Mostafa Al Masum Shaikh, Keikichi Hirose
Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering,University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyu Ku, Tokyo, Japan
Helmut Prendinger
Digital Contents and Media Sciences Research Div., National Institute of Informatics,Chiyoda Ku, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Acoustic Event Detection, Context Awareness, Activity Detection, Sound Cues, Auditory Scene Analysis,
Commonsense Knowledge, Ambient Communication, Life-Logging.
Abstract: Detecting or inferring human activity (e.g., an outdoor activity) by analyzing sensor data is often inaccurate,
insufficient, difficult, and expensive. Therefore, this paper explains an approach to infer human activity and
location considering the environmental sound cues and commonsense knowledge of everyday objects usage.
Our system uses mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and their derivatives as features, and
continuous density hidden Markov models (HMM) as acoustic models. Our work differs from others in
three key ways. First, we utilize both indoor and outdoor environmental sound cues which are annotated
according to the objects pertaining to the sound samples to build the idea regarding sounds and the objects
which produce that particular sound. Second, use of portable microphone instead of having a fixed setup of
an array of microphones to capture environmental sound we can also infer outdoor environments like being
on the road, in a train station, etc., which previous research was limited to perform. Thirdly, our model is
easy to incorporate new set of activities for further needs by adding more appropriately annotated sound
clips and re-training of the HMM based recognizer. A perceptual test is made to study the human accuracy
in the task and to obtain a baseline for the assessment of the performance of the system. Though the direct
comparison of the system’s performance to human performance is somewhat worse but the preliminary
results are encouraging with the accuracy rate for outdoor and indoor sound categories for activities being
above 67% and 61% respectively.
Although speech is the most informative acoustic
event, other kind of sounds may also carry useful
information regarding the surrounding environment.
Many sources of information for sensing the
environment as well as activity are available (Kam
et al., 2005; Temko and Nadeu, 2005). In this paper
our primary objective is, sound-based context
awareness, where the decision is based merely on
the available acoustic information at the surrounding
environment of the user where the system detects
particular sounds and an activity is inferred thereby
at that particular time. Acoustic Event Detection
(AED) is a recent sub-area of computational
auditory scene analysis (Wang and Brown, 2006)
that deals with the first objective. AED processes
acoustic signals and converts those into symbolic
descriptions corresponding to a listener's perception
of the different sound events that are present in the
signals and their sources. In this paper, we describe a
listening test made to facilitate the direct comparison
of the system’s performance to that of human
subjects. A forced choice test with identical test
samples and reference classes for the subjects and
the system is used. Since we are dealing with a
highly varying acoustic material where practically
any imaginable sounds can occur, we have limited
our scope in terms of limited number of locations of
our interest and the activities to recognize at a
particular location.
Al Masum Shaikh M., Hirose K. and Prendinger H. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 193-196
DOI: 10.5220/0002230901930196
The sound data set, the annotation of the sound
samples, and the features used to train the HMM
based recognizer.
2.1 Date Set
A number of male and female subjects collected the
sounds of interest; each subject would typically go
into the particular situation as depicted in Table 1
with the sound recording device and the generated
sounds are recorded. We used the digital sound
recorder of SANYO (ICR-PS380RM) and signals
were recorded as Stereo, 44.1 KHz, .wav formatted
files. According to the location and activities of our
interest mentioned in Table 1, we have collected 114
types of sounds. Each of the sound types has 15
samples of varying length from 10 second to 25
Table 1: List of locations and activities of our interest.
location Activities
Living Room
Listening Music, Watching TV, Talking,
Sitting Idle, Cleaning (vacuum-cleaning)
Work Place
Sitting idle, Working with PC, Drinking
Cleaning, Drinking, Eating, Cooking
Washing, Urinating
Train Station
Waiting for Train
Inside Train
Travelling by Train
Public Place
Shopping, Travelling on Road
On the Road
Traveling on Road
2.2 Annotation
A list of 63 objects is used in the annotation to
denote their pertinence in a given sound sample. In
our case, a sound sample usually contains different
kind of sounds eventually produced by different kind
of objects. An annotator selected a particular portion
of the sample sound by listening that represented
any of the 63 listed objects and thus that region of
the signal is annotated by assigning a short name of
a particular object which was producing or
associated with that sound portion. For example if a
sound portion is produced by a “plate” object, that
portion is annotated as “plt”. If an annotator found
that there was an overlapping sounds of more than
one objects in a selected portion, for example, if a
selected audio portion was found representing both
“human coughing”, “music”, and “tv program”
sound, in this case an annotator tagged this portion
of the sound as either “ppl_mus” or “ppl_tel” or
“ppl_tel” or “mus_tel” according to the prominence
of the sounds of the pertaining objects.
2.3 Feature
According to (Okuno et al., 2004; Eronen et al.,
2003), it is concluded that MFCC might be the best
transformation for non-speech environmental sound
recognition. The input signal is first pre-emphasized
with the FIR filter 1, -0.97z-1. MFCC analysis is
performed in 25 ms windowed frames advanced
every 10 ms. For each signal frame, the following
coefficients are extracted as a feature vector:
The 12 first MFCC coefficients [c1,…, c12]
The “null” MFCC coefficient c0, which is
proportional to the total energy in the frame
13 “Delta coefficients”, estimating the first
order derivative of [c0, c1,…, c12]
13 “Acceleration coefficients”, estimating the
second order derivative of [c0, c1,…, c12]
Altogether, a 39 coefficient vector is extracted from
each signal frame window.
2.4 The HMM based Recognizer
We have chosen an approach based on HMM as the
model has a proven track record for many sound
classification applications (Okuno et al., 2004). We
modelled each sound using a left-to-right 88-state
(63 for simple object tag + 25 for complex object
tag) continuous-density HMM without state
skipping. Each HMM state was composed of two
Gaussian mixture components and trained in eight
iterative cycles. The recognition grammar (denoted
partially) used is as follows:
dp| … |flu|fwt|sus|srb| …. |shr|sng|snk|tap|wnd
|ppl_tv| …|mus_ppl|ppl_tv| … |wtr_ppl>), which
means that there is no predefined sequence and each
label may be repeated many times at any sequence.
The goal of the system is to detect activities of daily
living (e.g., laughing, talking, travelling, cooking,
sleeping, etc.) and situational aspects of the person
(e.g., inside a train, at a park, at home, at school,
etc.) by processing environmental sounds.
SIGMAP 2009 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
3.1 System Architecture
According to the system’s architecture given in
Figure 1, sound signal is passed through a signal
processing and each input sound sample is detected
as a set of object labels by the 88 trained HMM
classifiers. Based on the detected list of objects and
commonsense knowledge regarding human activity,
object interaction, along with temporal information
(e.g., morning, noon etc.) are applied to infer both
the activity and the surrounding environment of the
3.2 Notes on Commonsense Knowledge
Once we get the list of objects involved in
recognized sound samples, we must define the
object involvement probabilities with respect to the
activities of our interest. Requiring humans to
specify these probabilities is time consuming and
difficult. Instead, the system has utilized a technique
adopted from Semantic Orientation (SO)
(Hatzivassiloglou and McKeown, 1997), employing
NEAR search operator of AltaVista’s web search
List of objects, O = {O
, O
, … O
} (K=63)
List of locations, L = {L
, L
, …L
} (M=9)
List of activities, A = {A
, A
, … A
} (N=17)
Each location is represented by a set of English
synonym words. WL
= {W
, W
, … , W
}. For
example, L
= “kitchen” and it is represented by,
= {“kitchen”, “cookhouse”, “canteen”,
) = Semantic Associative value representing
the object O
to be associated with location L
) = Semantic Associative value representing
the object O
to be associated with activity A
The formulae to get the SA values are,
( NEAR )
(|)log( )
log ( ( ))
hits O W
hits W
( NEAR )
(|)log( )
log ( ( ))
hits O A
hits A
The obtained values support the concept that if an
activity name and location co-occurs often with
some object name in human discourse, then the
activity will likely involve the object in the physical
world. Thus, for example, if the system detects that
the sound samples represent frying, saucepan, water
sink, water, and chopping board from consecutive
input samples the commonsense knowledge usually
Figure 1: The Architecture of the System.
infers a cooking activity located in kitchen.
