
However this possibility of user models corruption, it is not a sufficient reason to
prevent users from controlling the systems model of them.
There are, obviously, differences between machines and people. These differences
introduce the possibility for user-adapted systems to be especially effective in some in-
teractions. In particular, the processes controlling an user-adapted computer system are
normally deterministic. On the contrary, in human-to-human interaction, the processes
behind actions may not be accessible. Although the machine cannot really know the
users beliefs, it should be possible for the user to know the machines beliefs, especially
the beliefs contained in a explicit model of the user. In collaboration (or co-operative)
systems, the scrutability of the user model can play an important role in helping the
user understanding the systems goals and viewing the interaction. Moreover, we can
reduce user misunderstandings, due to expectations and goals held by the system and
not appreciated by the user.
Scrutability can be the basis for adaptable systems. Indeed, we can expect to en-
hance the quality of the collaboration if both the user and system can be aware of the
beliefs each holds about the other: an accessible user model can help the user be aware
of the machines beliefs.
In the case of teaching systems, there are additional reasons for scrutability. Indeed,
we can observe that it is possible to change the user model (usually called a student
model in this context) to become a valuable basis for devising deeper learning [9]. In
this context, the important role of a scrutable user model is to represent what the learner
knows and does not know at any stage. If the model is externalized by the system, pre-
sented in a way that enables the student to reflect on and evaluate their own knowledge,
the student is more motivated in developing a deeper understanding. Then the user may
be motivated to learn more. The discussion to this point has emphasized the possibility
of a teaching system making an externalized user model part of its teaching. There is
also a learner-initiated view.
It can be observed that in a not-scrutable system, the users exploration and curiosity
always corrupt the user model. This means that scrutability might enable the user to
explore the system without compromising the accuracy of the user model.
Finally, scrutability becomes especially important when user models are very large,
i.e. consisting of hundreds or even thousands of components (such as large ontologies
describing user characteristics and behavior). Inference can be something that becomes
very complex due to the number of components involved, creating considerable chal-
lenges to maintain the scrutability of the user model. There is the need to explore ways
to structure and visualize user models to make the user modeling process in these situ-
ations more explicit and understandable.
5 The Role of Ontologies in User Modeling
Ontologies, defined by Gruber as “a shared conceptualization of a particular domain
are a fundamental element of the new generation Web, the Semantic Web [3]. Although
ontologies have their foundations in the field of artificial intelligence, they have also
attracted the attention of other fields such as knowledge management, information re-
trieval, and e-Learning.
Ontologies have also been recently applied to the field of user modeling (as proved
by several researches [14] [4]) In these systems, ontologies provide an important link
between the domain content, user models, and adaptation.
There is also a role for ontologies in providing structure to a user model. In fact,
when the user model does not have a suitable structure to organize the components in
the model, an ontology should be extremely useful. This is true essentially for two rea-
son: first of all, ontology can provide such a graph structure and, second, that structure
should make sense to the user, in terms of the meanings of the concepts modeled [8].
Ontologies can also be used for reasoning. Indeed, moving from the knowledge of a
subset of facts within the domain, new facts can be produced by inference. We can use
inference on user models with an ontological structure to find out new facts about the
As stated in the previous sections, user models typically consist of different compo-
nents, each representing a single piece of information or belief about the user. Although
the user model may be very large with hundreds or even thousands of components, it
is very important that the system maintains scrutability, particularly in reasoning about
the data, whether it is performed by the user modeling system or other users who might
have access to data from the user model.
Therefore, as previously stated in Section 4 it would be greatly useful for users to
be able to explore possible inferences that can be made about them by an agent from
their user model or better a partial version of this model. This is important because even
though the partial user model may only contain a subset of data, many inferences can
be made about the user on the basis of an underlying ontology.
This is true especially in case a user wants to keep private some elements of his
model (e.g. personal details and contact information). A system can still provide an
adequate picture of the user by making inference, even with partial information about
the user himself. A similar situation is sketched in Figure 2. In this case, the user has
chosen only a portion of his model to be shared (top right of the figure). On the other
side the system may allow the user to visualize possible inference that can be made
about him from this information (bottom right of the figure).
System OntologySystem Ontology
User ModelUser Model
User DataUser Data
User’s Public ModelUser’s Public Model
User ModelUser Model
Fig.2. An illustration of a user model.
Ontological inference is particularly important in environments where evidence
feeds into the user model at very different granularities. A typical example can be
found in the e-Learning systems, where course materials typically teach fine-grained
concepts that contribute to higher level learning goals. It is important to be able to
model both coarse and fine grain concepts in the learner model, so that learners can see
their overall learning progress and goals through the coarse grained concepts, and also
determine what elements of work contribute to these high level goals through the fine
grained concepts [12].
In this way, we can exploit ontologies for both scrutability of the user model and also
reasoning about users. Using ontologies for scrutable modeling raises several issues to
be considered (as recently observed [11]):
Construction. Creating ontologies is not a trivial activity. In fact, we require a
source of knowledge of the domain we are trying to model (either through do-
main experts or documentation). By this process we can identify the concepts and
relationships that make up the ontology, and a way to represent the ontology.
Enhancement. When we create an ontology, it may not contain all the concepts and
relationships necessary for the the particular objective. It is imperative that ontolo-
gies were easily and quickly updatable; this, however, introduces the challenge of
being able to update (enhance) the ontology without compromising its integrity.
Interface. An effective interface for viewing and exploring the ontology is obvi-
ously required. Moreover we need convenient tools for aforementioned construc-
tion and enhancement processes.
6 Conclusions
As a demonstration of the growing interest in ontology-based user modeling, a lot of
researches and tools have been developed in the last years. Therefore, User Modeling
still represents a key component for a large number of personalization systems. In this
paper, after a review of the main concepts of user modeling, we have discussed about
the importance of ontologies in building user models, reasoning about them and finally
supporting scrutable user modeling system.
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