Panos Alexopoulos, Konstantinos Kafentzis
IMC Technologies S. A., 47 Fokidos Str., 11527, Athens, Greece
Christoforos Zoumas
Hellenic Transmission System Operator S. A., 22 Asklipiou Str., 14568, Krioneri, Greece
Ontologies, Semantic Interoperability, Electricity Market.
The liberalization of the electricity market in the European Union is a process of significant importance that
aims at creating an efficient deregulated internal electricity market within the Union. An important chal-
lenge towards that end is definitely the development of effective market mechanisms and regulations that will
comprise the operational framework of the market. Equally important, however, we consider the develop-
ment of an interoperability framework that will enable the effective and unproblematic interaction between
the market participants at both human and system level. Towards that direction we propose in this paper the
Electricity Market Ontology (ELMO), an ontological model that provides a shared, common understanding
of concepts and procedures regarding the electricity market operation. ELMO has been developed for the
Hellenic Transmission System Operator (HTSO) and it is currently used by the organization for providing
intelligent information access services to people interested in the market.
The liberalization of the electricity market in the Eu-
ropean Union (Trevino, 2008), (Albers, 2001) is a
process of significant importance that aims at creat-
ing an efficient deregulated internal electricity market
within the Union (Boucher and Smeers, 2001). The
ultimate goal is to build a market that will make effi-
cient use of resources and which, through free com-
petition, will be able to guarantee reasonable prices
of electricity. Towards that end, and given the fact
that the electric energy sector in most EU countries is
monopolized by national authorities, an important re-
quirement for the successful operation of the market
is the effective and unproblematic interaction between
these authorities and the other market participants.
Facilitating such an interaction is primarily a mat-
ter of ensuring interoperability within the market, that
is ensuring that diverse people, organizations and in-
formation systems are able to work together in the
market operation context. For the first two, interop-
erability can be achieved through the development of
a commonly accepted market operational framework
that everybody understands and implements. For in-
formation systems, however, to do that, semantic in-
teroperability is required.
Semantic interoperability is achieved when the
meaning of exchanged information is understood by
applications and services. For that to happen, the in-
formation must be represented in a format that con-
veys its meaning in an unambiguous and machine-
interpretable way. To that end, ontologies can play
a vital role.
An ontology is “a formal explicit specification of
a shared conceptualization for a domain of interest”
(Gruber, 1993). As such, it is a way of dealing with
ambiguity and heterogeneity in a domain by repre-
senting the meaning of the domain’s terms through
high-level abstract concepts and corresponding se-
mantic relations between these concepts. Formality,
namely representation of the ontology by means of
some formal computer language, allows for machine-
interpretability of the domain’s semantics.
For that, we present in this paper the Electric-
ity Market Ontology (ELMO), a semantic model that
provides a shared, common understanding of con-
cepts and procedures regarding the operation of the
electricity market. The ontology was primarily de-
veloped for the electricity market of Greece and ac-
cording to the Greek legislative framework (Hellenic
Ministry of Development, 2005). Nevertheless, the
Alexopoulos P., Kafentzis K. and Zoumas C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 15-20
DOI: 10.5220/0002226400150020
latter’s conformance to the corresponding EU frame-
work (EU, 2003), the fact that member states have
similar market architectures and the generic character
of the ontology’s structure and content allow, in our
opinion, the ELMO ontology to act as as the basis for
the development of similar ontologies for the markets
of the other EU countries.
Given the above, the structure of the rest of the
paper is as follows: In the next section we describe
the development approach we followed while in sec-
tion 3 a high-level description of the ontology’s struc-
ture and content is provided. In section 4 we give de-
tails on how the Hellenic Transmission System Oper-
ator used the ELMO ontology for providing the pub-
lic with semantic-enabled access to market relevant
knowledge and in section 5 we summarize the key
aspects of our work and we discuss potential future
The development of the ELMO ontology was part
of a project involving the development of an elec-
tronic library for HTSO, the Transmission Sys-
tem Operator of Greece. The library, which is
currently deployed and available through the URL
http://emarketinfo.desmie.gr/htso/user, was to contain
documents relevant to the operation of the electricity
market and to provide its users access to this content
through semantic-enabled search and navigation ser-
The ontology’s role within the library was to sup-
port these services by capturing and encoding the con-
tent’s semantics which, given the nature of the doc-
uments, were in principle the semantics of the elec-
tricity market domain. Nevertheless, the development
process of the ELMO ontology was mainly domain-
oriented rather than application-oriented and had as
key objective the construction of an extensible and
highly reusable knowledge model that could be used
by organizations such as HTSO as:
The backbone of any knowledge repository that
stores market relevant knowledge.
