Anton Romanov and Eiji Okamoto
Department of Risk Engineering, Graduate School of Information and Systems Engineering, University of Tsukuba
Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba Science City, 305-8573, Ibaraki, Japan
Keywords: Information security, Risk assessment, IT landscape design.
Abstract: Nowadays most of enterprises must consider information security aspects as of the highest concern. It is
caused not only by growing hacker’s activity but also because of increasing legal requirements and
compliance issues. One of required procedures to manage information security is regular performing of
information security risk assessment. This article describes an approach for designing and managing of an
enterprise IT landscapes which makes possible to perform quantitative information security risk assessment
using already established methodologies which were previously inapplicable by some reasons. Moreover,
application of the proposed framework allows transformation of any IT landscape to such state. Other
relevant key features of the proposed approach are unification and reduction of maintenance cost.
In the context of rapidly growing (Service Oriented
Architecture) SOA development and enforcement of
legal requirements (compliance) regular assessment
of information security related risks becomes an
important element of management of any IT
infrastructure of an enterprise. At the current time
there are two significantly different approaches to
assess information security risks: based on
qualitative decisions and based on quantitative
estimations. The first group is already widely used in
the industry even though the outcome sometimes
could be quite doubtful and require so-called
adjustment (Munteanu, 2006), but the second group
is still mostly a subject to research. Later in this
article we will consider only quantitative approaches
and the preparations necessary to apply to a given IT
landscape to make these approaches applicable to
the real enterprise environments.
From the theoretical point of view it is essential to
consider two ways of providing security related
(quality assurance service) QAS, see “Figure 1”:
perform formal verification (i.e. build a formal
mathematical model of a given software entity and
prove its effectiveness) or perform risk assessment.
Figure 1: Ways to perform security quality assurance
As the first approach is based on mathematical
equations, it allows achieving full warranty, though
performing risk assessment is able to provide only
limited warranty. Approaches to perform formal
verification are out of scope of this article and for
correct application require redesign of the whole
software development life cycle (SDLC).
The way to calculate risk (Bodeaum, 1992) is
provided in equation (1), where P
is a probability
Threat analysis
Romanov A. and Okamoto E. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 313-318
DOI: 10.5220/0002224803130318
of a given threat to occur, P
is a probability
of a vulnerability to be exploited, AV is an asset
Risk = P
x P
x AV (1)
Usually evaluation of asset’s value is out of
scope of security team members and is performed by
business owners of a given asset. So, if there is an
asset with some given value, there must be a pair of
a threat and relevant vulnerability for any risk to
2.1 Limitation of Current Approaches
Though there are already plenty of methods to
measure financial, legal and other non - operational
risks, the assessment of operational risks is still a
challenge. Up to the current time there were many
attempts to create a universal framework to measure
risks related to IS (information security) which are a
sub group of operational risks, but all of the attempts
finished without real success, because of their
inapplicability to the real enterprises (Ekelhart,
2007), (Arora, 2004).
The main problem of all of these approaches was
connected to superfluous rapid changes which
generally occur in most of common IT landscapes
used in the industry. For example, if to consider a
real enterprise, it would have several types of servers
(database, mail, application) and a quite big set of
client worksites, which use huge variety of hardware
and software solutions. As usually there will be a
need to update, replace or repair some of the
components both on the server and client side (for
example, to apply operating system patches,
antivirus updates, install new versions of business
related applications to add new functionality or
deploy a customer developed software), there is no
way to have a stable set of software components for
all applications or even just a fixed set of
applications in the whole IT landscape even for a
single day. A software component in this article is
defined as a basic application module to which an
application name is usually assigned (for example,
Microsoft Windows XP SP3 build 2.6.2700) and all
add-ons implemented (like hot fix KB1234567). A
software component is defined by its vendor, name,
version number and all implemented add-ons names
and version numbers.