3.3 Inference Engine
For example, the system recorded six sound clips of
10 second long in two minutes to infer an activity
and location. The HMM model recognized the
following objects.
clip 1Æ {knife, chopping board, people}
clip 2Æ{knife, spoon, chopping board, people}
clip 3Æ{water sink, water, wind, male voice}
clip 4Æ{spoon, frying, people, wind}
clip 5Æ{frying, saucepan, spatula, people}
clip 6Æ{frying, saucepan, spoon, water}
The unique list of objects obtained from the
clips, U= {chopping board, frying, knife, male
voice, people, saucepan, spatula, spoon, water sink,
water, wind}. This list of objects is dealt with
commonsense knowledge by obtaining a normalized
SA values for each Activity and Location. In the
above example the objects yield a maximum SA
value of having a relationship with “cooking”
activity in “kitchen” location and the near candidates
are “eating”, “drinking tea/coffee” as activities.
We developed perceptual testing methodology to
evaluate the system’s performance on continuous
sound streams of various sound events to infer
location and activity. 420 test signals were created,
each of which contained a mixture of three sound
clips of respective 114 sound types. Since these 420
test signals are the representative sound clues for the
63 objects to infer 17 activities, we grouped these
420 test signals into 17 groups according to their
Sound Corpus
HMM based Training
Label Recognizer
Inference Engine
.mfcc files
hmm0 .... hmm9
Each sound clip is labelled by a se
of interacting objects
Input Sound
[processed to .mfcc file]
Location and Activity Information
expected affinity to a particular activity and location.
Ten human (i.e., five male, five female) judges were
engaged to listen to the test signals and judge an
input signal to infer the activity from the given list
of 17 activities (i.e., forced choice judgment) as well
as the possible location of that activity from the list
of given nine locations of our choice. Each judge
was given all the 17 groups of signals to listen and
assess. Therefore a judge listen each test signal to
infer the location and activity that the given signal
seemed most likely to be associated with. In the
same way the signals were given to the system to
process. Recognition results for activity and location
are presented in Figure 2 and 3 respectively.
Figure 2: Comparisons of recognition rates for 17
activities of our interest with respect to human judges.
Figure 3: Comparisons of recognition rates for 9 locations
of our interest with respect to human judges.
The recognition accuracy for activity and
location is encouraging with most being above than
66% and 64% respectively. From Figure 4 and 5,
we notice that humans are skillful in recognizing the
activity and location from sounds (i.e., for humans’
the average recognition accuracy of activity and
location is 96% and 95% respectively). It is also
evident that the system receives the highest accuracy
(i.e., 85% and 81% respectively) to detect “traveling
on road” activity and “road” location respectively,
which is a great achievement and pioneer effort in
this research that no previous research attempted to
infer outdoor activities with sound cues. The correct
classification of sounds related to activity “working
with pc” and location “work place” were found to be
very challenging due to the sounds’ shortness in
duration and weakness in strength, hence the
increased frequency for them to be wrongly
classified as ‘wind’ type object recognition.
In this paper, we described a novel acoustic indoor
and outdoor activities monitoring system that
automatically detects and classifies 17 major
activities usually occur at daily life. Carefully
designed HMM parameters using MFCC features
are used for accurate and robust sound based activity
and location classification with the help of
commonsense knowledgebase. Preliminary results
are encouraging with the accuracy rate for outdoor
and indoor sound categories for activities being
above 67% and 61% respectively. We believe that
integrating sensors into the system will also enable
acquire better understanding of human activities.
The enhanced system will be shortly tested in a full-
blown trial on the neediest elderly peoples residing
alone within the cities of Tokyo evaluating its
suitability as a benevolent behavior understanding
system carried by them.
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SIGMAP 2009 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications