Marcelo Cortimiglia, Filippo Renga and Andrea Rangone
Department of Management, Economics & Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Via Colombo 40, Milan, Italy
Keywords: Web 2.0, Mobile 2.0, Application taxonomy schema.
Abstract: In recent times, much attention has been given to the Web 2.0 phenomenon and related notions such as
Social Computing, Social Media and User-Generated Media. However, whenever Web 2.0 is mentioned, it
is usually surrounded by vague and ambiguous concepts and definitions, mostly a complex mixture of
technical and business aspects. This paper proposes to shed a light in such a fuzzy environment by
proposing a taxonomy schema for Web 2.0 applications using as main categorizing criteria the type and
characteristics of interaction permitted or facilitated by the applications. The proposed taxonomy schema is
then extended to the Mobile 2.0 scenario by discussing the possible implications of mobility applications.
In recent times, a number of trends in information
and communications technology led to the
emergence of a phenomenon commonly referred to
as Web 2.0. A consensus on how to precisely name
and define the phenomenon is still far away – and
given the numerous aspects it encompasses, maybe
it will never be achieved. Even so, these terms are
commonly employed as catch-all expressions for a
myriad of interactive applications that support and
facilitate collaboration, community formation,
content production and sharing by users, and social
interaction. Examples include blogs, forums, content
aggregators, social networks, and content
communities (Constantinides & Fountain, 2008).
In addition to the lack of consensus on definition,
there is also much confusion about the underlying
characteristics of the Web 2.0 phenomenon and how
to categorize its applications. Indeed, much of the
published research on the topic has to do with
specific and single practical applications, without a
great concern for the larger picture or for how
applications relate to each other.
The situation is even more chaotic when
considering the extension of the Web 2.0
phenomenon to the wireless technological domain.
Not only there are less articulated efforts to define
and understand Mobile 2.0, but also systematic
research about its applications is scarce.
In light of these considerations, the objective of
this paper is to propose a taxonomy schema for Web
and Mobile Social Computing applications that uses
as main categorizing construct the type of interaction
permitted of facilitated by the applications.
2 WEB 2.0
Recent years witnessed an undoubted paradigmatic
shift in the Web: from a linear structure of one-to-
many content production, distribution and
consumption to a participatory structure based on
open, inclusive, collaborative and customizable
applications that allow users to collectively create,
share, evaluate and use digital content. This change
was enabled by the wide availability of broadband
Internet connectivity, including continuous
connectivity through wireless channels, and the
increase on processing power and memory capacity
in personal computing devices, including mobile
handsets (Parameswaran & Whinston, 2006).
The result of this paradigmatic shift is a complex
and multi-faceted phenomenon, frequently called
Web 2.0 (O'Reilly, 2005; Oberhelman, 2007; Levy,
2009), but also known as social computing
(Parameswaran & Whinston, 2006), Social Media
(Constantinides & Fountain, 2008) or even User-
Generated Media (Shao, 2009). The multi-faceted
nature of this phenomenon become evident when
one considers these varied nomenclatures as efforts
to highlight the multiple aspects of the phenomenon
Cortimiglia M., Renga F. and Rangone A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 69-76
DOI: 10.5220/0002234200690076
at hand. Similarly, the fact that many sources define
Web 2.0 by examples of applications (Oberhelman,
2007; Cox, 2008) is evidence of its complexity.
2.1 Technological Approach
A frequent common ground in attempts to
understand Web 2.0 and its impacts is O'Reilly's
(2005) set of principles. Firstly, O'Reilley (2005)
proclaims that the web should be viewed as a
platform to develop services. He states that the web
should be understood simply as a channel for the
services, as content become central in giving
services a competitive edge.
Services, on the other hand, should be designed
so they can be openly mixed and assembled, in a
culture of constant experimentation. This is reflected
also in the “permanent beta” motto, meaning
constant and continuous improvement and dynamic
change (based above all on user feedback). Still
regarding service design, O'Reilley (2005) posits
that it should focus on delivering a rich user
experience, a clear reference to user empowerment.