2.2 Approaches used in Industry
Thus, as a risk is defined by a pair of a threat and
vulnerability exploited by that threat, it is essential
to consider two ways to find possible risks, see
“Figure 1”. Ways of performing of threat analysis
are usually based on previously obtained experience
which is summed up in catalogs of best practice, for
example (BSI, 2004). Vulnerability assessment is
usually made by different tools, like penetration
testing tools. To notice a potential threat there must
always be a theoretically possible vulnerability to
exploit for a given software or hardware component
itself or a group it belongs to. So if to consider
information security assurance for an enterprise,
most likely a combination of threat analysis and
vulnerability assessment would be performed. But as
at the current moment tools for vulnerability
assessment are still far from accomplishment (at
least because different entities of software could
have different set of vulnerabilities, so such tools
must be updated for any new version of any software
component) most of enterprises would mostly focus
on threat analysis. Thus, if a potential vulnerability
has not yet been discovered by intruders, it would
not be possible to define it neither during common
security incident response management process
which is based on analysis of information from logs
and audit trails nor risk management process, as
vulnerability tools have very limited functionality
and are commonly based on known signatures. As to
threat analysis, an enterprise security team usually
does not have enough technical knowledge in
software and hardware engineering to predict weird
problems (simplified information security risk
management process is shown on “Figure 2”).
Figure 2: Simplified risk management process.
Thus it is possible to conclude that the problem
of inapplicability of current quantitative approaches
to measure information security risks is not a
fundamental mathematical problem of building such
framework, as there are many relevant approaches
for financial and credit risks (Di Renzo, 2006), but a
related security
didn’t happen
Guesses based
on security
Logs and
audit trails
Logs and
audit trails
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
technical problem, as there is no way to collect
sufficient amount of statistics because of specifics of
current (software development life cycle) SDLC and
software life cycle (SLC) models.
Prior to introduction of the proposed approach for
designing of enterprise IT landscapes to perform
quantitative information security risk assessment
(QISRAP, where P stands for preparation) it is
necessary to provide some relevant mathematical
3.1 Mathematical Considerations
As it was pointed out above, because of superfluous
changes, if to consider a given IT landscape from the
mathematic statistical point of view, it is not
possible to assume that the state of landscape is not
changing and thus there will be no way to collect
any reasonable amount of statistics, related to
occurred security incidents. Hence performing an
approximation of a cumulative distribution function
would also be unavailable. The main problem here is
that as it was written above, for a risk to occur there
must be a pair of threat and vulnerability. So, for a
given enterprise without drastic changes in its
organizational structure it is possible to assume that
the distribution of threats is permanent. But if to
consider vulnerabilities this would be an incorrect
assumption as an entity of software is nothing more
then a set of CPU instructions, like hardware is a set
of primitive electronic elements, which have some
given properties (let’s call both of them trivial
components). So vulnerability usually is not a
property of a trivial component itself, but of a fixed
set of such components. And it is quite clear that
though software entities could have the same name
or even version number but different add-ons
installed, they could potentially consist of different
sets of trivial components and only comparison of
hash values can guarantee that these entities are
really equal. Hence unequal software entities could
potentially lead to different vulnerabilities. To
conclude, a replacement of any software or even
hardware component leads to potential changes of its
vulnerability distribution function and hence
changes CDF for security risks. So without some
special preparation there would be several problems
which ravel ISRA:
There are no threat lists;
There are no threat probabilities;
There are no vulnerabilities lists;
There are no vulnerabilities probabilities;
There is no way to collect sufficient
information about vulnerabilities;
And if it is still possible to collect information
about threat distribution using data from different
surveys in other companies from the same industry,
which are often performed by different software
vendors and audit companies, obtainment of
information for vulnerabilities related to all software
components would be impossible because of
superfluous heterogeneity of IT landscapes of
enterprises even within the same industry.