A comprehensive starting point for develop-
ing specialized ontologies and corresponding
ontology-based applications that serve market-
specific tasks.
An ontological framework based on which the or-
ganization’s market related information systems
could semantically interoperate with similar sys-
tems of other organizations.
Given the above, one of the key decisions in de-
signing the ELMO ontology was to define it through
a multi-layered architecture that would effectively
divide it into highly maintainable, extendible and
reusable modules. More specifically, when a large-
scale ontology is composed out of smaller ones then
its development and maintenance are easier and more
efficient. At the same time, when the independent
parts of the ontology are well defined and separated
then it is highly possible that these parts can be reused
in other similar applications. Finally, a layered archi-
tecture makes it far easier to extend the ontology so
that it can cover application domains other than the
existing ones.
In the case of the ELMO ontology, the basic layer-
ing criterion was the geographical applicability range
of the ontology’s knowledge. More specifically, as
mentioned before, the ontology was primarily devel-
oped for the electricity market of Greece and there-
fore it was bound to contain knowledge that was valid
only for this country. On the other hand, Greece, as all
other member states of the EU, has already adopted
and incorporated to its legislation the Electricity di-
rective 2003/54/EC, which is the key European legis-
lation to establish the Internal Market of Electricity.
As such, a great part of the ontology was expected
to refer to knowledge that was applicable to all EU
countries. Separating, by means of different layers,
this EU-specific knowledge from the Greece-specific
one within the ELMO ontology yields, in our opinion,
a number of significant advantages including:
Easier ontology maintenance as the two legisla-
tive frameworks might change at a different rate
and way.
Ability to use the EU-specific layer as an upper
ontology for the development of market ontolo-
gies for other EU countries.
Easier mapping between the ELMO ontology and
other existing country-specific market ontologies.
Given the above, the architecture of the ELMO
ontology consists of five layers, as depicted in fig-
ure 1. The two dotted-lined layers are not currently
implemented but they will be in the future. The sep-
aration of the rest three layers reflects, apart from the
usual abstraction criterion, the aforementioned geo-
graphical applicability range criterion as well. In the
following section an analytical description of all five
layers in terms of structure and content is provided.
Finally, it should be noted that the ELMO on-
tology is formalized using OWL (Bechhofer et al.,
), since it is a standard language for repre-
senting ontologies on the web, and it has been
developed using the open source ontology edi-
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
tor Prot
e (http://protege.stanford.edu). Further-
more it has been successfully checked for in-
consistencies using the Pellet OWL DL Reasoner
Figure 1: ELMO Layered Architecture.
3.1 Generic Market Independent Layer
An important design decision in developing ELMO
ontology was whether we should define an upper on-
tology, namely an ontology that covers generic and
domain-independent concepts.
In general, an upper ontology provides a starting
point, a predefined set of ontological entities and an
ontology design pattern for building new, lower-level,
domain ontologies. Foundational ontologies such as
SUMO or DOLCE (Gangemi et al., 2002) comprise
natural candidates for the role of an upper ontology
as they have been developed exactly for this purpose.
However, choosing the best fitting foundational ontol-
ogy from about a dozen freely available ones world-
wide is a very difficult and time-consuming task while
in many cases it might be necessary to create custom
foundational ontologies by combining existing ones.
In the case of the ELMO ontology, we recognized
the advantages of having an upper ontology, yet time
and resource limitations made us postpone the pro-
cess of evaluating, selecting and perhaps customiz-
ing some existing foundational ontology for a future
project. In any case, we considered as a first layer of
the ELMO ontology architecture the Generic Mar-
ket Independent Layer which is going, in the future,
to contain any upper ontology we choose to create or
3.2 Generic Market Specific Layer
Given the absence of an upper ontology in the ELMO
architecture, the respective role can be assumed to
play the second layer, namely the Generic Market
Specific Layer (2). This practically defines the more
abstract market-related concepts and relations of the
ontology which are made more concrete in the lower
level layers.
More specifically, the layer comprises eleven con-
cepts (modelled as OWL classes) which are interre-
lated through ten relations (modelled as OWL object
properties). These are:
Market Process: Refers to any process or pro-
cedure that is part of the overall operation of the
electricity market.
Market Participant: Refers to individuals and
organizations that play some role within the
Market Action: Refers to actions performed
by market participants in the context of specific
market processes.
Market Right/Obligation: The two classes re-
fer to rights and obligations of the market par-
ticipants in the context of the market operation.
Market Rule: Refers to rules that govern the
operation of the market.
Market Unit/System: The two classes refer to
equipment, facilities and systems that are used
in the context of the market operation.
Market Specification: Refers to standards
and specifications that characterize the market’s
systems and units.
Market Information Source: Refers to any
piece of market related information such as
manuals, document templates, archives, reg-
istries etc.
Market Extent: Refers to parameters, data,
factors, elements and virtually any extent that
is relevant with the electricity market.
Figure 2: ELMO Generic Market Specific Layer.
Object Properties
participatesIn(Participant, Process): Links
market participants with the processes they par-
ticipate in.
isPerformedBy(Action, Participant): Links
market actions with the participants that they
perform them.
isPerformedInTheContextOf(Action, Partici-
pant): Links market actions with the processes
they are part of.
regardsProcess(Right t Obligation t Rule,
Process): Links rights, obligation and rules
with the processes they refer to.
concernsParticipant(Right t Obligation,
Participant): Links rights and obligations
with market participants.
isUtilizedIn(Information Source, Process):
Links information sources with the processes
they play some role in.
isFoundIn(Extent, Information Source):
Links extents with information sources they
are referred within.
hasSpecification(Unit t System, Information
Source): Links units and systems with their re-
spective specifications.
isPartOfProcess(Process , Process): Links
processes with the sub-processes that might
comprise them.
isPartOfAction(Action , Action): Links ac-
tions with the sub-actions that might comprise
The above conceptualization schema provides, in
our opinion, a comprehensive and adequately abstract
view of the market as almost all interactions that may
take place within it and in the context of its operation,
can be represented by specializing or instantiating the
components of this schema. Furthermore, the delib-
erate absence of electricity and energy related knowl-
edge from this layer of the ELMO ontology allows the
first to be potentially reused as an upper ontology for
other markets as well.
3.3 International Market Specific Layer
The international market specific layer is supposed
to contain market-related knowledge that is valid
and applicable for all the electricity markets of the
world. Such knowledge is already contained within
the ELMO ontology, however, since currently there
is no formal activity towards a common international
electricity market exists, the task of extracting in-
ternationally applicable knowledge is quite difficult.
Therefore, the ELMO ontology does not currently im-
plement this layer but includes it in its architecture so
that it can implement it in the future.
3.4 EU and Greek Market Specific
The EU and Greek market specific layers are the rich-
est, in terms of content, layers of the ontology as they
contain about two thousand classes and instances and
about seven hundred asserted instantiated object prop-
erties. These, as suggested in the previous section,
are either instances or specializations of the generic
layer’s components. As a result, the two layers com-
prise overall a number of class hierarchies, instance
taxonomies and, of course, instantiated binary object
An example of a class hierarchy is the one derived
by subclassing the Market Participant class. A rep-
resentative snapshot of this hierarchy is the following:
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
Dispatchable Unit Producer
Contracted Unit Producer
Cold Reserve Unit Producer
New Generation Unit Producer
Auto Producer
Load Representative
Meter Representative
Transmission System Operator
Production Licence Holder
Production License Holder of Contracted
Hydro Unit
Production License Holder of Black Start
Similarly, an example of an instance taxonomy is
the one derived by relating the instances of the Mar-
ket Process class through the isPartOfProcess object
property. A representative snapshot of this taxonomy
is the following:
Registration with the ENERGY TRANSAC-
Registration with the Participant Register
Conclusion of Energy Transactions Contract
Daily Ahead Scheduling
Submission of Load Declarations
Energy Offer Submission
Dispatch Procedure
Dispatch Schedule preparation
Issue of Dispatch Instructions
Imbalances Settlement
Calculation of Energy Deviations
Generation Deviations Settlement
Meter and Measurement Administration
Meter and Meter Representative Registra-
Metering Data Adaptation
Ancillary Services and Supplementary System
Supplementary System Energy Provision
Remuneration in the context of Cold Reserve
Capacity Assurance Mechanism
Unforced Capacity Table Preparation
Issue of Capacity Availability Tickets
In general, deciding whether the specialization of
an ontology’s concept should be performed by means
of subclassing or instantiation, depends on the domain
of the ontology, the application scenario the ontology
is utilized within and the application specific reason-
ing that is performed on the ontology. In the case of
the ELMO ontology, we made every effort to take in
mind only the domain and not so much the application
scenario (which was semantic information retrieval)
or its reasoning mechanism (which required almost
all concepts to be treated as instances).
As far as the distinction between EU-specific and
Greece-specific concepts is concerned, this was per-
formed on the basis of the knowledge we were able
to extract from the relevant EU legislation docu-
ments we had access to. Additionally, many concepts
were “giving away” their nationality directly through
their name (e.g. “Unit under Article 35 of Law
2773/1999” or “Hellenic Transmission System Op-
In any case, in order to avoid any inaccuracies
within the ontology, we initially considered all mar-
ket specific concepts to belong to the Greek layer and
then we began methodically to move concepts to the
EU layer. At the moment, this task is still ongoing
and we expect that the next versions of the ELMO on-
tology will comprise a much richer EU-specific layer
than the current one.
The ELMO ontology is currently utilized within the
Hellenic Transmission System Operator as a vital
component of the organization’s electronic library, a
semantic-enabled knowledge portal that provides the
public with effective and efficient access to knowl-
edge regarding the Greek electricity market.
More specifically, the available knowledge com-
prises market-related documents which, due to their
size and the lack of proper cross referencing, are dif-
ficult for an individual to understand and use. The
system tackles the two problems by enabling the stor-
age and retrieval of decomposed parts of the doc-
uments (usually paragraphs) as well as navigation
across these parts. These services are semantic-
enabled in that the system implements them by uti-
lizing the ELMO ontology for capturing and inter-
relating the parts’ semantic content. This allows for
significantly more effective information retrieval, in
terms of results relevance, as well as for more intuitive
navigation across the content through the ontology’s
semantic structures such as concept taxonomies.
Figure 3: HTSO Electronic Library.
The system was deployed and made available
to the public in October 15th 2008 through the
URL http://emarketinfo.desmie.gr/htso/user (figure
3). From there one can examine a representative part
of the ELMO ontology by using the available tax-
onomies for content navigation.
In this paper we presented the Electricity Market On-
tology (ELMO), a semantic model that provides a
shared, common understanding of concepts and pro-
cedures regarding the operation of the electricity mar-
ket. The ontology, though primarily developed for
the Greek electricity market, may in our opinion act
as an ontological framework based on which similar
ontologies for the markets of the other EU countries
can be developed as well. This is supported by two
key facts: First that the knowledge the ontology con-
tains conforms to the EU legislative framework for
the electricity market and second that its architecture
is a multi-layered one thus allowing a high degree of
extensibility and reusability.
As a future work we intend to continue working on
the enrichment of the ontology’s EU-specific layer so
as to separate it totally from the Greek one and make
it highly reusable for other markets as well. Further-
more, we are going to examine the suitability and ap-
plicability of several foundational ontologies for our
Generic Market Independent Layer and, if necessary,
define a custom upper ontologies that will serve our
objectives best. Finally, we shall investigate a number
of application-specific enhancements to the ontology
in order to make it directly usable to several market-
related applications.
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ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business