Furthermore, services have to be designed in a
way that their performance – and consequent value –
improve automatically the more it is used,
capitalizing on data access and network effect. This
requires, understandably, intense and active user
participation in the form of a collective intelligence,
and the emphasis of individual, unsegmented
consumers described by Anderson (2006).
At the same time, this means Web 2.0 users are
considered content producers themselves. This is the
reasoning behind the emergence of interest in User-
Generated Content (UGC), that is, content publicly
accessible, resulting from a reasonable amount of
creative effort and generated outside the traditional
and professional practices (Wunsch-Vincent &
Vickery, 2007).
Following O'Reilley's (2005) line of reasoning, it
is natural to view applications as the fundamental
constructs of Web 2.0. This is, after all, a very
practical solution for the problem of defining such a
complex and multi-faceted phenomenon, with so
many real-world implications. Indeed, many works
on Web 2.0 involve the study of single applications
(Barsky & Purdon, 2006a, 2006b; Eijkman, 2008;
Fu et al., 2008; Parker, 2008; Scale, 2008; Wyld,
2008; Hearn et al., 2009).
According to Shao (2009), two important
common characteristics of Web 2.0 applications
make them specially appealing. Firstly, they are easy
to use, having great usability, requiring little input
and generating significant gratification. Secondly,
they allow users to be in control by being highly
customizable and allowing interaction without time
and space constraints.
For the purposes of this paper, a comprehensive
but non exhaustive list of Web 2.0 technologies
drawn from Anderson (2007), Levy (2007), and
Parameswaran & Whinston (2006) includes: blogs,
wikis, RSS, social bookmarking, content tagging,
social networks, content sharing, syndication and/or
aggregation, and thematic communities.
2.2 Social Approach
As Hendler & Golbeck (2007) note, O'Reilley's
(2005) view of Web 2.0 is strongly biased towards
technology, putting services and UGC on its core.
Another approach would be to consider the social
aspect of the phenomenon (Parameswaran &
Whinston, 2006; Constantinides & Fountain, 2007;
Shao, 2009), a notion whose roots can be traced
back to views about the Web itself: “more a social
creation than a technical one” (Berners-Lee, 1999, p.
123). This supports the observation that the Web 2.0
movement is not based on fundamentally innovative
technologies, but on the innovative way user
interaction is allowed by these technologies
(Constantinides & Fountain, 2007).
In this sense, the fundamental construct of the
Web 2.0 become the users themselves and, more
importantly, the relationships and interactions
among them. As Barsky & Purdon (2006a) put it:
“Web 1.0 was almost all about commerce, Web 2.0
is almost all about people”.
Nevertheless, these two approaches should not
be seen as contrasting. Indeed, a common feature of
both is the strong and decisive focus on interaction.
After all, as Shao (2009) pointed out, the
participatory culture characteristic of Web 2.0 means
that users do not only consume content, they directly
interact with and enrich it.
On the other hand, users directly interact with
other users in a much larger scale than before, to the
point of constructing and maintaining social
relationships and, in the process, coming up with
new and innovative content.
If the defining concept for Web 2.0 is interaction, it
is then only natural to use it as a categorizing
construct for a taxonomy schema involving Web 2.0
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Figure 1: Visual representation of the proposed taxonomy schema.
applications. Interaction is a wide concept, though,
so it is necessary to specify which aspects of
interaction are relevant for classification purposes.
The first one is the main interaction focus.
Evidently, the centre of the interaction is always the
user. In the Web 2.0 paradigm, user interactions can
be focused on digital content (user-content), other
users (user-user) or content and other users
simultaneously (user-user-content).
User-content interaction can be distinguished
between passive and active. While the former means
basically passive consumption of pre-generated
content (usually from professional or semi-
professional sources), the latter involves direct
involvement with the so-called dynamic content, i.e.,
content created and/or augmented by users. Active
user-content interaction is a fundamental
characteristic of Web 2.0 applications.
Similarly, user-user interaction can be further
distinguished by interaction continuity and user
familiarity. Interaction between users can be
expected to be continuous and sustained or
instantaneous and transient. While the former is a
precondition to maintain social relationships, the
latter is characteristic of practical communication
interactions. Moreover, users involved in interaction
can previously know each other or not, determining
the type of user familiarity and, of course, the
purposes and characteristics of the interaction itself.