3.2 QISRAP Approach to Prepare for
IS Risk Assessment
In the preceding paper (Romanov, 2009), the authors
introduced a framework for securely building and
managing ERP landscapes (landscapes which
include Enterprise Resource Planning systems as the
main component) where proposed unification of a
set of typical software components and its fixation
till the version number for all of the components as a
way to reduce maintenance cost of a given ERP
landscape and to increase the level of security
confidence, because if a security incident happened
for a single unified worksite, it would happen for all
others under the same external conditions, as all
worksites are equal from the hardware and software
point of view.
Though previously the accent was made to the
way of transference of major security investments
from an enterprise to vendors by establishing a set of
requirements, let’s consider the enhancement of that
approach for any random IT landscape from
information security risk assessment point of view.
If to consider any IT landscape, it would consist of
several types of servers (database, business
application, service application servers, DNS or
DHCP). Any of them could be represented as a set
of abstract layers, see “Figure 3”. Hence it is
possible to state that amount of total technical
vulnerabilities of a given workstation is the sum of
vulnerabilities at each layer. As most of users need
to perform very common set of business functions, it
is possible to fix a suite of all applications needed
for performing business functions and likewise there
are several types of servers. Thus, it is possible to
create a hardware and/or software configuration
profiles for a client worksite, mail server, ERP
server, database server etc. Of course, there could be
some exceptions, but it is better to try to avoid them
as much as possible. Consequently in the context of
risk assessment the proposed operation means that
we fix all the set of vulnerabilities for the defined
configuration profile. Hence observation of security
incidents occurring in large number of such typified
computers could be considered as a multiple
realization of a random variable which has the same
distribution of vulnerabilities relevant to this fixed
configuration profile and the same distribution of
threats from the complete set of all threats peculiar
for the organization involved.
Figure 3: Vulnerabilities layers.
So it means that statistics collected from
different samples of the same configuration profile
would represent the result of multiple experiments
with same probabilistic parameters. And as risk for a
given asset is defined by multiplication of two
probabilities and a constant asset value (1), and
workstations are typified (hence relevant asset
values are equal), distribution of threads is the same
for the whole organization, and vulnerabilities are
fixed for selected configuration profile, it is possible
to conclude that gathered statistics could be used to
approximate the cumulative distribution function
(CDF) of security incidents and consequently losses.
Thus having calculated CDF by creation of fixed
set of configuration profiles, further application of
any other approaches to assess risks of any nature,
like Value at Risk, (Ozcelik, 2005), (Wawrzyniak,
2006) can be made. Stages and outcomes of the
proposed approach are presented on “Figure 4”.
It is necessary to note that the framework can be
applied to a new enterprise without any IT
infrastructure or to already existing enterprise which
management is interested in making its current IT
landscape more secure and needs extended level of
information security maturity in terms of COBIT
(ITGI, 2006), (which consequently leads to the need
to perform extended assessment of information
security risks). Simplified stages description is
provided below.
3.2.1 Business Process Reengineering Stage
At this stage all business processes in a given
enterprise are investigated. The aim of this stage is
to define those business processes which would be
or are already automated and possible places where
fraud could occur. If controls in main application are
unable to prevent all relevant fraud activities,
another type of control (software, hardware or
procedural) must be introduced.
Figure 4: Stages of a proposed framework.
3.2.2 Software Selection Stage
At this stage software solutions which support
automated business processes are selected and
evaluated according to possibility to provide
application controls to prevent potential fraud
activities founded during the previous stage. The
outcome of this stage is the set of typical
configuration profiles to be used for client
workstations and servers and hardware requirements
in terms of reliability, performance and support for
software security controls (for example, if users are
allowed to use external memory devices, they can
copy confidential data, so a set of controls to
prohibit such operations must be introduced). All
software components selected for a given profile
IT landscape
Software selection
Defining a set of
software which covers
all business processes
selection stage
Defining a set of
hardware involved
Policies and
Organizational stage
Defining all non
technical measures to
support business
Implementation stage
Secured enterprise
BPR stage
Definition of all
business processes
Operating System
Front end
Non business
Operating System
Server side Client side
Business logic
Application Server
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
must be fixed in terms of vendor name, software
name, version number, add-on names, add on
version numbers. Unified installation distributives
for each configuration profile must be prepared.