The proposed taxonomy schema for Web 2.0
applications uses as its main categorizing criteria the
type and characteristics of interaction permitted or
facilitated by the applications.
Figure 1 shows a visual representation of the
proposed taxonomy schema. The horizontal axis
shows the three types of interaction focus considered
(user-content, user-user-content, and user-user),
while the vertical axis shows the two possibilities of
user familiarity. The fact that application types
overlap in the visual representation is an indication
that real-world applications usually mix and share
characteristics of more than one application type, as
prescribed by O'Reilley's (2005) Web 2.0 principles.
3.1 Dynamic Content Applications
Dynamic Content Applications (DCA) permit or
facilitate interaction between user and content.
However, contrary to the traditional web user-
content interaction paradigm where users passively
consumed content pre-generated, Web 2.0 content
applications are focused on the active aspect of the
interaction and the dynamic aspect of content. In this
approach, users are more than content consumers, as
they actively interact with content in order to
transform and enrich it.
However, using DCA, users usually transform
and enrich content in relative autonomy and
isolation. The resulting dynamic content is then
consequence of indirect interaction by many
individual users, not a direct collaborative effort.
This is not to say that there can be no user-user
direct interaction, only that it is much less
emphasized than user-content interaction, and tends
to be mostly indirect, like rating a news piece of
commenting on someone else's blog post.
According to the proposed taxonomy schema,
the following applications can be classified as DCA:
tagging applications (also known as social
bookmarking, such as Digg and Delicious); dynamic
databases (Google Maps, housingmaps.com and
iGoggle, for instance); recommendation systems
(like Amazon and Netflix); content aggregation and
sharing (such as YouTube and Flickr), and blogs
(e.g., Blogger or LiveJournal).
Interaction focus centered on dynamic content
instead of social interactions is evident in Cox's
(2008) analysis of Flickr, one of the most
representative and popular DCA. He points out that
although Flickr has elements of social network site,
such as profiling and group membership, “in general
Flickr is not very interactive – not very social”.
3.2 Social Content Applications
Social Content Applications (SCA) differ from DCA
in the sense that users do not actively interact only
with dynamic content, but also with each other
during the process of content transformation and
enrichment. Thus, the focus here is on the social
content, i.e., content collectively produced, shared
and/or transformed by users' interactions. Regarding
interaction continuity, a defining characteristic of
SCA is that they may allow for sustained user-user
interactions. This means that some level of
community formation is supported. However, the
main objective of these communities of users is not
to foster social relationships, but to promote
collaborative production, use and sharing of content.
Thus, sustained interactions are not a required
characteristic of these applications.
In fact, SCA can be further detailed considering
user familiarity and interaction continuity.
Groupware (including Virtual Communities of
Practice and Virtual Learning Systems) involve
mostly known users and sustained interactions,
usually in work or learning-related contexts, while
Thematic Communities centered on specific topics
of interest involve mostly unknown users and spot
interactions. Finally, a specific type of SCA emerged
in the form of Virtual Worlds, the most famous of
these being Second Life, but also including
massively multiplayer online games such as the
popular World of Warcraft (Ducheneaut & Yee,
2009). In Virtual Worlds, the main interaction focus
can be said to be evenly distributed between social
content (the interactive world, in the case of Second
Live, the game itself, in the case of World of
Warcraft) and social interactions, as usually there
are present features that allow for sustained user-
user interaction such as profiles and list of friends.
3.3 Communication Applications
These are applications focused on user-user transient
interactions. In this category are included e-mail,
forums, bulletin boards, newsgroups, mailing lists,
chat and instant private messaging, which were
already fully developed well before Web 2.0 drivers
prompted the surge of user-user interaction (Herring,
2002). Now, these tools can be found incorporated
in or complementing other Web 2.0 application
types, or even used as is to improve communication
efficiency (Hearn et al., 2009; Zimmerman & Bar-
Ilan, 2009). A few specific communication
technologies however, are typical of the Web 2.0
phenomenon, such as RSS feeds (Wusteman, 2004)
and public messages exchanged by members of
social network sites (Thelwall, 2009).
Specific Communication Applications are
appropriate according to different types of user
familiarity. While instant private messaging is
mostly used for keeping in contact with known
relations, chat rooms are commonly used by users
that do not know each other beforehand. Similarly,
Social Communication Applications could be further
categorized according to aspects like synchronicity,
persistence of transcript and participation structure
(Herring, 2007), but it does not add value to the
proposed taxonomy schema.
3.4 Social Network Applications
In a certain way, these are the most complete Web 2.0
application type, as they usually integrate many
functionalities present in other types of applications.
The main focus of Social Network Applications
(SNA) is social interactions, i.e., user-user sustained
interactions, allowing for – even encouraging – the
formation and maintenance of persistent relationships.
Boyd & Ellison (2008) defined SNA as “web-
based services that allow individuals to (1) construct
a public or semi-public profile within a bounded
system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom
they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse
their list of connections and those made by others
within the system.”
Specifically regarding the social connections
represented in the list of linked users displayed in
profiles, Boyd & Ellison (2008) argue that a
distinctive characteristic of SNA is the fact that they
are not aimed primarily at building new relationships
(what would be understood as “networking”), but at
representing and allowing communication within
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their existing social networks – usually based on
offline connections (Subrahmanyam et al., 2008).
While most SNA provide options for
communication among users (personal and public
messaging tools are almost standard nowadays),
privacy, access control and profile visibility settings
are among the technical characteristics that vary the
most among SNA.
3.5 Social Networking Applications
Applications in this category are very similar to SNA,
as their main focus is also user-user sustained
interactions. They also share many of SNA's defining
characteristics, such as profiles (usually highly
detailed) and list of connections (when present,
normally closed). The defining difference is that these
applications are used to initiate social interactions
with previously unknown users. In other words, they
are focused on networking, (Boyd & Ellison, 2008).
The most representative Social Networking
Application is the dating website (Bishop, 2009), and
its distinct features is user search based on profile
4 MOBILE 2.0
The Web 2.0 phenomenon attracted significant
interest from the scientific community in the last few
years, but the same can not be said about Mobile 2.0.
Indeed, it is currently more an industry-related
hyped buzzword than an actual well established
Among the few attempts to analyse the Mobile
2.0 concept, some authors state that Mobile 2.0 is
the next generation of mobile data services (Jaokar
& Fish, 2006). A more prosaic – and perhaps
practical – definition would be the extension of Web
2.0 services and applications to the mobile and
wireless technological domain (Burns et al., 2007;
Griswold, 2007). In this way, most of the
considerations made for the Web 2.0 phenomenon
are valid for Mobile 2.0.
For instance, it is interesting to note that
technical and social approaches to define Web 2.0
are in a certain way replicated when Mobile 2.0 is
considered. That is the case for Lugano's (2007)
definition of Mobile Social Software (MoSoSo):
“mobile applications whose scope is to support
social interaction among interconnected
individuals”, a software typically open and focused
on the user.
Similarly, Jeon & Lee (2008) listed a series of
technical trends considered by them as distinct traits
of Mobile 2.0 concept. These include full browsing
capabilities (implying search and advertising-based
business models and flat data rate connections) on
smartphones and other powerful computing mobile
devices, standard and Mobile AJAX-enabled
dynamic content, mixed and assembled open
applications, navigation enhanced with RFID and
barcode, and emergence of mobile UGC and mobile
social networks. Notably, these trends resemble
various drivers and characteristics of Web 2.0
already discussed.
However, as Holmquist (2007) and Lugano
(2007) point out, Mobile 2.0 applications can not be
a simple transposition of their Web 2.0 equivalents;
they must exploit the unique characteristics of
mobility and mobile devices.
Clarke (2001) mentions four mobile value
proposition attributes: ubiquity, convenience,
localization and personalization. By ubiquity, he
indicates the fact that most mobile devices are
constantly connected to the network, resulting in
availability at virtually “any time and everywhere”.
Similarly, convenience means that mobile users are
not restricted by usual time and place constraints,
while the localization attribute indicates the ability
to easily locate and identify the mobile user. Finally,
by personalization Clarke (2001) means the fact that
mobile devices are extremely personal, usually
directly linked to only one user, with his own
preferences and desires for self-expression.
It is clear that these mobile value proposition
attributes are aligned with many of the Web 2.0
principles. Localization and personalization, for
instance, can be seen as potentially enhancing the user
empowerment effect, one of the most innovative
aspects of the Web 2.0 phenomenon. Furthermore, the
ample diffusion of mobile devices with multimedia
capability can intensify the user tendency to create,
diffuse and share (Perey, 2008).
As it was for the Web 2.0 paradigm, interaction can
be seen as one of the fundamental characteristics of
the Mobile 2.0 phenomenon. Thus, it remains the
categorizing construct for the Web 2.0 applications'
taxonomy schema translation into mobility. Picking
up on the interaction focus considered in section 3,
Clarke's (2001) mobile value propositions will be
analysed in order to draw insights for Mobile 2.0.
First of all, it must be considered that the
cellphone is an user-user interaction device by
nature, be it through traditional voice and video
calls, text messaging or instant messaging. These
user-user interactions can be further enhanced by
mutual awareness provided by localization systems.
Regarding user-content interaction, Lugano
(2007) mentions that Mobile 2.0 applications tend to
be heavily customizable. Indeed, this Web 2.0
tendency is intensified by the personalization
attribute of mobility mentioned by Clarke (2001):
mobile devices are extremely personal, and so must
be the applications used through them. Adding to
that is the fact that many Mobile 2.0 applications
may integrate personal information about user
identity and address book, rendering these
applications extremely personal.
Also the limitations of mobile devices should be
considered when examining interaction in the
Mobile 2.0 context. Screens and keyboards' small
size and the pattern of use of mobile devices, which
imply frequent interruptions, can render difficult the
tasks of reading and inputting text (Holmquist, 2007;
Lugano, 2007). As mentioned by Perey (2008),
navigation behaviour in mobile devices is therefore
concentrated more on images and keywords and less
on browsing, writing and reading. At the same time,
limited processing power and battery life are usually
mentioned as additional device limitations that may
impair user enjoyment, specially when dealing with
multimedia content (Holmquist, 2007).
Overall, considering the effects of mobility and
mobile device attributes on interaction focus, one
may argue that Mobile 2.0 applications tend to
emphasize more user-content and user-user-content
interactions than user-user interactions (Lugano,
2007). The formers take the form of direct
consumption and sharing of multimedia content,
taking advantage of mobile devices' multimedia
capture capabilities and usually conducted through
dedicated keyboard commands. On the other hand,
user-user interaction is based on mobile device's
natural communication features and can be enhanced
by localization and awareness capabilities, although
text reading and inputting may be somewhat limited.
5.1 Social Networking Applications
Analogue to Web 2.0 DCA, these applications focus
on user-content interaction. However, given the
limitations on content creating and editing related to
mobile device characteristics, mostly are not pure
Mobile 2.0, but hybrid mobile-web applications.
Representative subcategories of Mobile DCA are
Mobile Blogging and Mobile Content Sharing. Both
benefit from multimedia capture capabilities of
contemporary mobile devices. For instance, most
web-based blog management systems and content
sharing websites can be accessed by mobile
applications that allows users to upload multimedia
content and even to create and edit blog posts.
Additionally, DCA that make use of aggregated
data indirectly collected from mobile users, such as
Recommendation Systems and Dynamic Databases,
benefit from the integration of data related to user
location and identity. Google Latitude, for instance,
is an example of such an hybrid mobile-web DCA.
5.2 Mobile Social Content
These are the equivalent of Web 2.0 SCA, the main
example being the Mobile Thematic Communities.
Characteristic features of Mobile Social Content
Applications include the user-content interaction
focus, usually with the objective of exchanging
knowledge or informative content related to a
specific shared thematic subject. User-user
interactions are mediated by the content itself in the
form of content-related comments, ratings or public
messaging/forum, as user profiles and list of
connections, which are typical user-user interaction
enabling features, are present only in limited form.
However, this type of application tends to provide
good usability when content upload and
consumption is involved.
Groupware and Virtual Worlds are not yet
diffuse on the mobile environment, mainly because
of device limitations: computing power and screen
size (which hinder mostly Virtual World-type
applications) and keyboard and screen size (mostly
affecting Groupware and other collaborative
technologies ). However, there are success cases of
integrated use of mobile and web-based systems for
mobile workforce and collaborative learning systems
(Holmquist, 2007; Griswold, 2007).
5.3 Mobile Communication
Just like their Web 2.0 counterparts, these
applications focus on permitting and facilitating
user-user interactions, specially the immediate type,
both between previous known and unknown users.
Most one-to-one tools, such as e-mail and private
messaging, are aimed at keeping in touch with
known relations, while one-to-many tools, like chat
and public messaging, are mainly used for
communicating with new or unknown relations.
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
These mobile applications are mostly adaptations
of existing web-based communications platforms for
the mobile technological domain. For example, there
are mobile applications that permit the user to access
a traditional web-based e-mail or private messaging
client, modified to cope with device limitations.
Localization, presence and awareness features
may add value to communication applications by
augmenting the usual status (such as “busy” or
“away”) and mood indicators (Perey, 2008) with
real-time indication of a friend's location and
availability. Perey (2008) raises an important point
about status indicators in Mobile Communication
applications: given the fact that multi-tasking is
much more difficult in the limited-screen mobile
device, visual indicators for a user's availability to
engage in interaction becomes even more important
than in web applications. Moreover, traditional
mobile communication channels like SMS, MMS,
voice and video-calls may be integrated in order to
increment communication efficiency.
5.4 Mobile Social Network
In the words of Humphreys (2008), mobile social
network applications that “purport to allow people to
create, develop, and strengthen social ties” are
“much like social network sites on the Internet”.
Using the interaction construct, it means that Mobile
SNA is aimed at the same interaction focus than
Web 2.0 SNA: user-user interactions.
However, a pure transposition may be too
simplistic. Humphreys (2008) himself reports
differences in structure and use between Dodgeball,
a mobile SNA enhanced with localization features,
and typical Web 2.0 SNA. Dodgeball is heavily
dependent on location-based information, allowing
the articulation of social networks around places, not
content or people. Similarly, it is interesting to see
how users understand the system: “Dodgeball differs
from Friendster in that it involves 'real world
interactions'”. In other words, according to the users,
the location-based component of the Mobile SNA
truly facilitates face-to-face interactions, as opposed
to virtual interactions that characterizes online SNA.
This may be interpreted as an indication of how
mobility can impact use and design of Mobile SNA.
Perey (2008), on the other hand, indicates that
Mobile SNA interaction focus may be dislocated in
the direction of user-user-content interactions. She
argues that, given mobile device's characteristics,
collective UGC share and consumption tend to be
more relevant than social relationships.
5.5 Mobile Social Networking
As with other application categories, also Web 2.0
Social Networking may be enhanced with mobility.
All Mobile Social Network applications share the
basic characteristics of user-user interaction focus
aimed at making new acquaintances and are
supported by communication tools. However, the
most sophisticated ones build up on detailed profile,
closed list of connections and profile matching, and
its implementation may be enhanced by localization,
presence and awareness features. On the other hand,
the most simple and archaic ones are basically just
chat rooms, usually with little or no profiling, where
interaction may be restricted to as little as text-only
communication (Perey, 2008).
In the context of the recent attention given to the
Web 2.0 phenomenon and the ambiguousness that
characterises it, this paper analyses published
research about Web 2.0 in order to identify
interaction as a common construct among the
diverse definition approaches. A taxonomy schema
for Web 2.0 applications is then proposed, based on
interaction as the categorizing construct. Finally, the
concept of Mobile 2.0 is discussed, and the
taxonomy schema is extended to Mobile 2.0
applications. Furthermore, some considerations
about the implications of mobility characteristics are
The proposed taxonomy schema may be used as
a reference framework for empirical studies
involving Web 2.0 or Mobile 2.0 applications. It
may be particularly useful when comparing
applications from both technology domains.
Exploratory and descriptive studies are needed to
validate the schema, to draw additional insight about
using interaction as the classificatory construct, and
to test the boundaries of the proposed category
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ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business