3.2.3 Hardware Selection Stage
At this stage relevant hardware is selected. It should
be able to cover requirements caused by selected
software profiles, but also should not introduce any
new risks. If it causes any additional security related
risks, appropriate solutions must also be selected.
All hardware components selected for a given
profile must be fixed in terms of vendor name,
device model name, firmware version number.
3.2.4 Organizational Selection Stage
At this stage all non automated procedures are
analyzed. According to potential fraud activities not
covered by technical controls, a list of relevant
policies and procedures to mitigate the risk must be
3.2.5 Implementation Stage
At this stage all solutions introduced in upper stages
are implemented. If there is already built IT
landscape, appropriate changes to it must be
performed according to requirements form previous
stages (for example, a set of worksites which has
similar hardware configuration and requirements to
software should be defined, a software image should
be created and applied to these worksites). All
relevant policies and procedures must be created.
3.2.6 Change Management Process
In case of need to perform an update for a sample of
a given configuration package, all other samples of
this package must be updated simultaneously or, if
technically impossible, at least during the smallest
possible period of time. All changes in configuration
packages must be documented by the same way as
previously all configuration packages content were
3.3 Goals and Feature of Proposed
If this approach would be supported by many
companies and they would share their incident
statistics (which perhaps would not happen without a
relevant law enforcement) or if there would be one
single company which has large amount of samples
of a given configuration profile, then hypothetically
it would be possible to achieve a situation when all
the vulnerabilities of a selected configuration profile
are iteratively defined, enumerated and covered by
defined countermeasures, see “Figure 5”.
As stated in (Arbaugh, 2000), the time to
discover a given vulnerability is finite, see “Figure
6”, so if there will be no changes in configuration
profile, state with complete mitigation of all
vulnerabilities for a given threat distribution is
Moreover, a proposed framework allows to
reduce maintenance cost and increase security
assurance level, as it is essential that the more
software is used the more potential vulnerabilities it
could contain and the more different applications are
installed the higher would be the maintenance cost,
as, for example, it would lead either to demand for
qualified staff who would be able to configure all
these systems or to huge budget for external
consulting. Thus it is possible to conclude that
superfluous heterogeneity is beneficial to intruders
and unbeneficial to security team as it is much more
difficult to manage an IT landscape with huge
amount of different software and hardware
components, apply critical security updates and even
perform backup and restore.
Figure 5: Vulnerabilities mitigation process.
The last question to consider here is the question
related to application of different patches and critical
updates from variety of vendors, as it is clear that
installation of such patches could potentially change
vulnerabilities distribution and disallow collecting of
sufficient amount of statistical data. The authors
consider two possible ways to deal with this
problem: either trying to cover problems resolved in
such patches by external solutions (which for sure is
not always possible) or applying special acquisition
procedure which must include deep functions testing
(based on source code or disassembling) or
certification by authorized third party laboratory for
ISO 115408 with Evaluation Assurance Level
(EAL) higher then 4 (as it includes source code
Amount of vulnerabilities
testing). Though this requirement is quite strong and
could be considered as a potential limitation of this
Figure 6: Vulnerabilities life cycle process.
This paper has presented an approach for designing
and managing of enterprise IT landscapes which
allows performing quantitative information security
risk assessment by introducing configuration profiles
which fix vulnerabilities distribution for large sets of
workstations and thus stabilize CDF related to IS
risks. Application of this approach to a given IT
landscape would help not only to perform ISRA
using any of already available methodologies to
evaluate other types of non operational risks, but
also to increase level of security assurance and to
decrease maintenance cost.
Further research needs to be performed to test the
proposed model on huge IT landscapes and build
recommended configuration packages for typical
client worksite and server workstations. The time
required to gather sufficient amount of IS incidents
statistics needs to be estimated and reduced by all
possible ways. The correctness of combination of
practical results obtained after application of the
proposed model with already developed RA
approaches also needs to be performed.
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SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography